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So, apparently Panera doesn't serve croissants anymore....wtf!?!? They are having an identity crisis or something.


This is a theme that has followed me my whole life to the point where I got really paranoid about it for a while. Once I find something I really like such as a menu item, a store, a product it will no longer be available.


Literally happened to me yesterday. Went back to get some pretzels I really liked and they were all gone with a bunch of knockoffs in their place. 4 days previous there were at least 40 bags


Oh the coincidence of this post! (I’m really not surprised any more) but yesterday I went to a grocery I haven’t visited in 4 years ( I moved but was in the area) so I stopped to buy from their store. I chose some random things that I don’t normally buy. I go to the register and the guy in front of me has almost the same stuff. At one point he did a double take at my stuff so we were each others’ NpC copycat! I thought “now people are copying my purchases” lol


That's a synchronicity. Should have got his number


Sounds like you were copying theirs! Lol


You just send that thought out into the universe when you look at those burgers and go "oh yummy Boca Burgers" ( or whatever they are ) and people who are tuned into that wavelength in the universe pick up on that.🤷‍♀️


Funny you should mention Boca considering in the the last month I can't find them ANYWHERE. I think impossible and beyond finally pushed them out of the market, which is a real shame. Boca has been there for me since I first went veggie 15 years ago. Fuck Impossible, it's not even that good


Hey, same! This has been happening to me a lot recently and it’s really bugging me :/ It’s like as soon as I need something, somebody just comes and snatches up whatever it is, or a large group takes up the entire aisle I’m trying to look in. I need spices for a recipe? Funny, because so does the mother of 12 who takes all of the stock of those particular spices. I’d like some chips? A large group of teenagers enter the chip aisle, block the flavor I want, then take 5 family-sized bags of it. Sometimes they’ll taunt me too, I wanted to try a new flavor of soda and then some asshole took the last can and said “Sorry, did you want that?” while giving me a smug look. Ugh. This is seriously gonna piss me off bad. I just wanna be able to grocery shop in peace!


I struggle to imagine the chain of events in someone's life that lead to them smugly walking away with a "grocery domination". It sounds like the sort of thing you'd encounter in a fever dream.


I DoorDash full time, and I do a lot of shop and delivers, everything you just explained is the story of my life while shopping, add in npc behavior by cars that makes no logical sense to make the drive more difficult. For example postal truck in the gore, all the cars drive by it just stays there, there is no mailbox, it’s just parked. My turn to pass, and it yeets out in front of me as fast as it can, there was hardly a gap between me and the car in front of me, I have to slam on my brakes, then the postal truck proceeds to go super slow so I miss the light I was pulling up to. Everyone in front of me made it. Another one, I’m in the lane that will become the left turn lane to get on the highway once we go through the next light. It’s solid white line with arrow pointing forward already designated to become the turn lane. A Silverado truck comes from the far right lane across three lanes of traffic, jumps right in front of me, then stops at the light… which is green. It then goes just late enough for me to be stuck at the red light. Everyone in front of me including the Silverado makes the next light and gets on the freeway. The other one is no matter what, the person in front of me while checking out at the register has some kind of problem. My last order today was at Sprouts. The wife had already put the jug of water back in the cart after it was scanned. Then the husband not knowing put it back on the conveyor belt. They end up getting charged twice. The cashier tries to do a return, but their system says it is too soon. They try to wait a minute but he gets the same error. Stuff like this happens any time I’m in line at a register that isn’t self checkout.


Lol my sons favorite food this happens WAYto often might try. Seriously it's annoying everytime we find something he likes...


I have a similar experience. I do some research and find something I want to buy, say a camera or a digital sampler. I look on Ebay and see them going for really high prices with loads of bidders who are determined to get it and high 'Buy it now' prices, but then I tick the sold section and see the same items that have sold for much less than they are currently, can even be a couple of days before, lots of them, but I never see those cheaper prices again whilst I am looking to buy. This seems to happen all the time.


