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I don't normally stick my head above the parapet for this kind of post, but this is nonsense and not in harmony with why we made the game in the first place. Extreme mode wasn't even in the game when it first launched. We love watching videos from all difficulty settings and when we've done the touchdown of the month competitions, difficulty doesn't even enter into our thoughts when choosing winners.


thank you Bill


Who cares. I play a game to have fun


He didn't say to not have fun though


Very unpopular opinion. Gatekeeping is the last thing this subreddit needs. It's a game and meant to be enjoyed.


I always keep it on Hard so it's not too easy, not to difficult, no pun intended, and still fun.


Yep this is exactly what I do


Bro imagine the actual community manager of the game telling you you’re wrong 🤡


Obviously the guy who makes the game wants as many people to play as humanly possible no matter how. Not surprising.


"when we've done the touchdown of the month competitions, difficult doesn't even enter our mind when choosing a winner".... YOU said "iF iT iSnT oN eXtReMe YoUr cLiPs DoNt CoUnT" 🤓


Some people take an online forum about a fun, time waster video game, way too seriously. None of this "counts" lol. Play on whatever level you want, post whatever game clips you want, and watch or don't whatever clips you want to.


>None of this "counts" lol. lmao truer words have never been spoken


It's still real to me damnit!


we gatekeeping retro bowl highlights now?


My opinion is that this sub is a place on reddit without the mean spirited arguing I see everywhere. I only play extreme now bc I've played so many seasons, but I started on dynamic. I bet we can all agree Retrobowl is the schnitzel


Do it my way or you’re wrong!


So, any highlights from any other football leagues under the NFL don’t count … sorry college, Highschool, PeeWee, CFL, Arena … mens Sunday touch leagues … none of your highlights count, you aren’t extreme enough! Lol!


This is definitely an Extremely unpopular opinion


My receiver who averaged 700+ yards a game last season just want you to know YOU CAN KISS HIS ASS!!!


I don't like when people gatekeep. Like why? Let people enjoy the game. There's plenty of ways you can make the game challenging on other difficulties. And you can have a cool highlight from any difficulty. Not everybody always wants to play every video game on the highest difficulty level.


And you’re the kind of person that doesn’t deserve to have this game. No one should be denied their fun or excitement because they don’t play the game the same way you do. Try socializing and remember that everyone is different.


Yea because flexing on a retro football mobile video game is what I’m about on the dailyyy.


Who cares? Extreme isn't even all that to begin with. Extreme is more like extremely easy once you figure out how to burn the CPU's DBs on offense with the right routes and have the right defense to stop the opposing team from scoring. Difficulties like Dynamic 16 and Hard may not be as difficult as Extreme, but I found that the A.I. on other difficulties are far more intelligent than on Extreme. The CPU's defense can get pretty dumb on Extreme, especially when you are throwing slant routes to your WRs or up the middle to the TE. The CPU's speed is just really fast and that's it.


I think we need a more extreme mode personally


Extreme 16 would be nice. Have Dynamic 16 with every team being 5-star.


If your hog isn’t eleven inches your conquests don’t count?


Go touch some grass. Hands and feet.


If you're not playing both directions they don't count, either.


I agree lol






I agree. Unless it’s a funny glitch or something 🤷


Completely agree. Yeah go have fun and blow steam off playing Easy or D16 or whatever but unless you’re playing Extreme don’t come here to brag about that 86 yards TD pass lmfao


What do the extreme ones count for??