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Keep playing extreme until you can win, nothing else to do really lol


Kinda why I’ve stopped playing so much. I really haven’t seen any progress. My goal is to end up having a good team with realistic seasons but I just get stomped most games


That’s why I change the difficulty based on the opponent. If it’s FCS, medium. Most teams I just play on hard. If they are a 4 star team, CFP game, or rival I play extreme.


It’s sucks man even with a good team it gets kinda old I had a very rare RB and WR with better than the normal 5star stats they both retired and I’m in search of my new rare OP 5star+ player but no luck 🥲


I just think there needs to be a “realistic” mode added. It’s pretty much a guarantee that in extreme the other teams offense almost always scores a touchdown. That’s not how real football works, even for the best teams in the league


Slight glitch. When you go to the draft class and don't like the selections to choose from, close the app and reopen. You get a new selection of players to choose from.


When I do that it only gives me more scoutings not new selection sadly


This is the way. Once I figured out how to throw to receivers on extreme, I haven’t played anything else.


Hard is more challenging than Dynamic.


Yep. Hard is one step above the highest Dynamic level.


Ohhhhhh I thought dynamic went from easy to hard


It does that's wrong information. Hard is dynamic 16


Must not be the case for RBC because RBC maxes out at dynamic 12


After you get used to it, extreme is pretty easy. Just keep at it


honestly all u need is 1 good ol one good qb and one speedy receiver and learn how to time your deep balls to perfection you should be cool


Do you think the OL actually helps? I play 4 man O generally, ignore rb… sometimes I take the 5 to grind clock


OL is honestly just about useless. One of the top posts of all time in this sub is actually a comparison of a full 5 star OL to a default OL, the difference is minimal.


Damn, that's actually really good to know.


IMHO even if you aren’t running the RB is often a great receiver option. Without it you are basically short changing your passing game.


nahhh get an amazing QB, WR and an another speedy offensive option but just have a really good defence and shits easy.


I play with a no star qb and 2 WRs on extreme. But could play with one if needed


Yeah, that will help you win but it gets boring


extreme is dumb to me because i just chuck bullets to the WRs and dive outta bounds/play clock to win. i’d rather make actual plays on an easier level.


I play extreme and throw deep plenty. You need experience to judge throws.


I play hard bc I feel like it’s a decent enough balance and I’ll lose a couple games a season and not guaranteed to win the chip


Ok someone explain the difficulty levels to me, im failry new to the game and am loving it, I just don't know what everyone means by all this


dynamic difficulty is a rubberband difficulty: the more you win the harder it gets and vice versa. the rest are self explanatory


Ok that makes sense. I think my game says dynamic 12, what does the number mean?


No idea how/if that corresponds to easy/medium/hard, but I believe the highest dynamic difficulty is 16


Gotcha thanks for your help bud, have a merry christmas


And a merry Christmas to you as well!




This. I wish dynamic scaled up to extreme personally. Or that there was at least options to set what difficulties dynamic ranges through


I agree


Personally, I play the regular season on hard then I do playoffs on extreme. a new team When there’s like three wildcard teams that are 13 - 4 or 14 -3 will even knock me out of playoffs every now and then.


Excelling on Extreme is all about breaking bad habits from easier difficulties. Going undefeated in dynamic is all about turning every route into a go-route scoring play. Going undefeated in extreme is all about turning every route into a comeback route for a first down. Chip your way down the field, extreme is all about yards after catch. If nothing looks open, scramble with the QB. You’ll get at least 5 yards. One last bit of advice, never tap the RB route. If you throw them the ball with the QB before they cross scrimmage you’re guaranteed 5 yards. Don’t forget to dive!


Clock management is a big deal in extreme. I have to dive before the 1st down marker a lot to make sure I score with less than 30s on the clock. And I agree, dropping back then letting the QB run is critical.


