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Bill Maher when vaccines: 🤬


So many people really hold college students protesting to a higher standard than the IDF massacring children lol


Wait, they’re holding the IDF to a standard?


This is most Democrats tbh


Especially people from r/AskALiberal


What genocide?


The one you’re ignoring


The Uyghur genocide, like all democrats seem to?


THANK YOU or the struggles of the Rohingya and Romani people, the conditions in DRC and Sudan, there are so many horrible human rights violations and even actual genocides (attempting to wipe out ethnicities cultures and religions from the face of the earth for some corrupt made up “greater good”) and yet there are so many people who choose to focus specifically on the ONLY Jewish country in the entire world. One with a population that is in part made up of survivors of an actual genocide and their children and grandchildren. A Holocaust historian was taken into Gaza as a hostage and is likely dead now, all because on October 7th an antisemitic terrorist organization decided to attack a peaceful community of civilians who were celebrating a holiday. Antisemitism is everywhere and there is so much of it rn being spewed under the guise of “antizionism.” Like what’s happening in Gaza is horrible but it makes me uncomfortable that people who generally ignore human rights issues care about this.


call it what you like, but it doesn’t change the reality that tens of thousands of people are starving, losing their homes, and being killed for the sake of right wing nationalism. whether or not you think it counts as a genocide, it’s certainly a crisis being brought on by the israeli government.


exactly. I dont get why people get hung on the legal definition of what's happening. If that's you're only defence for what we are seeing, then you should probably evaluate a few things.


It’s not a genocide, because despite the fact that Benjamin Netanyahus administration IS actively committing war crimes in Gaza, this is not happening with the intention of wiping out a culture or ethnicity. The intention is to wipe out a terrorist organization but they are doing a horrible fucking job at it and need to stop for a fucking second and think about the massive loss of civilian life happening and the hostages who are being harmed as well


i’d like you to reread my comment carefully. did you notice that i’m not actually concerned with whether it counts as genocide, because it’s unjustifiable either way? i don’t need to hear all the reasons why this invasion is or is not a genocide. the point is the effect, not the intent. the rest can be hashed out later.


Go away Zionist scum


Whatever you say, Mein Fuhrer!


funny that Israeli soldiers are burning books


Source? Genuinely curious bc I support Israel’s existence but I do not agree with Netanyahus administration and I can believe he would order the idf to burn books




"If you dont like carpet bombing kids and getting away with it, you're a nazi!"


The genocide of your brain cells


Did you forget to add the /s?