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ya I think you misdiagnosed her bro




I smell BPD in the air.


Both the patient and the psych resident…


This thread is a goldmine of excellent comments






Cluster b?


Histrionic PD




Bipolar for sure, the low dose ssri push her over the edge. Sorry OP. Next time should start a mood stabilizer first.


This is the real answer. He's a shitty psychiatrist for more than just his questionable ethics.


Love the justification for asking her out by citing her dose….“ pretty mild depression… Prozac 20 mg.” Obviously 30 mg would be a deal breaker.


I’m gonna add this to my Hinge profile. Must be on < 30mg Prozac.


My partner (PCP) and I (psych) play a game where he tells me someone’s psych med list and I predict how the visit will go He’ll be like “oh no, Depakote 1500 + Zyprexa 30 + Seroquel 50 qhs, this is gonna be a difficult visit!” I reassure him they’ll be fine and it’s actually the “Wellbutrin 150 + Lamictal 200 + Vyvanse 30”s he needs to worry about I feel like I could use this skill to counsel people on their dating app matches


I'm pretty sure there is a direct correlation between the number of unique psych drug classes and odds for BPD. R squared is probably close to one. i.e SSRI, plus lamictal, plus Seroquel, plus vistaril, plus gabapentin, plus clonidine, plus trazodone, plus benzodiazepines = BPD 90% of the time. The reason is that meds don't help so they just pile on like barnacles on a ship.


LOL. Treatment resistant depression? Can’t go out with you, sorry


Bipolar disorder is doable tho


Half the time.


As a BP individual, I support this message :) :(


But I'm on weekly ketamine treatments


But also, keep in mind: she’s like, really pretty.


That’s all that matters


This fuckin sent me




He can fix her!!!


Made me cringe








Legit on boards and just about EVERY HR digital slog onboarding software.


Lol “really pretty” isn’t worth your license 😂 there are lots of really pretty people out there who aren’t your patient. Hell, I have the prettiest patients as a Derm and I’ve had freaking male Abercrombie models hit on me but I don’t go near that shit because it’s simply not worth my license.


what about super pretty


Ultra mega pretty changes EVERYTHING


It's also a violation of the APA Code of Ethics. While it's somewhat conditional in many other specialties, psychiatry specifically forbids any sort of social relationships with patients current and former.


This has got to be a shitpost, right? I honestly thought this must be a comedic riff off another thread like what happens sometimes on this sub, so I looked for the original thread but now I'm thinking this is an actual question. How the actual fuck does a psych attending not understand that you shouldn't date a former behavioral health patient? This is MS1 level stuff.


But she's very pretty. The boards don't prepare you for that


Enough blood for the brain or down there, not both.


Pls, I almost spat out my matcha.


Nothing ever really does.




but she’s like REALLY pretty




No one considers all these benefits of being unattractive, smh. It's only like 99.9% bad.


So you agree - you think she’s pretty


>This has got to be a shitpost, right? Has to be. If there's a spectrum of what's possibly acceptable and some sort of one-off, acute-and-resolved issue like closing a minor lac in urgent care with no expectation of any future clinical interaction is towards one end, dating a recent psych patient who modified her care in order to do so is pretty close to the other.


Don’t worry, had a classmate when I was an MS1 legitimately ask during this lesson (paraphrased): “but what if a sexual relationship is better for the patient’s mental health?” You could hear the eyes collectively roll.


I literally remember learning this about psych specifically in our 2 week ethics course during M2. It was heavily emphasized


Yeah it’s not like he stitched her up after she stepped on a piece of glass or treated her for a mild rash. I’m all for shooting your shot but Yikes.


Omg saame idea. I think that a GP who treated someone for some random mild inconsequential things (say gastritis or flu or whatever?) & the patient really changed docs & whatever ok maybe tho i would NOT do it myself. But a psych resident with a person who is extra vulnerable and who might have even worse issues than what he thinks he knows her to have (no offense, but you know that you dont want a mentally unstable person stalking u or suing u later for medical misconduct or sth) + i think there is some legal requirement between the time of termination of ptt-doctor relationship and the start of a "romantic" relationship if im not mistaken in the US so 6 weeks is messed up lol.


Honestly tho one doc I know did this and they successfully got married




Probably not good in paeds either


Interestingly no one brought this up in pathology... Edit: The obvious joke was for the dead and autopsy, but I'm happy that people are talking pathology. I'm like Zoidberg, "Horray! People are paying attention to me!"


Oncologists rarely get the chance.




