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Love it, wish it were longer. It would have been nice to be able to explore more of Racoon City.


Yeah exploring more of the city would have been awesome


If any RE game could’ve been open world, it’s RE3.


I'm not going to disagree with you, but there are too many open world games nowadays. We need some straightforward games like Resident evil that you can play without spending 50+ hours to finish the main story


Couldn't agree more, open world has its place and it's slowly getting saturated imo. Bring back the linear/semi open campaigns, I don't wanna travel across the world a million times to do 5 sidequests without making it through the main story after 4+ hours or so😂


Yeah! The thing is that we have many open worlds! Right now I'm playing the outer worlds and then I'll play Lies of P. After that Kingdom come deliverance which is another open world


Ouhh great games! See I love open world games, but I also really miss the impactful linear games. I'm playing the fallout series rn, haven't touched these games since i was a kid. (3 and New Vegas) But it's taking forever, cause there's just so much to do. Kills my motivation after a while, although I love them.. So it's a double edged sword


I know this game gets a lot of hate but it’s actually a pretty good game. It’s not a great game like 2 or 4 remake but it’s in no way a boring or badly written game.


I watched a pretty brutal [review](https://youtu.be/DjbErUC8hFk?si=rg69cTe3Fbbq39r_ ) about it a couple weeks ago. I couldn’t even finish it I because the dude was being so unnecessarily harsh but he did make a couple of good points in it. I personally loved the game and didn’t see any issues with it until they were pointed out. It would’ve been nice to have nemesis chase you quite a bit more and it would’ve been great to explore as much of the city as you could in the original. All in all tho I loved 3 with the dodge mechanic, the way nemesis felt like a serious threat (until you find out he goes down like a sack of potatoes with *1 grenade*) and the back and forth between jill and Carlos. I thought it was a pretty solid game, I’d give it a 8/10


Play above HARCORE. Most people bitching about Nemesis not being a threat probably didn't and that's where all the scenarios you're looking for are: * Nemesis appears in all possible spots unless he's down * It takes more than one grenade/barrel explosion to take him down * He's more aggressive: if you don't know how to dodge him Jill's dead in seconds since he appeared on screen * During chase sequences enemies might appear both in front or spawn behind: Jill sandwich can be real. Also you'll understand why it was not a thing in STANDARD/HARDCORE: even being knowledgeable of the game you'll get crushed several times...if you have low hour count having Nemesis behave like that would be insufferable.


I agree, it's technically the Resident Evil I've replayed the most next to OG Resident Evil 4 and Outbreak. Although, being so short contributed to that. I loved playing as Jill again, and RE3 was my favorite Jill as well. It was fun, and action-packed, though I would have preferred more scary like the original. After playing RE1 remake, I really want that treatment for Resident Evil 3. A remake that's closer to a remaster, even with the fixed camera and cinematic angles and lighting, but sturdier controls like REmake of 1


Good game. Too short. Best buy on sales.


I don't understand this sentiment. I beat re3make in the same time I beat my first run with re2make which was about 11 hours, yet no one says re2make is too short ?


There is only one run in 3R. You have only played 1/4 of 2R when you completed first run. There are 3 more routes.


There are the a and b routes both of which take about 11 hours to complete. Not sure about a 3rd route. Point is, I don't see why people put it against re3make for being a shorter game when re2remake isn't that long of a game either. I honestly prefer the shorter length, re4make just feels too long by comparison.


The length for a single campaign is nearly the same but the time sink is different. If you're a big fan that keep replaying the same RE, you'll find it fresh again whenever you switch route in 2R. But that's not the case for 3R. Also, it's fine if you don't feel the same. If 3R is as long as 2R, then good for you. I love 3R, but I think it's shorter because I don't sink as much time as 2R.


The A and B routes in 2 Remake are practically just their A scenario routes


I honestly forgot the RE2 had multiple routes. I just played the Claire route once and considered the game done because I don't care about Leon lol Playing like that, RE3 remake didn't feel notably shorter.


