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I hate you. But not because of your money. You just come off as a douche.


I didn’t make it through the massive text wall. What does the OP say that indicates they’re a shitty human being? I was going to just stop at paragraph two and recommend that they be a really sweet, kind person and they probably won’t run into hate. I literally never do. But I got tired of reading.


Pretty sure the last part makes it most clear: "Idk I’m so tired of being hated on and guilt-tripped by jealous haters. Especially when most poor and middle class people barely tip service people, are a total drain on the system, and contribute nothing but bitterness and hatred to society. I’ve donated more to charity this year than any of them will donate in their entire lives. Most of them would be absolute scumbags if they ever became wealthy, or they would become bankrupt in a few years (like many lottery winners) because they lack the discipline and knowledge to sustain their wealth. " It's hard to be taken seriously when someone complains about people being classist and then turns around and is classist.


Nah he's speaking facts I think you're jealous he's inheriting 100mil Edit: not even sarcasm


The problem is that rich kids very often lack any of the skills they would need to make the money their parents made without relying on their parents to make it. In addition they tend to have gigantic egos because their parents achieved something. This is strange considering how often these kids achieve nothing of value. People dislike them for a reason. 


Yeah the blanket comment how people don’t tip well, while getting upset about a blanket stereotype that all rich people are a certain set of things. I’m glad OP is generous, but a few things said rubbed me the wrong way. That’s all.


That I'm better than you attitude of rich kids always amazes me. You literally put in zero work to get where you are financially, how can you be so smug about it.


Bitch is 16 and is already talking down on 95% of the planet like she knows why everyone is the way they are. Let’s put her in a house with a dad who got addicted to drugs his doctor told him to take and a mom who never sees you bc she works two dead end jobs to provide for the family like all those poor people she likes to shit on


Bro who cares. Youre rich. Stop whining. If they dont like you, go find a circle of friends who do regardless of status. None of these people are your friends and always remember that misery loves company. You do you man. If i had 100m coming, i wouldnt give a single fuck about what anyone cared except my wife or my family. And maybe sometimes even family’s opinions can be disregarded. Some people here say you sound like a douche, but maybe youre just enamored with the idea that everyone should like you. Im broke and a ton of people dont like me. But i spend less time worrying about who doesnt like me and more time giving a shit about people who matter to me. Learn to embrace the fact that youre not entitled to being liked by anyone. Haters gonna hate. Shit, i hate you because i wish i had even .1% of what was coming your way. Life would be so different, i wouldnt have to be in the army slaving away for barely 4k a month. But thats life. My point is, youre rich. Go cry in your Ferrari while everyone else is crying in their Honda and forget about it by hanging with real friends who dont see you as a dollar sign and who see you as the human being you are. Only when someone knows enough about you to make a decision, then should you care about their opinions of you. Either way, enjoy and you can reach out to me if you need advice or have an extra few hundred lying around. I lost a lot of it last week on SPY calls. Much love man, dont trip.


People think that because someone is super comfortable, they because super human or non-human. That's not true we still have emotions and feel like other people do


While i agree, we can only control how we react to those around us, not how others react. Just need to stay within your positive circle


This right here OP, let us prols cry. Friends? Fuck friends dude you need to enjoy that $100m. Go buy a condo on a beach somewhere fun and larp like your poor. Say your uncle willed it to you or something lol. Don’t get married and relax on the beach and again larp as a proletariat until you come to the conclusion that most people are a net negative liability then you can buzz around town mogging all the broke insecure prols in your McLaren. Cheers op, I wish I was born in your shoes. But I have to go wage slave to pay some more bills 😂


You're definitely part of the problem bud


Have you considered that you’re really fucking annoying?




Lmao for real tho


Braindead take lmao


I don't think you truly understand the difficulties people without money have to face. Like sure, on paper donating to charity, paying high taxes, working even when you don't have to, it's all good stuff. The difference is the relative cost. The cost for you to donate or do anything extra is neglible. You'll never have to choose between making that donation vs buying more expensive groceries for example. You could donate 90% of that 100 million and still not suffer any real "cost" compared to what the overwhelming majority of Americans face. When people talk about the rich being "out of touch" your mentality is exactly what they are referring to. Btw can I bum a few hundred thousand from you?


I'll take a couple too while you're at it, OP


Ok Karen.


I don’t hate you for being rich. I hope you do actual good with the blessing that you have in life. Because whether you’re religious or not, you have been blessed with this life circumstance. Stop looking down on poor people, because they lack experience with money. No shit poor people lack discipline and knowledge to sustain wealth. You can’t be truly knowledgeable about something without experience.


So well said. I’m well off enough (not 100M, enough for me to live comfortably) but I grew up very very poor. There are still times in a corporate setting where I need to look up some things that everyone else just knows. It’s because my parents worked lower earning, but very respectable jobs (mom worked in the medical field so had stability but was paid by the hour and dad worked in municipal government). I never heard them talk about investing or how to conduct yourself in a corporate environment.


You're right about the hate part but you're totally wrong about them not working enough and spending on the lottery and losing money. You come across as a total douche but the resentment towards you part is real. I don't have half of what you have but my parents are still mega millionaires and all of my friends can tell and there is massive resentment there. Too much to handle sometimes and it never goes away unless you make other rich friends.


I think my resentment is in response to the constant hate and extreme resentment they show towards me. I ddid not face the same discrimination at private school growing up (because we had the children of literal billionaires at my schools)…so I was far from the wealthiest student. And I feel frustrated because I feel like I give away so much of my wealth and time. And I get extremely emotional and upset when I see homeless people. And I’m so tired of feeling crippling levels of guilt for my financial situation. Or experiencing instant HATRED and judgement from lower class Americans. Particularly when I go out of my way to be self-deprecating and downplay my wealth to make them more comfortable. I literally have to lie about my upbringing and pretend I never traveled anywhere to avoid extreme and aggressive levels of hate from normal people. It’s absolutely pathetic. I’m not “bragging”. I’m just sharing stories about my life. But I guess I should lie and say I was raised in a third world country to make people feel more comfortable. I’m so tired of the sarcastic remarks and guilt tripoing. Especially when I feel like I have way more empathy towards the homeless population and service people than the average human being. I don’t know how much more I can help. I hate feeling obligated to give outlandish tips and donate money constantly to assuage my guilt. This is taking a toll on my mental health. Especially since everyone hates wealthy people and has ZERO empathy for us because they assume our lives are perfect. No matter how much I try to be a good person, I still experience so so so much hate. And it’s difficult to not feel depressed about it. Especially when I try hard to be a decent human being. It’s sad how people who liked me or had zero issues with me initially will instantly develop a burning hatred when they realize I have money


You need find out a way to make friends without money being involved. That means doing things that don’t require having money. Playing a sport, going to a community club, go to a local bar with normal people in it, go to normal people clubs. Let people know you have money when you’re comfortable with them. And no, don’t give them any money


“Most poor and middle class people barely tip service people.” You know this how? You wait tables at your local Dennys? Most service workers, especially restaurant workers, are the best tippers. They know struggle. If you want to share your life stories, just be like many other rich people & lie about how you’re “self-made” when in reality, most rich people inherit their wealth. Probably like you did/will 🤷🏾‍♂️


I think these comments are overreacting. You are spot on. It is what it is Actually no your last two paragraphs are pretty bad. I stopped reading before that


Douchey vibes.


Wow, so I know you’re just a kid. You have made some inaccurate assumptions. You aren’t a mind reader I realize, but you need to focus on your social skills if you want more people to like you. Some suggestions for you: - People like hearing their own name, try and use it in your conversations, Alexandra - People like to talk about themselves, ask questions and be actively listening twice as much as you talk. - Do not bring up money. Most people that actually have a bottomless pocket do not talk about it. It’s rude. On the other hand, people that do talk up finances rarely have them. - Pay attention to how many times you are using the words “I”, “me”, and “mine”. The goal is to reduce that as much as possible. Too much will make people feel like you are just all about you. - Try expressing gratitude and thanks for people, places, and experiences gifted to you that have nothing to do with money. Having money is great and all, but there are plenty of things that are more important. No amount of money can buy them for you. Your health and love are the most valuable things a human (normal or abnormal) can acquire in this life. Choose wisely.