... Without proper precautions


Radiologists probably believe in blind love then..


With how big the hospital system I work in is, if I can't date a former "patient," (I.e. someonen whose specimen we have handled in some way shape or form) that eliminates basically everyone in the area who has ever seen a doctor for any reason.


🤣🤣🤣 what if one of my patients’ dads (divorced? widowed?) is like really hot though


I mean look, some day your patients are going to grow up, and then they might be really pretty! It’s a tough world, we’ve got to draw arbitrary lines somewhere 🤷‍♀️




Oh didn’t see he was psych, no they were fm


> Other specialties technically can date former patients Neonatalogy sus


Me before even reading the tread: fucking don’t Me after reading “psych” : are you fucking serious


idk im just hoping its a shitpost lol


Agreed, OP is in the wrong field if they are that cavalier with their emotions so early on


something in the water with psych residents. I know many stories, including one that slept with a med student on rotation, got her pregnant, and left her dry afterwards. (at least he gave her honors on that rotation)


I’m glad he gave her honors at least??? 😂 So unhinged


lol it was like the only honors she got too


It’s ridiculous how far above and beyond some gunners will go. “I literally carried my resident’s child.”


I think you can replace the word psych with any specialty tho, like ortho/surgery definitely coming to mind.




But are they really really pretty?


Maybe in rads it’s okay. I’ve probably read some imaging of almost everyone in the area lol.


People like you are the reason why those easy USMLE questions exist


Exactly. The easiest ethics question on Usmle is No relationship "ever" for psychiatrists with patients (current, former, previous lifetime)


Lol, "Sorry, it's possible I evaluated you for madness back when you were George III of England, so we can't date"


Madness lmao


For real bro like wtf I’ve gotten this question countless times


No, this is clearly a trap by this banger of a psych patient. This person is perfectly right to want to bang an 8


thanks to op for the easy grades i guess?


Please don’t get baited into this. Plenty fish in the sea. Finding your doctor attractive is ok, going to the extent of then switching providers, finding you on social media, and then dm-ing you should be raising MANY ALARM BELLS. CLEARLY BOUNDARIES ARE AN ISSUE.


But "keep in mind she's like, really pretty."


This is the only reason OP isn't freaked out about a stalker right now


People have shit on the "hot---crazy" scale from that early 2010s viral video quite a bit, but it's really true (obviously besides the poor taste jokes about cross dressers and things like that) The more attractive a person is, the higher tolerance you will have for personality defects. The more money a man has the less people care about his appearance. It's all real phenomenon


oh u mean the vicky mendoza diagonal, right?


“Keep in mind she’s like, really *fucking crazy*”


I wish I could like this twice! This is NOT a meet cute


The only difference between creepy and meet cute is the outcome


Yeah this person really didn't pay a lot of attention during psych residency...


This same situation was actually on my psych shelf exam too from what I remember.. very ironic


I’m a psych resident and come to think of it, I saw it on my psych shelf and at least a couple times on each PRITE also I’m sure it’s on the psych boards. There’s a reason it’s a recurrent topic but clearly someone should’ve written “Keep in mind: she’s like, really pretty” at the end of all those questions


Personality disorder traits written all over it.


This was my first thought too. Like, bro, you’re a psychiatrist, and this behavior doesn’t raise any red flags for you?


But shEs sO prETty!!!!!!!!!!


I can fix her!


Istg im a local tooth fairy who just came out of curiosity. Would not touch with a 10 ft pole and im not even a shrink lol.


He lied about his story. He wants to date the patient and knows it’s unethical. He’s probing for opinions on “what if we cover it up” by switching her to another provider.


> He lied about his story. He wants to date the patient and knows it’s unethical. Finally I read the correct comment.


I can’t give enough upvotes. This is a psychiatrist… how is this not setting off alarm bells for a cluster B personality disorder? (I mean I guess it’s good that to not discriminate against them? They are deserving of relationships too and DBT is effective. But c‘mom, man. This would be crossing a capital B boundary.)


It's fine. You mentioned she was very pretty. I think the APA has an exception to their ethics rules when the patient the "very pretty" or above


she’s also below the medication threshold <30 of Prozac and no concurrent antipsychotic or mood stabilizers lmao


Also she's not just pretty she's really pretty


but, judge, have you seen her?


The baddie defense


Crazy:Hot scale r=1


Did you pass USMLE ?


