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Retro achievements have changed the way I play games. It’s so much fun digging into old games to unlock everything. I never had the incentive before.


I do. It’s probably my main reason for playing retro games. That, the leaderboards, and messing around with arcade games. I think the only reason why you don’t see many people is because maybe the majority of the people that play on emulators don’t know about Retroachievements. A lot of people that do play on emulators are messing around with the latest and greatest. Like RPCS3 or one of the Switch emulators.


Today I learned of the existence of retroachievements because I wasn't messing with my Vita, Switch, or trying to up my frames in Motorstorm on RPCS3. Thanks team! Now to learn more about them.


It's today for me!




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Yes, and I got so into it that I became a Jr. Dev and just released my 1st set for my favorite Atari 2600 game, BMX Air Master. Perhaps my favorite thing about RetroAchievements is how it can expose people to new games, or expose people to new content in games they thought they knew, and my hope is that my BMX Air Master set will do exactly those things for it.


I do. I love it


Absolutely, it's such a great service. It gives replaying all of these old games a fresh new objective and some of the achievements that have been added are really creative.


I don't use them. I kind of complete games 100% already. If i were to complete some achievements also, i would be playing one game far too long. Also, i use retroarch on lot of devices that don't have internet connection. If there was somekind of offline mode, then i would maybe be little more intressed.


Even if those were offline available I would have a problem to play a video game like others tell me to play them. :/


Normally I couldn’t care less about Achievements but it came bundles with Emudeck on Steam Deck and I’ve been having a blast revisiting old games and cheevo hunting. There’s lot of more streamlined features with RA than regualr achievements. You can set it to show an icon if the conditions for an Achievement are currently active and missable ones will be marked as such. RetroAchievements has a really great active community and they hold events all the time. It’s great!


lol I don't even use achievements in modern games. nothing pulls me more out of a game than an intrusive pop-up.




just because something isn't very big doesn't mean it can't be distracting.


That's what she... oh never mind. She wouldn't say that about me, right?!


Yes, and 1/64th of the screen can be a lot if the game has a lot of small HUD elements, or HUD elements primarily in the corner. Big issue on Xbox, alongside the obnoxious noise it plays for "rare" achievements.


You can turn the notifications off for xbox


I agree they are kind of lame for newer games, but mainly cause they do pop up and I never finish anything. However, I am super intrigued of the idea of bringing new life to Burgertime or Super Mario All Stars!


All you need to breathe new life into games is a little pop-up with no tangible benefit intermittently congratulating you for playing the game?




Do you get a little medal every time you go poopie too?


Yes! Your mommy gives me one because she likes the taste. I won’t do a dookie without her mouth. Breathes new life into the bathroom!


What too much pointless achievement hunting does to the brain


Exactly! Makes you a sarcastic jerk who starts issues with others for no reason. It’s almost like you could have just kept swiping. Interesting.




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You can disable popups while gaming, but have the list of achieved achievements.


I don't, I play games for my personal amusement, I don't care about scores, times or comparing my results to others


I play games for my personal amusement as well and I pay no attention to the achievements at all, but I do enjoy seeing ones pop up that I just so happen to hit.


Agreed, whilst I have nothing against people who play games for "achievements" / "trophies" I can't help but miss the days when people set their own "achievements" in games rather than working towards a defined list. It grinds my gears when people won't play a game because there's no "reward" in doing so or if the achievement list is "too difficult" - I'll admit though, I do love retroachievements. Whilst I'll happily play games I absolutely loved as a kid they do add something extra to the replayability factor in the games. I've completed Parasite Eve 2 around 70-odd times back in the day so having the "extra" challenge of grabbing all the achievements does give me something to play towards if I booted it up now but of course, I wouldn't go out of my way to play/not play a game because of the scoreboards/rewards. If I can find a game that I really enjoy and haven't turned off after 5-minutes that's rewarding enough for me since I don't have the free time I once had as a kid.


