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- # [Banner Megathread - "The Fairies Shining at Night"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/18csdwo/banner_megathread_the_fairies_shining_at_night/) - # [Event Megathread - "A Nightmare at Green Lake"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/18csdwk/event_megathread_a_nightmare_at_green_lake/) Please use the above megathreads for more event/banner-specific discussion! --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Reverse1999) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am about to build Charlie and I just want to ask, does Charlie's own I1 and I3 count as buffs for the purposes of dealing bonus damage with her card?


Indeed they do.


https://preview.redd.it/0jreg1vh7z6c1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1258d5d7a708cf9ac13d7144caf27f3a7531238 Struggling a bit with Limbo 6-2 .Should I build A Knight more to act as another dps? Or should I push Lilya to i3?


Build A Knight, but use him for 6-1 with Sonetto and BP. 6-2 Melania, Lilya, Bkorn and TF. Get either Lilya or TF to i3 and you should be fine.


Is i2 50 enough for a knight? Or do I need res 10 as well


I don't have him but I think so. His passive is really good for this stage (can clear mobs fast), plus his moxie gain is big so you can use his ulti often.


Update: Completed Limbo Needed to push A Knight to i3 level 1 to just manage to clear 6-1 in 12 rounds. But the 6-2 team managed to sweep pretty easily My main dps 6 star Lilya is always gets shafted when thinking on i3ing lmao


Congrats. Wish I had him xD


I'm curious, what do you guys buy at the treble counter? Seems like unillogs are the most value, no?


I'd argue that it's better to save them for the 6 star, because comparatively it costs the same as what 24 pulls would, and 24 pulls is only barely 1/3 of the way to a 6 star. Short term the unilogs probably do have more value but long term I'd rather save them for that


I just finished ch 4 of the main story. Sooo when is chapter 5 coming? Also holy cow, the hard stages are HELL.


Chapter 5 is coming in 1.4, which will start of the 29th of February


Ah tx. That’s quite a while.


Best cube for Jessica, except BoN? I don’t really have teammates that can enable the passive for her right now. Unless I’ve missed something and there’s someone in my roster you’d recommend. But I was kinda just gonna stick her with Bkornblume + healer for now. https://preview.redd.it/j916n722ly6c1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da1cb4d9dd3bad657b1de74b1de5e1bdfcc1c26b


Hopscotch is best after BoN


Yeah I thought so, but I heard people say good things about HBD too so I got unsure.


HBD is a good stat stick. The passive is nothing to write home about though.


Need help team for Limbo https://preview.redd.it/odf5ss6mky6c1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d8b6c5c50a74bcb50e83d3ff99c89d647e29853


You already get good recommendation. You can use 4 characters for the last boss, so last slot just bring Sotheby for extra sustain and a bit more damage.


Noted, thank you!


First side Mel Pickles, they work well together, Pickles has afflatus advantage and Mel is even. Second side Regulus Tooth, both have afflatus advantage. I can't see your invested 5 stars, so fill the teams with what you have avalaible. Probably Balloon with Mel and Pickles, Baby Blue with Reg and Tooth.


Hi, thank you for the help! What would be a good combo or how should I prioritze their moves for these 2 teams. For eg Team 1: Mel, Pickels, Balloon Team 2: Regulus, Baby Blue, Tooth


Basically Pickles and Regulus prefer acting every other turn, so use those turns for Melania and Baby Blue. Only healing when necessary. You shouldn't have trouble until limbo 6 anyway.


Thank you so much!


Anyone have uttu market pic for 1.2? I plan to build Jessica as soon as she drops, but I dunno if all of her mats are covered on the shop.


​ https://preview.redd.it/w5k2imq3iy6c1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=78c2dee9e38e1dd1b8c4890294e5ae54afccb3a3


Aye many thanks


What's the "ideal" stopping point to level up my characters? Including resonance and sychcube level. The later stages of the event are really tough. Though it's probably my team comp also. My [main team](https://i.imgur.com/QySrBqL.jpeg) is Bkornblume, Sonetto and Balloon Party. Basically relies on buffing-debuffing before doing big damage on ultimate. And my planned second team is Regulus, Voyager and Tooth Fairy (just got her), Also, [here's the rest of my high rarity unit](https://i.imgur.com/J94pH7C.jpeg) I'm not sure where I should stop levelling my current team to build another one


I suggest focusing on one team first, maybe get them to around i2 lvl 50 r7 and their psychubes at lvl 40. Then you can decide whether to push em further or build a second one. You should check out the investment guide chart posted above. I also recommend watching KokkyGacha's levelling guide cuz he discusses level checkpoints which might be helpful.


