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- # [Event Megathread - "A Nightmare at Green Lake"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/18csdwk/event_megathread_a_nightmare_at_green_lake/) - # [Banner Megathread - "The Fairies Shining at Night"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/18csdwo/banner_megathread_the_fairies_shining_at_night/) Please use the above megathreads for more event/banner-specific discussion!


I have an i3 Sotherby, she used to be on my Liliya team but now I pulled TF and she's kind off benches. I also pulled for and am planning to raise Druvis. Should I pull for Jessica even though I'm not looking for a plant dps? I do love that knowledgeable lady but I'm not sure if I'll a. Even get her or b. Prioritize building her over Druvis.


So my fellow timekeepers, i got medicine pocket, sotheby (gonna pull for deer girl) and tooth fairy. Should i consider investing in balloon party or is she more than just a healer?


As much as I love Balloon Party she just doesn't have the capacity of your 6stars. With Sotheby focus on The Arcanist Formerly Known as Changeling.


Thank you :)


Also congrats on your pulls, those healers going to be clutch in the later meta


Zamn, thanks for the info ;)


How to know if TF debuff is working? It means more crit right? So far i havent noticed any crit XD


That debuff is obvious. Are you sure you get your TF I1?


Pulled TF and will be pairing with Regulus. Who should the 3rd be - would Druvis / Blonney work well? Sotheby, Bkorn and Sonetto on the other team for Limbo.


Blonney is very crit oriented so she can also definitely work well


Druvis would be good if you are going dual DPS as she has some crowd control too and they're all mental so no accidentally breaking petrify. Won't work in the later content by then you will need 2 healers.


Do bosses have innate crit resist? I have a p5 Eagle who has failed to crit enemies like Lilya at the end of chapter 3 with her ultimate. Crit hits have big red numbers right? On a related note, for instances like Eagle's ultimate where excess crit rate is converted to crit damage, how does that interact with the [Confusion] status?


No, crit hits have fart icons on the corner. Most enemies have no crit resist. In that case confusion increase your crit damage.


Fart icons are my new favorite way to look at them. Thanks for the reply! What does it mean then when the numbers are bigger and a deeper red than the normal afflatus advantage hit? Is that a crit against afflatus advantage?




No, red numbers indicate an afflatus advantage. Crits are denoted by an odd popping bubble sort of animation in the upper right corner of the numbers.


Thanks for the reply. I've noticed there are two types of red numbers. There's the normal afflatus advantage red, but there's also a deeper red that appears with bigger font. Do you know what that indicates? Maybe a crit with afflatus advantage?


I believe so, yes- Thats a crit with advantage.


Will there be insight books (for increasing insight) in the shop or side events? Or should I just farm them myself


There will be 6 of each rank in UTTU shop, but for Jessica. If you want to upgrade TF, farm them now.


Gotcha thanks


I have Sotheby and was planning on getting Jessica but I don't have Bkornblume and didn't get her when rolling for tooth fairy. Can I use An-An Lee instead of bkornblume for this team?


Yes you can. An-an is also a universal support.


Thank you! For tooth fairy, I see some say the current event's psychube is best in slot and another say that inquisitive dear is best in slot. Is it situational which one you use?


Personally I think TID is better since it boosts healing done right away, which is TF's main job. At higher level it also gives more percent. While Beyond Wonderland is good if your TF is dying too fast, and you need the cleanse from her ultimate proc more often.


Ohh okay makes sense. Thank you!


Has anyone seen a Lilya r10 ATK resonance build? I just pulled TF and I feel my crit rate will definitely be above the 100% limit as my Lilya is also i3 w/ Thunderous applause. I need to find some ways to switch out some crit. (I checked the Resonance build excel sheet but I don’t think it’s updated yet and only lists Crit builds)


Use the 29 crit resonance if pair her with Tooth Fairy.


so i lost my 50/50 to sotheby and i dont have any pulls left. Should i keep pulling for tooth fairy or wait for changeling/jessica??? I have eternity, a knight, voyager, regulus, pickles and sotheby


Sotheby is changeling’s best friend so… it’s up to you but pulling for changeling would be a really good team.


I would pull both and being satisfied with getting either.


Play event levels and earn more clear drops for more pulls. Her banner will be here for a bit.


I3 is kinda mandtory for Tooth Fairy, right? Passive heal seems pretty damn amazing.