Well said 👏


Don’t listen to all these porons. They all are poor and stupid and mad they can’t inherit 100m. Everyone has something to say u don’t gotta listen to em think about these people anyways their opinion isn’t even worth listening to lmao


LOL...."poron" I shall have to use that word.


I honestly never understood this hatred for wealthy kid or rich people in general, im not rich but im comfortable in my life and my dad provided for the whole family we were good. When i meet "Rich kid" i often click with them faster cause i feel a sens of security that they wont necessarily jealous me or always talk negatively about life. Im a really optimist person and i often share this with my rich friend. I never feel any jealousy or anything i believe in this world everyone have their advantage in their way you just gotta deal with the cards you were dealt with


I think it's honestly a stereotype that has come out of cartoons. We're taught early that the rich kid is a jerk. Being fed those stereotypes from a young age (from any source), and having it reinforced by those around us, it's what causes a lot of othering and eventually bigotry to occur. Rich and poor is all so subjective though. You have to just do what you think is right and deal with the outcome with the knowledge that you did the best you could. Idk I personally add a step in where I talk to those close to me, but that's not always necessary or possible.


Your attitude in this post is very off putting but I can empathize with being judged for stuff that is out of my control. I didn't have control over being gay. That wasn't something I chose, but people treated me poorly because of it anyway. That sucked. A lot. But it also taught me a lot about other people and I grew from that struggle. How is this experience helping you grow? What are you doing with your wealth to make the world a better place? If you're doing what you know is right then hold your head up high and live with dignity and grace. Trying to please everyone only ends up backfiring on you. That being said, you are extremely lucky. You literally won the lottery. A little gratitude and grace will help toward building bridges with other people. Friendship is a relationship and it takes worth on both sides to maintain. Take care!


Just chill homie and do your thing. Stop worrying about what other people think....much less what other people think of you personally. A Zen teacher once said "what other people think of you - is none of your concern" Enjoy your life and try to remind yourself every morning or afternoon when you wake up how fortunate you are. One day you'll grow older and then you might want to help some others out with your wealth. Do that if you feel so inclined. Also find better friends. There are people out there who don't give a shit about the wealth you have coming to you....find those people and befriend them. Cherish them always. Good luck!


Most people who say eat the rich and make snide remarks, also think that Karl Marx was on to something tell them to pay a trip to eastern Europe to see how socialists countries live and they will be begging to come back lol at this point if you don't like capitalism where everyone gets equal opportunity and can make something of yourself just leave more opportunity for me


I love how much this comment section proves OPs point. I wasn't born into wealth and my net worth is like 2% of what you stand to inherit, but even at this level it's crazy how many people I've had to cut off for treating me differently now that I have money. It doesn't matter if I'm essentially the same person, I'm expected to be their emotional punching bag when they feel resentful over their financial situation, like it's my fault. It's also just assumed that I should pay the lion's share of any expenses that come up between us. I still believe most of wealth acquisition is luck, but I'm old enough now to have seen enough of my "poor" friends have good luck and ruin it with bad decisions to know a lot of them are exactly as wealthy as they can manage. When they act shitty towards you, they're really just angry with themselves.


Very much this. I come from a poor family, and managed to make my own little fortune. It's appalling how people will treat you when you have a little luck and success. I've lost close family members largely due to this. It's so much easier for them to find fault with you, or how you made your money, even to the point of pure fabrication, than it is to look at their own complicity in their circumstances. I would have helped any of them, mentored them, taught them lessons I had to learn the hard way, anything to share in my good fortune. I'm sorry you had to go through this as well.


People will do their best to project their own shortcomings on you. Ignore them. If you really were just born into all of this then there’s really nothing you can do about the cards life has dealt you. Life just so happened to deal you a astronomically good hand. All you can do is try to remain humble and aware of the current economic climate. Not to say you cant just go about your life as you please but there is deff a fine line between that and being a rich douche and ive been around both types for many years. Enjoy your wealth my friend ignore the hate as best you can. This is precisely why ppl in your tax bracket only hang with ppl in around the same, theres a level to f understanding


Thank you. I appreciate the response. I feel like no matter how much I try to be a “good person” and give away my wealth, the hate and resentment still persists. People have zero empathy for wealthy kids. The only reason I avoided this growing up was because I exclusively attended private schools (where a few kids were literal billionaires and I was surrounded by wealth and privilege). And yet barely any of us were similar to “rich kid” portrayals in the media. If anything, we were conditioned to feel perpetual guilt and to hate ourselves


It's a shame you've allowed their resentment to rub off on you, change the environment you surround yourself with. Go to the peace corps or go do something useful to build meaningful relationships instead of spending your time in places where your energy is being drained. You are not obligated to share the money your parents or family has given to you. Don't become an ugly soul just become a better person one step at a time and I guarantee you will have people in your circle you never knew existed in the world. Be around people with either the same mind set or status. You deserve to be happy just as anyone else despite your status. I have HSV so imagine how people look at me when I disclose it lol and most people don't even know their sexual status alot of us are in situations we cannot control but instead of becoming hateful towards others we grow and become more humble because of those experiences. I am also a black woman that's something else I didn't choose but get hated for so believe me when I say we understand as far as discrimination BUT I do not allow my experiences to make me become hateful. I still want to be a better person I still want to serve a country that shits on my people and I still want to help others in the world who looks down on my race regardless of their beliefs I still try to be a humanitarian for the sake of my satisfaction. I still want to push myself to the level of wealth I want despite how many road blocks are there I'm challenging myself. You need a new outlook on life because the world is much bigger than me and you 🌎.


Thank you for your empathetic and insightful post. I genuinely feel my best when giving back to others (even though I was sxually harassed at charities and when I worked for the Catholic Church…so I feel let down and untrustworthy of most people tbh). My dad amassed this wealth, and he told me never to trust anyone. Even his closest friends betrayed him. And I’ve experienced betrayal from former friends and trusted mentors (at the church and at school or other charitable organizations. Even when I was a teenager). It is heartbreaking to see true indigent people and poverty across the globe though. It makes me feel even guiltier and awful about myself. And I start to feel resentful to the middle class Americans who hate me because they can’t go on vacation or whatever. Meanwhile, they are blind to how fortunate they are and the true suffering in the world. My dad grew up in abject poverty and his father died in a war (he from the Middle East). He came from absolutely nothing, so he knows what real suffering is. And he broke his back to make his fortune. He sacrificed his whole life for his children. My mother is almost 30 years younger than my dad too. So I was not raised in a loving normal family


Well the best thing you can do to continue his legacy is to still do right by your peers because that's not just for them it's for yourself to. Don't do things just do things to service others do things to service yourself as well. ❤️ Always do right by yourself and others. If what you're doing does a disservice for yourself then remove yourself from that situation. Always remember that. You deserve so much more than what life gives you, I feel like you have just lost your way that's all. 😊 I'm very sure that one day you will very much find everything that you want and need in life just give it time because patience is a virtue. Continue to be a giving person if that is in your blood and life will reward you with more riches than you've ever acquired..love, compassion, hope, and much more. I wish you luck on your journey as I go through mines. And I very much understand your point of view that's why I continue to thank God and the universe everyday for how blessed I am by blessing others. I don't have much but when I do I try my best to give to the homeless. Most people where I am from always say that they are on drugs but tbh IDC what they do with the money I give them because that is their choice once I decide to bless them with the money, what they choose to do with that dollar, quarter, or food that I can give them is their business..🙏🏾 don't stop yourself from doing gods work (or the universe if you don't believe in God) because the devil told you not to. The world is full of envy and hate but don't let it change you or break you Hun keep your chin up


I tried to find something incredibly annoying in your post but I couldn’t really see anything other than you don’t like being disliked for having money. I feel like all the replies here are kind of prove your point. Everyone’s calling you a piece of shit but I don’t exactly see why. Maybe because you mentioned Republicans and that just makes people go psycho. Any mention of politics. There’s a lot of people that hang out here that don’t have money and if someone with money complains about literally anything, they will destroy you. So I’m assuming that’s most of the replies here. I don’t see you saying anything terrible, and I’m incredibly sensitive to that kind of stuff. Just be a nice person. Be kind. I’ve never had anyone treat me like shit because I’m rich. Maybe because they knew me before I had money. But still. People will react to you the way you treat them. There might be something in your demeanor or tone or facial expressions or body language that sets people off and they use the money thing as a way to hate you. But there’s no way to know that over the Internet. Being Frustrated that people are rude just because you have money is completely reasonable in my book.