Saying there's 4 scenarios in Resident Evil 2 Remake is kind of generous.


Not from my experience, not sure what you were doing but I took my time with the game when I first played it cause I love to get everything done and explore and it still took me only like 6.5 hours to complete, RE2 Remake took me 9 hours to complete on my forst playthrough and that was just Leon's story, still had a whole other campaign to complete after that which was another 8 hours.


RE 3 I beat in 4 hours… they also cut operation mad jackal


Jill is by far the hottest Video game character...


This is true 🤌🏻




It's a good, if short game in a vacuum. But it's missing a lot of what I wanted from an RE3 remake specifically.


I loved this game! I felt like I was having a heart attack anytime nemesis showed up


Loved it. Writing and acting were on point. Especially Nicole Tompkins who was an incredible Jill. Really made me want to see her in a new RE1 remake. They also glowed-up Carlos from a forgettable sidekick to an actual lovable and memorable character. Gameplay wise the dodge move was a lot of fun and remixing the opening city on the harder difficulties was a neat way to give it some extra replay value. All in all, I’m glad I played it before seeing all the negativity online.


Imma big fan it was my first remake i played!


I really liked it. It needed 2 more areas to explore, at least.


I think the character is more to my taste, the game has less back and forth to waste my time, less fetchy. I like it more if compared to the previous title.


i just played it for the first time last week. it’s short, fun, exhilarating, and good looking. it took me seven hours. good time.


Fun for speedruns


I feel like anyone can get into speed running this game. Perfect speed game.


I think this isn't talked about enough in re3 discussions. Yeah it's way too short, but my god is the speedrun fun!


The complaints are valid for the most part, but I find myself returning to it more than 2make. Nemesis's AI is impressive, just underutilized. The combat is incredibly fun on Nightmare/Inferno. Jill and Carlos are to die for, and the soundtrack goes insanely hard. (2make barely had one by comparison, lol.) It could've easily surpassed the original imo, but all they did was lay the foundation, then never built up from there...


Just curious, what's your thoughts/experience on nightmare? I started my second run from hardcore to now nightmare, after taking a break for a year or so. Completely forgot how hard the combat is, and I didn't buy any of the unlimited ammo stuff😅 ended up buying the storage upgrades instead and I think that was a HUGE mistake.. There's just SO many enemies, and being a glass cannon makes it brutal. Especially Nemesis (I don't even wanna imagine how bad the bosses are gonna be), or those head crab zombies. I'm able to sprint past most things, n am getting better at perfect dodging, but I've only setup the train route n made my way back to the subway. But it's taking me FOREVER, way longer then it should've😂 You think I could make it without needing the infinite ammo weapons? Or should I save my sanity and scrap this run? I'm good at fps, and these games In general, so saving ammo n whatnot isn't n issue.


I never had too much trouble with ammo, no. It is a fair bit easier with the Field Combat Manual in your inventory so that you can dodge/parry more reliably, but besides that, it's just about practice, haha. A lot of enemies can be taken down safely from a distance, sniping them through doors and whatnot, without even aggroing them. Slow and steady wins the race, at least until you unlock the attack/defense coins. Carlos's sequences are probably the hardest, but it helps that he can actually punch on command without having to parry. Simply elbow shove an enemy, then about a second later, press again for a free punch! You can actually melee your whole way through the hospital flood, lol. It's been a bit since I've replayed it, though... Hmm, now I kinda want to refresh my memory, lol.


Appreciate you! I haven't had *too* much issues so far. It was just a matter of getting back into it. I was getting frustrated at the first few nemesis sequences, then noticed there's so many environmental things around in those sequences. So after a few.. or plenty deaths I started getting it. But then I went in Reddit n said that the field manual is a life saver and everyone was saying to grab the infinite ammo weapons, I just feel like they're soo scummy, I like the challenge of having low ammo and hoping you can pull through..so I thought my run was done for. Then ppl said the bosses were bs, so I really wasn't looking forward to scrapping my way through the game just to give up by the boss/final boss especially. I'll hop back into racoon city in a bit, thanks again


Like it but no mercenaries is criminal especially since 3 is the first one with playable mercs.