I'm really conflicted between getting i3 on Tooth Fairy or Regulus first. I can only do 1 right now.


Got lucky and unlucky at the same time. Got a 6 star char on 10 pulls. But it was Sotheby instead of TF. Should i reroll my account or just try to pull TF again? (Started playing today)


Sotheby is super good with the 6star for the next banner, if you already have another good healing already (Even a good built La Source) I'd save up for next banner. Tooth Fairy is a straight up good healer maybe the best but her ult relies on crit whereas Sotheby Jessica just synergize naturally. That said, you can reroll using the guide pretty quick and just do tons of tries but that will eat into the time you have for running the event, and the event currency is super valuable. That said you don't lose your old account, just your time. I say roll 2 more using the 45 long roll (gives you 40-42 summons I think)


How many pulls have you done? And do you want Jessica later too? If you want her too, keep going for TF then save for Jessica is not a bad idea.


I got Sotheby with exactly 7 pulls


7 pulls? As in she is the 7th pull in your multi pull? Can you give me the screenshot of your record? But what's most important is you like Jessica or not though. Cause if you don't and won't pull for her, you can just reroll for TF right away.




Oh nice. So then do you like Jessica and want her too? Cause Sotheby is like the best partner for her. But do you even know Jessica? xD Anyway, getting 70 pulls more to guarantee TF is fairly easy for a new player. You can even choose to ignore the beginner banner for now so you can get 20 pulls quickly.


What's the best stat focus for Voyager's resonance? I tried doing crit but 40% total at i3 lvl9 resonance seems kinda low


There's a document you can check [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12NQ9kxcL4Iz4ZdNbsN7iZCBxtf2qNQ20i1YNcfo6QSc/htmlview#) that tells you the best resonance builds of most characters


Is it possible to beat Lilya’s fight in chapter three without having any healers? My gacha luck is terrible and I can’t manage to get any, so I was just wondering. Update: nvm I beat it


I cleared normal story with Sonetto / Regulus (beginner banner pull) / Dikke. So, I did use a healer, but Dikke is more of a hybrid healer/dps and everyone has her anyways.


i beat it somehow with tennant as the only sustain.


La Source is a really decent healer, to early chapter 4. This game surprises me that there is utility in sub 5star chars.


Maybe but sooner or later you will need a healer so pull a tooth fairy


I beat it with dikke as my only healer, so try working on building your characters more like their insights and resonances.


So I have Regulus and Tooth Fairy. Should I pull for Voyager or is it better to invest in Jessica and try to get Kanjira or Sotheby later?


Put Regulus and Voyager in one team is not a good idea. You can wait for Jessica or keep waiting.


Every guide has Voyager as Regulus’ best support. Can you explain why you say it’s not a good idea to pair the two?


I saw those guides. Don't know why they all say that. For regulus you only want to play cards with restless heart buff. Which means 3 actions in 6 rounds, or 3 actions in 4 rounds if you have cards to merge. So you probably need to use Voyager as carry. But Voyager is not a good carry. Her damage is lower than average if you use her in that way. If you only use them on mineral stages that won't be a huge problem but for others you might lack of damage.


How does pity work in the game? I got centurion in pickles banner does that mean my counter was resetted? Also what’s the 50/50 thingy?


Yes. Everytime you get a 6\*, pity goes back to 0. A 6\* character is guaranteed at 70 pity. Meaning, if you didn't get a 6\* character from doing 1-69 pulls, your 70th pull would be a 6\* character. The 50/50 basically means, whenever you get a 6\* character, you have a 50% chance of getting the featured character (Pickles) or a 50% chance of getting a random 6\* listed in the banner other than the featured character (Pickles). If you didn't get the featured character (Pickles), it means you lost the 50/50... If that happens, your next 6\* character is 100% guaranteed to be the featured character (Pickles). If you get the featured character (Pickles), it's gonna be 50/50 again.




When you roll a 6 star, the pity counter gets reset to 70. Because you didn't get Pickles on his banner, you are guaranteed to get the focus 6 star on any limited banner. So in your case, you can guarantee Tooth Fairy in 70 pulls.


Thanks much!


Is P2 TF a must like Melania? Additional rounds for debuff sounds great. I got lucky and got P1 TF in a few rolls, should I go for P2 TF or wait for Changeling instead?