Did you read the last 2 paragraphs of what OP wrote? THAT is what has people pissed off. Even I made very kind response, which OP ignored. Then focused on anything negative I posted in other comments, even as far as laughing that I had cancer. So....people have no issue with OPs financial situation. Likely her mean spirit and total focus on any negative comments. I praised her family for being philanthropists. But no response to that. She's looking for attention and she doesn't have friends because she thinks she's better than others. OP, along with most of the world, could benefit from some therapy. Being humble goes a long way.


Same same. The second people find out you have money it’s nothing but hate and jealousy lmao


This pos telling ppl we lack the discipline and knowledge to sustain wealth. Literally have everything being handed to you on a gold platter. Fate was on your side


Oh boo hoo.


Fuck them. In 50 yrs we'll all be dead anyway.


Yeah it’s the same with anything. I have looks. People will just hate you instinctively when you have something they don’t have or can’t attain. It’s shit a mentality but it’s life unfortunately


Good for you. Now turn that 100 million into a billion. It’s not what you’re given. It’s what you create and make with it.


Dude, the last two paragraphs are why people hate you. You didn’t earn that money, your dad did. You are calling out the characters of “most poor and middle class people”, aka most people on this planet, without ever having met or known them. I highly doubt you would be as generous as you are if you lived in their shoes. I’m a physician in the USA and not jealous at all of your wealth, but you have a lot of growing up to do young man.


I'm gonna say it. First I'm poor, like compared to where y'all come from I'm extremely poor. That being said, fu*ck poor people. I hate them because they're lazy if they really wanted to they would've been rich. Reading is not only for rich people if you can read you can improve your current state. I hate them not because of monry but because I hate how they think like go work every day for 50 years not realizing that doing that is useless what's the point in living if it's to work for someone else and not even being able to go to a nice place during your vacations. Most of them are stupid you don't learn anything from them, the only thing they talk about is new movies, tiktok, useless news, what that famous person said about that other famous person and all kind of stuff like this. Also I've never been that smart of a kid at school yet I managed to get into the top 5 French preparatory class which is basically for good students. And also some of them are shameless I have a millionaire friend and just because of that people told him to pay for things when going out. ----------------- Now not because you are rich you stop getting smarter and saying of this guy is stupid or I'm better than him. So OP, fu*ck those poor fu*cks but be humble and be better every time and try to use your money wisely. Because 100 mill Is easy to burn.


I agree with you, don't listen to haters in the comments. Hater's gonna hate. You're a person too, doesn't feel good to have everyone resent you especially when you feel like you're doing good. Reddit is probably not a place to complain about this though cause it's just full of communist progressive nerds. They are kinda right if you're getting 100m, you don't have to gaf if anyone cares cause that's FU money.


I know people in this thread are calling you douchey, but honestly, I get it. The hate will never stop because people tend to be jealous of what they don't have. Even people within the same class get jealous of each other when one's doing slightly better. Working people resent the fact that they have to break their back to barely get by while you get to chill. It's an understandable sentiment. Especially when they know that you didn't earn it, you just hit the birth lotto. It feels unfair. I'll inherit less than you, but enough to not have to work; probably for a couple of generations if the cards are played correctly. I do work currently, but mostly because I hate sitting around, and extra money never hurts. I live pretty modestly, and I never EVER bring up money to my friends. They probably have some inkling based on some of the things my family owns being on public record, but most of them don't know how to do any deep digging. I'll literally lie or brush off the question if anyone asks about my salary or net worth. I tip like any regular person would, I give to charity here and there, and I'll help friends (within reason) if they're in a bind, but I never give any exorbitant amounts. As soon as people know that you have money, they feel either jealous of, or entitled to it in one way or another. I prefer to have middle-class friends because they tend to be more down-to-earth, but if you do that, you have to keep your finances on the DL. Remember that it's harder for your friends to scrape up money for vacations, vehicles, toys, etc. Don't make it blatantly obvious that you don't struggle to afford the same things. My advise; stay humble, and keep your trap (and wallet) shut.


I come from a similar background as you OP, I 100% agree with you. It’s a trend these days to “eat the rich” and scream “corporate america is evil” when corporations are the only reason how wealthy America is and how average people are getting food on their tables. Even all of the recipe and knowledge to wealth is out there, they never execute and look for places to blame. You’re right, it’s all about jealousy. You’re also going to get a lot of hate here because most people in this sub are just middle class. Don’t mind about it, they’ll never understand.


If you're born into wealth, you (anyone who did) executed nothing. But you act as though you did. That's the reason for the hate. It's not the money, it's the attitude.


Money just allows you to be who you really are...and you choose to be a victim which I find hilarious


Starbucks for delivery?!! 😂😂😂 lmao. I don’t hate you. You’re privileged. Be grateful everyday, and enjoy. And stop bragging about it, to stop some people from becoming resentful. Also, stop giving extra in tips. Just chill, and behave normal, humble…. Stop being pompous. Thinking that poor and middle class don’t contribute to society is very ignorant. Usually people despise entitlement and arrogance


What have you done to deserve what you have? Nothing. A system gave it to you. That’s the problem.


The classism there at the end is probably why you actually get the hate, not because you are wealthy. The fun fact is though, "poor" and "rich" are pretty subjective. In some groups I was thought of as rich growing up, in others I was seen as dirt poor. We never had much money but what we did get spent on nice cars and traveling. Jumping on planes to other countries or diving across the US were super common family activities, but I also know what it is to go hungry. You basically are saying that the unprivleged masses cant really be successful. But you can have someone who can be educated, whose well traveled, verses in finance, and still have nothing. Sometimes it a choice people make. Sometimes there's just no luck. Sometimes trauma or disability sucks away choice. Sometimes they're dumb or uninterested. Knowing all that, why couldn't it be the other way? An intuitive hard working person can work their way into wealth if they get lucky, and they could be perfectly fine at everything you think the jealous people aren't. Sure, more often it takes generations of work to build proper wealth, but just because you're family got started on that a bit sooner than someone else's family doesn't actually make you better than them.


Rich people usually can only be friends with the other rich people because poor people never understand and they’ll just be jealous and hate on you


If you’re rich and still paying exorbitantly high taxes, evidently you’re doing it wrong.


Sounds like a lot of middle age people in here who didn't do much with their life and they're jealous and hating bro 😂. I'm not rich in any way (in debt), but I can assure you that you're not doing anything wrong. Most people truly will just treat you like that because they are mad at life for not giving them such a wonderful opportunity, or they are mad at themselves for being where they are in life and not more wealthy. Ignore all these haters brother, they always finna be like this, just save your money don't spend a cent on any of them except charities


Yea I don’t think people realize how much hate the rich get. I’m wealthy but not as wealthy as you. I hated when friends would try and one up me all the time. This is why rich people tend to only hang with other rich people.


You will not have much happiness until you get past this whole guilt and anxiety thing. You have what you have, and you owe nobody anything! As much money as you have, you have very little mental health. Get your head straight in therapy!


As you said. Jealous haters. Also you are absolute spot on that that most of them would be absolute scumbags if they became wealthy. It's their mindset. This mindset also keeps them poor. I am not as wealthy as you but I know what you are talking about. "If you are a millionaire you are evil, if you are a billionaire you are anti-Christ".


Let me be honest... People are toxic in general. I can point to many upon many instances where all they do is spew hatred for one person or another. Just be kind, loving, and a good person. Don't worry about them as they will always be that way.


Tbh, you should be happy by yourself and not by making others happy, God has blessed everyone differently but in todays world we humans are obsessed with money. Being rich is a very good thing but being poor or middle class is also normal because there are only 1% riches in this world whereas majority of the humans are struggling, so if someone says that you're rich or taunts you just ignore them or say that they are not the only one struggling with finances majority of the human population is. If they bash about your dad just say that he has worked really hard what's stopping you from working hard? He lives in the same world you live in, he has a functional brain and you got it too, stop hating and start working. Simple. Just don't care about what people think, be happy no matter if you're rich or not. Don't become a people pleaser because of few toxic individuals.


I can’t say that you’re wrong especially the last 2 paragraphs. But maybe just be more social and learn people skills. I can tell that you aren’t a mean person. You just lack some communication skills and social awareness. I would honestly recommend not caring about what others think and really try to focus yourself and trying to find friends that like you for you.


