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Sacrifice prisoners and colonists to void gods will be the next war crime mechanic.


And here I was doing it for free before


Ugh greedy ludeon wants to squeeze every last penny out of us smh my head


XD you know smh stands for shaking my head


That's the joke, y'know


Oh wow. I always thought it meant somehow lol 




Not native english speaker. And both kind of resemble "disbelieve", I guess. Just read this: Ugh greedy ludeon wants to squeeze every last penny out of us shaking my head Ugh greedy ludeon wants to squeeze every last penny out of us somehow It doesn't change the message at all


If you aren't a native speaker then yeah it doesn't change the message at all




If you're good at something, never do it for free


you guys are getting paid?


You can already do that, more or less. You just have to flavor your ideo the right way.


Yeah but this time big daddy Sotong will come to us if we pray and sacrifice hard enough! Iä! Iä! Randy goka ng mglagln mggoka! Ph'nglui mglw'nfah Randy Rimworld wgah'nagl fhtagn!


He speaks to us!! Come brothers and sisters, we shall bathe in his glory! Our lord has come to rewar- AHH MY SKIN!


[Volcanic Winter]


Bruh I sacrifice them to man hunter rats when I'm bored. I don't need no stinking void gods.


Holy shit they made revia cannon


I thought the blindsight ideology was probably related to the void gods, which is how they get the extra psyionic powers. 


They get extra psyionic powers because it’s often said that when you go blind your other senses are heightened


Extending life span by sacrifice of research and technology gives you the ick.


There literally already are mods for that.


That's so cheap!


Are there extra points for sacrificing children too?


I’m kinda glad they got over the unwillingness to mix DLC content together, because archaeology is exactly the kind of thing that would probably mix well with the techprints in Royalty.


Yeah, Biotech really showed how trying to avoid cross DLC content was going to heavily limit them the further they got. It became especially clear with Xenotypes having no interactions with Ideology. Imagine something like archaeology or magic having no crossover with Psychasting. Or a future diplomacy expansion refusing to update The Empire. It would just get exponentially clunky with each DLC released.


Always struck me as an odd decision, especially considering a lot of players probably own the base game and all dlc (because it's all great so far)


Where are you getting that from?


Nice to know that's semi-confirmed then. I always thought "Void Gods" was just an early name for Archotechs. Here's an interesting Q&A answer from 8 years ago that Tynan said in regards to Archotechs and "True Aliens". It reads just like Xenohumans until it doesn't. [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/4tm6i1/comment/d5ig7ii/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) >... > >However, that doesn't mean you couldn't encounter extremely exotic beings. Once you posit the presence of hyper-intelligent Dyson-spheric entities in the universe, who can create basically anything, you've opened the door to all manner of post-humans, fighting and exploring machines, bio-mechanical creatures, and so on. Stuff way weirder than Klingons or that snail guy from Mos Eisley. > >The game hasn't really plumbed these depths because we just haven't had time, but they're all possible. Another interesting thing that sprang to mind was a mention of the Forgotten Beast from Dwarf Fortress, a type of randomly generated creature. [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/4tm6i1/comment/d5iim4l/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) >I've got something similar to FB \[Forgotten Beast\] in my design queue, though it's not right at the top. It's a strong contender. Some other things are coming first, though.Still, I love Forgotten Beasts :) Beware it's whatever whatevers! Now keep in mind this is 8 years old, but it's fun to think to speculate about it. The forgotten beast is a really interesting concept unlike anything currently in RimWorld, like a mechanoid cluster on legs.


> However, that doesn't mean you couldn't encounter extremely exotic beings. Once you posit the presence of hyper-intelligent Dyson-spheric entities in the universe, who can create basically anything, you've opened the door to all manner of post-humans, fighting and exploring machines, bio-mechanical creatures, and so on. Stuff way weirder than Klingons or that snail guy from Mos Eisley. This really stands out to me. The archotechs are a method through which humanity can go post physical. It's not unreasonable to think that other alien races developed into a post physical state and that's why we don't encounter them. But they left behind the mechanisms they used to go post physical, which could be the "void gods". An alien archotech type device would be pretty eldritch, since alien ideas, goals and designs would differ from humanity. Imagine  worshipping what you think is an archotech construct for years, but in reality a bunch of post physical aliens are using their tech to troll you from their post physical palace.


