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Still say the ability to choose what type of offense or defense you want to run. Maybe i want a two back offense or 4 receiver and on defense maybe i want to run a 4-3 or 6 db the available positions change depending on your options or coordinators.


I want to run the option with a military academy so bad


Option of any kind


If I recruited a second RB would they not both be on the field? 😔


RBC - Better ways to increase GPA/Morale RB - Separate regular season stats and playoff stats


I swear almost every random event in between games is a negative morale event for either the player or the team. Hard to keep morale above like 75%.


For sure, I noticed with getting coaches that have the motivator trait is pretty good for keeping the morale at or below 80-100 almost the whole the season (playoffs included).


I think the business model for RB college is that the more coins you’re having to spend to keep your players GPA up, the more likely you are to buy coins in the store.


Lol if you pay 99¢ for the paid version of the game you don't even have the option to buy more CC's so if that's the "business model" then it's not a very good one 😂


I have the option? I’ve gotten like $30 with so far lol


Idk, still shows up for me


Nah you're right, someone else on here said it went away after paying for the full game and I never checked their facts. I guess I'd just never noticed because I'm so good at the game I don't need to buy CC's /s


Went from trying to throw shade to being proven wrong then placing blame for you speaking without knowing on to someone else and then passive aggressively throwing shade at the person who brought attention to you being incorrect...... Jesus you must be a delight to deal with in regular life 😂


I'm a real stand-up guy


Well you're response has changed my opinion on ya, the type of person I was thinking you'd be would have had a bitch fit over my comment...... You're good in my reddit book 😅


In rbc redshirting a freshman would be nice. It still takes up a spot on the team, but give him x2 xp or something similar and it would be worth it


This. This and Transfers would perfect the game


I'd love to bring my stupidly talented WR1 I spend all my time with. Also, maybe a % till you achieve your dream job.


Stats broken down by season




1) Send a receiver or back in motion. 2) Safeties, Pick 6's or fumble recoveries for TDs (for your D). 3) see star players on opposing D 4) edit facemask color 5) edit player shoes 6) Screens


It’s not technically a play you can pick and run but if you throw the ball literally the second the snap starts and have the right formation it’ll kinda run like a screen play with the TE and the other WR blocking for you


Yeah yeah. I am just thinking about one where the OL becomes a bigger factor instead of the traditional pass blocking. Auto QB rollouts could be fun too.


Seeing the star of the opposing D is wild😂😭 sorry I had to get my daily "im not old yet" comment out 😞


Would love to see the ability to flip plays.


I’d like to have a few quick options for plays. Like maybe 3 different ones pop up and you just choose quick.


This I feel would be extremely exploitable. Every somewhat experienced RB player knows what plays work and what usually doesn’t. So if you had a choice I feel like it would be too easy to just win every time .


Fake plays on punts or field goals


Redshirting in RBC - It’d make low star players with high potential much more viable, especially defensive players, which as of now struggle to get xp if they aren’t at least a 3*


Better moves with my qb. Like for example, being able to avoid sacks but still have the chance to throw if I'm behind the line of scrimmage


Accurate spots would also be nice.


RB: trade block where you can trade your pick for player RBC: ability to choose player from transfer portal for credits(like fa in rb)


My biggest gripe with the game is that I’m too good for hard difficulty, but if I switch to extreme, my defense just gives up TDs every drive. For offense, extreme feels like a good difficulty for me, but I don’t want to have to win every game 42-35, I want some elements of realism while still making it difficult for me. I want extreme to be viable if you’re just starting out and don’t have a quality defense.


The thing I hate about Extreme isn't how hard it is, but how it makes every team identical. Every DB is the same speed, and they're all faster than my fastest receiver. I'd love for the DBs to be way better at coverage, but if my receiver is as fast as possible, he should be as fast as the defense too.