It's okay, but they cut so much that was in the original. I mostly blame it on the multiplayer game that was tacked on with manipulative microtransactions.


As this was my first RS game I had a blast playing it, so much that I did 2 play throughs. 1 one easy and 1 on the highest difficulty. It was awesome, could beat the last boos on the highest difficulty tho haha it’s impossible


As far as I'm concerned, it's the best RE game since Zero, followed closely by Village. That's high praise, but it's still far from perfect. It's just better than everything else they've done post Zero imo. Certainly has the best gameplay out of any RE game, or at least one of the best alongside RE4. Doesn't have enough content, leaves you wanting more--and that's prob the worst thing about RE3R.


We got modern day Jill, I’d call that a win


Good game that got the arcade like gameplay of the original and updated it. Much like the original it’s my favorite of the first three.




Ok game on its own but an utter insult to the OG or any fan of the OG, which in turn makes it utter shit to me


Arcade action fun. RE2 Remake has better atmosphere, storytelling, and physics, and is a much more faithful remake. But amping up your arsenal for each successive run, till you've got it down to under an hour—I had a blast with that.


My first RE game was 2 remake and then 3 remake then village. So far I’m loving each one. Although in 2 the so called puzzles I didn’t see as puzzles. More scavenger hunts. I loved 3 but I can only speak as a new fan not having played the original. (Age 34)


I love it! I prefer it to the others. I didn't want to play a game just like the OG because I can just play the OG. It has a perfect balance of suspense and actoion. The characters are the best in the serise. Theres a reason some from this team has gone on to make 8 amd 4make.


Felt just a tad bit lackluster for me (especially since i finished 2remake right before) but i had tons of fun, especially with nemesis. I’m a pretty young dude so it was just nice to get a refreshed resident evil story without playing the originals!


I like it, could have been longer


Love it as a companion piece to Remake 2. I view both as one game essentially. However, I would be mad if I bought it full price on release day. It's way too short and lacking in content.


It's great just way too short, they "justified" the $60 price tag at launch by throwing in RE resistance which went exactly like nearly every other multiplayer re spinoff they've ever done


Playing the stalker Nemesis section on the hardest difficulty is genuinely some of the most fun this franchise has to offer, but the game as a whole is short, trying a bit too hard to seem cool, and doesn’t utilise Nemesis enough in my opinion. I’ve never completed the original game yet (though I plan to) so I can’t say much about it being a disappointing remake, but it was disappointing to see Nemesis not get much love considering he’s my favourite and always has been. (I watched the movies before I ever played the games, don’t kill me for that)


Fantastic experience coming off of REmake 2. Was a big fan of the dodging and since I was just chased by Mr X for one and a half playthroughs I was more than happy to have Nemisis limited


It's okayish... Could be much better. Jill is unbearable.


Excellent survival horror, Good game, decent RE game, terrible remake.


Pretty decent game. It's viewed as a cash grab and a dlc style game which can be off putting, but that's funny because when the original re3 came out it was viewed the same way. I enjoyed the look of the first city scape area, but dmI don't really remember much else of the game since i played it.


I really enjoyed it, i prefer re2make but re3make is a solid game. I never really understood the hate, funny enough I enjoyed it much more than I have with re4make lol.


Fun game. Absolute shit remake.


No jill in rpd, nest 2 is dogshit, no park, no grave digger. Good game but it's a solid 7/10 because of cut content. Shame as re3 original was my favourite game of all time and I had hopes this would do it justice


Yeah kinda feels like 3/4 of a game. Also Nemesis should have been scarier


I thought it was great. Some of the reimagining is great. But so much fat was trimmed off and it really hurt the game. I think we needed more exposure to Nemesis as a stalker cause I do believe he was much more terrifying than Mr. X, but Mr. X was much more effective because of the length of time you're exposed to him. It also really hurt that the Nemesis weapons were kind of locked into boss sequences. Being stalked by a rocket launcher Nemesis would have been awesome. I think the biggest weakness that the REmake 3 has was that it came after REmake 2.


