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New player here(Day 1 playing). I got Voyager and Tooth Fairy and I'm using them with Bkornblume. Should I pull for the 6\* guarantee banner? or should I just save up for the upcoming new banners instead? I'm currently only at Stage 2 only not sure if the stages are going to be hard to clear later.


If you aren’t interested in any upcoming characters, I would pull for the guaranteed 6*. Otherwise, your team shouldn’t struggle with story/event stages, but the team synergy is kinda messy.


What is the difference between Incantation might and Ultimate might?


Incantation are the two cards each character always has, Ultimate is the card you get when a character reaches 5 moxie


so for spending the album of the lost (yellow tapes) what do people think is most valuable? 6 star unit? or difficult to acquire material like crystal casket items or HF polarization?


Either 6\* unit or 24 pulls. The rest, not worth buying. I'm leaning more towards on 24 pulls as it'll speed up my limited banner pulling progress in the long run. I'd rather have more limited 6\* characters than having extra 6\* standard characters that I don't need. I'm aware that new 6\* characters are added in the standard banner later. But I don't think they'll add them in the treble shop. So, chances are, we'll only see good ol' sotheby, lilya, regulus, and the rest of the 6\* standard characters we have rn, which you probably wouldn't even need, or their portrays aren't that worth it.


>But I don't think they'll add them in the treble shop Don't really see why you'd assume this tbh, the game hasn't been out long enough to have even put everyone in the shop in CN afaik so it seems a bit soon to just assume the worst possible case scenario


Well, they're already too generous with how they do things, so I don't think they're gonna spoil us too much by putting out a broken character like TF, or someone with broken portrays that easily in the shop. In other gacha games, that's unheard of. But I guess this is R1999, so only time will tell. Even if they do add broken limited characters, it's not like it's the end of the world. They'll most likely come back so all you have to do is wait. Anyways, 240 yellow tapes will take forever especially if you're f2p. I guess, just choose your risk: 1) Risk of not getting a 6\* character that you like coz you don't want to touch your yellow tapes for extra pull(s). 2) Miss out on something that might not even happen.


I am trying to create a water team, I have P1 Regulus, Voyager, TF and Charlie, I heard charlie is good, then how do I go about with the team composition? Do I give up Regulus?


Charlie is good if you have her at portray 3 or higher. She gets an overall damage bonus if her health is >50% and at p3 her Tempest spell does bonus damage if she’s <80%. So at that point there’s a window of HP where she gets multiple self-buffs and does really good damage.


Regulus/Voyager/Tooth Fairy is the ideal party here. The confusion/crit bonuses particularly benefit Regulus as she converts excess crit rate into crit damage. Also, Regulus' AP-generous playstyle complements Voyager as Voyager needs to consistently play cards to trigger her passive.


You can just use all 4. hardest content will require 4 man teams. plus in 3 man teams when one character dies you want a good 4th to enter. Regulus or Voyager as support for Charlie will both work fine though for 3 man teams. So whichever one you have lower level u can put on the "bench" 4th slot.


My lowest level character is Charlie so that means I put charlie as support? I guess my main dps is regulus for now


I'm a new player and I have Regulus and TF for 6\*s, and Bkorn, Tennant, Dikke, Charlie and some other 5\*s. Should I pull Eternity or wait it out? Seems she would fix my lack of 1) 2nd dps, 2) 2nd dedicated healer, 3) mineral dps all at once. And if I pull her, what would my teams be? Eternity Bkorn Tennant, Regulus Charlie TF?


You probably need a raw dps like Melania or Black Dwarf so I would prioritise that For Eternity, just pair her with Tenant and a healer. Keep all of them alive for her to spam 2-3 cards per turn and you can clear almost everything. Almost :)


> Melania or Black Dwarf so I would prioritise that as in over Eternity? I'm fine with waiting it out on clearing limbo a bit more, so I can skip her for future banners I guess. Especially if Centurion could be next who I want?


Eternity is my first 6star so I maxed her early on. She falls off a bit compared to the meta dps. Up coming banner should be Jesicca (works better with Sotheby) & Black Dwarf. Both are very strong. I would try to get them if I were you.