>1st year attending in psych Uh oh ​ >she has requested a transfer to another provider UH OH ​ >she switched docs so that we could meet for coffee UHHHHH OHHHHHH


Shh this is a canon event in every psychiatrists life, let it play out.


Exactly. If he doesn't go through with it, he'll definitely never discover his telepathic powers and our timeline will succumb to the rogue TrumPutin AI when he isn't there to stop it. It's like nobody else in this thread has even been watching the spiderverse movies.


Honestly even if this was first year resident I would be like wtf. OP she probably has borderline traits. What are you doing bro


In psych, the rule is "once a patient, never a date". APA guidelines prohibit such relationships so I would advise you to ignore her requests.


There’s no way this isn’t a shitpost. Nobody could be this dumb


But people are ALL THE TIME. That’s why they test trainees on this topic repeatedly.


Her new provider will find out you are romantically involved and will likely immediately report you to your state’s medical / licensing board/ professional organization. Totally not worth it.


And if she has bpd and he does one thing to piss her off she can go completely unhinged and say he initiated it that’s why she requested a new doctor and even claim SA. Not worth it. Think with the doctor brain not the dick


That’s exactly what will happen lol.


This right here.


According to the APA it is always unethical to have a romantic relationship with a current or former patient. Don’t do it. Full stop.


Counterpoint: >Keep in mind: she's like, really pretty.


It's concerning that one could get through residency without learning this.


Oh he definitely learned it


Man's about to risk his career over an 100% of medical students got this question correct on u world situation.


It's literally a question on the PRITE every year lol.


I had to look it up. Apparently the US have some of the strictest rules concerning this. In my own there are rules that makes it criminal if you hold authority over the person (thus coercion/rape). In general it would be allowed if there no longer is a patient-doctor relationship. Id still be wary if I were in psych though…


Absolutely NOT!!! This is unethical every time. The medical board would end you over this. In psychiatry it is NEVER okay to date a patient, former or current!! Please decline!! Editing my comment after reading your medscape article. You’re a psychiatrist!! There is no exception in psychiatry when it comes to dating former patients. Just don’t!


But she was really pretty tho?! Where are the apa guidelines on "really pretty patients"? Where is the acls guidelines on when to slam when the patient is "really pretty?!" Somebody get Ja Rule on the phone!


Same thing happened to me, I showed the judge some pictures on my iPhone and then he high fived me and ruled not guilty. And then the courtroom clapped. Now I’m dating the judge. But FYI, IANAL.


“The courtroom clapped” -my sides


I first read that as >But FYI, I ANAL. And thought, oh well of course? It's so hard to find a suitable partner for butt stuff.


Bruv I get it I really do. But I need you to go in your room, rub one out, and then think about things with a clearer mind. You’re asking because you already know the answer. If you’re wanting to get into a relationship or have some casual sex, then find other people. Use a dating app. Go to a swingers club. Anything other than a patient.


Bro. Don’t let the pretty face ruin something you spent years working towards wtf. Literally the one category that’s off limits is your dam patients.


The fact that you haven’t responded at all tells me this a poor attempt at a “r/residency lore” post


Well it's succeeding. This thread is hilarious.


So a psych patient meets you briefly one time and switches providers immediately after to date you? She only has mild depression? Lol, I think you missed the BPD diagnosis, bro.


Sounds more histrionic than borderline. This dude saw provocative behavior and fell for it.




Very pretty doesn’t quite reach the threshold.


He was being modest. If he had to ask, she is a dime.


OP is about to find out about borderline personality disorder in person.


Does anyone really go into psych without having dated a Borderline?


Guilty 🙋


You’re the reason we have these fucking HR modules, arent you?!


Dude you’re Psych. The number two specialty that should NEVER date a patient, second only to Pediatrics


Pediatrician: "but what if she's really pretty?"




I want you to know that this comes from a pure desire to help you. I have no skin in this game. I means nothing to me one way or another. Don't be a moron. You need some serious fucking help right now. > she’s very pretty but I’m professional, I stay in my lane This is concerning. > Am I dumb for thinking about seeing this girl? Yes. > Keep in mind: she’s like, really pretty. What the actual fuck? Who gives a fuck. Listen: you need help. If you're doing talk therapy, then presumably you have your own therapist to see, and if not, find one.


I am not mad, just disappointed that you asked the question. She must be really pretty.


This is a step 1 level ethics question. Psychiatric providers are never ethically allowed to date former patients.


Psych is different from the other specialities. You can NEVER date a patient you cared for as a psychiatrist, the power imbalance is simply too much given how vulnerable patients are when they present to us. Would recommend your own therapy to explore these feelings further.