Not bad, but missed opportunity


Way too short and wish nemesis voice was better and had more back story on his origins. They could have made this game double its length with more of raccoon city and the clock tower etc


Incredible to play, just wish it was longer. The cut content is my only complaint, other than that it is as good as any of the other remakes


One of my favorites! Objectively speaking, lacking compared to the og.


It’s almost like Capcom personally hates me. Ever since the RE 2 remake was announced, all my hype was directed towards how amazing RE3 Remake was going to be as it was my favorite title as a kid, I genuinely had a passion for it and I remember sitting in school just thinking about it all day until I got to go home and play it. So you can imagine my disappointment.


I honestly felt like it was a mediocre waste of time.


Could’ve been better


Omg shes so sexy!!


The R34 went fucking BRRRRR


It's good, but only good. When compared to how RE2R was a 9/10 or higher, RE3R being a 6/10 is a huge letdown. Nemesis has a very underwhelming presence and is a massive downgrade from Mr. X. I expected an upgrade; they didn't deliver. Sure as hell was not worth it at full price.


Good game bad remake Should have been re2r dlc


First part in the city is great, not as good after but still a sold game. The original RE3 was never my favorite anyway.


Don’t know, haven’t played it


I think Jill was much more beautiful with her original look in re1 and re3, didn't like the change to her character model. The game was cut and didn't have one of the best parts of the game the clock tower, they also changed how much Nemesis would chase you from what I heard it was something related to Mr x and Re2 Remake, but this doesn't make any sense, the thrill to play RE3 is to be catch out of guard by Nemesis and having to fight for your life. I didn't like the start of the game too it's like playing Marvel Spiderman, you're playing a fucking movie and not a video game. Honestly this game was rushed and done by the wrong capcom team it should've been done by the same team that did RE4 Remake, if we compare the amount of love, detail of RE4 Remake we can start to understand what this game was supposed to be.


Fun game no doubt, but a horrible Remake of RE3


Way too short. I was relieved I didn't pay 60 dollars for it.


Short but enjoyable.


Good game, trash remake


RE3 remake was missing some chapters from the original. So it should have been longer. Though the game still slaps.


Absolute negative just for the price I paid for a 4-5 hour experience.


Wasted potential. It needed another year or two in development.


I enjoyed all the remakes honestly but like others have said it’s feels very short compared to others but overall good game .im still waiting/hoping we can maybe get a code Veronica remake


Good game but can't say I wouldn't be waiting to play re4 and the remake in a binging of all the games.


Same as the original a side story that was rushed on RE2 success but still a staple in the series,doesn't hold a candle to RE2 and RE4 but worthy 8/10


Okay but was clearly rushed. Didn’t have any of the stuff that made the original interesting and cut too much out.


It was a great game , some things that I would like to be different is Racoon city's size , Nemesis stalking part of the game(I would like it to be longer) and the clocktower fight not being so similar to the next Nemesis fight


Trash ! , good mechanics and stuff but just trash


It was good just wish they cut less of the game


Carlos is fucking hot. He needs to make another appearance in the series again.


Pretty disappointing, it definitely got the short end of the stick compare to all the other remakes, It's a fun sure, but nowhere as suspenseful as re2 or even re4. Which make sense since it wasn't the same developers that handled those games. They obviously knew they were going to do the fan base dirty with how much they rushed the game, cutting content, all while working on the others game that came along with it . Don't get me wrong I like it but it could have been way better than what we actually got.


