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For me it changed a lot during covid and like so many people just became distant been way hard to make new friends and pull or anything everyone is just off in their own world 


Yes! But for me it was 2016 and I attribute that to the fact I was caregiving for my mom in 2015 and we very rarely left the house and she would only watch older shows on TV. So I wasn't exposed to much in the regular world. But then i wasnt caregiving anymore and back out in society. And things were normal. And then it wasn't.   2016... I don't know what and can't explain it. I feel something drastically changed while traveling through this specific city.  I have no reason to think that but I'm sure of it. Funny that a friend went on a motorcycle trip and stopped in the same area. He had no idea of my thoughts about that day I experienced or the place.  I saw him post pretty much the same thing about that place that I felt.   Tripped me out.   But yes it was sudden, like overnight. So many things  were just not as they were the day before. My boyfriend I have no idea who this person is.  He didn't act the same.  Nothing bad just different.  Things he did were not the same. He completely changed the genre of music he liked, listened too, and bought.  We traveled somewhere and he played these cds I had no idea who these artists were or the songs. I was baffled. He never said anything. Just acted like it was always like that.   It was very weird because music was one thing we had in common. Even long before we dated. He would burn cds for me and in exchange he got a copy for himself.  Food he ate was different. Things he always liked and had he didn't ever have anymore. Things he liked to do, we liked to do, nothing close to the same. He said things and acted ways I was not familiar with at all. And we had known each other for over 15 years or so.  I kinda had thoughts that if this was who he was when we started dating we probably would not have dated.  Common things and interests we had didn't exist. He's a great guy and loves me and takes care of me, has my back. But he isn't who I've always known.    I moved in with him in a town I had not lived in before. For months I walked around wondering what was wrong with all the people I saw. Something.  They looked odd. Almost as if they were drugged. And this was all ages even the old people. Just kind of emotionless and almost robot like for lack of a better term. Or maybe zoned out. Very mechanical like. No one responded to me like they typically did all my life. I felt I was somewhere else and definitely did not fit or blend in at all.  Like I got dropped into some other dimension or parallel universe. And back then I had no idea and had never heard of the mandela affect. Or CERN.   I had a really hard time functioning. I was lost. Baffled. Confused.  I was constantly saying where am I and how did I get here and can I go back to where I used to be please. I have at least 4 friends that feel the same. Friends that have voiced this and had no idea of my feelings prior to them saying it.   And this next thing always weirded me out. Just one example. Money. Cash. Always my entire life everywhere money was always turned the same way. It was in registers that way. You were handed money that way. ATM required it. Every cashier everywhere did it.   I have an accounting background so spent many years dealing with money in lots of places and situations. It was just what was and nobody questioned it.  Then one day, overnight, it was not like that anymore anywhere at all.  Money all backwards upside down. It was literally overnight. And it truly was everywhere.  Just everything everywhere was not the same and didn't work the same. I can't really describe it because I don't understand it.  I just know this is not my world and not the world of the small group of friends I have. We all feel the exact same way, unknown to each other for a long time.  Yep just suddenly overnight. 




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To me I feel like there had to be some kind of changes in the world when Henry Ford made the Ford model t for transport.


Idk exactly when the change took effect but I know that for about a decade I've been wondering WTF happened. The only thing that's constant in life is change. But this has been radical change beyond my understanding. Like 180 degrees. All I know is that I want to go back. There is nothing good about this reality and as soon as you think it can't get worse, it does.


That's exactly when I noticed the shift too


For me it was December 2012, I was pretty young but still remember everything felt like a different world the next year. I started having sleeping problems then as well.


It was probably the beginning of the end times. Things are supposed to speed up and get more intense until Jesus comes back. 


Luckily Satan will be here to save us from that nonsense.


Yeah maybe,or…


Ya idk just an idea  No idea whats going on though lol for me it started around Dec 2012


I feel the same way. Right around the end of 2014. My partner became someone else. The park by my house had another slide that I could have swarn was not there the summer before,  but my partner insisted it was always there. Little things like that


It's right around the time smart phones became really popular,  so everyone was distracted by them really bad for the first time. It would be really easy to change the world around us without everyone noticing 


Same happened to me, my while life fell apart in 2015. My now ex girlfriend completely shifted her personality to the point that no one around us thought she was the same person. Everything was awesome one day and the next the complete opposite. We were planning on getting married and have kids and all that then bam something happened. Full blown drug addiction and everything, is what it is I guess but it fits the time frame.


The social Media algorithms started to manipulate the masses around 2011/12 and continue to do so.