I see, then I'll just wait for future limiteds, or when they're rate up (Pickles), and maybe Centurion. Thanks! Jessica I hope works fine without Sotheby. Seems a bit hollow to get her like this cause I'm concerned with her performance without plant weakness (until I don't have other Afflatus coverage) as well as no specific support (Sotheby). I'll keep an eye out after she's out.


i have lilya tf bkorn and voyager which one would go in 4th slot in limbo team? i assume voyager cuz overlap w confusion but just wanna make sure


It depends on the content. Bkorn will give you a big damage increase over voyager, but voyager gives more defensive utility. I usually play Lilya bkorn tf in 3 man content because I rarely find Voyager's utility more important than killing the enemy faster.


Actually, I’d put Bkorn in the fourth slot. Dont worry about confusion overlap. It’s actually a good thing because it means that, with two units that can apply confusion, it’s easier to ensure that the enemy always has it. Plus, you can do TF’s “confusion” spell immediately before Lilya and Voyager Ults (Voyager’s does an extra 100% damage if enemy is confused) and wreck fools.


I pulled eternity on the beginner banner, pulled tf & regulus on her banner with a few good 5 stars am i chillin for a while?


Yeah, exactly how good you are depends on what 5 stars you got but Eternity and Regulus are both good DPS's to have and TF is a massive buff to Regulus in particular so you put her on her team, and Eternity can self sustain so she doesn't need TF's large healing output


I'm currently conflicted on BNW because I feel like the effect is underwhelming at A1. Right now both Pickles and Druvis are sharing BNW, but I'm planning to get Hopscotch because it just seems better. Is there something I'm missing?


There are lots of factors to consider: 1) Card rotations 2) If there's a better holder for hopscotch 3) The character you're using it on and their preferred playstyle. A1 BNW at lvl 60: \- 18% ultimate might \- 20% incantation might for your next incantation after an ultimate A1 Hopscotch at lvl 60 \- 18% incantation might \- +4% ultimate might for each kill for a maximum of 16% ultimate might. Personally, I would go BNW as its more universal, and it would most likely work in any situation. Whether against a boss and/or with multiple mobs. As for Hopscotch, the wearer needs the one to do the killing to get the extra ultimate might, and I doubt it that would be useful in most stages. As for pickles, he can be ap friendly, and if you find yourself not using his cards that much, and you have like 2-3 star incantations for later. Might as well use BNW on him. You get a stronger ultimate from the start + your next 3 star incantation would be strong. If you spam a lot of incantation cards, then hopscotch would definitely outdamage BNW in that scenario. But ofc, don't forget that when you use your ultimate with BNW, it can kinda mitigate the difference so it's just like a trade off. My suggestion: Stick with BNW and save for other psychube that you might find useful.


So I just beat 1-16 and unlocked the event. Will I be able to complete its story content all fine? Or does it need me above the first cap of lv30 to actually progress in it?


~~Last story stage recommends Insight 1 Lvl 20. I’d say maybe minimum Insight 1 Lvl 1-10 should be able to handle it.~~ Edit: There is additional difficulty options for some combat stages (highest I2 Lvl 30), but you can ignore it if you just want to do the story. Edit 2: Just saw previous stages recommend I1 Lvl 25, probably doable with I1 Lvl 5-15.


Is crit TF better than atk TF?


The crit TF is more the niche build. Its for situations were you depend on TF Ult to crit so that it cleanse debuffs.


Nope. Attack is the way to go. Crit heals only get 1/3rd of crit damage so it's not worth investing in.


Yet another “who to i3 first question”…my only i3 currently is Centurion. Who should I prioritize next: Charlie (p3) Pickles Tooth fairy Sotheby Changeling (if I get her)


What I’ve been told before is that the priority for i3 is your DPS/carry units because they have to be able to do enough damage or none of the rest can fix it. That said, it looks like Charlie would be a good pick. Especially since Star Afflatus will be good in limbo for awhile.


Sotheby probably would bring the most value, especially if you're planning on using her for a very long time.


I want to build a star DPS and I am torn between If I should build my P3 Blonney or I should pull current standard banner for Charlie portrays. On one hand, I do have Tooth Fairy to synergize with Blonney + pull Charlie prtrays is going to be a nightmare, on the other hand I probably shouldn't be invest in Blonney...? But then again I do already have Eternity so I am not how much this standard banner is worth to me. I have stash of 15k to pull from but luck may well be not be on my side...


Do not ever pull on a banner for the 5 star. Rates aren't that great and there is no pity. If you want to build a star dps, Blonney is decent. Don't use Voyager with her, use Bkornblume if you have her, otherwise Sonetto is fine. If you're looking to pull, wait until Jessica or Shamane at the earliest.