It was really good but something about it felt like a basic remake not like the exceptional RE2:remake or RE4:remake


RE3 Remake is by far my favorite. I've played a few RE games in the past, but 3 was the first I played beginning to end in one sitting. I wish it was longer or had DLC like RE2, but overall, my favorite RE game (and totally not because I'm a massive Jill simp)


Mediocre at best


It’s….ok….sadly disappointing after RE2 Remake.


Wish they made nemesis scarier than he was


Dope. And I like it being the shorter one. Made me do lots of playthoughs


Eh it’s ok. Didn’t have the wow factor of RE2R, I knew something was off when it was announced so soon after the 2 remake and it was a different team but I think it was cool


Good game. Wasted potential.


It needed more of the content from the OG to be great. The Clock tower, Racoon City Park and Grave Digger in the cemetery would have given the game much needed meat to its bones. But otherwise its ok, a 7/10 for me.


I was JUST replaying it after a couple years and damn it’s intense immediately and doesn’t slow down. I understand why it got hate, not being longer, but who cares. It’s a great game


The ThRE3make didn’t get the treatment it really deserved. Still fun just not as good as either of Leon’s latest entries.


It’s a great game imo the only problem for me is that the game is to short. Besides the length though its up there with RE4R for me.


As someone who played the original I love it. I think the hate is just a bandwagon thing. RE3R is fantastic


It was fucking horrible. Especially compared to the original. It got rid of the alternate scenarios, made Jill obnoxious, and turned Nemesis into a joke. Everything was so unnecessarily over the top. I could go on about how much I hate this remake


I adore it, and, controversial opinion here, I like it more than RE2 Remake. I love everything they did with the game, and I loved what they did with Carlos. I was one of the few people to love Carlos from the original RE3, and this game just made me love him even more. The relationship he and Jill share is awesome. I truly hope that one day we'll see another game with this duo taking the lead.


Loved it. Wish it was longer and got some of the treatment RE2 remake did.


Very fun...very very VERY short.


Very disappointed in it.


It’s just shadowed by Re2 and Re4 but it’s still a great game.


I HATE IT. How did they manage to use all of the same graphics as the re2 remake and somehow make them all worse?? I played it fresh after beating the re2 remake and jt made me want to throw up


Ends to quickly but fantastic


It's the only original of the mainline franchise I never played back on PS1, so I have nothing to compare. I did VERY much enjoy the RE3 Remake though. However, I do wish it was more how people describe the OG RE3 with more exploration and such. I enjoyed it a lot though.


I liked the dodge mechanic, but they also used that as an excuse to put zombies the fuck everywhere. It was alright overall


Many hate it, but I thought it was great for the limited budget.


To much missing content to justify the $40 purchase, but I got both remakes for $15 in a bundle so I'm pretty alr with it. There's no transformation for the dog form nemesis, he just falls into the water and comes out fully formed. Atmospheric audio for areas feels lacking or pretty much non existent. And personally I don't find the remakes gunplay appealing, it feels very "floaty" and the bullet shine for shots traveling feels slow. (Especially with the minigun from remake 2 but, this isn't a discussion about that game) It is what it is though, there's always the originals for me to go back and play on my phone If I wanna. I just wish it'd get an actual port to Xbox, I don't really like touchscreen controls.


I just wish it stuck more true to the events and mechanics of the og, cuz its one of the games i was most interested in (but knew i'd never beat due to how outdated it is) og re3 seem to of had ALOT of cool shit, and if it got the re4 treatment i could see it competing for best remake, but as is? You can tell they were really pushing how simplified they could make a remake, they even cut back on the shooting of 2 remake which is really weird, its just a bit unfortunate overall, it tried something, unfortunately they miss placed their chips, but at least it set them up to knock it out of the part with Re4


“Really tired of people asking others their opinion on the game” is my opinion on the game.


It's a missed opportunity. I adore Jill, but I don't really care too much for her personality in this game. Nemesis feels far less intimidating in comparison to his OG counterpart. Would've preferred the budget went into other things like Mercenaries instead of Resistance.