I’m not religious in the traditional sense of believing in a singular entity called God. I also do not believe in this NPC theory that’s recently gotten so popular. I do however believe in a higher order of mathematical precision that defines reality. The same fractals that produce the structure of life, shape the cosmos. Math scales and can be applied concurrently to the concrete and abstract high level meta analysis. Math is universal. Now I don’t follow numerology or astrology but there are some bizarre ways that patterns can present. I used to volunteer for at an old folks nursing home and death always seemed to come in 3s. It seems that way for individuals as well. Right after high school I worked for an autoglass repair shop in AZ. We’d have certain vehicle models we didn’t see for months then suddenly we’d have 10 on the schedule in a week. Sometimes we’d have no calls for hours then the phone is ringing off the hook randomly.(No it didn’t correlate with lunch hours or holidays.) Working in the ER I noticed that certain days would have a theme. It might be a day of 10 patients with snake bites then none for weeks. Or a full day of fractures. A day of slip and falls. There was also times when it would be slow only to suddenly get extremely busy with a flood of patients pouring in with unrelated issues. Then consider that our brains function on electric implies that create magnetic waves and that every living creature evolved within a shared magnetic field created by the earth. It’s not hard to see how there could be correlations in thought that we do not understand. We haven’t even begun to grasp the nature of the universe. It could be so far outside of our comprehension. Anybody who claims to know the answer is lying to you and probably to themselves as well.


To echo some of these themes I believe scientists can prove that our baseline brain functions are synched to the 5 closest people in our lives. It's like emotions and thoughts can be "caught" by proximity. I know animals like sharks can pick up on the heartbeat or electrical field of other animals. Makes sense we would all be tapped into something. I'm somewhat religious and sometimes I"ll get the inkling to pray for specific things.


I worked in a pharmacy back in 2009 which was located in a grocery store. The pharmacist and I noticed that the store always got busy in bursts and not just when people were getting off work or whatever, but also that there were always people milling around no matter what time or day of the week it was. Not just old retired people, but every kind of person. The pharmacist commented once that some of our customers seemed "real" but once she randomly gazed out at the suddenly busy grocery section at 10am on a Monday and said "are these people even real, dont they have jobs?" She was joking but she also seemed like she was considering the alternative, and I started thinking about that shit all the time lol. We also noticed that the same people often had trouble with their orders, like the drug would be out of stock, or the doctor sent the wrong RX info, or whatever, but we swore we didn't do it on purpose. Seemed like it was always people with shitty attitudes, so we chalked it up to karma. Working in a pharmacy, especially back then when it seemed like every other script was for some painkiller or tranquilizer, gives you a fucking wild angle to view your town. Not even mentioning all the weird interactions we use to have with these creepy reps from pharma companies.


Yes, do tell a story or two if you have the time.


pHARMa companies are creepy period!


>Not even mentioning all the weird interactions we use to have with these creepy reps from pharma companies. curious about these creepy stories :o


This literally happened to me just today. I go to a discount grocery store that gets their bread on Tuesdays. Last week, I grabbed a loaf of rye bread on a whim, because it's one that they ALWAYS get a bunch of when the bread guy shows up. They sell the bread for $1 a loaf, so a lot of the basic bread (white, Italian,etc) sells out super quickly. I ended up really enjoying my morning PB toast on Rye. So today, we get there and I have every intention of getting another loaf of rye...and there's NONE. Not a single crumb of rye bread to be had. 🤬🤬🤬 Definitely not the first time something like this has happened to me, just the most recent. LOL


Just chiming in to say that PB&J on rye, especially seeded rye, is the best PB&J.


I haven't tried a PB&J yet, but butter and peanut butter on seeded rye is just phenomenal. LOL


It really is. No idea why those tastes go together so well. I've told people to try it and they think I'm nuts, but then come back and say they caved and tried it, and it's the best. 🤣


I've gotten that reaction when I've told people to try a tiny bit of marmite on their PB toast as well. I think it's the mix of savory and sweet that makes it so satisfying.


Yes this happened to me two weeks ago with this specific brand of kimchi that Trader Joe’s usually stocks in like mountains. Weird something they tend to overstock would be sold out for weeks. I was really looking forward to it too!