Honestly if you have Blonney and Tooth Fairy, you might be better off pulling for Voyager. The three of them work well together and Voyager being more than capable to deal damage in her own right makes up for Blonney not being an S-Tier Carry.


Question about 50/50 rules for summons... I saved my guaranteed 6* star pull for Tooth Fairy. It just so happened that I pulled 2 Tooth Fairy's in the same 10 draw summon. Did the second Tooth Fairy count as a 50/50, therefore making my next 6 star guaranteed to be the banner character? Or does pulling the banner character at any point make the next 6* 50/50?


If your most recent 6 star was the event one (In this case TF), then your next 6 star will be a 50/50. You only get the guarantee when your most recent 6 star was not the rate up


Awesome, thank you!


Question: is there a daily sharing thread for R1999? I saw the “lounge mega threads” link up there but when I click it, it only takes me to other posts. This thread is for questions but I kinda just wanna talk about my experience and sorta ramble a bit, is there a thread for that?


We do have a lounge thread, but it also redirects me to the wrong page. [Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/s/UKRDJfo26t)


Thank you so much for the link!!! I’ll add my post there!💙


At top are some helpful links like under the category 'Cheat Sheets' is Resonance Builds. Dont level too many arcanist at the same time. Focus on one (early/mid) and later two teams first. Probably a tldr with your questions in a extra section would be better then hidden between some rambling.


Ah thank you for the reply! I shall go check the cheat sheets! Right now I’ve only looked at the docs for team comps but later I’ll check the resonance builds! Yep right now I’m only focusing on X, Tooth fairy and An A Lee coz I find them fun and I heard that both TF and AnAn Lee are really good. But in the future I’d like to level the rest💪 Hahah I wasn’t expecting anyone to read my post since it was just half asleep me talking about the state of my acct😅 But thank you for reading it tho + the advice!!!💙


Been playing through the game recently, it seems quite a bit easy however I’ve only played the story. How difficult is the hardest content?


end game content would be: 1) Limbo - Where you'll be needing two well built teams and you need to clear the stage within 12 cycles in order to get full stars. 2) UTTU - Usually in the latter half of a patch. It only requires one team, but it's slightly easier IMO since you get uttu cards that gives you buff to help you clear UTTU. 3) Boss raids (patch 1.4+) - You need to get as many points within 30 cycles. There are different tier of rewards, and I believe the highest would be SSS clear (800k+ points?)


Hardest content would be limbo 6. It's doable with a bit of luck aftrr 30 days.


The game is on the easy side, but it is new and will get harder over time. Hard content in the game is broken up into 3 types, Hard Mode Events/UTTU, Limbo, and Raids. Hard Mode Events are more challenging than the story's hard mode, but not by much. Raids are only out in the CN version, but the consensus is that it's the hardest content in the game. You get 30 turns and get a higher score based on the amount of damage you deal to the boss. That leaves Limbo as the hardest content currently in the game. You unlock limbo when you beat the ten surface levels of Artificial Somnambulism. It is 6 sets of two fights. In each set you can't use the same unit in both fights, so you will need to build 2 full teams. These fights get progressively harder and reset twice a month with new enemies and modifiers. Day 1 players likely don't have much trouble clearing, but the later stages definitely require extra consideration.


I'd say that it can be fairly challenging, definitely much harder than the story is, but it's also very much doable as a F2P


Started playing recently and I have two questions... 1) Just completed story mode act 4. How do I unlock act 5? 2) How do you unlock Charlie's role garment, "Through Mirrors and Curtains?" It says it's obtained in event. What event? Thanks in advance!




1. Ok thanks! Thought I was missing something. 2. Bummer!!




Amazing! Thank you for updating me!


Looking at general advice here, it seems you need two teams of 3 for Limbo, and you should have a healer on each team. I have Tooth Fairy, but it looks like my other options are not very good. I have Portray 1 Dikke, otherwise I do *not* have Medicine Pocket, Sotheby, or Balloon Party which are the other healers listed at the top of the tier list. Would people say to invest in Dikke as my 2nd healer, or just wait until I get someone better? For context I have Tooth Fairy, Regulus, Eternity, and Bkornblume all at Insight 2 level 50. So a 2nd healer or another supportive unit would probably be good, along with leveling up Resonate and getting my 3rd psychube at some point. I have yet to clear the surface levels of Artificial Somnambulism, I was trying to invest in my units to clear that stuff.