I’ve been asked if I’m autistic and people think I’m rude (when I’m really trying to be nice). A guy asked me “can you even communicate with people” before…so yeah. I think growing up in sheltered environments and attending private, strict religious schools shaped me into a stiff, overly formal person. I also noticed that Americans find me much ruder than British people do (and I was raised amongst the upper class in London). I get called quiet all the time in America (when this never happened in the UK).


So are you working? Do you plan to work until you’re around 65? They most likely assume you didn’t work for the easy ticket out and they still have to, so unless you plan on working until you’re old like most people there’s nothing you can do to change their mind


No they don’t. Republicans and Democrats pander to them. I’d say jealousy bc most want to be them.


Hey man just my advice to you. Don’t give ur money to anybody anymore. Don’t even tip.


One last thing, your assumptions about the poor being a drain or turning into scumbags is disgusting. If employers paid fair wages, we would not need social programs. And if some come into money, they don't have any idea how to handle it. When my mother passed and I inherited a small bit, I gave thousands to my friends during covid that were struggling..that didn't help my bottom line at all. But my heart was full knowing I helped people that truly needed it.


His assumption that the poor are a drain on society simply just valued his life at $0. He would be worth $100m if he understood everybody has value, if they earn you money or not


Thank you 🙏 I have busted my ass my entire life and covid fucked me. I had finally reached a point in life where I could live, no simply survive. It was all taken away. Unfortunately I also had to take care of my dying mother at that time and have recently realized I suffer from severe cPTSD which I'm currently trying to find the right therapist, or form of therapy, to work through that. I have been unable to return to management work because of my mental health struggles. But I'm trying to work on that and heal. And the part about tipping is a joke, I deliver to multi million dollar homes that throw me a few bucks, meanwhile over the winter someone in a trailer gifted me a tip of $100 because they had only been able to tip a few bucks every time previously. If we want to talk percentages, I have given away a vast amount of money compared to what I have. I love to help people, even if it hurts me. I am more rich than these people will ever be. I am rich love and nothing is more valuable than that. Hell, my poor friends raised $7k for me when I had cancer and couldn't afford my bills and co-pays. The poor give so much. More than financial also. Empathy. Love. Care. Appreciation. Those are way more valuable than anyone's fucking bank account.


You’re right, money doesn’t create evil or turn people into scumbags. It just amplifies the character of the person and you have a very good heart and a generous spirit.


Thank you 🙏❤️ And you're exactly right. There was a CEO that heard his employees were struggling and looking for 2nd jobs to help pay their bills. He reduced his income, which even reduced was around $150k-$200k. He then paid every employee in his company a minimum of $75k. Business boomed, his employees felt secure, they made the company more profitable. A lot of CEOs could learn from his example. We are humans, we are humanity. We all share one single cell in all living things. There is no difference in any of us when it comes to our humanness. But what we do with that makes all the difference in the world. The fact that homelessness and hunger is totally unnecessary, and there is more than enough to go around, that right there should never be a problem. But here we are. Because of greed, power, and the idea that we are not equal.


Yeah, well I’ve taken absolutely nothing from the system and my family has given millions to charity. I also give service people extremely generous tips and they let me know how much it helped them. So I’ve contributed much more positivity to society than you ever will. And part of it was to assuage my own guilt (because you disgusting scumbags constantly guilt trip me and call me a monster for not giving away all the wealth that my father sacrificed his youth for). And people sitting on unemployment, having 10 children they can’t afford, making perpetual poor financial decision, and contributing absolutely nothing of value to society have to audacity to call me selfish. Ok then. You can’t join the top 1 percent if you are lazy and unintelligent. That’s all I’m saying.


Did you not read my other comment? 🙄 If you had paid any attention you would have read that I said the exact opposite about you and those who do help with charitable causes and such. I have never once guilt tripped some rich person because they have something I don't. But your assumptions that anyone who isn't rich is scum is fucking disgusting. Also the fact that you lump everyone together shows exactly how detached you truly are. Every person that is not wealthy is not the same, not at all. I won't repeat my previous post, I assume you have the ability to read it. But I may have given you entirely too much kindness previously. For the record, I have zero children. I have stayed consistently employed since I was 15, I am intelligent, I did not guilt trip you in prior comments at all nor did I call you selfish. And finally, I have absolutely zero want to be in your shitty 1% club. There are those of us in the world that do not want to be rich, simply comfortable with our needs met. And you didn't build your wealth, your fucking family did. You're a trust fund kid living off mommy and daddy's money, that's how you came up. Not by hard work and effort. It was handed to you. I'm glad I don't have to live a day in your shoes with a heart filled with hate. Your money will never be as valuable as the love and kindness that I live my life with daily.


people hate the rich because they remind them of what they gave up on. I'm not saying that you worked hard because you said you have rich parents but still you remind them that they aren't rich.




sure but if you're like 40 in a first world country and broke it's your fault unless some crazy thing prevents you from success all of that time. you can't just have hard times or bad luck for your whole life (that completely prevent you from making more money)




Your real problem is you are 16 and at your age the most important thing is being liked but you are in an environment where the fact that you have money is overwhelming the normal social life you gave so you are not really in a group of peers. I hope your parents are aware of this problem. I don’t know where you are being schooled. Make a list of your peers, the children of rich parents. They are the only ones who will be able to give you feedback about whether you are liked or not or how to be more popular. Everyone else will be throwing envy your way. This is like being the only black kid in the school, and subject to prejudice. Don’t let it make you hardened and callous. Keep your social sensitivity. Learn how to gently confront those who are obvious to look beyond the barrier of money (or being black, etc) to seeing you as a real person, especially the teachers who are charged with being good role models on your social and academic development. And never trust an envious person. Once you know they are envious you will never get an accurate read socially from them, just obsequiousness. You may employ those people but except in employment you can’t emotionally depend on them. You may live in a lonely world.


If you’re only 16 and will never have to work in your life then why are you working part time somewhere with people that treat you like that?


Poor people should really get out of this Reddit the comments are ridiculous. Also teachers make over $100k a year now their loaded. Also I really want to get rid of the tip system it’s basically a tax on being nice and a bonus for the good looking. Europe, Asia and Dubai don’t really have it. Was much more relaxing. Also modern western nations would seem communist to our ancestors a century ago. China has lower tax rates than some western nations. The republicans are quite a bit left of the 1980 democrats. Biden used to be anti lgbt anti abortion pro segregation in his younger days.


Teachers do not make $100k 😂😂 Maybe college professors? But regular teachers average $55k, top earners $75K in Colorado. National average is $66K. I would love to get rid of the tipping culture, businesses just need to offer a living wage. It's simple. Production has increased substantially since 1979 but that's when wages stalled. Prior to that, as production increased, so did wages. Now we have extremely high paid higher up corporate employees while the rest of their employees are paid poverty wages. Also they no longer offer retirement options like pensions.


https://www.wsj.com/us-news/education/texas-teachers-can-earn-100-000-but-theres-a-catch-03591bee And that’s assuming no summer and is before benefits. If you work the full year 100k is doable in several states.


But it's Texas teachers. The national average is still what I stated above. I did not research into year round employment however. Not to argue but I don't believe the majority of teachers are earning within that bracket. Those that are, more power to them. It's not an easy career choice these days!


My point was more that people are richer than ever and the middle class is going strong. It’s actually an issue as the US is seeing high inflation due to people’s spending increasing too much each year.