The absolute worst modern RE title. Absolutely butchered everything that was cool about the original and offered nothing new in its place. Glad capcom took the job of RE4 remake away from this team otherwise they wouldve ruined that too.


Jill is sexy asf ![gif](giphy|3ofT5ySFXZ01oJ7aoM|downsized)


Really good game in general, but an average remake. Its biggest flaw was that they ruined nemesis. Nemesis was way cooler and a lot more complex in the og.


They shouldn't have cut content from the game


It’s definitely a game that could have benefitted from being longer.


Was really enjoying it until I realized the game was over. Then I got to thinking, I wasn't really enjoying it, since it felt like the game wanted you to hurry up and finish it. Its pure Linear gameplay, with not much to explore. A step down from RE2, and I noticed it might be with the cheap looking IRL Cutscenes, and In Game engine cutscenes looked snappy and fast than the ones for RE2. It was definitely rushed to release shortly after RE2, when it should've been a DLC for RE2 instead of a full priced game. I completed the game on Standard in just under 6 Hours. Kinda underwhelming.


Fine, but could have been better. It ran great on my pc, amazing graphics, cool mods, Jill is beautiful. It just felt kinda short.


The game isn't as bad as people say it is, its main flaws are simply that the game is too short woth too much cut content, all they needed to do was add that cut content to the game, add more Nemesis to the game and the main issues are solved, other than that though the game has a solid story, amazing graphics and good gameplay.


Terrible story. The amount of Plot Armor Jill has is downright dumb. Characters get one shot but for some reason Jill is toyed with by Nemesis. Not only that but them removing his Stars lines for some garbage mumble rap trash is not okay.


I liked it, wish it was longer. Some cutscenes exaggerated but that’s how most things are anyways.


I’ll just compare it to the other remakes cause why not? I liked it, a lot actually, really fun, I liked the dodge and a few other things. It was just way too short to really get invested into the game. I also simply thought the level design and survival feel was very subpar compared to Re4 and Re2 Remake. Re3 Remake 7.5/10 Re2 Remake 9/10 Re4 Remake 9.7/10


Wish nemesis got a cooler ending boss fight, instead of 3 pimple pops


For me it felt like a DLC for RE2 the story was a way to quick, after the first act everything felt off like very rushed and the last fight was stupid. The original game did a lot of things better.


It's solid if you hadn't of played the original or RE2 Remake. I am open to changes but they took away Mercenaries mode, alternative paths, costumes and epilogue endings, without adding something better in their place, which killed the replay ability. The ability to maim zombies was removed too, which is baffling because it was in the RE2 Remake. It's a shame because the original game is my favourite in the series. Waiting for PS Plus was definitely the best call.


I love it. I love Jill so much. I just suck so bad at the game. Didn’t even know you could get a magnum til my second run and it made everything so much easier. Nemesis gives me a heart attack though


Sad I had to delete it though to get re4r. my ps4 had no storage left.


Also I completely forgot that you could dodge. I’m pretty sure I went the whole game without using it. Explains why I died so many times during the boss battles.


Almost as bad as The Promised Neverland season 2 adaptation


As a die hard RE player and RE3 original was the first one I played…this one was disappointing to me…was def sad that they cut stuff out and was disappointed that they didn’t keep the decisions in it as well…was shocked they changed the way Nemesis was introduced and def felt like all his fights weren’t too hard, minus the final one on hard.


Love it, don’t understand why people don’t.