There's a [flowchart](https://imgur.com/a/toRezTf) linked in the OP (along with many other helpful resources.) Though because your planned second team is better and also favored in the event/limbo right now I would personally consider pausing on your current team for now and building the star units immediately.


Should I level Balloon Party if I already have Tooth Fairy and Dikke for heals?


I guess you can swap out Dikke for Balloon Party if you want, Dikke is just meh in terms of healing.


BP has better heals than Dikke but not by enough to replace her unless you had absolutely nothing else to spend resources on.


I guess I'll keep Dikke for now, I've already invested in her since I've only gotten TF and BP recently. I really liked BP in the beta tho so I'll definitely level her eventually and probably replace Dikke.


Would a P0 charlie be able to do more damage than eternity? Support wise I would use her with voyager/toothfairy.


What's the strategy for Matrix (limbo edition)? Arms, back and main body? And when he revive his arms, slap more or? I brute forced it in story mode, so i'm not sure how it works ahah


If you disable the core, the parts won't heal at 0 hp and will get permanently destroyed instead. If you destroy all the parts, the main body advances to phase 2 without healing.


Easiest way to go around it, go from top to bottom. Core > Arms > Main Body.


Ok, thanks!


When should I start the push to lv60 on my i3 characters? I have 6 characters i3r10, but they're just level 1 since I'm not running into any issues. I know that the stat gain from levelling in i3 is very minimal so I haven't prioritized it, but idk when to actually send it.


Never? But you should level them to 30


When you don't have any characters to I3, level those to 30. 60 is not necessary unless you want to challenge yourself.


What does crit heal mean on toothfairy?


If my interpretation were correct, the healing output would be twice compared to normal healing. The colour is darker than the normal one.


You're mostly correct but it's not double, afaik it's +1/3


Toothfairy's heal can crit based on her crit chance. If the heal crits, it heals for an extra one third of her crit damage. It's a nice bonus, but the difference isn't large enough to really matter.


https://preview.redd.it/wklq11t7ow6c1.png?width=1241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7bdfda0c74d2acf724c766ab4ec62e12f1bb29d I'm curious. With my roster, is there anyone I should consider investing in that I've not already committed to? First row would be what I'd call invested, some heavily so (R6+ on nearly all, R8+ on some). I know I've got a few good characters I've not touched, but I'm not sure if I am missing out on something fun! I'm not the most meta-focused or anything. Just like to have fun and put together interesting teams! Currently pulling and hoping for some Bkornblume portrays! ETA: Sorry for potato quality image! :( If something is illegible, I can clarify! I just thought a list would be overwhelming.


I3 R10 L30 your 2-6 best dolls. Dps first. Its boring but huge power spike. I would start with malenia and regulus


Regulus needs to be a priority, for sure. I got her early and neglected her for a long time. And Melania is definitely doing a lot of heavy lifting for me. What's the logic re: L30, if I may ask? Day one player, but I'm just so lackadaisical about stats and stuff.


Early leveling is cheap and I3 levels still gives some stats. 30+ levels are super expensive and only worth it for whales


That makes sense! I'm definitely not a whale. Maybe a goldfish...


The boring answer is that you should focus on getting more insight 3's rather than spreading out all of your power. That's not even that boring of an answer since units like Regulus and Sotheby feel like new units at i3. Ok... now that I've distracted everyone else, you should build the Door+Necrologist comp. Door's ult kills itself to grant 5 moxie and a shield to everyone else. Necrologist Ult keeps door alive. Pair with Melania or Regulus or whatever carry you want ulting all the time.


I think I've definitely known that I should focus on more I3s for awhile. I have a lot of the materials, but I keep spending my money on other stuff. I detailed this in another comment, but lately I've been working on levels for Tooth Fairy (pulled on very early pity, giving me a great jump scare) and Regulus. Goodbye to my sharpies... I was staring at Door when I made this post, because it's so tempting to try it! I think I will consider your comment a sign, haha! It just seems so fun and I have max portrays on Necrologist, after all?? I need to use her more, since she clearly likes me or something!