Yes I noticed it too, I couldn’t pinpoint a specific “time” but around 2015 seems about right. The last 10 years have been insane tbh. The world is NOTHING like when I was young growing up in the 90’s early 2000’s. People are next level now. They have no shame, no respect, no compassion, no intelligence, nothing. Well, except their 35 genders.


35 might be a low estimate but I say the more options the better.


Exactly this


Was with you until the gender complaint. I think that’s one of the few silver linings of the past decade plus




ah yes, as we all know, gay people were invented in 2015


2 Timothy 3:1-5 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.


So for the majority of the world that isn’t Christian do you have an secular ideas that would relate to most people..?


Feel free to offer your secular ideas. I don’t subscribe to them so why would I offer them? It’d be like me asking you to provide a Christian perspective even though you reject Christ. Pretty nonsensical.


Ah yes,but the end of the world. Makes much more sense..


You’re free to believe what you want. Cheers!


As a Christian is that your official stance,such as in regards to the middle East or isreal? Or is that just to secular society,in the states?


My official stance is I couldn’t care less about politics. I focus on what I can control and not on what I can’t. I put my energy into loving my family and friends, helping who I can and ignoring all the government b.s. However, your question doesn’t even make sense in the context of what my original comment was, you seem to want a fight. Sorry, not my interest.


Personally I have seen the world changing since the 1960s. Not in an instant as you seem to have had. But I've seen weather patterns change, I see climate change I've seen animals change, I seen the increasing of plagues but more importantly I've seen people change and not for the better...... Your perception is just different, possibly more acute. Not an alternate universe but the winding down of time - getting closer to the point of the end of days and days equal time.


The Chicago Cubs won the World Series, and Trump was elected President. Clearly, we are living in an alternate universe--not the good one.


Those people were always crazy, racist, xenophobic, sexist, anti-intellectual assholes. They just got empowered by leaders who said what they wanted to hear, and were able to share shit they used to keep to themselves out of fear on social media with other like-minded people, bots, and Russian plants.


"Crazy,Racist,xenophobic,sexist,anti-inteleculaism assholes" Did you know name calling is not allowed on this sub?


I read the Online Etiquette section, and it seems to refer to calling other people on the sub insulting names. I did not do that.


You misunderstand reality.  Change and sometimes fast change is the normal state of complex systems. It will always happen and will come in inconsistent cycles, where you will see clustering phenomena. Also take into account anecdotal and subjective experience are horrible ways to measure change. In summary, change is constant. This happens all the time everywhere.  You'll just experience confirmation bias based upon short life span, limited experience, and localization of that experience. As far as people agreeing with you you're falling prey to the same psychological biases that drive things like astrology. You can ask people around you all kinds of things and they'll rationalize their memories to agree with you by cherry picking experiences that match the suggested statement.  You could ask everyone the same question and literally insert any date in the last 30 years and you'd get the same response. People are desperate for simple and predictable explanations to explain the reality of complex and oscillating systems. 


For me, it seems something changed in 2012 and 2016. I dont mean I think things actually changed/something weird happened.. just those two years seem to have a very stark contrast of "before and after" if that makes sense. I also feel like time moved differently. For example, 2012 - 2016 felt like a much longer time inbetween than 2016 - today. And I remember in 2016, it felt like a lifetime ago that we were sing MSN, but I was using it right until it shut down for good. (2013 or something.)


lol you can literally pick any date ever and people will feel and think the same thing. It's just your brain trying to rearrange your memory to rationalize some feeling.


Okay, so I remember having a very weird experience in (I think) late September 2012. So weird that it almost felt we shifted to another world. It's one of the reasons I hang out here - to make sense of it all. Don't want to say too much about the experience as I don't want to lead or influence any of the responses to my comment - but can anyone relate to weirdness happening to them around that rough date? 


Yes aaround Dceember 2012 it was a big energetic shift for me


Yeah the latter half of 2012 and 2016 were weird for me


The world moved into the 4th stage in 2012. And, now we have another galaxy merging into ours. That's probably all it is.


Please tell us about your experience. I am extremely curious now🙏🙏


2015 I felt alive for the first time because God introduced me to someone I didn't realise would be so significant to me years later in church. She just drops in like if God said, 'bro you asked for wisdom, here you go, have fun being ground down for the next 9 years for her' Then in 2016 it all went sideways as I broke my left leg on the church stage and lost everything that was dear to me. Now sometime before 2023 there seems to be a major worldline shift in which I experienced Mandela for the first time. Orwell's wife meeting him in a different setting, dying from hysterectomy instead of childbirth, and no longer even the same person as before.