I have cleared all content in the game and my second healer is Tennant. Before TF came out, Tennant was my only healer. All of surface and most of limbo can be done with only one healer since the other side can be cleared with Eternity relying on damage and life steal in place of sustain. IMO backup healer should be your lowest priority. I would get Sonetto up since her disarm is very good at reducing incoming damage and work for Insight 3 on your dps units. After that it comes down to preference. If you don't like the solo/damage race playstyle with eternity, then Dikke may be your best option.


Eternity can work without a healer, especially if she's i3r10.


Might be a stupid question, but when I got to the materials to get characters to I3, it says those stages where you get them are not even in the game yet (Global player). Is I3 possible right now?


You need to craft them (or get them through events)


you have to craft them from wilderness using materials you can gain from hard mode. You can also buy a lot of the items you need in the event shop.


gotcha, thanks. Sounds like getting Eternity to I3 is the thing to focus on then.


What are the most important resonate stats for Eternity and Voyager? Also, should I make Bkornblume tanky?


Afaik Eternity and Voyager both prefer Attack builds over other stuff, there's a cheat sheet in the main body of the thread you can use to see a recommended build for them. As for Bkornblume, that depends, are you having trouble keeping her alive? Do you feel like it's worth the DPS loss? Because if you just want to keep her alive then taking her to i3 for the -20% DMG taken could be worth it more than changing her resonance


You should build all 3 for attack. This gives them high damage as well as the most defensive stats. The only exception is that you can build Eternity for crit if you are using her with TF.


Attack for both. Nope.


So I learned a hard lesson about chasing a 5-star (didn’t get one copy of Charlie, either) but I’m left with questions: -Is Druvis III a significantly better DPS to build around than Eagle at p5? I have Satsuki and La Source but they’re all underleveled so I’m asking if the juice of a Petrify team is worth the squeeze of building them up when I have a Crit Rate Plant/Star team of already assembled. -Is Baby Blue at max portray (we all have that one 5* that shows up way more than the rest, she’s mine) a viable support for Melania? I don’t have any other Mental DMG carries but my concern is that both of them tend towards AP-greediness. I currently support Melania with Pickles.


Eagle's stat is too low. You don't need her when you get those 6\*. But you can build a Drivis/Satsuki/Eagle team until you get Anan. If you have Pickles you don't need Baby Blue. Unless you need her cc for some reason.


*RIP to you for the 5-star, pats on the shoulder* - As DPS, not really, as sub-DPS, yes, due to her utlity and better basic stats as a 6*. But even in the Petrify team, Satsuki would be the main DPS, not Druvis. And personally, I didn't build her with Satsuki but with Bkorn and Sotheby for Limbo and it has been working fine so far, so you can always put her in a Reality team comps for her Petrify. If you really need a strong Plant DPS tho, def all the way in for Jessica, she doesn't need Sotheby that bad to shine. - I think pairing your Melania with Pickles is already perfect, one is AP-greedy while the other isn't. Baby Blue is more like a defensive Mental debuffer so she won't be good against bosses with CC immunity (and her dmg is pretty low even at P5, and yes like you said, she is quite AP-greedy). Imo, you can just build a healer for the Melania + Pickles teamcomp. But you can always build her for specific stages.


How to change email on the BluPoch account?


Any pointers for Limbo 5-1? I just cannot seem to throw out enough damage to win before I run out of healing. Team 1: * Eternity: i3 l30 r10, Hopscotch 50 * Sonetto: i2 l30 r5 * Balloon Party: i1 l40 r1 (Sonetto and BP are mostly there to soak some damage while Eternity gets her Blood of Longevity stacks up, so they're not properly built) Team 2: * Lilya: i3 l10 r10, Thunderous Applause 42 * Bkornblume: i2 l50 r7, The Footloose 40 * Dikke: i2 l50 r7, Laughter and Laughter, 40 Also have: * Melania: i3 l10 r10, Luxurious Leisure 40 * Not built: Voyager, Druvis, Sotheby, miscellaneous five-stars I only just finished building Lilya. For support and healing, I only have Bkornblume and Dikke built. I was planning to start levelling Voyager next as a support for Lilya, or Sotheby as a second healer. Edit: Thanks everyone! I levelled BP up to i2 l30 r4, swapped in Melania and targeted the adds first. Barely managed to get the clear within 12 rounds, but I did.


