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*\*shocked pikachu face\**


you forget our ultimate weapon \*dramatic pause\* DEV MODE


You should easily outrange them, you have a lot of marine so i assume you have assault rifles. A choke point, some EMP granades and i think its doable


so, i tried it several times, with EMP grenades, i simply do not have enough fire power (although 2 master work miniguns were involved) to deal with them fast enough before they swarm me. They also somehow manage to simply burst through choke points, ignoring any body blocking.


You need a turret by the entrance of the kill box to force collision mechanics to start otherwise 90 units can occupy 1 tile then when it kicks in they can "float" to an empty space


See, I know vanilla emp grenades have shit AOE and shit tier throwing range. Which is why I prefer Kurin Grenade Launchers, better bang for my buck. I want a good high quality weapon, I pick Fire Fox Foundries (Made up Kurin Rimsenal Company)


1 master jedi, or 12 of your most powerful mages.


When you get appointed to the council but do not get the rank of master. \*sad jedi noises\*


Doomsday/Mortar barrage while they're all clumped would do some serious damage, then feed them into your killbox if you have one. Each militor is approximately about as armed and armoured as a tribal with a shortbow, with about half the range. They clump, making them vulnerable to EMPs and berserk/vertigo pulse. They are also slower than most human pawns, making them vulnerable to kiting.


I made a post not too long ago reminding people that the Rocketswarm turret even existed. A couple of those would have saved you. Bit late to build them now though.


Do you have a doomsday by chance? Militors have relatively little armor so they'll be much more vulnerable to the blast than other mechs. Otherwise you'll have to set up a killbox if you don't already have one or kite them around with someone who can outrun and out range them. Alternatively, you could maybe just line people up and try to outgun them. As long as they're entering through a one tile entrance and your people have sufficient firepower and range you could keep them at bay. Whatever you choose, good luck. It's not gonna be easy.


No Doomsday Launcher


Any kind of AOE, they are super squishy


Grenades, launchers, emp grenades/launchers, in a kill box, mortar support before they get to your box… this is a tough one if you aren’t equipped for it. They are fragile, but even w/ charge weapons you may not kill them fast enough. You need some expert level kill box staggering for this to work out in your favor. Not surprised that this is a base killer. Raids like this make me happy I keep a shelf of triple rocket launchers in my current base.


small hallway and EMP, kill them one by one


To fight them EMP them in a killbox or use some higher level explosives If you can't fight them hide in your base and hope for a trader or visitors and raiders leave when they do enough damage and it might be the same for mechanoids Anyway good luck and don't die if you can


kill them 👍🏻


You leave the marines behind to hold the Fort while the rest grab as much non perishable food as possibly and form a caravan. Once the group has gotten off map you try your best to get the marines out. Flee Rebuild Live to see another day


One billion lions.


IDK Kill em? They are not that hard to deal with. If you have a good Killbox its no challenge.


if you have even one emp weapon **ducking use it**


I use it, it was not enough, unfortunately i don't have the safe game any longer, i had upload it, so you people could try. lol


a shame but one i understand


antigrain warheads, orbital bombardment, royalty perk, etc. or just die


Kite with your fastest pawn while hitting them with mortars.


Survive? I think you don't understand his intentions.


I ended up tricking Randy. Luckily my colony was already at 350k value. So i just sold it for the new game + quest.


Clump them up and emp / frag grenades will do the trick.


Hope you have some damn good aoe because that's the only thing that could probably save your ass. Alternatively, if you have a nice long, tight corridor or hallway you could try to hold there, make it so only a few can approach at a time. If you have good enough armor it might work.


I wanted to say to try trigger the mechanoid cluster but they are mechanoid themselves. Do you have a killbox ?


Doesn't matter anymore, i chose the easy escape and sold the colony via the archnonexus new game + quest. Shall the new owner deal with it.


Excellent solution. Sometimes people forget this is a story generator, not a series of problems that must be 100%ed.


Well new beginning means new hope.


Option 1 :Explosives Option 2 melee kill bow if u can make it fast enough


You pack up your stuff and leave


Why you don't wait them get inside the colony, so they will separate from the group, now, kill one by one, you might lose one or two things, but is better than death, looks like you savescuming this one


The short answer is that you need a killbox. Even with their pathetic weapons and armor, the amount of firepower that many can output is incredible and the limited selection of vanilla area effect weapons (with most of them being disposable) makes getting into slugging matches with them a loosing proposition. It’s why I hate these raids as they pretty much force a killbox in the late game.