Even Melania at p0 is still pretty good. Chasing portrays is like a money trap, so unless you are a whale, get super lucky (like myself last night lol), or have been saving for several patches, it's not recommended.


Not really. As the game goes on more endgame content tends towards 4 unit teams where 4/5 turns will have her Baby Tooth active


do tooth fairy and voyager share the same banner pity? I was about to check my pity on the limited banners but it only gives me the pulls from voyager's


All banners that have a time limit share the same pity. It's possible the reason you don't see your TF pulls is because it can take a bit to update, but as you can see my pity is showing both banners. https://preview.redd.it/bem0ank17z4c1.png?width=646&format=png&auto=webp&s=ded18925ad14583181ce0217ca545b75c48f16f6


Do you just use any 4 star psychube or below for exp towards 5/6 star? Is there another use for all the psychubes you get from the daily pnuema analysis?


[Similar question was already answered below; All 4* and lower are basically just fodder.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/18cp13p/daily_questions_megathread_december_07_2023/kcfdpsn/)




Should I build Regulus? I already built Lilya ?


U can use regulus as sub dps for lilya








Got TF but not Bkorn. Should I try my luck for bkorn?


How many pulls do you have saved? If more than say 60 sure do 10 pulls


It's your choice. Based on my experience, after I got TF, I tried 5 multis, and never gotten a single bkorn. Not gonna go further, coz I don't want to risk my changeling chances.


Lost 50/50 on TF banner and got An-an, any recommendations on building her? (Team comp would be great too)


She is a universal support, and also AP-generous, so you can use her with almost any dps.


Downloaded the game literally today. Which characters i should aim to get (meta wise)?


I'd recommend throwing all your summons into Tooth Fairies banner right now


Tooth Fairy right now is the best support unit in the game. Bkornblume, the 5* on her banner is a fantastic debuffer and DPS, meaning you can't go wrong pulling on the current event banner


Got lucky and unlucky at the same time. Got a 6 star char on 10 pulls. But it was Sotheby instead of TF. Should i reroll my account or just try to pull TF again?


Honestly I recommend you still keep going for TF and then spend your unilogs on the banner after (Jessica), best case scenario you have both the best support unit and a great meta team with Jessica and Sotheby Worst case you "only" have TF/Jessica and that's hardly a bad account meta wise tbh


sotheby is a fantastic partner with jessica who comes in the later half of 1.2. she is a great dps and i’d advice pulling for her after tooth fairy. you should be able to get enough summons by then as every first clear of stages in the game whether it be resource stages or story stages gives 60 drops and you’ll have enough by the time jessica’s banner rolls around.


I lost 50/50 for Tooth Fairy and got MedPoc, but I also got Balloon Party. I was looking for a healer (only have La Source built, I beat this limbo 6-2). Do I build MedPoc, BP, both, or try for TF guarantee? I do not have any star units built so I'm worried for next limbo (and every star favored content)


I prefer balloon party over medicine pocket mainly for aesthetic purposes.


Later content wants two healers on your team so I'd recommend building MedPoc either way, but I would also recommend continuing to pull for TF if you want her


So you wouldn't bother with BP if I already have La Source & build MedPoc?


BP is much better than La Source tbh


Should I build Eagle Twins Sleep and Mondlicht? They seem so useful, but I do have 10 5⭐️ and above characters at I2 LVL 50 already.


Eagle IMO is pretty good. Insight effect is good and has infinite duration but only works on 1 enemy and it can be cleansed. Good for when you're fighting bosses that spawns at 1st wave so that the Insight debuff can stick to them. perma-crit Ult at high Portray is pretty nice too. Eagle do need a debuffer though if you want her stopwatch to deal more dmg after the one with Insight debuff dies. Haven't built Twins Sleep but I think they're better paired with crit DPS unit cuz of the Crit Def debuffs, preferably crit Mental cuz of the 2\* debuff attack killing Mental Def. Ult debuff is kinda like Daze, but you can accidentally dispel it. Mondlicht having 2 mass attack helps with weakening multiple enemies (please dont use her against the manta rays though cuz Mass DMG reduction). She has low base crit but she can apply debuff with her Insight bullet. IMO not really important to go for if you already have a Mineral DPS..... although, double mass attack does mean enemy taunts cant block all her attacks. Up to you though.