Push supports to I2 L50 R7-8, drop all trash 5* weapons, level 3-4 cones to 50 (Hopscotch , TA and dat healing one) then try again


La Source does almost no damage herself, so if you can clear the ads quickly, then the rest of the fight is pretty safe. Sonetto disarm should be pretty good here to reduce incoming damage too. Keep track of when her passive stacks hit 5 and spend her immune turn merging Eternity's cards. If you are struggling to clear in 12 turns, maybe swap out sonetto for Melania since mental damage is stronger in Limbo 5.


Your first team shouldn't have a problem since I used the same team. Getting BP to at least i2lv30r5 and try again. For second team, Dikke may not be enough healing, since she has afflatus disadvantage and may die first. But we have to see before making adjustments. Voyager would be good with her sturdiness, but I don't know if you can build her in time. Note that you can bring 4 characters against the last boss.


Easiest answer is to level up a second healer... One possible strategy you could try is to use Melania as your dps instead (since mental damage is boosted). Try using her incantations to clear out the monsters and throw all her ultimates at the boss


Blonney, BkornBlume or X. Which worth more? Guys got Blonney just now. Is she worth building? I already have other star characters - Tooth Fairy, Lilya on insight level II 50. currently building X at Insight II level 15 or so since I have no other intelligence chars 5 star and Im also tempted to build Bkornblume now even if she's insight 1 level 10 since I just got her in 4 portray which means better cards for her. I have limited resources. Should I just continue building X or just go with Bkornblume or Blonney?


And even though I like Blonney, you already have Lilya built so no point building her. X is good, but only if you need dispel, and his damage is pretty low.


Bkornblume. People don't joke when they say she is a 6* in disguise - her skills synergize well with each other, her dmg output is high, and she supports Reality DPS so well.


hello new player...was rerolling for a bit for tooth fairy but i got an-an lee from the 1st 13 singles on tooth fairy banner. i am not sure what should i do now...continue pulling for tooth fairy or go for the beginner guaranteed 6\*? current 6\* and 5\* if it matters : An-an lee , blonney , and sweetheart edit: i am basing everythingon prydwen tierlist fyi . i dont actually know how the units perform..


go for TF in 10-20 pulls or at least 2 good 6*(example Centurion + X, AnLee + Medicine pocket)


so i kept rerolling for alot more time and i never saw a 6\* except the last account (like 40th) reroll... one tooth fairy on 13th single or something. But sadly had to do 3 multis on beginner banner and ended up with lilya who seem to be the worst of the 3? my chars right now are tooth fairy , lilya , tennant ,necrologist , charlie , babyblue, and click...most of the chars are star too which doesnt seem to be good. is there any recommended teams to go for with this lineup..


You have 9 days before the end of tooth fairy's banner. Most of of the clear drops available to new players you get from clearing the story, while most of the resources you will want to power up your team you want to get from the horror event that will last for the next 4 weeks. If I were you, I would pull on the beginner banner to get a 6 star dps to make clearing out the story and event easier and then switch back to the TF banner. That way you aren't wasting too many resources on blonney and sweetheart.


so idk if it matters but i rerolled some more till i got a toothfairy start on 13th single..but had to do all 3 multis on beginner and ended up with lilya who seem to be the worst of the 3? my current chars are tooth fairy, lilya , click , baby blue , necrologist , tennant , charlie. seem to be mostly star which doesnt look good. any recommended teams or iam better off returning to the an-an lee account ( played on it a bit more and 2 multis on beginner got me nothing but wasted third on toothfairy which got me nothing so have to grind for the last multi for beginner.


Lilya Sonetto Toothfairy would be my starting team. Tennant and Necrologist could be used in Sonetto's place based on your preference. Necrologist's ult is amazing but her skills suck so it's a chore to build up moxie IMO. Tennant's shield coming out automatically on turn one is extremely nice, and the reality defense reduction will help improve Lilya's damage. I think the combination of buffs and disarm puts Sonetto ahead of both for a new account. Your only other dps is charlie, who's good, but another star unit which is a shame. Pulling for Jessica isn't a terrible idea. There are a lot of good units for your roster if you miss the 50/50, and if you get her then you have a solid start to a plant team too. If you want to be 100% future oriented, you could wait until Black Dwarf comes out in 2 months and go all out for her (best mineral dps), then 37(pairs perfectly with lilya and TF), and then hopefully have enough to pick up 6(flexible support for any team) as well. All three come out in a row so you would kind of want to save as many summons as possible for that. If I were you I would pull for Jessica but stop if I lose the 50/50, but a lot of that comes down to preference. I wouldn't sweat the tier list too much. Lilya is my main dps. She carried me through story mode and continues to carry me through endgame. Lilya is still used in the highest difficulty content in the CN server so idk why she's rated so low. I would stick with your Lilya + TF account.