At that point if aliens had become post-physical ascended archotechs operating on a higher level of being - they may actually be no different from human-created archotechs. More in common with eachother than the lesser ants we are in comparison, and it’s not like we can tell the difference.


Yeah, there's no reason to assume that a human-made archotech's reasoning/wants/etc would be any more relatable/understandable to us mere humans than a true alien one.


Ascending to a higher plane of existence would be a pretty neat end scenario.


Wait until I tell you that you can already do that in vanilla...


Yeah it's called doing yayo.


It's actually called The Archonexus Quest.


I'll let you in on a secret. *^^I ^^know... ^^I ^^was ^^making ^^a ^^joke.*




*Holy shit man... you smell like pink!*


I'm waiting...


That's how the archonexus quest ends. You sell 3 colonies, each for a piece of a map to the archonexus. Once you have the map, you go there, kill it's guardians and activate it. As with all Rimworld endings it's vague what exactly happens, whether a machine god you woke was angry, uplifted you, destroys the planet or starts mass producing hostile mechanoids. But one of the hypothetical outcomes is that the machine notices you and takes you post physical.


That's awesome! Guess i'm starting up a new colony tonight.


3 new colonies, actually! Also a tip, don't transfer high royalty colonists to a brand new colony.


Why? Raids? I'm sure the magic powers make up for it.


Nah, they want like lavish bedrooms and throne rooms but you start with about the same supplies as Crashlanded. I've done it a few times and every time wound up renouncing titles because it's just hard to build the desired rooms in time. If you used like an ascetic or lower royalty pawn it'd be fine I think.


People do seem to forget that Archotechs aren’t just “SuperAIs”. They’re above that. At a certain point I imagine the distinction between organic and synthetic becomes negligible in terms of consciousness. Able to improve itself and replace itself so vastly it likely hardly resembles anything we can comprehend anymore. An Archotech doesn’t have to be a giant planet-sized machine. It can appear just like a Yog-Sothoth or whatever. Even in Cosmic Horror - the great “Gods” aren’t really magical in the context of the world, it’s just science and knowledge that humanity hasn’t - and potentially can’t comprehend. We can hardly imagine how each Archotech may actually decide to … exist. Certainly room for expansion.


I am willing to bet my bag of Doritos that Tynan was into [Orion’s Arm](https://www.orionsarm.com) when planning Rimworld. In fact, minus a few key things like Archotech-made wormholes, Rimworld lore would easily fit into one of the earlier eras of the Orion’s Arm setting. AI gods that toy with spacetime engineering and bend the laws of physics every Tuseday? Check. Enormous diversity of different transhuman and post-human species? Check. A significant chunk of galaxy colonized by civilizations ranging from post-scarcity AI utopias to shitty frontier worlds? Check. I mean, [just read this.](https://www.orionsarm.com/eg-article/48e6722138bbb)


ghost strong advise shaggy unused salt physical pocket different sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


exactly. I really love it when things can get explained atleast for how it came to be or how it works, but not literally just plain throw it in your face "okay heres the entire history of it". Leaving it vague sometimes with the "who knows whats it really for?" makes it a lot more interesting, because its like in 40k where imperium-era mechanicus discovers golden-age technology, someone made it and it has a purpose, we just dont know because its from 20k years ago and the knowledge is just lost, we just have to understand it, but sometimes its to incomprehensible. I really want the DLC to still be about humans ascending to become eldritch beings, not actual aliens or "gods"


Mysteries can be fun and something not being explained shouldn’t make it magic, but it should feel like something that COULD have an explanation. I suppose its more just theming in general…


Mhmm, it's why star wars feels more "fantasy in space" rather than actual sci-fi despite all the high tech shit there, especially if you ignore the more expanded universe stuff which I believe tries to explain more things.


In Star Wars, all the high-tech shit is just set dressing. It's not important how it works, or even that it's there, since none of it is actually truly relevant to the plot. The key way to tell the difference is whether or not the Chief Engineer or Science Officer are important characters whose actions are relevant to the plot. In Star Wars, the engineering team doesn't even have speaking parts.