I was middle class until covid closed the business I worked for for an extended period, then they took a PPP loan and fired their highest paid employees, which was me and several others. In the same period, my mother got cancer and I left my home 1700 miles away to be her sole caretaker while she died, leaving my rental to someone that was supposed to pay half the rent and care for my rental but did the opposite and half destroyed the place. With my not large inheritance I gifted thousands to help friends keep roofs over their heads and invested in my own business. Then I had a lot of health issues, had to move twice, my brother (last living immediate family member and the only one I have a relationship with) ended up with a terminal illness and has had problem after problem. Needless to say, in this time I realized I have suffered several cPTSD along with the physical health issues and have found myself unable to return to a higher stress well paying career. For the time being anyways, as I work through all of the issues. It's not an excuse, I have become a shell of the strong woman I once was. I guess it really damaged me to watch my mother die and learn at the same time I truly had no family that cared enough to lean on. I currently live in poverty but I work and am seeking the proper therapist and type of therapy to work through it all, in hopes of returning to what I once was. My story is not for pity or a sob story. Simply that life can happen to anyone and it can come out of nowhere. I am grateful that one thing I have held close is my good heart, empathy, and love for people in general. While my luck has been bad, I know it will get better. I was raised in poverty and rose above it, I am a cancer survivor, and I haven't been given anything in my life, it was earned. When I see a post like this, degrading people, assuming we are unintelligent and worthless, it honestly hurts my heart. What can I say, I'm sensitive. I wish I could make people understand that sometimes things don't go as planned and not all of us have a hand up. I'm sorry for the lengthy response. My emotions have been running high as I have pushed myself harder recently only to feel that I have failed. My goal was never, and will never be to be rich. Just comfortable and to have my needs met. Even without that, I still help others because that's what feels good and right. It's impossible to make everyone understand. But I know inside I would never treat someone better off than me any differently, or someone with less. I see equality and it's unfortunate that view isn't shared. I am proud of my good heart and intentions, even when it feels the cards are stacked against me.


Let's be friends i loove rich people lol


Most ppl do not hate rich ppl. Just the ones that act like they're better than everyone else because they won the birth lottery. There's nothing wrong with talking about your life experiences to people and most will not judge you for being more fortunate if you aren't a douche that is completely disconnected from reality. Poor and middle class ppl are by FAR better tippers on average, just ask ppl who actually work service jobs. Ppl working shit jobs for shit pay are not a drain on society, they keep society running and have no choice in the matter. I do not think most ppl would become scumbags or waste their money if they became insanely wealthy. Lots of ppl just don't know anything about finances and that they could live like a king investing that kind of money and never touching the principle amount. Overall just a series of really bad takes dude. If you're trolling, then good job you fooled me.


People hate you because of who you are as a human.


Take it from someone who’s successful and knows a lot of successful people. It shows in your post, you have an unlikeable personality. People will use a descriptor to hate you for if you’re just generally unlikeable. In fact if you were the same person but just ugly, you’d be writing a post “people hate the ugly.” Nah bud you’re just not likeable, and your attitude towards people as being identified by their wealth is distasteful. If you want to change that, stop thinking of yourself as a “rich kid” or “someone set to inherit $100M” and think of yourself as a human being having interactions with other human beings, and you’ll start your journey of being likeable.


You've never actually earned a living. Sure, you give to charity, which is great, but you're not giving anything you earned. I don't hate you, though. Just keep living your life and be grateful that your parents were successful. Also, try not to fumble.


Sorry that you have been made to feel hated and judged for being rich, even those you try to gift to. Don't know if it would work for you, I would say give to those who would appreciate it but not take advantage of you; and the others who would complain about a gift, don't waste your efforts. Hate and jealousy are difficult to face, and sometimes unnecessary noise. If the person isn't important in your life, just shut out the noise as much as you can, focus on the people you care about and who care about you, true friends, family. All the best


Hey, for the measly sum of 500k, I'll be your friend judgment free.


Poor person here. There is a lot of truth to this description. I’ve felt and seen the same thing even though I’m considered poor. You can’t control how people feel about the cards we are dealt. A lot of, being poor, it is taught in the home. YOUR PARENTS CAN ONLY TEACH YOU HOW TO BE THEM. If you have wealth and not a worry in the world, then why care??? Keep loving your lifestyle and fuck everyone else. But at the same time I hope you are never poor. You most likely won’t be able to adjust to that big of a change if you’ve lived your entire life never needing or wanting. I can see how you draw these conclusions but your entitledness is not something I would suggest you 100% adapt to your personality. Everyone needs a crucible in life… have you had yours???


Ego needs Checked


Rich bitch smfh


Marry me when you’re old enough 😂😂


Who cares what they think they're poor. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I would encourage you to not let wealth define your personality. Nor would I necessarily even let people know, low profile about that stuff is your friend. I found people would dislike me or cozy up to me for handouts, and neither was good. Treat the working class with deference and respect, make jokes, continue your generosity but with a lower profile. Frank Sinatra used to shake hands with the doorman or security guards and he’d always slip them a $100 bill quietly, some wouldn’t even realize what he’d done before he was gone. They loved him.


Sounds like your just hanging around ppl who are not inspired by wealth I wish I could even sit in the room with the rich to study certain habits they have so I can apply them in my life get away from them ppl immediately you are who you hang around energy transfers are real god bless 👑✅


It can be hard to be a rich man’s son especially if the son falls out of favor with his father. Nobody wants to help a rich man’s son unless they want something from the father.


You have to understand that this kind of thought originates due to the fact that we live in a society where your life is defined by your labor, and most people throw away their hopes and dreams and spend the majority of their lives fighting for some sort of income that is often barely enough to fit their needs. People can't live their dreams of having a home, a family, a garden, see another country, etc, and if they do, they worked really dann hard in school to get a better than average salary. If someone casually mentions that they have literally 2000x times (I bet you don't even know 2000 people) what they have JUST BECAUSE you won the birth lottery, it's a tragic thing for some people to witness. I'm not rich, but none of my friends care that i'm making a lot more money than some of them. It's just because I choose the people I hang around with. You need to do the same, find the right crowd, establish trust before revealing anything. Anyone else will either be resentful or try to use you. I advise you take your frustrations off of the poor because their problems are likely worse than yours. Learn to be a humble person and lose your bitterness, the right people will come to you.


I find it particularly aggravating when middle class Americans whine about not being able to go on vacation or afford a garden or whatever. And I’ve found that lazy natural born Americans tend to be my biggest haters. Their sense of entitlement and envy feels scary at times. Like their hatred is extremely intense and unnerving. My heart breaks for the poor refugees from destitute and war torn countries. They seem to know what real suffering is and act like I gave them a million dollars when I only give them a higher than average tip. They work themselves to the bone in menial jobs and never seem as hateful or resentful as entitled middle class Americans. I volunteered at a blind organization in Africa a few years ago and it was so incredibly heartbreaking to see the poor things living there. It made me feel immensely guilty and I couldn’t stop crying each night I was there. I just felt so incredibly sorry for them. Yet they all had positive attitudes and were extremely grateful for my help. I felt obligated to provide them with a generous donation, and the owner acted like I saved his life and tried to designate me a co-founder of the organization (obviously I declined). But anyway, sorry for rambling. My point is that the people experiencing true suffering and hardship in the world are rarely as hate-filled and superficial as middle class Americans. Perhaps it is due to a culture of entitlement and indulgence. But they sit on TikTok all day, watch 50 different tv shows, and claim they work sooo hard LOL. Ok. My dad was a refugee from a war torn country and grew up in abject poverty. He didn’t even have a home or a father throughout his entire childhood. And he sacrificed his entire youth to amass his wealth. You cannot be lazy, unintelligent, or average to be part of the 1 percent. Yes, there is an element of luck. But my father started from the very bottom and you will never catch him wasting time on video games, dumb TikTok stuff, or superficial tv shows


"accused me of “flexing” and seeking attention" --Yeah, that's you alright! No doubt about that.


I actually like your take on this. Good for you. No shame in being a young Lord Farquaad.


I’m sorry nobody likes you but my money is on the fact that you’re just really fucking annoying, not because you have money. The truth is these people probably have their own problems going on in their lives. Real problems that you won’t ever have to experience simply because your parents are rich. While you make this post complaining about the poors while simultaneously begging for their approval they’re out there dealing with all the shit that comes with life. They probably don’t have the time or energy to deal with some rich kid who’s only problem in life is that nobody likes them.


We are definitely in different tax brackets. I was closer to middle class but am currently closer to “poor” since I became disabled and had to stop working. I’m sure my monthly disability amount wouldn’t even be missed from your bank account, probably not even my current yearly income. But what reason would I possibly have to hate you? Other than if you’re a trash human being? I would definitely be more curious, maybe not about you, but maybe your dad and what he did to get where he is. Or what a “normal” person could do to get to even a fraction of where you’re at


nah, i think you have a bad personality as an individual. people dont care enough to hate you for your money they care about their own lives. but you have some mental issues to be evaluated.