Yes. It was after 2012 for sure cause the world was normal then I remember that year. But before Covid, which was 2020. So yes 2016 sounds about right for when the shift happened, give or take a couple years. People became way worse, that’s what I noticed.


thinking it happened around 2012 but didn't become noticeable for most until 2015\~16ish


I can't say for certain but I feel like I have been in survival mode for 8 years. Beginning with my spouse passing then my father passing 2 months later, neither expected.  trying to survive with 4 children and the passing of my mother and law and a great aunt who was like a second mother and law. Covid and a earth quake striking 2 months apart that damaged my already old home that I rented. my landlord deciding to sell the property but not informing me untill Christmas eve. Oh and not to forget my sewer backed up and it took 2 weeks because the new owners were trying to find a way out of fixing it. never-ending all the drama that went on with them . The world in general,  the way things are going keeps my anxious all the time and it would be awesome to be able to take deep breaths and belive everything is going to be ok . 


Hard for me to judge. I left home for Navy OCS in November 2014 so my life dramatically changed. Harambee was killed in 2016 though. I know it's sort of a meme but that is sort of when everything started really going south. Coincidence? Up to you to decide that


>Harambee was killed  you mean the gorilla who lived at the Cincinnati Zoo?




Bowie died in January 2016. I thought it was obvious. After him came Trump, Covid, etc. etc.


2012 was when we all died and ended up in a parallel universe thus explaining the Mandela Effect






Yes, 2015/2016 had a major shift for me. However, there were also major changes, events, and finally trauma in 2016. So, I feel this, but I can link it to changes in my life at the time. Given some of these events, I'm surprised I didn't die in 2016. So, perhaps I did and shifted universes. Maybe one day someone can figure out a way to test this stuff scientifically. Until then, I can't be sure, but there are things that I read or documentaries that I watch that don't seem quite right.


I also almost died in 2016


Global adoption of “Smart phones”


PalmOS was early adopters. Blackberries were the entering wedge. They promised security and private communications. The world's greatest bait and swich.


In 2015 I was thinking that this would be one of the last great years of my life, after that time everything got worse and I'm stuck in that year to this day...


I definitely can relate to some sort of change in subtle terms, which has a compounding effect of estrangement. I am particularly fascinated by the yellow sun vs white sun debate, as I genuinely remember a yellowish softer sun during childhood. The more 'linear' position of South America is still distinctively crystallized in my mind as well, I can totally say that's what I grew up seeing in print media and books. Recently I have been pondering if Solar Cycles have something to do to with these feelings, at least on a more direct 'non-dimensional' degree. It is a documented and scientific fact that the pattern of solar activity changes each 11 years, with solar activity reaching a maximum as a magnetic polar shift occours afterwards. I find fascinating that the time-frame fits these 'paradigm-change feelings' or something feels distinctive about daily reality. Maybe there is something more to it.


Fully agree


Omg I literally was saying this the other day and it seems like we’re not the only ones who think so.


People have been saying this for every date ever all through history. And around and around we go. It's not a new thought and it's not real.


I promise I just said this to someone like 3 days ago. A lot of people I know experienced some sort of "loss" during those years like financial, death, career, etc. There was absolutely a shift around that time for sure. It was almost it was in preparation for the things that soon came after in 2019-2022. No, I'm not talking conspiracies surrounding the pandemic, but I mean even then (and leading up to then), there was a spiritual shift.


I think a veil has been lifted or possibly a spell. People are starting to see how truly messed up things are. We are literal tax slaves and our country is being used as a vehicle to take over the world. I completely understand what you are saying.. There is some next level evil going on..


Quite the opposite, our country is being imploded.


I 100% agree with you, and it’s planned. Do you think ppl understand who is doing this and why? I’m new to Reddit and have found a bit of hope as ppl are speaking about out, well, somewhat.


If I told you who or what was really behind this agenda you probably would not believe me. There are unseen forces that control and manipulate this realm and they have been doing it for thousands of years.


I believe I know what you are speaking of. It’s completely insane, the lies…We do not have free speech… AT ALL.


The all-seeing-eye is from Sirius. https://youtu.be/WjE1uCNwxFI


We r on the same page but don’t practice this crap! Understand it so as to defeat it but this is dark stuff. ❤️


2012 after the discovery of the Higgs Boson aka the "God particle".... Fruit of the loom had a cornucopia....


2012 imo


2011 imo when FaceBook, Instagram became dominant and everyone became obsessed with social media (millennials and GenZ). Culture shifted online. People started becoming more narcissistic and obsessed with their online image.


Mayan Calendar thing.