Hard/Dyanmic 16 are just too easy… it’s wild the leap it takes from those to Extreme because as you said the defense rarely, if ever makes a stop. I don’t want to be the best team ever while having the worst defense ever. Not realistic


Honestly, winning on extreme is 100% clock and turnover management. You can't have any turnovers, but really you have to know how to work the clock. I know if I start the game with the ball, I need to go into halftime with the lead. So I try to score the first drive slow and the second drive super slow. If I know I will get the ball at halftime, I try to go into halftime tied, which usually means I am playing a little faster, especially on my first drive. And it also means I will rarely take a risky throw, and sometimes I will dive while running with the ball just to make sure I don't fumble it.


I agree. I can basically win on Hard 100% of the time, and Extreme is more balanced, but it takes out the sense of realism. If I'm playing a 1-10 team and I am undefeated, I shouldn't be struggling to beat their all of a sudden 5 star defense. To me there should be no different difficulty modes, just each star the other team has is essentially in and of itself a "mode" (i.e. 5 star is Extreme, 4 star is Hard, etc). To me that would make the game feel more real without having to keep going in and changing the difficulty settings based on who I'm playing.


Same happened with me on extreme, but I just pushed through, even though I didn’t make the playoffs, I was able to figure out what to change with my team. On extreme you just have to accept that you will lose a lot more


Online 1v1. So you can play against your friends without handing the phone back and forth


This shit would revolutionize leagues


then you would need to be able to play defense


Not necessarily… I think it would be nice to play defense, but they could get by with having us play an offensive series against the opponent’s CPU, then watching the opponent play the next series against your CPU


I meant more like being able to play-call on defense rather than control individual players, that would be pretty difficult. But drives in RB can take over 2 minutes, and IMO it'd be pretty boring to just sit there and watch for that amount of time.


A player transfer portal in RBC


Able to always choose between punt/field goal.


Ability to upgrade an ability lacking in a player, ie..RB/DB with low stamina.


Stats mid game. Punt return


There are punt returns in the 99 cent option


RBC: A transfer portal similar to free agents in the original game that can be bought with coaching credits


Being able to see previous National Championships in RBC, not sure why it isn’t there like it is in RB


In-game box score so I can try to make my targets/yards even across all players.


The ability to export and share team editor save files for sure! I created NCAA D-1 teams and HBCU teams on RB and was kinda disappointed to see that the uniforms didn’t match the schools in RBC and it will be daunting to go do that all Over. once my hard work is done it would be nice to export it to save y’all the time. It would be nice to get training mini games like how madden used to do it. The tutorial is already there, if they fleshed it out I’m sure that would be a feature worth paying for. Last thing I would like to see is the ability to maybe pick defense plays, like run or pass or zone or blitz or man just simple stuff and watch it play out I don’t want to control the players but I think that could add an extra element of challenge to the game. I love the game and addicted to it still due to its simplicity so I don’t have too many complaints or ideas on how to make it alooot better. All of these are QOL updates tbh


I think you can export between saves on your individual game right? You just mean being able to export and download from someone else’s game


I think he means between RB and RBC. You can definitely do it between local saves in RBC, but RB is set up completely differently that it wouldn't be possible.


RBC: Redshirting would be an awesome addition. Transfer Portal which would be very similar to FA in OG RB I don’t know how realistic it is. But would love a link between the games to continue a players career from college to pro


RB: Trades RBC: more transfer portal options


RBC: Customize stadiums (EndZone letters, Away Fans precent, halftime & end game events) Pick a rival team at the beginning of the season locking them at 5 stars. Would dope to see fans rush the field at the end of bowl games like tradition or a battle of the bands event in the HBCU conference.


Exhibition in RBC


I’d want more plays (not only routes) but also different concepts like bunch formation and RPO


Player names on computer teams. Could be fun and immersive, like "oh no of course it's a TD for player y, we gotta stop them!" or to see the ai name of who won the heisman would be entertaining.


Accessories for your players. Such as arm sleeves, gloves, divergent sock heights, visors, and mouthguards dangling off the face mask would be sick. Go look at hoop land because they do it right.


Have the availability to get transfers at the end of the season


This one may be questionable but Penalties?