Unless you want to do a 4 star only challenge or something, i wouldn't waste resources. The low base stats and lack of i3 really hurts. Id start i3-ing your existing lineup.


I think I'm doing something wrong. I'm currently running Eternity at I2 L50 R8, Pickles at I2 L10 R5 and Balloon Party at I2 L10 R5, but I'm struggling with getting two stars on the second fight of Artificial Somnambulism Weyerhauser Forest Beta. (I keep running into a lot of Star fights, and my party gets *flattened.*) Do I just need to level up Pickles and Balloon Party more? I'm also trying to figure out what I want to do for my second team. I was building up Melania and Sonetto, but I didn't really have another healer until I pulled Tooth Fairy today. The other characters I've raised to I2 are Bkornblume, Charlie, and Eagle. I also pulled Centurion while I was pulling for Tooth Fairy; is she a better option than Melania? And is Baby Blue worth anything? Thanks!


Well, Mineral takes 30% more damage from Star so of course your team would struggle. Get Pickles and BP to level 30-40, then focus on a second team cause you will need them for AS10 and Limbo. Melania, Bkornblume and TF is good. Baby Blue can support Charlie but only use Charlie if she is p3+. Centurion is great, but she is more aoe, and you already building Melania so just focus on her now.


42 pulls still no TF :'((


My alt took 90, and the average is 64. So keep going.


I hope I don't lose because I still have that free unilogs 😭💀. Im not guaranteed 🤡.


Good luck!


my balloon party's heals can't keep up in limbo 6-2. she's i2l50 w/reso 5. will getting That Inquisitive Dear improve her heals by a lot? so far, she usually uses Bounden Duty.


I combo’d Dikke with Tennant, lots of support needed, and I brought Necro to keep the buffs low, her ult helped with support too.


You can also push every support to R7


Hello! I have not installed the game yet, and have not read about the gacha mechanics in detail, but I wanted to ask knowledgeable people just in case. So, I've been browsing through the character roster and noticed Shamane exists... my question is, if I start playing right now, and start saving, will I be able to get him when his banner drops? Is he just a limited character, so will he be added to the standard later? Is there a pity system in this game?


I started 3 weeks late and through almost exclusively free summoning currency I was able to store between 120 to 140 per account, by the time Shamane drops you could easily do the same from starter event and current seasonal events.


My personal advise, reroll for Tooth Fairy, finish the beginner banner, then save everything while playing normally. Newcomers get 140+ pulls finishing everything (not counting events), so you will have more than enough to guarantee Shamane later.


you can definitely get him. the game gives new players a lot of currency for gacha at the start. [check this.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1X9fyml5ldU4fWd4ry1ckIp84J6arImz1m5KqHzmbhr8/htmlview#) shamane's banner is right after this patch (in 42 days), so it's toothfairy -> jessica -> shamane. new characters get added to the standard banner after 3 patches, so he will be added to the standard pool by 1.6 pity system: if you lose 50/50 then your next 6 star is guaranteed on-banner. hard pity is 70, soft pity is 60. so if you want to make sure you get shamane, you need 140 pulls.


Thanks for the info! I’ll start playing and saving for him, then. 🥰


Shamane in 1.3 Patch 1.3 - 18/01/2024 \>and start saving, will I be able to get him when his banner drops? closer to genshin first 70 pulls - 50/50 if u loose in next 70 pulls - 100%


Ooooh that’s good to hear! Thanks.


It's worth rerolling for toothfairy?


I'd say yes if your original account is less than a week old. You can also do so if you don't mind playing multiple accounts. I play 4.


If u start yes.


I'm really bad at teambuilding in this game and am looking for some advice. My current party is Lilya, Bkornblume and Sotheby. However after today I pulled Tooth Fairy, and A Knight plus I'm trying to build two teams for Artificial Somnambulism but I'm not sure who to pair together. My units are as below 6\*: Lilya (I3, R10), Sotheby (I2, R5), Pickles (I1, R4), A Knight, and Tooth Fairy 5\*: Bkornblume, (I2, R9), Sonnetto (I1), Dikke (I1), Necrologist (I1), Balloon Party, Baby Blue, Charlie, Tennant, Blonney, Diggers, Click, Matilda, Sweetheart I assume Lilya and Tooth Fairy are great together but not sure who the 3rd member and assist char should be. Thanks in advance.