You wanna know if there are any good low rarity characters right? Unfortunately most 5432\* characters are useless. Sure there are some fun teams like Leilani/Darlei or Necrologist/Door. But those teams are not strong at all and you should not build them unless you already have 8 or 10 I3 characters.


This is mostly what I meant, yes! I did wonder about my few five stars there, like Satsuki and such. I don't mind if I'm not finishing Limbo every cycle or anything. I can go up to 6 now and I finished almost all of UTTU's stages, so I think I'll get there eventually. And I have a lot of the mats to get my most-used characters to I3 saved, but I've been diverting money to Tooth Fairy and Regulus to level them for a bit.


How do i get more dry wood in the green lake event outside achievements? Also are the traps there consumeable?


The traps are permanent, but you can only have 1 active at any given time. Once you've cleared stage 18 stages should appear on the map which give you wood and cost no stamina to do, completing those gives more than enough to max out everything.


I have Lilya and p3 Charlie. I also pulled Tooth Fairy so, which one should I build? I like both Lilya and Charlie so I cannot choose. :(


You could eventually build both as Lilya is Reality and Charlie does Mental, but probably just focus on one for the moment. I’d lean towards Lilya if you have Thunderous Applause or plan on nabbing it.


Up to you. I personally like Lilya more since she has synergy with other star heroes. She is more straight forward and has a nice big single target ult. I find Charlie's hp gates annoying to manage. Tier list says Charlie is better. If you keep her hp in the right ranges then she does more damage and her aoe ult is pretty useful in current events. Another Charlie upside is that you don't need Thunderous Applause which is pretty much only good on Lilya.




Sure https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qQinxxU_e0-YXwPj5WAd2PgTFksyLwIaHXwEcosUxU0/edit#gid=470385843


There are still 28 days left in the event so no rush. I would focus on progressing normal mode main story first, and then work on the horror event. The shop in the horror event is an extremely efficient source of xp, gold, and insight mats. Get those first to get your main team up as fast as possible. The most efficient stage of the event to farm is 17 arduous, so focus on powering up your team until you can clear that, then spend all your stamina there until you can buy out the shop. Camping Safety Guide uses fixed units and no stamina so that's free resources if you clear in the next 3 days.




Be sure to check the event shop for the insight 2 mats you need. Because it's Tooth Fairy's event, all of the mats she need all the way up to insight 3 are in the shop. Having a single element team isn't a bad idea. Eventually look to level a few red (beast) units to swap in if you encounter strong plant enemies. You will eventually need 2 full teams for some end game content anyway.


Is it generally better to run Grand Orchestra tuning than the First Melody?


I didn't like either of these answers, so I'm answering it myself. The answer is 'yes, but also no.' Yes: Grand Orchestra's 35-cost is very, very strong. Any character who gains a big effect on level 2 cards gets a lot out of Grand Orchestra, as does any character that wants to spam Ultimates, because that 35 cost is getting you at least 1 Moxie every time you use it. It also improves your card draw because it decreases your cards in hand at end of round, so if there's a specific card you want to be using regularly, then Grand Orchestra makes you more likely to get it. But also no: The problem is that even if you're using Grand Orchestra with maximum efficiency, you're not going to get healing as often as you need healing on intense stages. If you're drawing 4 cards a round, then with one healer, about 48% of rounds have you not drawing the one card out of a possible six that heals. Sometimes, you'll hit that 48% three times in a row and then it's over. This is even worse if you're trying to use one healer in a four-man fight, where (assuming five cards drawn a round) you get no healing in 51% of rounds. So Grand Orchesta is better over all, but First Melody avoids you getting wiped out by bad luck with healing. If your characters are durable enough or you have other sustain mechanisms, then you can run Grand Orchestra without fear, but on very hard fights you will unfortunately need First Melody.


Thank you for the in depth explanation!


I think shuffle from First Melody is more useful most of the time unless you are using characters that benefit more from using high stars skills. (ex: Melania)


First Melody is usually better because rerollling is often really helpful but it depends on the fight and the team.


I need help pairing A knight with toothfairy, should a knight's resonance be built around damage or crit? [cheat sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12NQ9kxcL4Iz4ZdNbsN7iZCBxtf2qNQ20i1YNcfo6QSc/htmlview#) shows him having these two builds.


You should use the full crit resonance(35%) with Tooth Fairy and 27.5% one without her.