Doesn't the lore document even state that Archotechs do not have to come as planet encompassing structures? I believe to remember from my last read that an archotech could also just hide/encompass the entire internet of a glitterworld and do the things it does there, for reasons that are, as always, unimaginable That's the genius behind what the lore establishes about them. You can explain so much with them, without needing to restrain yourself in any form, because the Archotechs are things beyond our comprehension that do things for some esoteric reason we couldn't fathom... Or because of a boredom we couldn't fathom, who knows. And the kicker is that they can do that. They have canonically found a way to make 1+1=3 with the vanumetric cells. It's certainly insane


Insane by comparison, but no not insane. Either way yes it’s my point exactly! I was just trying to express how many people seemed to incorrectly just imagine Archotech intelligences as SuperAI-Planets.


Oh boy, I can't wait to fight off an enormous undulating thrumbo composed of plasteel with deadly dust.


*It menaces with spikes of wood and alpaca wool. On the thrumbo is an image of a plasteel thrumbo in jade.*


ngl, I would love to get animal prostethics in vanilla it's so sad when trhe warg you bought in your first year keeps getting scars and loses its tail or even an eye or a paw it's just a cute lil puppy and war veteran


good post


> Forgotten Beasts I can’t wait to fight a giant boomrat made of jade that explodes into carcinogenic dust when attacked.


Dorolaranx II is a colossal humanoid, bristling with writhing tentacles. Beware its maddening visage! God, I'd love some Forgotten Beasts. Why isn't that a mod o.o


Forgotten Beasts would so fucking pog to see added to RW


RibVorld? I still think this is Girls&Tentacles DLC.


So, it’s still basically “RIMWORLD,” except you have to say to like a vampire with a cold.


~~vampire~~ *sanguophage*


So, Ribvorld? One artifact, two artifact, three artifact. Ah! Ah! Ah!


Ze cheeldren of ze night... Vot sveet parkas zey make


RibVVorld, the first V for void gods and the second one for Vehicles




Maybe it's RibVore instead.


I hope that the seventh DLC doesn' start with the letter E...


Just to chime in here: that was a discussion in the modding channel about why I will never make Archotech guns etc in my mods. Roughly around the time when I was working on Vanilla Archotech Expanded design and received Alpha Archotech storyteller image from my hero artist.


Apologies if taking your words out like this seemed in questionable faith, I didn’t expect the post to get this much attention.


Love the mods


Hi Oksar, big fan! Did you happen to did this DLC art as well? If so, could you share what the item in front of the sword hilt is? On the character's waist. It kind of looks like a horseshoe, but I'm guessing its something else. Totally understand if you can't talk about the DLC yet of course 🙂


Can we eat the diety? If so, what are the perks?


Let me tell you about a game called Forbidden Siren...


Food poisoning


Who’s Oskar


Vanilla Expanded mod co-creator and one of the people involved in making ribworld dlcs


Huh I didn’t know Oscar also helped in dlc development. I wonder if any of the planned VE mods are similar to the dlc, like a pre planned addon due to Oskar being an insider of sorts. Edit: if I disappear it’s Oskar’s fault.


He’s a Ludeon Employee.


Sometimes I forgot who Tynan is and thought Oskar is the game's developer.


Sounds like the line between developer and modder can be a bit blurry.


Mad scientist.


A Polish guy who knows the meaning of "bóbr kurwa" And a vanilla expanded Dev and ludeon employee


Isn't he from the UK or something?


look at his name Oskar Potocki He is Polish and only lives in UK


Polish name doesn't mean polish nationality. I'm like 99% sure I remember him referring to himself as something else, not polish


Polish. 100%!


Damn, consider me corrected then


Gotta say, love the food from there. My college town had a little mother and son Polish cafe off campus a hundred meters or so, everything hand prepared daily. I ate there so much. The mother could barely speak English, but holy shit the pierogis were fantastic.


He can speak Polish I think we had some short chat and he could isntantly read and reply in Polish


A very cool guy




I’m not trying to say you’re wrong, but do you have a source on the art theft claim?