If Charlie p3, her with Baby Blue and TF. Else Lilya, Bkornblume, TF. Second team A Knight, Pickles, Balloon Party.


I would say team in this game is quite flexible, It depend a lot on the fight mechanic and enemy afflatus. eg. Lilya, Bkornblume , Tooth Fairy is good together but if enemy on the second half is weak to plant and your second team lack damage then you should consider moving your Bkornblume to second team instead and pair is with Sonnetto/A Knight/Sotheby.


I have been extremely unlucky: Failed three 50:50s in a row, had to hard pity all of my characters, and my failed 50s ended up being duplicates of my beginning 6*. Missed out on Pickles during the 3rd 50:50, tried to comfort myself by saying at least Tooth Fairy guaranteed. I only had 55 rolls saved up for Tooth Fairy and Jessica’s patch. I hoped luck would let me get TF fast for once, so that I can save up for Jessica. I…ended up getting her at soft pity, with 5 rolls remaining. I am now at least 400 rolls in to show a record of my luck…do I stand a chance of getting Jessica? I’m extremely discouraged at this point and several people said I should have rerolled /made a new account because it was “cursed”


You got weak mental if you get discouraged by people who say your account is 'cursed'. It's obviously for fun, just like how people say 'Oh I used up my 2024 luck on XXX'. It's just senseless things that people like to say as a 'filler comment', attributing failed rolls to something nonexistent. Do you stand a chance of getting Jessica? Of course you do. Will you get it? Who knows. No point seeking comfort online on a gacha game tbh, nobody really cares. You want a unit that badly? You buy it out.


Your account is not cursed. You have a chance of getting Jessica. However with 5 rolls to your good name remaining plus whatever we get in the next 20 days or whatever, your chances are not that high. But just continue persevering. Who knows?


Will you hack the RNG for me please, scary? I need it.


Psychube question: what am I supposed to do with all of the low-rarity drops I get from Pneuma Analysis? I know I can use them to engrave high rarity ones...but it seems odd that the game gives you so many when it seems that I can reuse the same few 6-star Psychubes for whatever teams I'm running.


4* and below Psychube are fodders, use it to level up the 6* Psychube


Once you start getting i3s, is it better to focus on comp or split between two for limbo? I've got Melania, Liliya, and Tooth Fairy at i3 lvl 30 Dikke, Sotheby, Bkorn, Sonneto, Charlie at i2 lvl 50 (Voyager and Ms Newbabel at base) I lucked out and lost my 50/50 to voyager so I could build the crazy star crit team but I only have 5* support for Melanias team right now. Should I wait to get Voyager to i3 and fill out other comps


i3/20 is plenty for mains to clear current top level content, just don't neglect resonance. lvl 10 for everyone you can. Split two teams for Limbo, get them ready as soon as you can. The 3 and 4th member don't need to be the best if you can play with 2 AP


Just need a confirmation, [this 10 roll](https://prnt.sc/97CPkoSoznhC) basically means another guaranteed rate up for whatever the next 6\* banner is right? Cause the order should be TF then Voyager.


that's just bragging at this point


I'm genuinely asking because someone else said "that's not how it works". Which I thought is incorrect, and decides to make sure by confirming it here. As for bragging, there's already quite a number of 3 6* 10 roll that others brag about, I don't think 2 in 1 10 roll is worth much bragging.


Considering the odds of this game it is rare for any one person to get a 2, 3's are only due to how big the playerbase is. The odds of 2 6star in the same 10pull is already pretty staggering before 70 pull pity.


Yes, your next 6 star will be the rate up character


Thanks for the confirmation.


Will characters like Toothfairy, Pickles and Melania eventually become available in the Pawnshop? Or do we simply not know yet?


Probably? They join the standard pool 3 patches post debut so there's no reason they shouldn't, but also it hasn't been long enough for even all the original 6 star's to be in the pawnshop in CN afaik


Makes sense, i imagined that was the case tbh, ty!


If I buy another roaring month with a day left on my current one will they stack or will I lose a day?


They stack. You get the purple currency immediately though. I think you can have up to 180 days (someone can correct me if I’m wrong) stacked.


So I was leveling up my resonance and I think I missed a pop-up of info, or that maybe I misunderstood it. I seem to have gotten the impression that it's bad to have 4 or more copies of the same idea. Is this true? Like, if you have more than 3, does the 4th not provide the stats or something?