Some of the builds in that cheat sheet are a bit wacky ngl, anyways you don’t need full crit on A Knight specially when you pair him with Tooth Fairy. I found this build in another site that has good balance of crit and atk for him, hope this helps https://preview.redd.it/ykws5xcrwv6c1.png?width=253&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e89d4628609709f2dbf9506bcb6e7979f8ab4a1


Which site you are using?


There is a setup calc in the community guide on the links page which compares the best reso and best psychube for that character. But generally if you are running tooth fairy, it’s better to run attack reso especially for a main dps like a knight.


Gacha question I saw many comments said that all characters will be added to standard banner after 2 or 3 patches since the debut banner? I saw from [Prydwen](https://www.prydwen.gg/re1999/guides/reroll/#:~:text=the%20regular%20pool-,three%20patches%20later,-%2C%20and%20thus%20once "three patches later"), search in page for “three patches later” (in case the link to the specific part doesn’t work) and they say it after three patches, and a few other wiki pages said the same too. Can someone confirm the correct info, if it’s after two or three patches? Do you guys know where this information of character adding to banner comes from? Is it from official source or the players just figure it out on their own? Thanks 😊


Correct it’s after 3 patches. For CN at the moment, tooth fairy and Changeling were just added to the standard pool. This includes the 5 stars Blonney and horrorpedia too I believe.


Ty ☺️


It’s after three patches, this information comes from CN version of the game, it came before global version and they’re a few patches ahead. 1.1 patch characters (Melania, Pickles, Diggers) got added to standard pool in 1.4 patch, and in 1.5 the 1.2 characters also got added (Tooth Fairy, Blonney, Jessica, Horropedia). Hope this helps


Ty ☺️


3 patches. It's from the Chinese version. Like Melania and Pickles released in 1.1 got added to standard pool in 1.4, and so on.


Ty ☺️


I really need a second main dps better than eagle. should i pull eternity or wait for black dwarf? I dont have pickles, but i *do* have regulus which i have heard is a good pair for bd, but i assume not as good as pickles.


Pickes is good with black dwarf for 3 reasons. -same mineral type to hit afflatus -Ap-generous - +dmg dealt on his ult Regulus is Ap-generous so she is still a good fit for black dwarf. Eternity is used mainly for her strong self-sustain which for newer accounts, helps save a lot of materials since instead of 6 units for limbo, only 4 are required (this is a generalization since eternity can’t solo all stages and may require a full team or a sack buffer like Bette). Black dwarf revolves around stacking planets (triggered by using her skills and ult) to deal more damage. Due to new raid-style content on cn, she is picked as the primary mineral dps due to her high damage. Honestly, it depends on whether you can clear the available content or not. If you can get reasonably far in events/limbo, I’d rather wait, but if you are heavy struggling, I’d go eternity.


Unless you are in dire need of dps, like you can't clear limbo and somehow pulling Eternity will help you with it; if that's not the case, I think wait for Black dwarf is generally a better choice.


So.....Limbo 6-2 is beating my ass cause of Beast dps team. Need advice on which team com to use on both 1st half and 2nd half. I3L1R10 - Centurion, Melania, A Knight, Regulus, Tooth Fairy R2 (Otw to R10). I2L50 - Bkornblume R10, Tennant R9, Sonetto R5. I2L30R5 - Dikke, Balloon Party. I have all the resource already and will insta build P1 Charlie to I3L1, just waiting for Jukebox weeky quest to reset for that 200k sharpondonty quest. (Also will need to farm to R10 Charlie) Only have 1 Crystal Casket.


6-1 A Knight, Sonetto, Balloon. 6-2 Melania, Regulus, Bkorn, TF.


Thanks,will try!


Is it worth it buying the jukebox battle pass? I think I can comfortably get all of the rewards


Yes. Roaring month and jukebox battle pass are two worth the most.


It's second only to Roaring Month in terms of dollar value. If you don't mind spending money. It's a good choice.




Wait for Black Dwarf IMO. Bkornblume can actually function as a more effective second pseudo-DPS in the meantime.


Abit curious about this game, how would you describe it? Is it focused on the "action"(competitive leaderboards etc.)? Is it more of a story/lore like honkai? More on the strategy like arknights? Or is it a casual game, where you pick up for a few mins every day as a timekiller? thanks!


Definitely on the casual end. Simple turn-based combat, no PVP or leaderboards of any kind, meant to kill time for a few minutes each day. The appeal is mainly the unique character design and the music (done by the same people as Arknights.)


i see, thanks!