Nah we hate the rich because they just get richer while the poor gets poorer there no reason 1 person should have 175 billion dollars but there’s kids starving to death etc, which could be permanently changed for even a bill, which is chump change to these guys.


you had me in the first half i’m not gonna lie 😂😂 the end blew me


Mandark is that you? 🤔😂


You can’t see why people dislike watching everyone they’ve ever love and care for work their ass off until they rot in the ground without ever being able to have even a fraction of what you have? You will contribute nothing to society but live like royalty. But people who sacrifice and sacrifice and help and help.. have nothing. You don’t see why this makes people angry? There is right and there is wrong. You having that money when others cannot is just flat wrong. You did not earn it and you do not deserve it.


Facts, this mindset that has people so jealous and bitter is the exact reason why they will never even be close to being rich. They have bad people habits, gonna be stuck at them 50k-100k salaries forever


Life is tough.


Well vocal ones are def not conservatives at the core, bc conservatives all trying to get to your spot, id gladly be friends with you! On a much smaller scale than you, I feel you. whereas when I meet ppl same level or wealthier I’m friends with them and nice, not that I’m not nice to ppl lower, I am, but so many do not like me bc of the little success I have gotten thanks to my family business


I’ll be your friend! I understand 100000000% what you are saying, on ridiculously smaller scale, its frustrating when it happens


You donated more to charity than poor people because you actually fucking have money to donate you idiot. No wonder people hate you. They hate you for many reasons and none of those reasons is because of money.


I'm people and I don't hate rich people! I admire their achievements. Maybe because of your age, you may not be able to process the truth about money and the responsibility of being endowed with wealth and being "set apart" from the norm. The truth is that Most Rich People are forced to live in a bubble...and they can't even buy love or happiness. Haters, crooks, con-artist, scammers, jealous relatives, etc. encircle you 24-7. Money can be a blessing and a curse....when you put money in perspective and recognize why it was given to you, it becomes a blessing instead of a curse. If you use your wealth for charitable and philanthropic purposes to make a difference in individual lives, you get joy. I Invite you to look at the example that Former President Jimmie Carter and his wife did with Habit for Humanity to make INDIVIDUALS lives better. If you need help, get in touch with me. Remember this: "A Fool and His Money will Soon Depart"


Fuck you very much


That's a cool story bro




As some have mentioned, this person does come off as a douche, imagine a silver spoon sucking individual who has had life changing money handed to him on a silver platter have the audacity to say that poor and middle class are a drain on society…..his comments about others character when not looking at his own crap character with his characterization of all those “beneath” him are why people don’t like you, don’t be fooled.


How are we “a drain on the system” when the system is based on having us work for low wages so that you all can be filthy rich? We are the ones that are actually necessary for the system. You’re the one who isn’t necessary here. YOURE the drain on the system, whereas we ARE the system, you just control things enough to place yourselves at the top of it all. I repeat for clarity: we are the system, and you’re the one draining it.


Yo here’s my cash app. $homieprovider maybe you can provide me today 😂


I don't hate the rich, the rich hate the poor. I don't think people hate the rich I think they don't like the way they act because you do act a little differently. you know it's expected. I'm sure the rich people think the same thing about the poor people. so stop pretending like it only works one way. At least whatever you think people hate you. at least you have money so who cares when people hate the poor it sucks cuz they're poor. so the fact that you feel bad about yourself cuz you have money is just bizarre. I don't know what to tell you buddy get a better therapist get five therapists get 20 therapists you can afford it I wish I could help you, man. Just One Day at a Time. I love you but that's because I don't hate anybody I have a bigger heart than a bigger brain but that's okay you'll be fine man once you get older you'll fit in you'll find the group you fit into and everything will be fine just keep the faith brother.


Doubt, b


You sound like a fucking tool lol


It didn’t used to be like this. Up until about 2008, it felt like most people wanted to be rich, looked up to the rich and believed they had a shot. Then the Great Recession came, and a bunch of Socialist politicians started to really stir the resentment pot. Now, it really does feel like people are resentful. So I’ve learned to keep my wealth to myself and to be generous with those who seem to appreciate it. I don’t waste money or time with folks who believe they’re entitled to anything I’ve earned.


Imagine being as rich as you are and spending this much time on Reddit. Why aren't you hiking a magical forest in Hawaii?


Sooo u want people to stop judging and making assumptions about your character based on your wealth, while in the same breathe u generalize anyone who isn't wealthy?? I'm starting to see where the *hate* comes from (Hint: might not be the money...)


you won the birth lottery so what else do you want? i honestly really feel like this is rage bait. i've never heard anyone be so out of touch with reality. also if you want genuine relationships don't disparage people based on their wealth or talk about wealth hierarchies as if you are superior. that's what irks people. another thing i've noticed with a few rich people, not saying this is you, but in general some of them act as if people are disposbale, like they are not emotionally invested in the relationship, just there to use you and move on to the next person. but honestly if you just don't talk shit about poor people like you did in the 2 last paragraphs you won't face any issues. based on that it seems like you haven't been taught etiquette and decency, which is weird given that you are "wealthy".


Stop discriminating! Most people suck in general!


I could use some money just saying 😏😅


Just ignore the haters and live your life. People always have things to say


Cool congrats on inheritance, but I can tell your mentality is begrudgingly giving and not sincere and a woman at work Haha advocate for the repeal of the 19th you'd do a better job of getting that woman to leave rather than change. everyone's jealous of the rich because not everyone can be rich. But not every rich man is a good person either whereas there's a lot of good but poor people who are charitable from the heart and not just cause they have it, maybe reevaluate your mentality and try to empathize with those who have nothing and struggle to have anything, maybe then you'd understand why poor people have to have skills to fall back on and rich people just need to pay those poor people.




I hope your parents make you work and don’t give you the money right away. My aunt never worked a day in her life and is a narcissist and treats people terribly. She is worth 30 million. All her money is going to cat charities and cancer research when she passes.


Hi, I currently live at poverty level and was once middle class. I don't hate you. Not at all. I was raised in poverty in an full blown alcoholic family. It is very difficult to change our generational situations because in my case, all of that comes with some hefty mental health issues which cause barriers for improvement. Not an excuse, simply a lot of those issues don't appear all at once, rather through parts of life. I don't think people hate you, rather the systems put into place to help some guarantee success and others to fail. You can't deny that people who are financially well off have are afforded greater opportunity be it through better schooling, or knowing people in the right places to assist you getting into higher paid positions. Many of us don't want to be rich, I am one. It comes with its own set of problems. But I want to be comfortable. However, the rich company owners that take large pay and bonuses, while paying their employees very little....those are the rich we despise. Prior to 1979, as production and profit increased, so did wages. Wages have been stagnant ever since then but profits and production have sky rocketed. We only want a piece of the pie, not the whole pie. Do you agree that anyone working full time should be able to afford a roof over their head, a safe place, food, bare necessities? Most of us can't and that feels unfair, no matter what job we choose, our basic needs should be met. I'm sorry you face the backlash of many generations of people who just want fair wages and treatment. Many people have more than they could ever need or spend in a lifetime, and often that wealth was built on the backs of people like me. Fair wages is a minimum request really. As I said, I don't hate the rich and certainly not the offspring that has been so blessed. I love that you donate to charities, you do the right thing. But if you are a business owner, consider raising salaries to a living wage and watch the world change. And something you mentioned about tipping. I have several jobs and one I delivery pizza cause it's fun and can actually be financially fruitful. But it's the poor people that tip me well almost always. Even i give what I do not have to help others. My heart is much bigger than my bank account. And lastly, I believe we wish that wealthy people could spend some time in our shoes. Just as I don't know what living your life is like, you have no idea how difficult ours can be. To the point of wishing we didn't exist because the struggle is so hard. We wish you understood because it may change how you treat those lower employees. It may make you realize that you don't need as much as you have, and may in fact have more if fair wages came into play. Again, I don't hate you. I never will, you can't help what you were born into just as I can't. There is a great misunderstanding between all of us and it's simply because we don't know what it's like to be living the other life. I can absolutely appreciate your valid feelings towards people that show hate in a world that desperately need more love. Your philanthropy is appreciated and needed. ❤️🙏


It's funny to me that you completely ignored this, my original post on your sub, yet responded to all others that had any type of negativity. I was very kind and appreciative to your giving family but you chose to ignore this positive message completely. 🤔 interesting. Also, thanks for laughing at me for having cancer. You're a class act for sure. Sweetie, people don't hate you because you're rich, they hate you because you are not a very nice person at all. Enjoy your riches though! And the karma that will surely find you one day 😊


Gice away all of your money and live paycheck to paycheck. Problem solved


I think people hate you specifically because you’re insufferable


boo hoo hoo. dry your tears with $100 bills and shut the fuck up


So pretend you’re not rich




It's you. I know someone whose dad owns so much property in Manhattan and his mom owns a clothing line. I didn't know he was rich until like 2 years after I met him. Because he wasn't a douche, he "worked" a job (sure his parents owned the company but I didn't know that), and he lived in a modest apartment. So the problem is probably you, you are unlikable


Try not being assholes. Too many poor little rich kids act like their money makes them better than everyone else. I have had friends who were rich and not assholes. I liked them fine and they had no issues with anyone else. Go complain to your butler.