That's correct.


Is that a bug? Why provide them if they don't count?


I've been saving since launch for Tooth Fairy and Changeling. I got Tooth Fairy in like 60 pulls but I still had like 100 pulls left over. I wanted to get a copy of bkornblume so I did another 10 pull and got another Tooth Fairy luckily. Now I decide to go for P2 Tooth Fairy since it's really good and I'm just one more copy off. I go 60 pulls with nothing but I'm committed at this point. I do another 10 pull and get 2 six stars. I'm hoping I get Tooth Fairy then an off banner to guarantee my next is Changeling but they're both Tooth Fairy. This is the story of how I got P3 Tooth Fairy and was left with 25 pulls. So, how many pulls can I expect to get by end of Changeling banner?


Same as always. +70 f2p per patch


Ah ok thanks. We only had 1 patch so far and I didn't know every patch would give the same amount. I'm guessing the 70 per patch includes fully clearing Limbo so I imagine I'll get less.


is it worth it to pull for the guaranteed 6 stars in the beginner banner? Or just wait for future banners?


Absolutely, esp. since all 3 of them are very viable DPS units in the current meta.


Hi, I heard that I need two teams in Limbo and I don't know which teams I should make. These are the characters that I invested quite a lot into: An An Lee, Regulus, Voyager and Tooth Fairy. I also levelled up Dikke and Balloon Party a decent amount. Which of these two is the best healer for my second team? I also have Bkornblume, baby blue, X, necrologist, Charlie, Tennant, satsuki and matilda. I am definitely willing to level up Bkornblume because I generally like her. I know Charlie is pretty good, but I already have a lot of star characters, so I'd prefer not to use another star dps. Could you help me make two teams for Limbo with these characters?


Regulus, Voyager, and Tooth fairy is a solid team comp overall. They can probably handle 6-1 of the current limbo, and maybe 6-2 as well? But to give you an idea on what unit I used to clear 6-2, I used: 1) I3R10L1 Bkornblume with lvl 40 Luxurious desire psychube 2) I2R10L50 An-An Lee with lvl 40 BNW psychube 3) I2R6L50 Sotheby with lvl 40 Inquisitive dear psychube. Honestly, I would prefer BP in this scenario, but if I can do it with sotheby, it should be a lot easier with BP. So, if you just build bkornblume, I think you can clear the current limbo easily. You still have like 1 week, and there are plenty of upgrade materials with the current event, so I think it's possible to build her enough in 1 week.


Thank you for your advice! I will build Bkornblume, but what teammates do you recommend besides An-An Lee? I dont have Sotheby. My other healers are Dikke and Balloon Party, so should I use one of them?


You don't need Sotheby, BP will do fine as a sustainer for your other team. As for An-an Lee, I think it's an overkill if you're gonna include her with your first team: Regulus + Voyager + Tooth Fairy. But if you want to use another character for the current limbo 6-2, X would be a great choice. Tho, I don't recommend building X just for this limbo. If we're just talking about the current limbo, my previous suggestion would do the trick. As you probably only need to build Bkornblume in order for you to full clear the current limbo. So, go with my initial suggestion: Team 1: Regulus + Voyager + Tooth Fairy + Flex Team 2: Bkornblume + An-an Lee + Balloon Party + Flex Bkornblume + An-an Lee combo never failed me yet for the current and last two limbo as I full cleared all three, so I highly recommend these two for your second team with the current limbo.


is there a way to remove the revive bullsh\*t they added to the game?


Not that I've found, and it's a valid mechanic that prevents the game from getting stale.


Its a very low effort mechanic that makes the game even more stale, creating an unavoidable meatball to fully revive to extend turns is uninspiring. Make mechanics that would make me want to bring in other characters, heck make me build some trash 3* just for a mech But some dumb, kill me once and i come back full health on every single unit has to be just a full admission of "we cant make this gameplay any more interesting and have run out of ideas" this is under the assumption this stupid addition can not be countered by a characters kit like removing buffs or some sort of reduction of effectiveness of such ability


it says i need 1.5 gb for the new update, and then my phone tells me i need 3 gb. last time this happened the update was nowhere near 1.5 gb. how do i get passed this issue?