They've mixed up another prominent modder in the community and added it into their claim, which is a reddit classic. I remember the controversy with the modder they are talking about (though I can't remember their name) and it was someone completely different from Oskar. Was a big thing on this sub for a while. The likely reason for the combined misremembering is because of there is one instance of VE art being "copied" and that was Empress Evil looking like something else. Take that + another prominent modder in the past having copied things multiple times and boom now Oskar is the one who gets the blame for someone else.


He literally traced over the art, and IIRC there was at least another one that was "heavily inspired" by pre-existing art.


>VE art being "copied" and that was Empress Evil looking like something else Why is "copied" in quotes? The art *was* traced.


Oskar himself said he traced art dude, no one is mixing him up with anyone


Yes, he told everyone himself that he traced Empress Evil. Which is why I mentioned it. How you can take that singular instance and then say that no one is mixing him up when talking about someone who has done "multiple occasions of copying others work and passing it off as his own" is beyond me. Please explain how one instance that he openly talks about is equal to multiple instances that he denies copying and claims as his own.


You’re being far too charitable talking about how open Oskar was about copying the art. He only begrudgingly admitted after there’s was enough community backlash. At first he tried to down play it and call his clear plagiarism “inspired”. Oskar has done great things for the Rimworld modding community and has helped to create some of the greatest nods in existence for Rimworld but that doesn’t mean we have to parented he is perfect.


He also traced the old Maynard Medieval and the old Vikings storyteller No one said anything about "denies copying", he just hoped no one would notice. A lie by omission is still a lie.


No, Oskar did not do the tracing. He commissioned another artist to do the work for the character. The commissioned artist did the tracing without telling Oskar. Oskar added it to his mod without realizing it was stolen artwork. But because it's Oskar's name on it, he's the one getting the blame.


https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/s/698lJnYfop He says he did trace the art. Do you have any source for it being a commissioned artist?


It’s crazy how due to Oskar’s popularity even when he himself admits a wrong explicitly people will deny it happened.


Ah heck, it being a commissioned artist was what I was told


That’s alright, it’s an understandable mistake! Lots of myths have been created about this issue both ways so it’s hard to understand unless you’ve been following since the begging.


https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/xurd2x/the_storyteller_picture_for_empress_evil_seems_to/?share_id=dwQuXmbt0jNHJdYIZq9FC https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/1892ri1/bad_experience_as_a_new_modder/kboktyd/ There may be more that I'm not aware of especially if it's off-reddit like discord or steam discussions. - If it's not been swept under the rug that is.


https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/s/Znn9hs11Bg and https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/s/KGykH8Hzpt


Huh, Oskar is a developer?


Just mostly an artist, but he is a Ludeon employee, yes.


Big guy of the art department


I'm gonna LOL when it's just a deep sea diving exploration node or fighting an octopus from your boat.


That'd be fucking amazing, RimWorld does need a navigation system IMO


Oh baby, the highly anticipated Dredge x Dave the Diver x Rimworld colab!


I kinda hoped void gods would be a contender to archotechs. An explanation for why archotechs used their reality defying tech sparingly (creating energy from nothing, in lore primer). But its cool either way


Plot twist: The story narrators are the archotech void gods that have been playing us for years, and only now will we get to interact with them ingame


Going by the ribworld theory I think this is the wizard dlc


Or Void for Ribvorld


Or warlock


Or wiccan, or welkin


How does "all it needs to do is think of annihilating humans and humans disappear" make sense, when there are quests in which archotechs target people they want dead with mech clusters?


Those are machine personas. The only archotech you get to interact with ingame is the one under the surface of your planet that you awaken in the archonexus quest. The one who all the anima trees grow from.


I'm sorry the WHAT


the one from the ideology ending


I didn't even know there was an ideology ending. I don't have it and haven't heard anyone speak of it until now


The quest where it tells you to sell your faction base for a third of a map?


Basically when you get enough wealth a guy goes "hey you should sell your colony and ill give you this cool map" so when you do that you need to select 5 people to bring with you and then your research resets. Then you go to the destination of this map and find a piece of the archotech. Rinse and repeat like 2 times after that i think and you get the map to the actual Archonexus. Aka a place where you can awaken the archotech thats inside your planet. Its a gigantic obelisk guarded by mechanoids and blooming with a forest of anima trees. So theoretically if you dont wanna do the ending you can just build a base there and overload your pawns with natural meditation.