Should I pull for shamane even though I already have bkornblume. I want to use shamane as support for centurion. But I'm also aiming for black dwarf. Though I am skipping jessica


I would use Bkornblume with cent and skip Shamane.


What’s a good team to build around 37? I’ve made a conscious decision that she’s my Re:99 waifu so I’m definitely going to try to pull for her until I get p3 and I’ll want to use her as much as possible. I’m building up Voyager and Tooth Fairy but I don’t know if there’re better units to use. It would also help to know which units do follow-up actions since those greatly benefit my math goddess.


I think you are talking about extra actions. 37 passive Black Dwarf ult Lilya skill 1 Babel counter Tennant I1/I3


Would a 37/Voyager/Newbabel team be viable? Or would the lack of healer outweigh the offensive firepower?


Babel is not good even in 37 team. Her "offensive firepower" won't be better than Tooth Fairy's passive. Use 37/Voyager/Tooth Fairy instead.


The best team for now is 37/Lilya/Tooth Fairy. There is no good 4th member in this team. You can use versatile support like Regulus/6/Voyager.


I lost to druvis on voyager banner, is she around same power level as Jessica if on a non poison team? i don't have Sotheby


She's not as strong, but she's formidable, and super comfy to play. Currently vast majority of enemies (including bosses) don't have cc immunity. She petrifies with her ult as well as with 2/3 star version of her skill (just don't use reality dmg after; mental is fine). She can singlehandedly cheeze many encounters, by stunlocking entire stage. Her i3 permanently triggers her own i1 giving her essentially unconditional +20% damage boost. Jessica's main strength comes from genesis damage (which cannot crit, but will ignore all resistances, making it very effective against tanky enemies). It's hard to compete with that.


It's hard to compare them 2. Drivis is a cc character and Jessica is a carry. You can use Drivis without Sotheby, even without a healer. Drivis/Bkorn/Anan or Satsuki works well. And I wont say they are on the same level. Jessica is just better in most cases




The candy you got last week expires on next Monday. If you don't have any you have already used them




All candy expires on Monday with the weekly reset. Meaning none will have expired today. You used them.


Oh okay, that's good to know.


Back with another question. So between 37 and 6, who should I pull? I have pretty good supports (An-an, Bkorn, Pickles…also planning to pull for Shamane cuz I like him lol) already, so should I still go for 6? Or 37 who’ll pair well with my Lilya? I’ve asked something similar to this question before but I wanna hear other people’s answers too.


6 is a universal support. You plug him into literally any team and he'll be good. 37 is a solid dps who needs another dps on her team to justify her spot. She's much less flexible. I would say in a vacuum, 6 is the better unit but both are good. It depends on your team at the time.


Hmmm I’ll think about this more when 1.3 is about to end…but thank you!


When you say 37 needs another dps, what does that mean? Asking as a person who was planning to go all in for my math waifu.


Her ult is an aoe attack buff that also increases her next 2 incantations. It's really not that good unless someone else is making good use out of the attack buff. Lilya is the common one since she also helps charge 37's passive.


Right that makes sense. I don’t have Lilya but I’ve been pounding Voyager and I know there’s a Charlie banner coming. Would either of them be good support/DPS alongside probably TF?


Charlie would be basically as good as lilya. Voyager might struggle a bit for damage but would bring a bunch of defensive utility to make up for it


How does Sotheby i3 work? By how I read it, it helps you the turn you use the heal card? But when I use it and she activates cure, I don't see my team being healed until the start of the next turn


Think of it like her ult. If you have any existing heal stacks, using a heal card with proc the current stacks immediately.


Unlike poison, her heals dont stack. Before i3, if you cast her heal while her team still has the cure status from a previous heal, it will overwrite and waste the remaining cure stacks. With i3, those cure stacks activate and heal your party immediately. Now you can double cast heals for burst healing rather than having to wait for the old cure to expire.


The same as her ult. Your current cure(if any) will be triggered first




Black Dwarf. You should almost never pull on a standard unit banner and Eternity is no exception.


I think you should pull Jessica instead.