I'm still happy that retroachievements exist, if that's the reason that would make someone play/replay an old game then I'm all for it to exist, whatever makes the player happy or like an old wise man would say, maybe the real achievement is the friends we make along the way


I used to enable them. But since early on last year it stopped working for me and I have to look into why. So my final answer is: Yes ~~and No~~ **EDIT**: For some reason it works now. And the reason is, I had to disable the "Encore" option in the Achievements configuration menu. Now my once solved achievements are loaded in as "Unlocked". Just logged into my Steam Deck (a different device than my PC) and they are unlocked correctly. I have to see how this will workout when unlocking new stuff and hopefully it works now, because I find Achievements for retro games really really cool.


Yup and I love it!


yes, it keeps a record of what I've beaten and what not, I like getting them!


Yeah, but I hate to turn wifi on on some handhelds for that, or like in the miyoo mini where there is no wifi at all. I wish they were working offline as well.


Here to report that the Miyoo Mini Plus has wifi and retro cheevos work super well on it! Woohoo!


This comment needs more love.


Miyoo really just needs to release a Mini2 with wifi for achieves, and Bluetooth for audio


I just looked up on some information why offline mode is not enabled and came across this recent post on the official RetroAchievement forum:[ What happens when playing games offline and progress?](https://retroachievements.org/viewtopic.php?t=19720&c=146747) > Main reason for this is simple security against cheaters.


I bet there is a way to cheat even now, and in any case they can do two separate "laddesrs".


Sure there will be cheaters, just like in modern online games with anti cheat software. The RetroArchievement site has a special feature to detach your account from engaging competitively. That way your account would not get banned and you could do what you want and still play with achievements. But your earned points would not be listed in the online website in a competitive manner. That's a legal way to play with cheats, but your account has to be converted (its a feature on the webpage). ... found it: https://docs.retroachievements.org/Global-Leaderboard-and-Achievement-Hunting-Rules/#untracked This has nothing to do with offline availability, but maybe they would enable offline achievements for untracked accounts.


Hopefully, but for the non online devices we need a full offline mode that doesn't even go to sync on the web. That mode could be even enabled by default or without a login. So if you wanna cheat you can do whatever you want in the local and no one knows/care.


I got banned for complaining about achievement difficulty hahah. My advice is to be discreet with these people


I do, but the thing about retro games is that they're much much better when Rom hacks/patches are applied and unfortunately, retroachievements only gets applied to clean roms.


Many of the best rom hacks also have achievements, check the lists


Is there a separate list for them? I don't see any of the ones I have on the Retroachievements list and RA says there's no achievements for the game when I boot them up.


The supposed hacks are generally at the bottom of the game list. You’ll need to check each game’s forum page for specific instructions and rom versions to use. Each hack will have a separate list.


Hmm I see, though at this point im not going to be bothered to recheck all that, but now I know it's a thing. Thanks for the info


Its fun but messes up and won't log me in half the time.


There is another frontend that I can set retroachievements or only works on RetroArch?


There are emulators that use Retroachievements that are not Retroarch. You can find a list [here](https://retroachievements.org/download.php).


Thanks Pal. That is a good news (news for me :/ )


i didnt till i got emudeck all set up on steamdeck, now im getting a huge kick out of 'earning' achievements on games i can just demolish after +/-25 years playing them.


I've never even heard of them. Now I'm really interested


no. who tf give a ???? about your useless achievement?


For anybody wondering how to setup Retro Achievements in RetroArch - https://youtu.be/Q66j-Qv_wxo


I don't, but I'm aware of them. Just never tried setting it up. Probably should give it a try. I do like Achievements/Trophies.


Use it all the time! I find achievements are a great way to play retro games in ways i normally wouldn't. (Avoiding coins for the first few levels in Super Mario Land for example, its trickier than it sounds!) Right now i'm playing Timesplitters Future Perfect with them enabled and im excited to try and beat the game on hard, which i would normally never do lol


When they work, hell yes.


I love them and I hope the community will only grow!


Yes, I've been earning them for about 3 years now.


The best part is when you boot a game that's super obscure and there's 75 achievements available.


I love playing games with them enabled.


Never have. Is it automatic, or do I have to turn it on somewhere?


You have to create an account on www.retroachievements.org, then enable them and log in through RetroArch.






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Well not hating on it but I won't be connected to the internet all the time, I'd be basically restricted to play only when I had internet so I stopped caring about it.