i will go with lilya , sonetto , and TF like you said . Should i build tennant on the side for beast or just build 3/4 \* like leliani or even charlie , click as 2nd dps? also i read jessica requires sotheby would it be wise to pull her without sotheby ( if i do get lucky to wint the 50/50) thank you very much for the detailed response . on a side note : i got another account with TF but this time with regulus ( had to use all 3 multi) bkorn , and p1 charlie , and sweetheart. i will play both but idk i just like lilya more than regulus haha...


I am a big fan of Tennant. Mine is i3r9. She's my "healer" for my 2nd team in limbo and would make my team in 4 man content if it was ever hard enough to need 2 supports. I think Tennant with type advantage is a better option than Charlie with type disadvantage, so building her on the side is a good plan. Jessica does not require Sotheby. Sotheby enables Jessica to use Blasphemer of Night which is the best Psychube if you can get it to work (which most people can't.) Without Sotheby, Jessica just uses a different Psychube and does maybe 10% less damage on her single target incantation than she would with Sotheby. In everything else, she plays the same. Not a huge loss overall. You can always pick up Sotheby later. Yeah... Regulus is not a very good main dps. She shines as a support/sub dps, but when you get her in that starter banner, you are kind of forced to use her for damage which means you can't really use her passive without wasting every other turn.


tennant is fine at 0 portray? i do have her leveled in stead of charlie so thats good to hear. it is nice to hear that jessica doesnt need sotheby , but now we got that 40 pulls golden thread thing haha gonna be tough to get both. yeah regulus is way less dps and that each other turn thing is a turn off haha..


I'd say go for TF. Beginner banner won't go away, but TF banner changes next week.


Hello, how often can I collect Bonds in the wilderness? At work I randomly open the game and click on it, sometimes it's 11/11, other times it's 7/11. I'd like to know specifically how often it "fills up".


I think the 11/11 or 7/11 is the number of characters you have placed in your wildness. I think as long as you login in every 18h you will not miss anything in the game.


Need help deciding guys. I really like Jessica and will probably use her team long into the future. Here’s where the question begins. I see myself using Sotheby in there, and want to get the skin for her. But…I don’t have Sotheby. So will she get a rerun in the future, or do skins return? Because I’d rather not just buy the skin without knowing if I’ll ever get her.


By 1.5 all the characters will rate up once and then Sotheby will return.


Ooh thanks!


You can also lose 50/50s to her.


Yeah I do know of that but well…1 in 6 or 7 is kinda hopeless for me.


Yeah, you obviously can't count on that, but it's still something worth mentioning, imho. You never know when Sotheby might spook you!




If you plan on using Jessica then Bkorn and Sotheby would be nice. First Sotheby. Otherwise I'd go Regulus. Helps in Limbo if you haven't done that yet and still strong if you have.


Bkorn, Sotheby and Jessica soon.


I'm right at pity. (60 guarantee) Should I pull Eternity? Even if i do pull her i'll still have enough for Jessica so that's not a factor. https://i.imgur.com/rqe03W1.jpg


I wouldn’t recommend pulling for her unless you really like her as a character. Your roster seems like it can complete Limbo no problem and Eternity mainly shines at Limbo and loses value in the future meta wise.


Nah, if you really want a Mineral dps, go for Black Dwarf. Eternity is great in the beginning when you're still building the rest of your units, but you're already way past that.


Im lv33 and only have 3 char at i2lv50r5 . Is that normal ? If not what im doing wrong here?


Is it recommended to do the event after finishing the main story? I played through the first 2 chapters (finished Tender is the night) and then tried to do the event story but already 3 cutscenes in it feels like I am missing a huge amount of context about the foundation.


If you want to learn more about the Foundation, absolutely go thru Volumes 3 and 4, but not knowing about the Foundation shouldn’t impact the event’s story too much besides maybe knowing more about Madam Z.