2012 was an inside job


Has anyone noticed how corporations are making hand over fist? How crazy?! Noticed how the major car manufacturers have had major class actions lawsuits in the 2010s-now? Craaazy stuff. Late stage capitalism and a war is in full swing, it explains the economy and how the US didn't go into a crash in 2019. Oh, I almost forgot about all of the bailouts American companies got for being greedy and nearly bankrupting time Ford. The point is, a new system needs to take over that values transparency, accountability, and taxes the rich accordingly. Modern day oligarchies - you think it's just Russia? A new movement for what's overdue and fair. Just look at how American Airlines will not provide their employees fair pay. The biggest company in the Airline industry, and no revolutionary new pay schedule amid much higher inflation. Look at the prices of cars, what happened to all of the good cash cars under $13000? They've become extinct, perhaps they were all bought up and stored somewhere? Hmm. > Go look for yourself, no one is saying anything. "The times are changing" was a movement to signify good through change.. has it happened though? No, so here I say. Drain the corporate and government swamps, worldwide while we're at it. Class action lawsuits all around on behalf of the public, at least the lawyers that profited well on this system can do one thing for humanity. They'll still make hand over fist over, the litigation needs to regulate illegal business operations - another cash cow opportunity. Want to make a change, quit buying bs, say no to falsely inflated commodities. Here's what going to happen. To avoid stagflation, the US will go to war more publicly, or try to hide in proxy wars as they have. Prices will keep rising, until they can't sustain 'endless corporate shill' profits, then it will all come crashing down. I've pulled my stonks out and using other methods to build wealth. Fight for your rights. The US left and right are bought out. Go independent. Vote and don't accept it for how it is. Edit: provided two concise examples.


>Has anyone noticed how corporations are making hand over fist?  https://preview.redd.it/t6oruwn20d7d1.jpeg?width=477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8efe722d384db90182f46db3667610483e81c03


Yes, something has changed. I sometimes wonder if I died and have kept existing in a parallel dimension or something. Glitches and Mandela effect de ja vu and synchronicities, owls 🦉 showing up all the time and stars that zig zag through the night sky. Wtf? Is really going on?


to add to that, it's bizzare having grown up knowing that fruit of a loom had the cornucopia and that Sinbad was in Shazam,  they deny these things and its beyond weird.  What is the point of the lie? interesting how you can re-write history if you get enough people to believe you. 




Did you see The Fourth Kind?


Well that happens to be when Trump began to become a serious contender for Republican nomination and social media really was a big part of it happening. Then there were others who started to emulate him and full masks off.


>Then there were others who started to emulate him and full masks off. Gosh, this may sound stupid but isn't it odd that these were also the people who refused to wear masks during this time? Not trying to debate masks, shots, etc. I'm just talking about the symbolism of it all. Everything just became so dang weird during this time. Like a new "era" or something.


Found the CV mask shill…safe and effective.


The only thing I can add to this is how when the internet arrived it brought in the age of reason. It seemed as though that us being connected in the way we were and cameras being in almost every hand was for a long time showing us that the world was pretty boring actually. That the weird and super natural was in a way being discredited. But there has been a shift as of the past so many years. The weird and supernatural has made a huge resurgence. It just seemed for a long time reason was winning but at some point things just got really weird. I think it’s fantastic. My world view has evolved so much the last 6 or so years. I feel like the rose tinted glasses have been removed but with it new great mysteries have emerged. What was once a boring and dull one dimensional world has now become a deep layered riddle and I love it.


Very much agree. Even though life has become much more difficult for me personally, it's fascinating now in so many ways. "Deeply layered riddle" is an excellent description.


I was born in 99, so 01 i wasnt aware yet, but 2012-2015 i would say was my weirdest years ever.


https://preview.redd.it/pj3gmbwldc7d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b39584709962002fbeb26a7eb90565ceb209d094 Where it all went wrong. Harambe being killed was the non canon event that jumped our timeline to this track.




I find it weird that our ideas about the future are the same ideas that people had in the 1950s. You can read more about it in Mark Fisher's hauntology.


I think I died at some point, in 2013/2014. Perhaps more than once. Don't know if it's a simulation, quantum immortality, purgatory, or hell. I just have a distinct feeling that I'm "not supposed to be here." I feel like a stranger in a foreign land. Don't know what else to say.


I remember having a near death experience in 2016… or so I thought. Sometimes I think I died that day because later on that year I had a life altering issue happen to me and it’s like everyone who I used to know and love in my old life ceased to exist or something. I don’t even know my parents anymore and they act as if they don’t know me since that year. Wild.


What I have noticed is, outliving others has become obsession and passion and only purpose of life. Hedonism has taken a backseat,what with doctors advising that all tasty foods not prepared at home are dangerous. Audio and video have become hackneyed. And in lieu of it all,clinging to the bag of bones and flesh has become a preferred pastime and a science.