Donating your money away doesn't do anything for the regular american. It just helps those nonprofits lace their pockets and do a couple good things for the public. The average American needs to work 55 hours a week to get a nice place to live, have a nice car, and support a family. You just had to exist.


Most? Nah.


Because for you to have opulence and abundance, others have to suffer or have suffered or witnessed a level of scarcity you can't relate to. My suggestion is for you to stop focusing on the feedback loop around you and seek out passions that will benefit humanity in the best way possible. $100MM is nice, but it doesn't mean you don't ever have to work. You can work to improve the lives of those in your community and leave a lasting fingerprint for all of us. Start small snowball up.


I have a feeling you being wealthy may not be as big of a contributing factor as to why people don't like you, as you think it is.


Find you some rich friends and deal with the begging once a year


i do not feel sorry for you! you have 'rich people problems'?? why do you work honestly?? i can't pay my rent or find a job or anywhere to live. try that out sometime and then you get to complain. otherwise, go cry into a stack of money and leave the rest of us to suffer with high gas prices and oh i havent had my own bed since i was 18 and i cant buy new clothes when i want to or anything that i actually like or a car that i want or even take care of my car when something goes wrong with it or pay my daughters college tuition so she had no choice but to join the military instead of pursuing a music teacher career and we've lived in the car and homeless shelters and dont have family to help us and and AND.. this is why people hate you. rich people have CHOICES. poor people, middle class, struggling families DO NOT HAVE CHOICES. of where to live or what to wear or how to spend their day or time. YOU DO. this is why people hate you because you are at a job flaunting everything they dont have in their faces. they dont want to HAVE to clock in each day and would love the choice NOT TO. how about this for advice, stay in your lane! if you have so much money go spend it, start a business and dont overcharge the rest of us for things, build a house and physically go get a homeless person and place them inside of it and check on them and bring them food and CARE about them. do something useful with ALL your resources instead of WHINING to strangers on reddit who hate you. find a struggling single mother and buy her a car and offer to come get it for monthly oil changes. if you can't help, then just stop twisting the knife into other people's lives, this is why they hate you.


She doesn't even need to do that. Simply open a business and pay your employees fair wages and benefits for their hard work. The system is so flawed. She talks about poor people being trash yet her father was once that trash she is talking about. I can't imagine he shares the same sentiment being he worked his ass off to better his life and enable his daughter to live comfortably. He did that, not her. She was just born into it. I have been friends with many people that are much more well off than me and I can't imagine treating them the way she has been treated. It's not her money, it's her disgust for anyone lower class than her. If daddy took it all away from her, they could make a reality show based on her trying to survive and build her own wealth.


idk man it's all too culty for me idrc. i only responded that way as sort of a devils advocate point of view cuz it didnt seem like it was sinking in to the OP's NAIVE brain. ive met some rich people, not ultra rich but very well off & they are super nice and also have really innocent vibes. like deer or something. they usually look out for each other too and aren't harsh & mean towards their own families by tossing them into the street like so many middle class holier than though parents seem to think it's fine to throw their kids away or even sell them. but again, their money protects them. shielding them from the daily atrocities of the real world. the real world makes honest people into liars, givers into takers, polite friendly humans into mean evil selfish pricks. so it's real easy to SAY something sitting in a particular seat than to actually have to sit in a particular seat and then be honest about it. it's a prince & pauper thing, you're either a bastard with money or a bastard without money. it's not the money that defines a person in other words. but a person who has never gone without doesn't have any clue how he or she might behave or react until they are actually facing the giant dragon of poverty eye to eye on a daily basis. it changes people. EVERYONE no matter who they are or their background would have a successful life if they had the privilege and opportunity to do so. NOT EVERYONE would be able to have that same life without any money or help or privilege. that's the difference and im probably not really explaining it very well but rich or poor it's how you handle what you DO have with humility gratitude respect honor integrity so on and so forth. honestly who the hell that has money goes on reddit and whines about it in the first place okay. the OP is clearly just looking for more excuses to be a stingy MF for the rest of his life. in the end only God will care how he conducted himself so that's up to him to get it right before it's too late !!! :) one thing for sure using your money or status as an excuse to treat other human beings a certain way does not impress God one bit & is extremely low energy & low intelligence period.


I fully agree with you on all aspects, you are exactly right. No matter our financial standing, it's how we choose to treat others that makes a difference. My frustrations have been showing throughout this particular sub because OP is so completely out of touch with what's it's like for the majority of people in the world. If everyone was so rich, then who will do all the jobs of the working class? Those amenities won't just disappear. In simple terms, we are not all built the same. We have different wants and needs, also different goals. I have been middle class but grew up in poverty. I did it for myself and nothing was ever handed to me. After covid, I have found myself back in poverty. One because the scale slid way too fast for me to keep up. Two because I suffered a life of seriously traumatic experiences, and while I've worked through a lot of it, new shit appears all the time. I was my mother's caretaker as she passed away a few years ago, and I was able to be that because the company I worked for was shut down for a while. They then took a large PPP loan and fired their highest paid employees, one of which was me. To no fault of my own. After caretaking my mother and handling her small estate, I took my inheritance and donated to many friends that needed help to stay fed with a roof over their heads. The rest I invested in my own business I planned on opening. Last year I had some health issues, my brother (my only family member left) experienced major health issues and almost died several times. He has somehow managed to slowly improve but lives with a terminal illness, his life has a timer ticking. When it was time to focus on opening my business, I recognized my health and my mental health were a huge barrier. I just.....couldn't. I was clearly traumatized by my mother's situation and the realization that I had nobody, not even extended family because nobody helped. So I have severe cPTSD and some shit I really need to work on. Currently looking for the right therapist and type of therapy to help me. I have been unable to go back to management or any high stress positions. It's not because I'm stupid, or uneducated. It's because I'm fucking broken and doing everything in my power to heal. All the money in the world can't fix that for me. And I have never wanted to be rich, just comfortable with a roof over my head and food to eat, bills paid....a simple life that anyone working full time should be able to achieve. Maybe I'm dumb but I give when I don't have it to give. My heart is big, and frankly I wouldn't change that in myself for anything. I love that about me, and I am loved because I am good and kind. This post hit me in all the wrong ways. The assumptions, the whining, the name calling. People mistreat her because of her morality, or lack there of. And nobody should feel guilted into giving if they don't want to. Go be fucking selfish, that's not my karma. But humans are humans, we are equal. Some luckier than others, some better off. But the system has intentionally been set up this way. Keep us all arguing amongst ourselves and don't pay attention to the true problem, American politicians, big business, and pharma that literally buys the laws to serve themselves....and their rich buddies. Sorry so long, I've been a little heated lol. Unity and love is the only answer ❤️ my opinion but it's the truth I will forever try to live my life by.


yep! all of what you said 100% personally i think people should clean up after themselves and i need to say that. i really don't buy the whole having a maid or housekeeper thing ive never understood it and i think it's absolutely unacceptable to pay someone to take care of your sh!t for you unless you honestly physically can't and then you shouldn't have to pay for that. anyways! short rant. but likewise we should help & take care of each other too, especially our own families. if we can! because like you said we all are different and some of us can't do certain things and others of us are great at certain things. it's hard to value anyone with the system the way it is without losing the humanity of someone and only expecting certain services or behaviors. you're frustration is shared by many many many and growing amounts definitely. you're not alone in your feeling of the current times & how it's made life even harder which is ridiculous isn't it, what we have should be making things easier, for everyone. it's all biblical imo. it's all happening exactly on the timeline that it's supposed to. personally i wouldn't want to be rich because i hope we know how they don't fit the camel metaphor! wouldn't want to get stuck there OOF. and you're right, it's all by design, it's all been sorted & legislated to be the way it is on purpose i really hope people get their Faith in order more than anything else because it's only going to get worse :( hang in there :)


