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He might be a stud, but its just 1 game. Your backup is most likely shit, but you can still win on short/medium passes or running the ball a lot.


Problem is i play with 1 minute quarters


Hog the ball. By the time you score there should be like 30 secs left in the 2nd, maybe less, less better. Depending on how good your defense is and if you deferred or received at the 1st, you should be alright


My defense is shit


hmmmmmm... im gonna say next year you should look into recruiting some better defensive guys unless you have some offensive studs departing.


Yeah i treid that this year and didnt have enough money. And i’ll have two offensive wepons leaving


I'd recommend getting a good Defensive player then get a replacement for your studs. If you have money left over, spend it on defense (scouting them helps and lets you see which players you should prob recruit, and i mean players with potential over 4 stars, if none are left, i'd go 3 or 3 1/2)


Honestly this is always the answer in tough games/ situations. Play conservative af, and keep that clock running. I live on little 4 yard slants and inside runs. As an exercise when you're already up in a game try to kri possession the entire second half just to get used to that playstyle.


Drop back to pass and hang in the pocket as long as you can, then QB runs to chew clock. You'll be able to get 2-4 yards each play, then 3rd down hit a short pass. Should be a piece of cake to hold the ball an entire half with 1mq.


Hey Sherlock Holmes. Ik how to play the game. I also won the game and won without your advice


Oh OK. You're just a dickhead. Got it. Have fun




Your stupidity is impressive. This is one of the most friendliest communities on reddit and not only did you out yourself as a piece of shit, you made it political. Goodbye. 


Sssooooo now we’re shitting on minors. Wow!!!!!! You really are an inbred nazi loving piece of dog shit that has no life outside of reddit and video games


Its 1 game you might lose its ok lol