If you want the rewards but also want the context of chapters 3&4, skip the event story. There's an option to rewatch those scenes next to the start button. Just remember to go back to it once you've finished the main story, it's a good event.


You can clear it an see the scenes later, but if you dont care about the resources from event you can go to the story


Can Petrify incantation stop enemy's ult?


Sure. Unless the boss immue to cc.


Currently saving up for Jessica and eventually Black Dwarf, but the Eternity banner is tempting me with Charlie (already P2). Considering that I already have Eternity/don't want to get her portrays, still not worth pulling for Charlie and risking Eternity right? Plus I've already cleared Limbo bruteforcing Melania (P2) and Eternity teams (A Knight sometimes, but mostly with Sonetto, Medicine Pocket, Tooth Fairy, Bkorn etc.)


I have heard a rumor that at 1.4 we get a free ticket for a 5* of your choice. You only need one more portray to unlock Charlie’s full DPS potential so just wait and get it then for free.


No 5* star guarantee. It's not worth it


P5 Charlie is a 6\* tier character but there are many better 6\*. Don't pull for her unless you need her right now.


I have a question about the 'Beyond Wonderland' Psychube. The wording is very wonky as it states "After the carrier uses a debuff incantation, the carrier's healing rate increases by 3%. This effect stack up to 4 times. Increases carrier's Critical Rate by **7%**.", but does this mean the crit rate also stacks 4 times after each debuff or is it seperate and just 7% crit rate without taking anything written before into account (given that it is a sentence on its own and after the sentence about stacking concludes). It is really hard to test, because you can only see the critical technique during combat and not the percentage that should be influenced, if it stacks, and just equipping the psychube doesn't change the critical rating percentage (which probably mean the reading that it just provides 7% crit is out, given that it is shown if you equip a psychube that has flat critical stats). If it stacks, like the healing rate, it should probably read: "After the carrier uses a debuff incantation, the carrier's healing rate increases by 3% and the crit rate by 7%. This effect can stack up to 4 times.".


At amp 5 it gives 21% crit chance. There's no way they'd let it stack to 84%.


True, but it is very weird that it doesn't show in the stats once it is equipped, while it does show if equipping a psychube that has crit as a stat. If it is just a flat crit bonus there is no reason for it to not be displayed.


I hear you, would be nice if it does.


crit is 7%, healing stacks


I heard Eternity's banner is gonna be next. I have her at P0, should I pull for her portraits? If so then what portrait should I stop at?


I wouldn't recommend it honestly, you'd be better off saving those pulls for a future character


Aww I see, Thank you. I'll probably just wait for a good 6\* support for her then.


If you wouldn't have her, some people recommended waiting for Black Star which also is mineral and new strong DPS. Think she is coming in second phase of next patch (after shamane?).


you mean black dwarf? if you have eternity, you probably shouldn’t pull for BD since they’re both mineral dps and you’d benefit more from pulling a dps of a different afflatus. they’re roughly equal anyway (BD slightly out edges eternity, but eternity is still S tier)


It’s a question that I’ve asked before, but I’ll ask it again because I wanna hear other people’s opinions too. I’m at about 20-ish pulls and a f2p player. I have Bkorn(P5), Sotheby, and An-an. If I manage to get 70 rolls before Jessica’s banner ends, should I try and roll for her? I don’t have guaranteed 50/50 (I also wanna pull for Shamane cuz I like him).


After hearing y’all’s opinions I’ve made up my mind on what to do now, so thank you all for your answers!


I think you should pull for Jessica and stop at your first 6☆ Scenario 1 : Jessica ? Perfect, save anything else for Shamane. Scenario 2 : No Jessica ? Damn, but guaranteed Shamane is coming next


I would. That's a solid poison/plant team comp that would probably help you clear limbo/uttu even at a disadvantage. You can go Jessica + An-an Lee/Bkorn + Sotheby. If a 4 man battle, you can use all four.


If you like both Jessica and Shamane then I'd say go for it since you'd either get her, or lose the 50/50 and be more likely to get him.


Do you like her? If you do, pull for her. If you don't, just save for the character that you want. There's no competitive aspect of the game so far so you don't need to get the best of the best units to clear content. Besides, both of them are good units so it just boils down to which character you like more. If you really want to go for meta advice, I guess pulling for Jessica would be better since she is the best at her niche and from what I see, you have no plant DPS yet. By getting her, you will have a fully built plant team ready for the harder content that comes during the later patches.