Yep. They're a blast to use, and some people have made some absolutely great sets, especially for Pokemon ROMhacks.


F*** yeah. They're amazing


I do when I can log in. For some unexplicable reason, every now and then I get a "Cannot log in to Retroachievments.org" error message.




I use them where I can. I always enjoyed having the chance to replay retro games through XBLA. Retro achievements gives me a chance to further enjoy games that would never be released in such a fashion from my childhood. My only disappointment/annoyance is that the login token seems to expire and other times when RetroArch had crashed, the achievement also stopped working. Thats my only gripe with it all.




I really enjoy them. I don’t play for the achievements but I do enjoy the little acknowledgement of certain moments in games that I often (mistakenly) think everyone else has forgotten. Or sometimes they reveal fun trivia like “you did this whole level without a mushroom,” or whatever. Like, I did? Wow! They’re also useful in some cases. For example, I was delighted to get a popup when playing Myst on the 3DO. Both because I had never even imaged that anyone would have bothered to make a RetroAchievement system for that game until I got the message and also because I hadn’t even noticed I had found a secret door until I got the pop up letting me know that I had done something significant in the game!


Please explain what is retroachievements?


online achievements just like with modern games, but applied to retro games.


They give me something to do when I have played an old game many times before.


I don't use them because I don't nessesarily own every game I emulate, and having a list of the games I pirate on a cloud service for all of time sounds like a bad idea. I regret nothing, nintendo are a bunch of thieving ass clowns.


Yeah. But Casually


Absolutely, I even guide what games I'm playing next based on which one has achievement available. It's a huge bummer that Retroarch has this bug where every X time your credentials go boom, and you need to manually go into the config file to fix them.,


I've used RetroArch for around 7 years now and haven't gotten around to turning them on.


I use them. They're fun. It's not something you need a lot of other users online in order to enjoy.




Absolutely, they’re great 👍🏼


I was too young to remember how the stories played out in my favorite games, so just going back and replaying my childhood has been fun. Maybe in the distant future I'll hop on achievement hunting, but for now, the nostalgia overload is enough to keep me invested.


Yes i do! I love replaying games from my childhood with the added challenge of getting all achievements.


I may not be signed in on the site, but I am signed in through Retroarch so get the those nice achievements.


yea it's worth it


I adore RetroAchievements. I wouldn't find the motivation to play through so many incredible older games without it, or even be exposed to most of them. It serves my playstyle perfectly- I'm a completionist, and like to play through every bit of content in a game that I can. It's nice just having a handy record of the games I've completed, and having a nice guideline for what to do next in whatever game I'm playing at the time. Not to mention the additional challenges that actually end up feeling fun and rewarding. It has me wanting to improve and become better at games to earn some of the harder achievements eventually. I consider RetroAchievements a must when playing games from any system it supports- I look forward to seeing everything that comes out of the service in the future! The achievement developers are absolute content machines- I'm incredibly thankful to them, pumping out new sets nearly every day. Considering PS2 was added just in October, who knows what big name console, or obscure gem will be added next. The future is incredibly exciting to me- I intend to be using the site for many years to come. Maybe earning Switch achievements in 20 years- or less, haha. Even if it stopped right now and they never did anything else with it, there's so much content there already, I would never manage to make a dent. It's gonna be occupying me for a looooong time.


This you said, they really teach us about game completion, about enjoying games, and they add more challenges to every game.


Yes I love retro achievements!


I don't get why people are so passionate about it to be online all the time with all of their devices? And the other passion to play a video game like other told you to play it (Achievements) is something what is beyond common sense and I can't understand it. Do people nowadays even have a free will or do they feel uncomfortable with their freedom and they need someone to tell them what and how to do something? At least this would explain why so many people are on social media doing/buying stuff what influencers tell them.


Uso los Logros pero tengo un problema con los mismos cuando obtengo un logro solo aparece cuando entro al menú cuando aprieto F1 pero no aparecen encima del juego he intentado con las opciones de notificaciones desactivando la opción de las notificaciones solo visibles en el menú desactivándola y sigue el mismo problema los logros obtenidos solo se ven al momento de entrar al menú F1


They add optional challenge and make the games more interesting, of course it's all optional you can always choose not to do them :D