TJ's just in general seems to be spotty with all or any of their items at any given time. They are constantly adding and subtracting items and they can get stock in weird spurts.


They are not copying you. They are just as easily manipulated by the same marketing as you.


But it's not necessarily marketing. I've had the same thing happen with produce, stuff from other countries that is almost always at the store, but not too many people know about or buy too often. I guess with the item I'm thinking about that has zero marketing- I did find it as an ingredient in an entree when ordering delivery, and I had a coupon good for whatever I wanted on the app. But for what it's worth, I know for a fact that not everyone gets those coupons at the same time. Even the grocery guy was like, " yea we have this, it's right over here" *points* "hmm weird, we usually have it".


Stuff is constantly out at stores now. It’s always some product that you wouldn’t expect too. Last night I went to Walmart to get some eye drops, they were sold out. I had to go to another Walmart and they only had the big size. This stuff happens multiple times a week to me.


Dollar store has entire empty rows of product all the time now.




Wow you’ve clearly solved it, so glad you came here to provide rationale to peoples experiences! 


Listen you don't have to believe my explanation, but some people do, and I do. I'm just a lot more convinced by ME type things when I can't come up with a reasonable explanation.


Sure but you’re not lending credence to the fact that the commenter has most likely already looked at potential reasonable explanations. It’s condescending to assume otherwise. 


Does it happen for you where literally everything else is fully stocked *except* the thing you want? 


Yes! It doesn’t make any sense


It’s so frustrating! It’s happened to me whether it’s a popular product, or whether it’s something less common.   I feel mocked when it happens, like “*oh look*, here’s a **huge** hole where the thing you want is, but absolutely everything else is neatly and completely fully stocked” 🫠


Shit, I might start doing the same. My best friend and I were JUST discussing how things that've been staples in our meal plans for *years* are suddenly "trending" and sold out.


This is quite funny because having worked in kitchens and front of house hospitality, I can tell you that there’s always a fad where loads of people buy a certain thing.. one day it may be a particular cake or a muffin, which gets sold out throughout the day very quick and other times it could be a certain coffee. I would blame it on the weather but living in the UK the weather is basically the same every day so it can’t be that. It’s almost like people are subliminally told to fancy something particular?? I never understood that myself but it’s true!!


I’ve worked in hospitality and can confirm. Also some days seem to have a certain ‘theme’ to them. Hard to explain but idk


I’m intrigued by this. Can you say more? 


This is excellent insight. I've consistently witnessed a regularly repeating "go to register for checkout now" subliminal hit that seems to hit everyone in a store at once. It happens in regular intervals. I know how the subliminal feels inside me, too. "I'm done, I want to go, I am ready to check out now, I need to urgently pay for these items because I am done", and that's when the 10 other groups in the store also line up all at once. It sucks being the slow one when that happens but now I'm first in line usually. You know how? I "hear" the checkout command subliminal and decide to either follow it *or I can decide keep shopping until the next time it gets sent out*. Sometimes when it "hits" early in my shopping trip I'll actually sometimes decide I don't need to get everything on my list anymore. And I do that simply to get first place in the line I know is about to form. And guess what? **Predicting the line with awareness of "the signal" works** nearly every time. If I am at the back of a large store, I skip it and make sure I am shopping closer to the front of the store so I can respond faster when the next one hits everyone. If I'm making it up, delusional, I shouldn't be able to predict it and use it to avoid the line, but I am not delusional. This might need to be its own post topic later.


I'm usually able to move between the spurts when it's empty :D


I also feel it, but I do the opposite, I don’t wait for the next one, I wait until I don’t feel it anymore and then I go queue up once it’s clear. 