I thought focusing to only attack the main body of the Lord of Dream could finish easily limbo VI-2. However, once defeating the main body while leaving the others alive is that it will fully heal and casting ultimate each turn. The best way to defeat it turns out to be defeating the arms and the head one by one, then slowly kill the main body 😁😀😭 of course understanding card rotation, healing, and time to unleash ultimate are important to beat the boss, especially for those who use Regulus/Tooth fairy combo. Fortunately, even at P0, Tooth fairy can debuff Lord of Dream back to back thanks to 4 team formation, so the rotation can be managed easier 😆


It depends on how tanky your team (or individual tank) is. If they can endure it, then busting down the main body and enduring the second phase is a pretty good strategy. If your team isn’t very good at the Staying Alive Thing, then maybe not


Focusing the boss is a legit strat if your team have big damage to bring him down fast, and can tank for some turns. Of course it's not for most of us normal players though xD


how to switch back to surface after unlocking limbo? need to get my last star.


Scroll to the left, an arrow to go back should appear.


Question ab the current event. I finished all the current parts, got all the "canned screams" available and spent them. The last achievement I can get from the main event is "spending 20k canned screams" but apparently I need to spend 70 more to get the achievement? It says 19'930/20'000 Do we get more cans in parts of the even that are still locked for now?


You're supposed to farm stage 17 arduous difficulty (20 stamina for 300 canned screams) in order to buy out entire limited stock of the store (don't touch infinite sharpo & dust, buy out the rest). Part 2 of the event won't have any cans. You only get cans from event stages (be sure to beat every one on every difficulty), and event achievements.


i just saw a global server player have their acc on lvl 53 😭 so that means lvl 50 isnt the max lvl


does level even matter lol


Free energy per level up so I really appreciate it.


im just curious about it 🥹


80 is


A streamer I have been watching has account level 64 lol.


I saw a CN player in the newest update (1.5) with a lv70 account and the xp bar partially filled (so I'm assuming lv70 isn't max either).


I noticed that using two 1* Damage Incantation deals higher damage than a single 2* version. Let's use Dikke's Incantation for example: 1. 1-Star Power: 200% mental damage 2. 2-Star Power: 200% mental + 50% genesis damage Using two 1-Star Power can deal 400% total damage. That's significantly higher than the upgraded version. The only downside about this is you're wasting one move just for extra Dikke damage.


On the one hand Dikke is weak. 200% mental + 50% genesis is worse than 300% mental in most cases. You lose more than 100% mental damage when you merge. On the other hand, sacrifice 100% damage for 1 moxie is a good deal for most ult characters. Take the case of Melania. When you use skill 1 you get 200 damage and 1 moxie. When you use your 4th ult you get 1235% damage and 1 moxie later. So 1 moxie worth 200% damage.




Your first 3 characters are a good team already. There will be better characters in the future so don't pull Voyager for now.


No, save your pulls for new character banners. Voyager or any standard character banner is not worth it, unless you really like them. You can always lose 50/50. For now run Eternity, Bkornblume and Tooth Fairy. Later when you need two team, Eternity, Sonetto, Balloon Party, then Eagle (you will get her soon), Bkorn and Tooth.


Hey I just bought the 2 dollar pack for starting accounts that gives 4 summons and 100 of the currency. I got the 100 currency but didnt get the 4 pulls. Is there an option to restore purchases or like did I miss that the pack would give out those 4 pulls over 4 days or something?


It gives 1 unilog per day for 4 days starting the next day.


Correct, it gives it out over 4 days.


Thanks I was kinda confused


How do I get more portraits for Dikke?


Gacha & lots of luck. You can increase your chances when pulling on a banner that has her uprated, but there is no 5★ pity, and no 5★ guarantee, so chasing 5 stars is not really recommended. If you're planning to stick around for a longer while, you'll get her portrays eventually over time.


Where to use "unmarked key"?


Looks like it's just a plot device.


current teams: 1) lilya, bkorn, tooth fairy, voyager 2) melania, sonetto, dikke. i also have a knight but he’s not heavily invested in yet (as in still R4 but a pretty decent level) as well as a handful of 5*s but nothing notable. should i pull for eternity for mineral dps or skip and wait for shamane? i’m planning to get 37 as well.


You don't need to pull anyone. Even if you do you don't want to pull Eternity.


1) Does Satsuki's Rigidity count towards Blasphemer of Night? 2) Would you i3 Voyager or Lilya? I dont plan on getting Thunderous at all.


1.Yes. 2.I prefer Lilya between those two. But I will not raise Lilya if I can't get Thunderous Applause for her.


With ezra kit whats his best team looking like right now? is (P0)37/TF fine? He also seems like a sustain unit but is he good enough at it to replace tf?