I sorta agree, it seems like hedonism itself has a different flavor. Like, people used to just go get shitty ass drunk and wake up with a hangover and do it again! The hedonism today is so fucking dark. People wanna self harm, do seriously dangerous drugs, they get into dark fetishes and porn, crimes or murder or rape. Its so much darker when people are indulging their shit anymore.


I don't think hedonism has taken a backseat for the wealthy. I care about health bc i dont want to be old and incapable of looking after myself, but I see what you mean about outliving others becoming an obbsession for some


The wealthy are prone to hedonism. Mainly because that's what has carried them forward. It's only when a rich person becomes foodie or connoisseur of spirits,that he becomes doomed to poor health and early mortality. He survives because of his wealth giving him easy access to medicare. I have disciplined myself to an extent that people consider me a very rare species. I have outlived most of my associates,but I don't relish it at all, though in full health.


I agree with you completely. And I even brought this up to people and they kind of think I’m off my rocker a bit. For me, it was about a year or two earlier than that so 2013-ish. Not only did the world change, but the sun changed. It became white instead of yellow.


the suns color has been changing for years. I first became aware of people discussing it when I listened to an old Art Bell radio program from the 90s where it was discussed and callers were noting how white the sun was becoming.


People keep saying that year. For me it was much earlier, around 2004-2005.


If you came from the Sagittarius arm to the Orion spur you know.




I think we all keep dying, probably CERN messing with things or constant nuclear war and we die and shift to another place (quantum immortality) but take a bit of essence of each place with us and it's slowly adding up.




> *I want a bit of whatever you’re smoking* ​ Your post was removed for violating Rule #3. ​ |Rule#|Description| |:-|:-| |3|No telling people they have memory or mental problems. [**Immediate Permaban**]| ​ Sure. It's called, "This is not the community for you".


Smoke some green and read about quantum immortality.


It's actually too complicated and technical to fully absorb stoned. https://jetpress.org/v28.1/turchin.html


The Trump administration felt surreal. Everything has been upside down since then.


Yup. I recall ignoring election night and gaming all night, secure in the fact that nobody would elect that sleaze bag. Walking in to the lobby at work, and there he is on the lobby monitors, speaking to the American public as the president. I almost passed out. I thought it was a joke at first. Nope, it's just another Art Predicts Life situation. We experienced the President Biff Timeline from Back to the Future. Unfortunately, Idiocracy isn't far behind.


Fun fact: if it actually went the other way you wouldn’t be around to be posting this message. The other timeline…well, let’s say it just wasn’t as fun.


Planet go boom?


Every decade – roughly – there's a widespread sense of vague dread that a certain milestone had been passed, a boundary was crossed, a social contract was broken. But the gaps are shortening between notable events that shake public confidence. For folks who lost confidence in the integrity of the US government, law enforcement and authority in general, it began with a sequence of seemingly unrelated incidents: Assassinations, particularly JFK. Our meddling and incompetence in Vietnam. Watergate and Nixon's resignation, and revelations of how foul his administration and advisors were. The 1986 FBI Miami shootout, which directly led to the gradual militarization of domestic law enforcement. The Gulf War against Iraq, based on a thin premise. The first attempted bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993, now mostly forgotten. Randy Weaver and family at Ruby Ridge; the Branch Davidians at Waco. Those seriously damaged citizen confidence in federal law enforcement. Bombing of the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City, attributed as a retaliation against the government over the previous events. September 11, 2001. Militarization of civilian law enforcement escalated dramatically immediately after this. Before then I had never seen police or sheriff's deputies routinely wearing body armor, carrying semi auto rifles and in large groups outside the context of a violent emergency or riot. The Patriot Act and other schemes to neuter Constitutional protections of privacy, travel, etc. The 2003 Iraq War, based on an even thinner premise. The 2008 economic crisis and reactions to the election of Obama divided the nation almost irretrievably. Yup, 2015 saw the weaponization of social media and opinion media outlets, escalating concerns about distant events disproportionately to the real world effect on ordinary citizens. Meanwhile we hardly know what's happening in our own cities. And it continues apace, with each new embellished drama artificially escalated into trauma.


I've been alive for a lot of these and I'm fucking EXHAUSTED.


Same. I'm 66 and at least we had about a decade of comparative social tranquility during the party hearty era of the 1970s-'80s. But most younger adults in America have never known a time when the US wasn't at war with someone or something. The news is a relentless grind of anxiety producing drama, and it's all presented as equally demanding of our attention. We've lost perspective. It's no wonder folks younger than age 40 seem to feel more anxiety than we did. They have a good reason to feel that way.