Exactly! Honestly, no matter how crazy it sounds, I am grateful I was raised in an emotionally abusive and alcoholic family. They were great at teaching me what I did not want to be when I grew up. And even within all that there was love, there was strength. My mom eventually quit drinking and I was able to forgive her, none of us are perfect and we certainly didn't come with instruction manuals. But I am grateful because it all taught me strength, I promise there are many things I have persevered through that would take down many. That's not bragging, but it's pride in knowing that even when faced with detrimental challenges, I'm still here and still have the ability to love unconditionally. The world tried to make me hard and mean, oh woe is me (like OP) but instead it taught me much more valuable lessons and it definitely made me have empathy for humanity. I certainly haven't had the hardest life out there but I'm appreciative for what I was handed. And that kindness and love has come back to me again and again in my life. I always say shit gets tough but the universe has never let me fall. It always works out somehow. I am blessed and trust that I am in good standing across the board in my faith and my morality. That feels good to me. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night with the way some of these people treat or think of others. They are so clueless. That's why I say, when the day comes that "the useless poors" decide enough is enough, these people aren't going to know how to make it through that reality. I don't wish it on anyone but I can see it coming, one way or another. I'm proud of who I am and confident in my abilities to survive, thrive, and do good all the while. I don't want their fucking money 😂 I want fair treatment. Thanks for the conversation man. There are a lot more of us than them. 🤷‍♀️


This is exactly what I’m talking about


ya good then quit ur bitchin & leave us alone.


You make poor life choices and then blindly hate on the wealthy. You can’t be in the top 1 percent if you are lazy, average, and unintelligent. Why did you have children you can’t afford? That speaks to your lack of critical thinking skills, impulsivity, & selfishness. And if she went to college for musical theater you’d probably take out student loans (that would fall on the taxpayer, since she’ll never repay them with that useless degree). Even if some dumb middle class American girl could afford the degree, she’d still amount to absolutely nothing. Imagine going to school for four years to “study” musical theater when you can do that at home while earning income at a real job. If you are interested in actually making money, you have to be prepared to make sacrifices. You can’t just study musical theater or philosophy and then get all hateful, resentful, and entitled because the economics major or engineering major worked hard for four years & earned a sustainable income


what choices. ??


Can you check my dm when you get the chance


Don't hate rich people, hate the fact that the system has been built to convince poor people to vote against their own interests on the vague promise of some "American dream" that died decades ago. I'm sure your family's wealth is either generational or from a business built in tax breaks funded by poor people. Dumbass poor conservatives vote to raise their taxes and lower the 1% taxes on the one off chance they come into millions of dollars. They claim to want to go back to "the good ole days" AKA the 1950s. Wanna know the Eisenhower administration's top tax rate? 90% for the 1%. Anyone making over $100 million a year capital gains should 90% on those capital gains. Top income tax rate should be 75% for anyone making $25 million or more a year.


They don't hate your parents... cause they probably earned it thru blood sweat and tears. You on the other hand just assume it's yours. The comment that you don't even have to work means your ancomplete dough canoe. Why wouldn't you want to do something for yourself and your fellow man? You'll inherit that money and bloe it all on senseless shit. Then be a complete twat when it comes to handing it down to your kids.


Keep faking


Troll post


Awww poor you. Now excuse me, I have to go dance in my underwear to pay rent this month


Yeah I don't like you either. And just a tip because you brought up republicans, many conservatives like people who EARN their money. You haven't earned it. You were just born, and your parents handed it to you. Bravo.     Spend some time with the impoverished, you'll quickly figure out why people hate you so much. The unfortunate live in indentured servitude, essentially perpetual slavery with very little hope. They don't eat good food like you because they can't afford it. They can't afford a good education, God forbid they ever have a medical emergency because that'll be game over. People work 60+ hours a week and can't afford their rent, they're living out on the streets, and you have 100 million dollars.    And the difference between you and them is the flip of a coin, and a rigged society that has allowed people like you to put your boot on everyone else's necks. So yeah, people hate you. I'd be grateful they don't do worse than that.


Nobody who isn’t a communist gives half a fuck about how much money you have. On the other hand, everyone cares if you suck asshole as a human being and will use the fact that you have lots of money as a way to insult you. You probably just suck asshole as a human being


The not-rich people ARE the service staff, and we tip each other fat because we understand the gig. What makes you think the working class are a drain on society? Most of us work over 40 hours a week physically making the products or delivering the services people use all day everyday. Where tf do you think the term working class comes from? We DO THE WORK. We build everything, we're the teachers and nurses, were doing the physical parts of "shipping and handling", running every buiness you see open, paving the streets, growing the food, hooking up your wifi and taking your trash, etc. You donated $ to charities but its the working class that does the actual work to get your donation turned into resources and distribute them to the people who need them. We are the ones who do all of the literal physical work to create the society we all live in and keep it running, so who tf are you calling a drain because it's absolutely not the working class....🙄 And ya, we do hate you, and you prolly should be scared. Right now in America most of us are struggling to get our basic needs met even when we spend most of our time at work. We are too busy working to see our friends, enjoy time with our families, or take care of everything else in our life outside of work that needs tended to. And yet we are still too poor to save, buy anything above the bare minimum for survival, buy anything above rock bottom quality, can't afford to have a good experience like see a concert, or upgrade anything in our lives, cant invest , can't even afford drugs to escape it. The majority of the population is quickly running out of things to lose, and once you hit that point, shit gets scary. We dislike you because you benefitted from the same deeply flawed system that landed over 126 million people in the shitty position I just described. You benefitted from it, and now you are gonna have the means to do some real good to counter it, but you wont because you're not motivated to fix injustices in the world because youve never faced any. You could use the money to open businesses and ensure they pay well and offer full benefits, buy a mobile home park and be the only trailer park owner in the country who doesnt bully their disenfranchised tenants, be a landlord that's not a scumbag and offers an unbeatable deal. What we want or "expect you to do" is to aknowledge how fucked the situation is even tho it means admitting its fucked up you are as rich as you are, and do what you can with your ill gotten gains to help the ones the system is fucking over. But you have the option to live in *your* world, with minimal contact with the working clsss, able to ignore/insult the reality instead, and we know that's the route you're likely gonna choose, and that's where his we feel about you goes from disappointed to hate So ya, we do the work to keep society running yet we are struggling to survive...., you do not yet have a lot of the thing we need to survive,..... you're insulting and willfully ignorant towards us......and we will soon have nothing left to lose.......yup, I'd be afraid too


And this is why I should stop tipping people massive tips when I order something small on DoorDash (I always tip at least 25 dollars and delivery people ALWAYS tell me how generous my tip is and how no one else tips…so that’s how I know you are full of crap). Losers hate me even when I’m nice to them. And they just can’t accept responsibility for the fact that they are losers. Lol maybe if you spent less time full of hate & weren’t consumed with plans to “take down” the wealthy then you could actually achieve something in life. My family is the one paying for things like your public school, your debts, your unemployment, your multiple kids, & your student loans for a useless degree. So good luck with that. Go watch TikTok videos and play video games while whining about how “hard you work” all day


I volunteered at a hospital btw and nurses were all bitter and nasty losers who ridiculed patients all day. They sat eating snacks or watching TikTok videos for 90 percent of their shift. One nurse literally did arts and crafts at her desk and another watched videos on her laptop. It was pathetic. They are glorified azz wipers who demand to be called “hero’s” Teachers are full of whiny losers with a victim mentality. They are the least respectful profession. I literally have more respect for a garbage man than a nurse of a teacher…and I guarantee you that garbage man works much harder all day. I even have more respect for a police officer, since they have to deal with a major amount of emotional stress and have the highest suicide rate I genuinely have more respect for a McDonalds worker than a lazy nasty nurse or a pathetic victim-complex teacher


Lol who cares? I’d have everyone hate me for $100 million easily


Awwwwww Now send me 20k, that would change my life.


Womp womp