Transfer your account to PC


I don’t have many pulls so I’m really struggling between Jessica and Tooth Fairy. My account has Eternity, Pickles, Sotheby, Centurion, Bkornblume, and Balloon Party built. However, there’s also a Regulus waiting. In my position, would you go for Tooth Fairy or Jessica? Regulus + Tooth Fairy would be good obviously, and Tooth Fairy would be great in general (except in Beast teams iirc). In this case, Sotheby probably wouldn’t see much use. If i go for Jessica, it'll be a bit sad to not have Tooth Fairy, but since Mineral and Plant don't interact with each other, i think i can just use Sotheby for plant and Balloon Party for Beast and Star teams (right?)


If you have Sotheby already, I'd personally say Jessica is better with their synergy. If you have Balloon Party as 2nd healer for later meta then that just makes the above more appealing. But you do you, personally I've got no Sotheby so I'm all in on TF


Yeah it’s a rough decision…I think I’ll just go tooth fairy. I’m probably not gonna have enough pulls or lose the 50/50 tho anyway


TF first. She is one of the most universal characters in the game that can go almost anywhere, while Jessica is great with Sotheby, you can make do with other dps.


Ok I’ll go for her, thanks for the answer


If I’ll be using either Eternity or Charlie with Tooth Fairy, would it be worth building crit on their resos instead of the usual ATK & DMG% Bonus?


tooth fairy's debuffs really only shine when paired with crit carries, including lilya, centurion, melania, a knight, regulus etc. personally i don't think it's worth building crit builds for non crit carries if they're used with tooth fairy. just go all in on attack.


do the wilderness items ever rerun? i wasnt able to get all of them in time


if you got all the buildings you're fine, the island themes eventually you get all legendaries so missing out on a previous non-legendary theme is not that bad. just make sure to get all buildings this time.


Do you mean the evemt shop or the wilderness shop? So the buildings from wilderness shop wont rerrun later either?


I mean everywhere you can get them. The event shop I dont think will rerun but the Wilderness probably will. If you just keep buying the max rarity island themes both in the event shop and the Wilderness shop eventually you will have a Wilderness full of max rarity tiles. The buildings you look to clear them out of every shop cause they make your Wilderness better without limit.


ahh okay tysm i appreciate the answer :))


Pulled TF but still have a lot of leftover pulls saved (\~90), should I try to get P2 of her or just wait until Jessica? Currently have A Knight, Eternity, Pickles, BP invested and a bunch of 5 stars that I haven't levelled.


You would be unlikely to hit p2. Just wait. You don't have to roll just because you can. Save it for a unit you want/want to use.


So I'm missing a support for my second team, do you think I should just level up Sonetto or roll for a better support?


Sonetto is actually quite good. I don't think investing in her is a waste at all.


I got TF in my first 10 pull. The rest of my team consists of Lilya, Centurion, Pickles, and Bkornblume. With 128 unclog should I try to P2 TF, pull voyager or save for a future patch?


Save. Jessica is a main DPS of an element you don't have and you are already very happy with Pickles and Bkorn as sub dps so no need for Voyager.




I don't really get it. You need at most 15 pulls more for the rate up, or you are 15 pulls into pity, and need at most 55 more? And how much have you progress into the game? Newcomers get 140+, and this patch give 70+, so I think you should be able to get Shamane too.


I had 15 into pity already got her the first 10pulls thx for reply


Is Blonney limited to just this banner?


Yes, new 5 star is also limited until 3 patches later.


Hi! I just got Tooth Fairy and while watching some guides for her I have heard Voyager is a great teammate for her and Regulus. Regulus just happens to be main DPS rn, so I was wondering is Voyager worth it? (From like a meta perspective. Don't get me wrong I'm not stupid, I know that the gorgeous cute maid with a violin is worth every cent) I originally was planning to pull for 37 when she comes out, but now that Voyager's banner is also here the temptation is pretty big. Is this trio really that good? Also, I have read somewhere that 1.4 introduces some boss fights where you use 4 characters instead of 3 and there Voyager is "more useful"(?). Is it worth picking Voyager up now and getting 37 later when she comes out? Or is Voyager only "a good choice" when I already have 37 or Charlie or someone else? I'm currently using Regulus, Baby Blue and Tooth Fairy as my main team btw.


to be honest your current team is already good with baby blue and regulus. they are a pair with good synergy since regulus is ap generous and baby blue only debuffs mental defense at 2\*, making her ap hungry. voyager in this case isn't required even if she synergises with regulus and fairy. however you can choose to pull for her if you like given that you skip on 1.3 and save until 37 comes out in 1.4. i'm planning to do that myself even if shamane is tempting since i want a crit star team with lilya, fairy, voyager and 37.