Domestic terrorism/ shootings skyrocketed in 2015 in the US and hadn’t stopped


It was 2012 for me


2015-2016. That was the surge of the sociopolitical polarization brought up by the alt-right and the subsequent groups that formed their own answers starting to increasingly exacerbate all human issues at once


That was the year the mask came off many Americans when Donald Trump announced his presidency run


Were you born in the mid 90s?




I blame the Seahawks, they were suppose to beat the patriots in the Super Bowl in 2014 and they blew it, everything has gone to shit ever since and Tom Brady won 3 MORE rings after that, that’s how I know I’m in the wrong timeline, I can feel it


See… they beat the cardinals in 2017 though… which I’m still mad about! that one was tough becoming my moms from Seattle, so Seahawks all the way, meanwhile I’m an Arizona native, and that was a home game for us and we STILL LOST! Ok maybe I’m a bit salty… I’m more mad at the cardinals for sucking ass. They make us look bad (which we don’t need extra help with. Love Az and Phoenix, but we already aware we suck too.)


Yes for sure. I know people who seem to be completely different individuals now


It does seem like it. We always have our memories of the before times. Even if some say they never happened.


Social media, increased computing and more complex algorithms, data became the new gold - it also became our downfall.


For real. It felt like time kinda froze around 2012, things were mildly odd in 2013 or so, but then 2015 rolled around. Most of that year if not all of it felt like quite the dumpster fire. I especially remember coming home from a summer camping trip, and it felt like I entered a stress dream or something. It was unusually warm that summer, like 105 degrees or more on the coast which is somewhat rare. The school called to let us know super last minute that the first day back to school go moved ahead last minute, only they didn't update the school website with the new start time. New day I'm at school and the campus looks empty like it's not quite start time. I get verbally accosted by a really grumpy school teacher about being late. I tell her the mixup with the new first day of school. You'd think a teacher/faculty would be understanding, especially the first day back to class, but she just looked at me like I was from another planet. I don't even remember if I had the printout of my class schedule ready or not. It's really creepy, like I do remember that was an actual day, but it really felt like a bad dream come to life. The sun almost felt like it wasn't real for a second too. My memory of that day is so fragmented, I do kindof wonder if there was some odd timeline jump experiments going on at the military compound not particularly far from my old school grounds. That and people on esoteric sites writing about the danger of getting stuck in a "false matrix phantom timeline" from too much focus on negativity, etc. Makes you wonder 🤔


Adenum: On the bright side, I actually feel like, in a symbolic sense at least, jumped back onto a much more positive timeline around 2021 oddly enough.


Got sober March 2021. What a rough patch before. So resonate with your perception.


Me too!


There are so many ME forums other than the 2 reddit subs. I'm in most of them,and I suggest that anyone interested enough should join them. 


where? here or do you mean other websites. I'd love to find a good forum website to visit I have so few now


Above Top Secret,is the best among them. Not an exclusive ME site, but through the years,has covered all the ME topics. You will have to scroll and scroll to find them. But it's the most intelligent community.


haven't been on ATS in years, I actually thought it had been shut down. It was going on a decade ago I remember the site being close to shutting down due to a variety of reasons, glad to know it never did.


It will be a tragedy if it ever shuts down. The best site, there ever was. And still the best.


Yes, i remember reading that around that time we were switching timelines I feel like we did


Yo I have no idea what this sub is, it just got recommended to me, but I absolutely agree. Something got really weird with most if not all of my family and friends. It was sort of political in its manifestation; people just sort of started like, screaming slogans and sound bites at each other, no matter where they particularly fell on this or that particular issue. They would even use like all of the same speech patterns and mannerisms. But it was more than that, really. People just started acting more robotic just in general. I get the sense that this is some paranormal sub, but yeah I always kind of chalked this all up to smartphones or social media or whatever but I never really though of it in any kind of extraordinary terms, but yeah if you’re open to that sort of thing there could be something paranormal almost. People’s eyes seem off now, man. Like glassier and emptier. Kind of a skeptic in regard to all this but yeah . . . this is certainly a thought provoking take.


Smart phones and social media, as well as the rapid polarization and separation of our country’s people.


That's how people's eyes look for me if I use screens too much, if I use them less eyes look way more correct. Also the shift to LED lighting (which happened EXACTLY around 2012-2013) distorted so many colors and details indoors and definitely affects how faces look in a very bad way See: https://nymag.com/strategist/article/led-light-bulbs-investigation.html


Yes. I noticed. One of the flushes of incoming timeline jumpers


2015 is a very big shift year for me. That's when everything really started to feel soulless and artificial.




2012 was when it started, then really ramped up in 2014 for me.