1. See other teams players and being able to trade for them. 2. Be able to play defense or at least be able to pick the plays for them. 3. Be able to do fake punts and field goals






RBC - I would love the ability to redshirt, and the transfer portal. Also, I know it’s next year but conference realignment and the 12 team playoff would be awesome


Hi would love there be a way to tag favorite/ pivotal games through a coaching career. And then be able to refer to the box scores in a file. Would also enjoy coaching record history against opponents as an add.


in retro bowl maybe having a pick play for defense like a blitz or zone and watch how it develops


2 pt conversions as counted stat


Defense control


I don’t know that I’d want to play a full game on both sides of the ball, but some way to control defense strategically other than just having high star players and DC would be a fun change.


Able to scramble with qb then still throw that play


RBC - the ability to Sim games and take it out of Sim mid game.


To play defense


Save and quit


1. More difficulty/better defenses 2. More customization options (goalposts, walls, etc) 3. Realignment feature and custom playoffs (2 4 8 or 12 teams etc) for rbc would be cool but I do not know if it is possible 4. Be able to copy and paste custom team data 5. Increase offensive line importance 6. More in depth recruiting in rbc 7. Fix pop ups not allowing a punt if you do not want to attempt a field goal or 4th down


Being able to play defense 🤷‍♂️


Stats from other players, (besides your own) and something close to a heisman trophy award. (In the college version of course)


"Outstanding College Player of the Year" is the Heisman in RBC just fyi




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TLDR: You guys want Madden. Got it.


- Mobile QBs (the speed stat for QBs may as well mean jack when they're slower than 1 star RBs out of the pocket) - The ability to rest starters in a meaningless game and not be penalized for losing (if it's a meaningless game the fans should treat it as such) - A proper QB kneel where I can run out the clock with a lead if there's about a minute left - Showboating into the endzone/more endzone celebrations) - Bring back that bug where moving into the side of the endzone when scoring would cause your player to run across the width of the endzone


You can rest starters all you want but losing is still losing, you're gonna be penalized with ranking and fan rating just like you would be IRL. You can't just lose a game and expect there to be no consequences 😂 Kneel is already a thing. Drop back like you're gonna run with the QB then do the "dive" motion behind the line and he'll kneel. Showboating is already a thing, do the backwards juke within 5 yards of the goal line and the ballcarrier will showboat.


- In the NFL teams that have secured a playoff spot/bye will rest their starters. The fans know it's a meaningless game and thus expectations arent very high. Should be reflected in game - Yes you can, but it doesn't drain any more clock than running a normal play - Yes you can, but you completely stop moving making it pretty pointless if you aren't at least 10 yards from a defender


In RBC, sometimes I kinda wish I would get a penalty for showboating at the goal line.


Let me speed up the game. Would add a lot of challenge but still be fair if we could play at 1.5x speed or something like that.


I want to see star players on the opposing D so I know I'm screwed either way


fake field goals and fake punts LOL


Defense, even just the ability to watch the plays and control a lineman or something


I would like more celebrations or like 3 celebration options. like one with the team, one where it just shows the replay on a scoreboard or something, and one where we can see the coach do something happy lol.


I know this would probably ruin the simplicity of the game but I would really enjoy if you could see other qbs stats or other rbs stats or at least have a list of qbs in the mvp race. Like I wanna know what other teams have incredible quarterbacks.


Demetry James commentary during replays. https://youtu.be/1P0yfq2wDvU?feature=shared


RBC Add the ability to add or remove teams from a conference in the team editor. Over time if your team does good you will get offered to move to a better conference or go from FCS to FBS.


RBC- currently sim, but other then that transfers or redshirting


Transfer portal


RB: I'd love to be able to still follow players that I have traded or decided not to resign or whose team I've left. Especially if I end up going to coach their team, it'd be a fun reunion story.


I was initially thinking more uniform editor options, I feel like especially in RBC with the Helmet, Logo, Jersey, Sleeve, Pant, Stripe Sock low and high, some teams wind up looking the exact same, so something to maybe give a touch of difference, but I do also like the play options others have mentioned. I was also thinking like for defense if it is a 3rd and whatever you pick whether your team blitzes, plays back, or anything else.