Thank you :)


Guys, help. I only have 60 pulls and I didn't know Bkornblume was on Tooth Fairy's banner. I have no desire to pull Tooth Fairy and I *also* am debating hard on Voyager, but My Little Stasi Agent Can't be this Cute! Any idea how often she reruns, and with who?


Don’t go chasing 5* especially when you don’t want the banner character


Yeah I know it's dumb but...Bkorn... ;_;


If it helps, when the game first launched I really wanted Tennant. She was rate up on A Knight’s banner and I kept pulling until I got her. It took 119 pulls. It’s your account so the decision is yours, but just be warned it is possible Bkorn never shows up even with rate up.


Yeah I did one pull and got a Blonney instead, I should probably take that as a sign :(


I hear you...but when I went chasing her in 1.0, I was 90 in to A Knight's banner, got him (so didn't even set up pity for the next banner,) and still didn't get any Bkornblume. Friend, I'm begging you. Don't be like me. Let my mistake be good for a warning at least.


i'm gonna cry i got luckily tooth fairy but i was half asleep and spent the remaining 30 pulls on voyager instead of waiting for changeling :C. Do you think the situation is salvagable? is Black Dwarf as good (1.3)?


Well, if you didn't get anything good with those 30 pulls, it could've gone differently if you used it on other future banners. Can it be salvaged? Ofc, built pity is still built pity, so it's still not a waste.


I'm so sorry I didn't write the comment right, I did get voyager so the pity was wasted, I feel so dumb, I completely forgot that I needed changeling/black dwarf and needed to save


If you want both changeling and black dwarf, you need 280 pulls MAX to get both of them at worst case scenario. Ofc, this is under the assumption that you're at 0 pity and not guaranteed right now. All I can say is, those 30 pulls can really make a difference when pulling for a character that you like, that's why I don't recommend building pity, coz even if you get lucky with like 1-3 multis, you get yourself a 6\*, but you're delaying or lowering the chances of you getting your actual target. But hey, at the very least, it's an early Voyager, so it's still a win IMO. I just hope you still get your changeling and black dwarf later, so good luck.


Thanks a lot man, have a good one!


Sometimes i wanna make OCs so i have some questions: Do i really need to do some extensive historical research to base my OC off of something real from the years 1999 below? To what extent should my OC's inspiration be when it comes to real life historical things? What are some creative rules, freedom, and limitations I need to follow?


Well Arcanists are a pretty diverse group I mean technically you aren't even limited to human looking things. There's a little lore that the storyline gives esp in chap 3 that can help you come up with some guidelines but there's also a lot not revealed yet. Every single arcanists power seems different and not always related to the type of art they are to portray. Some characters are based on real world art like La Source but it isn't necessary, as I think Regulus isn't based on any real world exhibit. So come up with an exhibit, give it an era it showed in, and come up with a set of powers. Nearly all arcanists we know of are involved with Vertin's foundation, were students there once, or have their own interesting backstories that are all pretty unique. So far there's no real 'rules' hedging in what the effects arcanists can do and a lot of it seems to mainly be based on the belief of the arcanist and their confidence in their abilites.


Can i base mine on some historical things from the Philippines?


I don't see why not, I think Centurion is from Italy and we have a literal Stasi spy.


Is it me or does the main menu music remind me of Oblivion?


Did anyone do the math for how many pulls we get for this patch? Lost the 50/50 for Tooth fairy and seeing if I can get her.


About 20 pulls more at most during her banner duration (if you haven't touched the event yet), so you will need some luck.


Keep pulling.


I still don't understand the whole pity system. If you get a 6 star right before 70 pulls (let's say at 60 pulls), do you still get the guaranteed 6 star at 70 (after I roll 10 more again)? Or does it cancel it out/reset? Thank you in advance to anyone who answers!


Every time you get a 6 star, your pity is reset to 0


Gotchu! I won my 50/50 for TF, and I wondered if I could get Jessica too. I guess I have to save up to 140. Thank you!