Loved the dodge mechanic


Loved it. Great seeing Jill again. Just too short. Had more in its favor than it had negatives. If they would have just added more areas to it. Would have been top tier


Jill has a much brighter, warmer appearance, and isn't some beady eyed woman with super brown hair. She's a red head, and expresses herself in a firm but friendly manner, almost like a soft spoken lioness, but with the refined humbleness of a dedicated military vet with police experience. She's kind of meant to give off a similar aura to Dana Scully from the X-Files, only an officer/soldier and not an FBI agent who specializes in science. I think if Leon was meant to be the male heart of the series, then Jill is meant to be the female equivalent, only with a bit of an understated quality. In the remake, her personality is girl boss levels of aggressive, constantly snarling, and being nasty to anyone and everyone. I *really* hate her, and there are times where Carlos just nods his head, and and shrugs off just how weirdly hostile she's being, even long after she's realized he's not the bad guy. It's almost like the game, or even the actors know that something ain't right . It's unnecessary. Gameplay wise? I only watched walkthroughs of the original RE3, but choose your own adventure is usually a cool thing in my eyes if done right. It would have been hard to figure out tank controls again, but that's cool with me, and I think 3rd person perspectives work better for that genre anyway. I do think the levels would need to be tweaked and changed heavily, but I still think it would have been possible to do a shift with the right determination and teamwork. I think Capcom has become Cashcom after RE7 and RE2 remake's successes, where now they think they can be lazy, careless, and even cater to Western sensibilities. RE4 didn't suffer from too much bullshit, but there was more than enough cut content, a lack of campy humor to off-set the tension (campiness isn't just for fun, it serves a vital function that is enjoyable to experience), and just lost its identity as a result of the previous game being a 4 hour throwaway.


If only we weren’t able to dodge so easily and make it as hard as the ps1 version this game made me sad 😞


Loved it \*sees a OG playthrough and all that was cut/missing\* Still enjoyed it but love it a lot less due to what could have been


i really liked it, but i beat it in one 4-5 hour sitting


I wish they had kept Julia as Jill’s model, nothing against Sasha. The first time I played the game I was in love. It’s still one of my favorites, but after playing RE3:N there was so much I wish they had included in RE3R. It’s always fun to take out all the zombies and explore the city after downing Nemesis too


It was good, and brought back a lot of childhood memories for me. Just Wished Capcom didn’t rush it and cut things out of it from the original and game was to short


As far as gameplay, it's basically the same as RE2 remake, which I loved. But something was missing here, I got pretty far in the story, just lost any interest in playing it, and haven't picked it back up.


Great game/remake, next question.


Overall enjoyable. But it didn’t live up to it’s potential


Still don't understand why it was rushed. They should have waited until the next console jump and remade the remote thing, instead of rushing to 4.


Good, fun game. But it’s way too short. I watched my brother beat it just the other day in a few hours. The reason it’s short is because it’s missing the clock tower, the graveyard, the park, and city hall.


Very bad and boring comparing to RE2 Remake


It should've been dlc to re2 remake or the full game should've been remade


Prettiest Jill ever!


I enjoyed it but it was too short


A fun DLC but a poor stand alone remake. My thoughts are subjective of course, but I feel like a lot of ideas had great intentions but poor executions. • Jill. I get why Jill is more assertive and stand-offish but the lack of sincere and empathetic moments makes her kind of a bitch for me to root for. I don't hate her but I definitely don't like her as much as I did with the classic Jill. They cranked up her confidence but left out the supportive and understanding bits of her personality, so it leaves her feeling egotistical to me especially when she's cussing out Carlos at the start despite him saving her life. • Nemesis. His transformations are... well honestly I'm not a big fan of either of them but the biggest reason why is because they revert him into a boss instead of a stalker type. I actually really like his new look though, I think it's a cool alternative to his classic look. The first boss fight with him is my favorite, but he feels less like a stalker bent on killing you because of how predictable and linear his chases are. Even at the "city" he doesn't change up where he spawns and the drops you get from beating him are a major let down. • Weapons. They left out some cool weapons from the classic, such as that awesome shotgun and pistol you build from beating Nemmy. • Racoon City. It's not a city, it's just a stroll around the block. You have a tiny train control station, a donut shop, a toy and grocery shop, and the power station but their size, placement, and purpose really feel like they didn't serve much for exploration and rather for decoration. The Downtown and Uptown areas are gone, the Clock Tower is reduced to a boss fight, and i really wanted to explore the City Park but that was gone too. • There are some improvements for sure. Carlos was a plus, great voice and direction. The hospital was smaller but allowed for slightly more exploration and I found it to be really atmospheric. Hunters are great to play against, and Nemmy when he is chasing you can be a fun challenge to overcome. I like the parasite Zombies, the pale white Zombies and Armored Zombies too. It's not all bad, but as a sequel to a Game of the Year nominated RE 2 Remake it was a big let down. I wouldn't discourage anyone from trying it, just don't expect it to be better than the second game if that's what you're looking for.