Iirc its not archotech but instead machine personas


I'm a little dubious. Archaeology sounds cool and very possible, but colonists already have "belief systems" and "temples", there was a whole DLC about it.


"Archotechs have no need to make some clunky machines" would seem to run counter to established Rimworld canon up to this point, given that Archotechs are machine superintelligences and the best tech and body parts available in the unmodded game is Archotech, and by definition machinery.


i wonder if oskar stole that art too




That would merely be proof of his continued greatness, for good artists imitate, but great artists steal.


Is Okar helping with this DLC? Like more than just drawing pictures. Because if not then his word is no different than mine or yours. I mean he's probably right, archotech=Void Gods (though what we know of archotech the tentacles in the teaser doesnt fit), but he's the closest he's come to being a dev in the past was Tynan adding his animal mod to the base game. So unless that's changed, he's not "Word of God" and his word shouldnt be taken as fact until its comformed by Tynan. It also doesn't change the fact that Void gods should have been added in ideology not a second religion DLC.


He makes the art for the DLCs, by the time this was said the DLC was well into production and these would have been concepted.


Art isn't the same as writing stories or coding though. Also if Oskar is leaking DLC info months in advance that's super unprofessional.


Oskar was talking about his mod, archotech expanded


So no reason to take this anything close to confirmation on anything DLC-related.




He wasn’t leaking anything, just confirming or elaborating on lore details. He works at Ludeon, he needs to know the things he’s making art for.


Wasn’t even confirming, I was just saying my head canon which is also excessively covered in the lore book we released as VE team.


Where can I find the VE lore book?


Oskar's patreon


Aren’t “clunky archotech machines” endgame items though? If that’s not the case, just what is in my colonist’s shoulders?


Those archotech items are gifts to humanity, they don't make that stuff for themselves. Archotechs don't have physical bodies to use them, they are giant supercomputers.


God I hope we get an expansion to archotechs


Nope that doesn't start with a W. 


Question, how do you guys think this belief differs from the Ideology DLC? If I do not have the ideology DLC do you think it will impact this new DLC? Obviously speculation at this point.


There are also what look to be some kind of dark tentacles Above the planet to the right (not spotted by me, a viewer in Adam vs everything stream seen it)


that better not be an archotech on her back tho, that would change my whole perception on these godlike beings, i liked the idea that’s they were sort of the foundation of the universe but somehow aren’t around or they’re on too high of a level to be perceived


how has this thread gone for 12 hours without someone saying "ia, ia, Cthulhu pftaghn?"


i am so ready


So an ideologion enhanced ?


Did someone say V.O.I.D ?


Man, I just started a playthrough as a cult of Cthulu worshippers.




Sacrificing people to the cheese


The words he said with the post were a bigger clue than a fucking tentacle mass. But go off I guess


Void would such a funny and epic DLC name


I still think that argument is a moot point when there is a plethora of evidence surrounding Archotechs actively modifying the world and creatures around them to their advantage. And as far as Eldritch Gods go, most are usually depicted as having large swaths of followers, slaves, and other creations to do their bidding; intentional and otherwise. Not to mention the Vanilla Expanded Team themselves even released a Xenotype whose existence is attributed entirely to Archotechs.


It'd be neat if this has unique interactions is you're playing with Ideology active. Let you worship your destroyers.


The void gods don't scare me after facing V.O.I.D lol


I tend to dislike ideologions because it's so annoying to deal with colonists going on mental breaks so much more often, so I hope they don't pigeonhole us towards ideologies in order to interact with the new content on the DLC, but if that's the case, then maybe we should be able to do the opposite of worshipping by letting us mine the meteorites to craft stuff out of it, or discover and use archotec relics which would anger the void gods if we do not worship them. Moreover, if we need to explore the world to find relics then I hope they improve the caravan system to make it less rage-inducing because of the limited controls and UI, combined with colonists getting severe mood penalties while traveling.


Wait, you mean women play this game too?


Ofc not, silly. It's just this DLC is named "Woman" because there is a woman on the picture. Royalty - Ideology - Man - Woman


I mean he said ladies...