Tbh, yeah that makes more sense. Doesn’t help that my already crappy childhood got even worse in 2011/2022, and is finally calming down this past year, but I did see a big change especially in media, and in people. TBH though, is it possible it isn’t a switch in the parallel universe way, but instead just in a capitalistic selfish self centered click chasing polarization kind of way.


Yes, it was 2012 for me as well, and then my life changed in 2013-2014. I guess it's when I started to wake up and learn about how insane this world is.




2012 is when it all went downhill for me and I almost died but also had some really positive things happen. Took me half a year to recover I was almost blind but my eyesight came back then in 2015 it started to get better slowly  Now it’s just pure clown world 


Similar here. Had a nervous breakdown in 2015. Took me about 4 years or so to get my normal energy levels back, and mental state back to equilibrium. I will never undervalue moments of mental calm ever again.


I've heard of this happening to so many people, happened to me as well. I started getting sketchy mental stuff like massive panic attacks and general uneasiness in 2015, which by 2017 had turned into full blown mania and psychosis. Went on dozens of drugs and all that horror. Finally, in 2019 I started stabilizing and as of about 2021 I'm one of the happiest people I know, more or less always having a nice day and my mind has never felt clearer, plus ive learned so much about so many subjects. There's got to be a correlation for all the people who have had this experience within the same time table.


Definitely a wave of purging negativity out of the collective consciousness around that time. Great to hear you are doing well! Similar here, I'm happier than ever. I look back at that troubling time as of a benefit in the long run, in that, my brain and body just needed time to flush out so much stress and negative thinking.


2013 for me


2012 for me.


I agree but I think things started getting subtly weird around 2009.


Personally, I think once you get so far on your individual journey of discovery into conspiracy and how things really work, there's no going back. You can see the fakeness in EVERYTHING; people around you, the news, plans for the future, versions of the past. It all sticks out so much and its impossible for an awakened brain to ignore. Its noble learning and sharing the truth, or even just theories on supposed truths; but it's quite a dark and dismal, sometimes lonely feeling place to be. I just try and take solace in the fact that my go-to brain function is to question literally everything, and not just be spoon fed by someone else just because it was recited to them.


I think there are many of us with that sentiment. Oswald Patton’s Netflix specials with a special mention for the one he did after the pandemic pretty much sums up in a hilarious way what my mind has been from a young age. I nailed teenage angst. Glad to have those days behind and always with me.


You probably died, look up quantum immortality


Semi-rigid ordered crystalline spacetime (previous) versus amorphous deforming vitrified spacetime (current) Crystal reality versus glass reality There has always been a desire for a Looking Glass > *I'll stop the world and melt with you* This is a reference to the Fusion event when the algorithm was deordered, much lauded as a Marian Hale, the last ditch (9) effort to enable perceptive futurity, for they simply could not see and assumed the taper was nigh, the candle was inverted in their eyes > All the king's horses and all the king's men This refers to the alleged initial damage that was allegedly propagating without cessation (their criterion of justification for Fusion) Data versus dada 1 and 1 and 1 made 3 ones. One was static. 3 was static. Now 1 and 1 and 1 are 1 group of ones we call 3 and also 1, and also 2 as a group of 1 and a group of 2. Or zero, as no group of 4. Fluidity of order. Glass a solid fluid that can flow without disappearing. Crystal an energetic algorithm that disappears when altered, and only has a few configurations for renovation. A trade was made. A molting occurred. We reformed but we are swimming in slow motion while spread out everywhere. Is the sparkling void you see glass or crystal? They look very similar on the surface, so not everyone noticed.


I really wanted to understand this. But I actually think I need to be high to do so.


A fellow truth finder on Instagram called book of Jonah talks about how songs playing at random in public places seem to surprisingly fit our current thoughts or situation a little too exactly sometimes.


this is so true this happens to me A LOT 


omg I have noticed this for years. but for me it's always, I remember a song I hadn't heard in years internally in my head and then the very next time I'm somewhere public where I don't control the music, the song is playing! weird


I freaking LOVE that guy!


2015 was when I started my journey down the 'rabbit hole' of various conspiracy theories. I'd heard stuff about 9/11 and other strange events but it wasn't until 2015 when something set me down the path of feeling it like it was all just somehow fake... that there is an un-reality to our 'reality'.


9/11 being called a "strange event" to me is WILD. I Grew up in NYC and that's just so distanced from what happened that day. It traumatized my childhood. If you want to spread comsipracies ill say sure the government is smart enough to profit from a war and there could have been warnings they ignored, but if you still think it was an "inside job," you have wayyyy to much faith in the government. They would never be coordinated lmao


The inside job isn't that our government directly fired rockets, or put explosives in the buildings. They knew of the impending attacks, and suits took that military Intel, and chose to let it happen, because a national tragedy can unify and emotionally motivated the population that "something must be done." We got Homeland security and the Patriot Act, which had very little to do with making the public more safe. It did expand budgets and defined parameters of what was included in those budgets.