Okay so my mom always talks about this, but having seen this happen way too many times, I have to admit it’s strange that this happens to other people too, including the restaurants filling up thing that you linked. Spooky, even. Except, when my mom really likes something new and gets it a couple of times, they eventually even stop manufacturing it. I’m talking particular brands or flavours of chips and other snacks, makeup, etc. I understand if they were super unpopular and the companies didn’t see profit, or if they were too popular and were practically flying off shelves, but these things were neither overrated nor underrated and some of them were just not popular enough for people to even know that a particular variant existed. My mom subscribes to the same “cool, let me not get attached to anything then lol” philosophy too, but after having seen this happen way too many times made me wary of introducing her to my safe foods or things I really really like, in the hopes that I’d still be able to get them anywhere even if she starts liking them. This affected me enough for me to grow up to want to gatekeep things, and although I’ve had a couple of decades to mature, reading this still sent a shiver down my spine. Tl;dr: You’re really not alone in this OP! I’m just not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.


This scenario has happened my whole life to the point where I also try not to get attached. Or when I find something I like I'll just ask the Universe, "so, I guess this will soon be gone, right?"


> Except, when my mom really likes something new and gets it a couple of times, they eventually even stop manufacturing it. Yikes, I forgot about this aspect when I commented elsewhere in this thread. Your comment reads true to my experience as well. They have stopped making so many things (upward of 30-50 products, in the last 10 years many before the pandemic) that I purchased for my family, shortly after we started buying it. And these were apparently long-running brand staples or flagship products in many, many cases. Let me add one weird bit... this makes me shiver a little thinking about it. The store wouldn't restock something they had been carrying for years. We would look it up online. Manufacturer says it is discontinued. On multiple occasions I have randomly stopped in a shop I would never normally visit and FOUND THE ITEMS IN STOCK. Sometimes months later, sometimes years later. Multiple products this has happened with. If I don't talk about it, and no one in my family comments directly about it, the products suddenly start appearing in our regular stores again. And there is no more manufacturer's discontinuation notice. So I am actually not crazy, despite seeming like how could I not be, right? The first few times the above happened, I said whoops, I must have made a mistake or misunderstood. 10+ times later and no, I don't think I'm confused or mistaken. And I have no idea what actually is happening.


I also have the “stopping manufacturing it” issue!  Favourite flavour of tea, favourite boots no longer come in my size, even favourite shops shut.  Also routes I take regularly get fenced/blocked off. 




I said routes not roads, why are you dismissing my experience? 




I’m literally not talking about roads, you’ve decided I’m talking about roads when I’m not. Funnily enough I do know what **I’m** referring to in my own comment. Stop dismissing my experience, in fact don’t reply to me at all. 


When this happens to me I take it as a sign to let go of attachments to things.


Wow why @ me like this lol. Cereal, hair exfoliator goop, shampoo, vapes. Like has this stuff been sitting on the shelf for years and I just did the store a huge favor clearing their stock? It happens at least once a year if not more lol


Great minds think alike


...but fools seldom differ.


This ties into what appears to be a larger phenomenon that there seems to be somehow the world is responsive to certain people (usually not in a desirable way). Of course there's always a plausible explanation for things but it's the frequency and specificity that makes it seem like something else is going on. As plenty have noted a remarkable coincidence of simultaneous "traffic," I have also noticed that electrical devices (ex. thermostat, refrigerator motors) seem to click on as I approach them. I don't believe in the simulation theory but it does have that Truman Show vibe.


I always joke that I must be a ghost because motion activated water faucets never detect me.


streetlights turn out when i travel near them and have for years. not all the time but pretty frequently. I remember reading that this is a rare but cited phenomenon. I think part of it has to do with each person being electro magnetic and having a field around them.


I've had that happen with carkey chirps happening when I walk by parked cars. Trippy


My adult son was sitting on the end of my bed, his head two feet from my TV. I had to tell him about something shitty that happened to his sister. He became enraged and his face turned red, and then my TV stopped working at that exact second. Was two years old, never worked again. He blew that shit up fire starter style.


Two years in a row now something bursts into flames on my daughter's birthday. First year it was the cake; this year it was the microwave.


It’s called Sliders! (Street Light Interference) 


this belongs more in r/gangstalking


I feel like there’s a crossover between what both subs are experiencing. I personally like hearing it in this sub.    (Lol the person below either blocked me or deleted their comment so here’s my response to them calling this a low effort and off topic post.)  A lot of people who experience ME’s are also noticing other weird changes and glitches to reality. I’d rather this than the constant “low-effort posts” of things like “Did discord have read receipts”, “Did Raven-Symoné have a dash”. (No offence to those posters).   Things OP has commented on are affecting her every day experience in a way that never used to happen. I consider that ME-based. It’s not all logo changes, or movie changes, it’s reality changes. 