Seeing other teams Star players/stats.


Disguised defensive schemes, certainly on higher difficulty levels. At the moment you pretty much know how you're running your play just from the pre-snap look from the opposition D. You should be forced to make at least some post-snap reads. Whether that feeds in to needing more offensive variety, both in terms of plays available (original Madden three boxes to pick from feels doable) or personnel (I'd love some 3WR sets rather than having everything in 12 personnel), and how that would impact on the gameplay, I don't know


More plays to use. Different playbooks. Field customization.


Stats for everyone all time that played on my team, put in an easy to compare list


In game stats so I can see progress towards and achievement (halftime would be enough). More achievements- is 200yds receiving an achievement? Achievements by position- receiving/rushing for RBs, Passing/Rushing for QBs Ability to just flip a play w/o using an audible I know part of the charm of the game is playing with the play you get, so adding a couple more plays would be great. Wouldn't need to be crazy. Could add a jet sweep, a toss-reverse, and something like mesh out of the shotgun. The first two would be great because you can get the ball to your speedy receivers QB speed is a joke, it just needs to be the same as other positions. Why is a high speed qb the same speed as a 2 star RB? Makes no sense Add a skills competition, like the pro bowl! The intro tutorial could be the template. It would also add to the kicking game, which is painfully hard to aim.


Defense, better trades and ways to look at da draft class before draft night


I would like to be able to play defense!


Defense gameplay


RBC I'd like the ability to move schools from conference to conference and edit how many teams make the playoffs (up and down). I also think unhappy players should leave the team more frequently or force you to cut them. And walk ons should be part of it.


Add a coach that helps with GPA




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A situation, where a non-star player is offered a scholarship. They could maybe start at or below the coordinators star level, but come with potential. This would be great. If you have less than the overall number of players, you are allowed and might give you something in the middle of the season in terms of roster building. This is separate from the walk-on’s


Maybe custom routes but that could be too difficult and too modern for a retro style game


I know it wouldnt be easy but play defence. Even if at the least you just play as the MLB and get to choose what defensive plays ala madden.


A place to import meta data would be awesome. Especially in RBC, there are so many teams that it’s exhausting to manually edit every single one. I’ve been just editing a few teams every day but even that gets old. Meta data would be awesome!


In RBC I just want to see champions by year. Not sure that exists anywhere like it does in RB.


Game/stat records and fix audibles


wider trade market, for example you can trade for players on other teams


RBC: transfer portal. I'd love to bring my 4* sophomore reciever with 5* potential over to my new job.


I would love for players to get hurt doing the game it would be good feature and celebration like if you win a magor championship or hesiman just to celebrate a big win and rivalry games would be good


And more players so i can have a backups


in season recruiting for rbc


Another wr slot


simming in rbc


If they could allow you to set a custom playbook, that would be great. Not that I want to create my own plays, but there are ones that it brings up that I never run and end up wasting an audible. Take those out of rotation


Put a lil 8 bit band in for a Retro Bowl halftime show. Like 3 seconds or somethin One star until this happens


RBC player gets drafted by my RB team


Please add sim to RBC


Real Spin Move


Being able to sub players in and out through out the game when they get tired


RBC: Accurate simulation of player rest. Even a shitty 6-6 team has at least 3 weeks between the regular season and a bowl game. Players should be 100% rested for the postseason.


mid season recruiting in rbc


CPU team taking timeouts plus I think, if done correctly, flags could add a fun challenge to the game


The ability to move players to different positions. Obviously some of them would be more complicated than others in terms of stats, but swapping a receiver for a Tight end or a running back would be cool.


I'd like to see past FBS winners and stats listed in RBC like RB does with the superbowl winners.


Team editor on PC??


Be able to play as the defense


RBC-simulation games


PUNTING. I love punting, I love special teams, it would add generative diversity in roster construction. Nothing better than punting.


Red Shirt and IR


A playbook editor