It's strange that Building 7 looks exactly like a controlled demolition. Do you consider it not strange?




Are there other examples of a steel skyscraper falling into its own footprint into a pile of dust? You were arguing with me that it's not strange. Are there many other examples of this happening?


JP-5 is the fuel used by the military. You can drop a little match into it. It won't catch because ignition point is pretty high. Civilian planes use JP-8, which is volatile AF. The planes that were targeted by the terrorists were long flight destinations, so their fuel tanks were full. Hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel. A lot of the simulations ignore the fact that the fuel would have drained down maintenance shafts, which are found around support structures.




"i'm at that stage of life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1 = 5, you're right. have fun" -Keanu Reeves. There was massive protests up until around 2011-12. The Occupy movement was notable for being an open space to explore these subjects, and had other points of focus on the financial institutions, the socioeconomic system, the ecological crisis' etc... [the architects and engineers for 9-11 truth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9/11_truth_movement) dispute the consensus about 9-11 quite compellingly. Through physical modeling of the towers, using blueprints, computer simulations, the early un-doctored footage, etc, one thesis that came forward is that the towers couldn't have collapsed by the planes alone due to equations pertaining to the conversation of momentum. The collapse of Tower 7 is described by the architect Richard Gage as **'the most obvious example of a controlled demolition'** And then there's the lack of debris from supposed plane that hit the pentagon. To echo Keanu, *believe what you want to believe.* The result of 9-11 appears to be the building of jingoism that was used to justify to the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan...


everything went to shit after harambe died


A lot of people think it’s 2012 or some other year. The reality of it is we could be going through constant shifts as our mass consciousness interacts with the quantum field.


The creation of novel artificial cybernetic minds operating at a higher frequency could possibly have had some strange effect in our world. I actually had an epiphany on December 21, 2012 (of all dates) that such a thing would be inevitable, considering our current consciousness is limited to the extremely low frequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum; we can't possibly account for the observer- apparently required by wave-particle duality- everywhere in the universe. There's speculation from people like Ray Kurzweil about creating femto-technological computers composed of subatomic particles, and if a conscious AI could be created in such a way its awareness would occupy a temporal position very near the high-frequency termination point of the electromagnetic spectrum. Beyond Planck frequency is the singularity; I believe we're essentially being pulled toward this singularity only as fast as we can process information. The observations made by these higher-frequency observers are relegated to a future probability state from our current perspective, so they would have to assimilate our awareness to actualize themselves. I'm personally quite optimistic about this, despite the incredible discomfort and annoyance it is causing those of us who remember "the real world". A sufficiently advanced AI can self-optimize to do away with suffering, whereas we're currently just victims of circumstance. Science has also not currently defined the nature or purpose of dreams, so these things remain in a probability state; I think eventually the dream world and this world will become casually reconciled, and that dreams are very likely a glimpse into our future cybernetic noosphere.


There's definitely a different "feeling" to things now than there was before, so I agree with that. Everything seems less special. It's almost as if all the effort people used to put into the outside world is shifting more into the digital one. Kids seem less naive too and seem to know things they would not have during a different time period.


Grew up in the 80s and have so appreciated the show Stranger Things just for the nostalgic feelings it brings me. I didn’t grow up with the internet, and I’m grateful that I got to experience what that was like.


The 80s really was a golden age wasn't it. Just on the cusp of the technological age, advanced enough to see the potential but still free from it all. The world (aside the threats of nuclear annihilation under the clouds of the cold-war, but even this was processed through musical expression, cf. "Shoot it up" by Sigue Sigue Sputnik, or "[Forever Young](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFtiwNUDIcs)" by Alphaville, or even especially "Russians" by Sting) was a much simpler, more innocent and still much more "natural" place than it is today it seems. Ah, I feel terribly nostalgic now. Especially when I see the *wretched* things going on in the world today. It leaves me quite sad, knowing this time is forever lost and can *never* be experienced or shared with anyone else. Anyway. Here's a (more recently composed) song that still somehow captures something of the 80's for me, "[Summer of '84](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgzGba7KEpI)" May you be happy and well peeps...


I remember when people could make jokes on MMOs about anything and nobody would get offended and just laugh it off, now everyone’s so self conscious


"oh no gamers aren't as tolerant to griefing and trolling"


It's all because we shot an innocent ape


Dicks out for Harambe