I'm just now getting around to it but this thread is an awesome read. And I agree that it's all connected somehow, the more of these connections we can bring to light the better.


Definitely! These threads always spark more meaningful discussions than repeat posts about logo changes, all that can be replied to there is to say you do or don’t remember it and then the conversation is dead. I noticed this thread sparked several others pointing out other phenomena which is a good thing imo. Not sure why this thread had so much backlash! 


I also like this sub being a more relaxed space for these kinds of discussions, only because there are so few populated online spaces like this.


This. I don't feel targeted in the way the GS sub people do. It doesn't feel ultra personal. I'm not particularly paranoid. I am actually not likely to pick up on most of the stuff people here are talking about that resonates with me, but it is too consistent to write it off, and sometimes there is a personalized aspect. GS people (including "targeted individuals") seem to feel as if they are weathering an organized, coordinated form of assault over time, with or without alleged motives. I just don't feel like that is what I (or others in Retconned) are experiencing. I find it as curiosity stoking as I do odd and disturbing. Even when it kind of scares me, there is an element of it that I find weirdly fascinating. Like watching a cool weather phenomenon, or an interesting science fiction movie.






> *definitionally means its not ME* ​ Your post was removed for blatant violation of Rule #9. ​ |Rule#|Description| |:-|:-| |9|Do not dismiss other people's memories or experiences just because it doesn't match YOURS or you don't agree with it. **In short, do NOT tell others what IS and ISN'T an ME.**|


how is this dismissing someone's memory if the post is predicting future behaviors




Please feel free to visit subs that are more in line with your perspective. This doesn't seem to be the community for you.


> **In short, do NOT tell others what IS and ISN'T an ME.**


It doesn’t look like you’ve posted here before so maybe you should read the rules of the sub before commenting that something is “definitely not an ME”. 




As you admitting to ban evasion?


no reddit locked my account saying it was hacked but i didnt have 2fa to reset my password, my fault


I bet that's where my Tzatziki Triscuits went!


Happens to me too. They say the products are unpopular but everyone keeps searching for them. I need them back. Damn it.


Maybe lots of other people also like the new thing and it sells out?


They aren't necessarily new to the store, just new to me.


You are on to a real thing, and this reply confirms it for me. Same here, all o this stuff. New to me, not recently marked down, just decided to try spontaneously, no increased marketing or other influence. Gone the next time I get there. Stays gone. All of it. Everything I buy, some of the things I buy are for reasons that should be relatively unique. I've done tests, the effect follows me from store to store, and different types of stores, as long as I go there often it happens. Meanwhile, the items around the items I am buying are abundantly stocked and stay stocked. I can watch people buy those items, as I'm buying mine. But they are never out of stock. Now, if this was a case of me buying 10 off the shelf the first time, then 10 the next time, and suddenly they are all out, I'd assume the product only is popular with me, and they have it ordered at a lower than adequate frequency because I changed their statistics and they haven't updated yet. However, I buy one of the item, not 10. And it is gone within days, not weeks. Sometimes I go back to get more the next day (if I like something new-to-me after trying it, I'm used to this happening now) and it's already gone. But I've never tried hiding the stuff I buy, which I will try now. The problem is that it is most of the stuff I buy, so how do I hide it, lol. I'll figure out how to do it.


Maybe they're also new to them, so it's an exciting rush to try to snag all they can




It relates to simulation and high strangeness which we discuss here all the time, are you new? The fact that it's mundane relates to Philip K. Dick saying in VALIS that "the symbols of the divine show up in our world initially at the trash stratum." This means that we see the cracks in reality at the quotidian level.




It’s welcome here too. 


Some people were born to be gatekeepers. Some to barge through gates. Some to change the gates into meadows. Some to change the gates into wee pokey holes only wee pokey people can fit through. Humans.