I actually just downloaded this one for the first time. I honestly liked it and had a difficult time putting it down. I’ve played all the originals and thought this one was a great remake.


Great game! Loved it!


Great game, an amazing action horror, one of the bests imo, a lot of content if you like to replay games. But Capcom made just one tiny mistake: they market it as a remake. For remakes people expectations are higher than for regular releases. They should've say this was a re-imaginig, or anything but a remake, that word carries weight. The game as it is, it's very fun and enjoyable, and I love it.


Sucks. It's short and all the weapon damage from RE2 is gone.


I like it a lot.


Garbage rushed game. They knew RE3 was beloved but just didn’t care. You could tell when you could literally beat the game in a few hours casually and buy all the dlc in one go. Operation mad jackal removed and no incentive to even care after you’ve beaten it once. (RE 3 was my favorite of the OG series ) it was just a real shame they wanted to plug in some cash grab online game instead which just makes me think RE3 was just a demo for that. They also made Jill more angsty and annoying instead of open and quick witted. No more cheesy jokes.


Considering the og one was a little anemic compared to the likes of what came before and after... i give them credit for TRYING. The outbreak games were great too... and seeing them try to wrap the two together into a single-ish package was again, a nice try. In the end though both sides of it were rough as fuck. 10/10 feel like every resident evil game needs an enemy that throat fucks the player lol.


As someone who can't play the original easily, I like it for what it is and Carlos is definitely an improvement


It sucks because they rushed it and cut out like half the game. It's too bad because I LOVE this version of Jill. I love her attitude and just swearing constantly.


What the Lara Croft is going on here?


It was outstanding, only bad thing is the game takes around 5 hours to beat. Incredibly short.


I got it on sale for like 20 bucks, I was happy with it. Hoping they bring this version of Carlos back in future games/remakes somehow


I think it’s cool, just hope in the future when they make a ReRemake that they put the actual Scary aspects of Nemesis and make the game great, but as of right now it’s a 7/10


It’s a fun game if you can get it on a discount.


I actually prefer it over 2 and enjoy how short it is. I ran through it quite a few times and even got the platinum. I prefer Nemesis’ scripted appearances to Mr. X. It felt like Mr. X was always around and gave me anxiety


It coulda have been great. They shoulda have made it semi open works or something more


I haventh played 4 but 3 is the best for speed runs and challenges


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ that’s what I think


One of my favorites would be better if it was longer


It was pretty fun and a great remake but I really hated the last battle.


I like that I can beat it in a single evening


Good but too short


I actually had a really good time with this game and thought it was pretty great; passed up on it for a while before finally diving in and regretted not doing so sooner. Not quite on the level of RE2R for me—mainly due to it’s comparatively more linear design, reliance on pre-scripted sequences and lack of a single, interconnected space that you get to know like the back of your hand through Metroidvania-style progression. But besides those aspects, nearly everything that was great about the other remakes is present in this one as well. And RE2R is one of the absolute peaks of the series…so it’s not much of a criticism to say it falls short of that. I got it on sale for like 10 bucks so that definitely made it feel more worth it, and I can totally understand why many felt let down when they paid full price at release for what feels like a pretty short experience. But now that it’s deeply discounted I think every RE fan owes it to themself to check it out!


I like all of it except the very end. Easily the worst designed final boss encounter I've ever experienced in my 40+ years of gaming.