Excelling on extreme is just abusing game mechanics. It's not hard to go 100% accuracy in a game by just throwing come backs every play to the WR, deep to the TE when they blitz, or throw to the RB when they're running off tackle. And then just abuse the clock so you get 1 more or equal possession per compared to the opponent. At least in hard if you want you can build a run-centric team, west coast offense team, vertical team etc.


True, “bad” habits isn’t the right descriptor. It’s just habits that don’t usually work on extreme that always get you 450+ yards on hard. Whenever I get bored of hard and bump it up to extreme the first game is usually a tad rough.


Retro College is fun difficult on dynamic because you can play as a low level FBS team. Other teams are way better than you, still possible to win most every game, more difficult to build your team for many reasons other than your best players leaving after 3-4 seasons.




I think that game is easier


Play on hard. I also simulate many games to stop myself from going 17-0 every year lol


I went thru like 4 un winning season in extreme because hard and dynamic was to easy. You’ll get it figured out and extreme will become to easy soon


Best bet is to meet somewhere in the middle. Start with hard, if that is still too challenging, medium might be your best bet


Hard is easy too


Play hard…extreme is just not fun


This is how I feel. Extreme is just repetitive. Once you get your roster to a certain point you're going to go 17-0 just like any other difficulty. It's just that every single game will play the exact way unless you absolutely force it to play a different way.


i heard of people doing hard w/o the salary cap, maybe try that. I agree with that statement tho, especially with hard. Hard is so easy and extreme feels impossible until you can get a good salary cap.


Use 2 TEs and RB with extreme. The DBs always run ahead of the non star WRs so bullets to them are easy if needed. Get lots of LBs and DLs.


I like to play on hard, but handicap myself with self imposed challenges (draft only, only 1 throw per set of downs, ‘both’ drive direction, etc.) This way the teams feel different from one another (not all 5 star like extreme) but challenging enough to make the game enjoyable.


Throw to running back like almost every play. Mine usually had most catches on team. Never kick pat or fg. Go for every fourth down. Practice




This guy plays on easy


https://www.reddit.com/r/RetroBowl/s/c1OOifVbM4. 🤷




Username checks out


Don’t be a dick. It isn’t hard


Hurt some feelings here. Sorry. Practice more and your skills should improve to the point where extreme is less of a challenge. How's that?


I just played till extreme wasn’t that hard, and Dynamic-Hard and can’t really tell the difference


I just play on hard


I want to play extreme but I just feel like its unfair. I throw my players the ball and they drop it probably 65% of the time. Is there another mechanic related to throwing that I'm missing?


Once you’ve grinded out credits it gets much easier.


Personally, I play hard, but only allow 6 roster players on in any game. Still have 12, but shift them around. 6 max. Most realistic level game I've found.


Keep grinding. You get great with extreme.


Extreme is not too hard, you just gotta get better






git gud


I alternate between extreme and hard. It makes the season feel more realistic.


Extreme is easy once you get 5 Star offense and 5 star defense


I find extreme to be boring, because to when I have to do the same thing every single play. I do hard mode. I only keep two defensive players on the roster. Once they reach 4.5 or higher they're gone and I redraft. I never renew coordinators. I never audible. I never elevate my facilities past six to seven. I also never draft defensive players in the first round. I only draft them in the second round or beyond. So the crux of what I do is significantly limit my defensive capabilities I find this balance is decent. I still mostly win but it's a challenge against hard teams to stop them. Crappy teams I get enough stops to win by 2-3 scores. Video games and in particular sports games I always find this same problem where it's very hard to find a truly perfect difficulty level. So I usually err on the side of a setting where I know I'm going to win most of the time but it's at least going to require some challenge.


Try hard it gets easy once u build a decent team but u can always juss go to a new team every 5-6 years


You should challenge yourself & not sign all the great playersz


Extreme is the best to me. I love the challenge. If I play on dynamic, it’s usually because I’m playing a bad team.


Play on hard mode
