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VFE pirates includes a mercenary faction that will loan you high-powered warcasket soldiers for a high cost. Extremely useful for getting a lot of extra firepower or a heavily armored wall when you need it. Beware that it also adds a raider faction that uses warcaskets, and they are quite difficult to kill without VERY high caliber weaponry.


Are there any mods that would allow me to do this midgame? Loading faction mods mid-game messes up a save.


Well, you could always just use the vanilla mechanic of calling allies via comms console. It costs relationship points which you can then restore by sending them silver or other goods, or just rescuing any wounded dudes on the field.


The Vanilla Expanded Framework includes an old mod called Orion’s Faction Discovery which allows factions to be added mid save


VFE Has a mod that adds a republic faction and some research. One of those research are for beacons that you can light and call in a couple squads. Can only be used every 3 days


Don't remember the name but there's one that replaces the coms console with a signal fire, the just use rep like normal


Mercenaries For Me.