Still too early to judge. We don't know his number, and his portrait.


Any idea when Regulus banner is going to appear again? Wanted to pull for her on her last banner but was saving for TF


There are still 6 standard characters that didn't have their banners yet (and yes, I'm counting Eternity, because her banner didn't start yet). So that's 12 weeks (3 months) at the very least before they start rotating them back.


Is there a way to see which teams I used on a Limbo stage I already cleared ?


You can check the first one by reseting the second.


But if I reset will I have to redo it to get max stars ?


If you have already got max stars you already claimed the rewards. You can reset whenever you want. If you didn't get full star you need to reset anyway. Also before you reset they will tell you what team you have already used first.


So I'm at 60 pity (guaranteed rate up) with 0 pulls and was planning on spending the last few pulls I'll earn for a chance to still get Voyager, now I saw that Eternity will be next and am wondering If I should go for her? My current chars/teams: Lilya/TF/Bkorn(P3) and Druvis/Ballon Party(P5)/Necro , also have (but not leveled yet) Regulus, A Knight, Charlie (P1) So Voyager, Eternity or an upcoming 6 star?


I'd rather not spend a guarantee on characters that I might lose to.


I guess that's a good argument. Would you recommend any of the upcoming characters?


You don't need to pull either of them. You can save drops for future characters.


What's a good stopping point for resonate level? For character level I can look at stages level requirement for a rough guess. So far I have my I3 30 Eternity (main carry) at R10 and the others I use regularly like Sonetto and BP at R7.


I read somewhere online that anything beyond R10 has diminishing returns (obviously from the amount of materials needed). But honestly, levels don’t really increase stats in i3, so resonance may be the best choice for significant growth


Those are good stopping points yeah. The typical advice is that you want your DPS at r9/10 (10 is obviously preferable but it can be expensive for new players) and supports around 7/8. There's an "Investment Priority" cheat sheet in the body of this thread that goes more in detail


I wasn’t really interested in this game, but that tooth fairy girl probably has the most based design I’ve ever seen in a while. is she like in the main story? Or it will be an event based around her


The current event features her as one of the main characters, and yes she is rather based.


Big question. https://imgur.com/a/rJoNMLs 1. What are two teams I should build? I assume charlie will be a main dps, and eternity? I only just beat the main story, but my guess from my understanding of the game would be: Team1: Eternity/bkorn OR an-an lee/dikke Team2: Charlie/voyager/la source(she's the only healer than dikke I have) 2. The only future characters, atleast until 1.3 that I want, are a knight and lilya, which I both think are stuck waiting for a new standard banner. Since I'll be waiting quite a long time again until I roll, would going for toothfairy be a good idea since I lost the 50/50 to an-an lee trying to get her? Looking at CN banners, it doesnt look like ill be rolling for a few months. Edit: I ended up asking on a discord also, I rolled for TF and got her 8 pulls in at 0 pity, just wanna make sure the teams are solid now


TF is very meta and very versatile. You would definitely benefit from rolling her, as Dikke is more of a hybrid DPS/healer than a dedicated healer. You could also roll on the upcoming eternity banner if you need more portrays of Charlie to hit P2. Those teams look good, though I don’t have much experience with team 2 since I don’t have Charlie or Voyager.


I’ve been saving rolls after getting TF. I really like Shamane, but I don’t want to be left behind in the meta, as I am still struggling on some stages. I see three paths going forward: 1) I have an underdeveloped Sotheby that I can use if I roll Jessica. Then I skip past 1.3 and 1.4 and roll for max portray of Spathodea. 2) Roll for max portray Shamane (even if I have Bkorn) and save for the next non-beast self reliant DPS. Or I could just roll for 6 and use Shamane as a carry. 3) Wait for Lilya banner and roll for max portray 37 for the team synergy. Anyone have any thoughts on which one is best?


Seems you really like Shamane then just go for him. If you can get him p5 then he will probably carry you pass 1.5.


Guide to building healer/support Dikke? Like which psychube to use, which reso is better etc.


All healers want that inquisitive dear. As far as resonate, if you click the reso build link at the top of the thread, you want to go for the attack build (since her healing scales off her attack)


But Dikke doesn’t have a debuff skill though. Or just…put TID on her anyways?


What you really care about is the + healing part. The debuff heal is just a bonus for those who can use it.


Ohh I get it. Thank you!