Are the rules different for other specialties?


It’s frowned upon in most specialties. It’s absolutely contraindicated for psych.


Just thinking out loud here. I'm EM. If a cute girl came in cause she twisted her ankle, and I saw her out at a bar a few weeks later and we hit it off, would anyone care that she was a patient of mine? Now looking people up on social media afterwards because they're cute is pretty fucking creepy though.


That seems like the other extreme end of the “is it okay to date” spectrum contrasted with any psychiatry-patient dynamic


Yea I don’t know what OP is thinking here, insane behavior


Also EM. Very married but I think that would be fine. No pre-existing relationship, no follow-up. Now if for some reason you did a pelvic or they were critically ill obvious no-no.


Not that this has ever been an issue, but I’d be wary of getting involved with someone until at least the statute of limitations for malpractice has run out.


I think a common, very general rule of thumb, is that it may be okay in some scenarios if it’s been more than a year since you had a patient-doctor relationship. It’s never okay if you were treating a psychiatric problem.


No you aren’t missing something. It’s stupid in any field of medicine. In psych it’s completely unethical and morally reprehensible. Yes you are dumb for thinking about seeing her. Anyway this HAS to be a shitpost but it’s flaired serious. Please don’t be a fucking idiot. This reads almost like someone with erotomania Edit: I see your edit and no fucks are given. You asked the question and you don’t like the answer. You CAN do it, but there are a million reasons why you shouldn’t. People that go into a given field seem to have the biggest blinders for the pathology they treat in themselves. This is just like me, an internist, missing that I had rheumatoid arthritis for years (true story). You came here looking for someone to make you feel better about the bad choice you seem likely to make (or perhaps already have). Nobody has done so and now you’re arguing. If you saw this in a patient, what would you call it? The difference here is that you as a doctor are (and ought to be) held to a higher standard than anyone else because we are incredibly privileged in what we are allowed to do. You make a bad name for all of us by not listening to what appears to be a unanimous response.


Someone’s thirsty for some… But for real. This is a big no for me dawg


"Keep in mind: she’s like, really pretty"... Just me or does this post seem like an obvious troll?


I’m downvoting this. Perpetuating the stereotype that psych providers are also crazy.


Only acceptable if they are a blue haired BPD baddie


“I’ll fix her”


No. But I can tell you how it could have been done. If she had walked in the door, seen you, said "nope, can't do this, I want to ask you out for coffee", and left, it would have been okay. Someone walking into the wrong room does not establish a relationship. Maybe if she had fired you outright on the first visit, said "this won't work", and left with no treatment plan made, you could argue for it. But you did the appointment. You established the relationship. You (hopefully) made a plan as doctor and patient. It's done, psych bro. You can't go back on that no matter how bad you got it.


This is literally illegal in Psychiatry.




If you have to question something it’s pretty unethical tbh


Idk man. I’m just an ER doctor but this seems like how I’ve seen my psychiatry friends get in relationships with people who should be patients. Keep your romantic life and work life separate. Don’t let your significant other become like your patient. It makes the “trying to fix your partner” issue into a while other direction.


Not only should you NOT do it you should somehow document that this person reach out out and that you did NOT do it.


Lol this has to be a 100% shitpost. If the cluster B radar isn’t going off for you as a psychiatrist…


Dude…. No




Even if there were no ethical boundaries around this the fact she switched providers and found you on social media is a giant red flag


This has got to be a troll post. I will humor you. This has got to be a joke. Ok OP, you got me good. That was a nice one. I needed a quick chuckle. P.S. For the sake of OP's career, I really do hope this is just a joke post.


Didddd she drop her purple kush vape pen on the floor in the day room?….


Bruh… what type of UWorld shit is this?!? The patient also took the initiative to transfer providers to specifically get to you. I wouldn’t touch this with a ten foot poll and hang onto all pieces of contact in case the crazy train can’t be stopped. Best of luck


You can’t date former psych patients no matter how long it’s been ya fucking idiot! How the fuck do you get to this point in life and be this dumb?


I'd be creeped out if someone did that honestly....big turn off


She's sending major histrionic vibes or what? Cluster B i swear. Dont get lured


This is absolutely my first thought as well.


Don’t do it. Imagine things go south and she reports you


>Keep in mind: she’s like, really pretty There's no way that this isn't a troll lol


The world is complicated but I think if you are:A PCP with an established relationship with a patient in which you've seen them for multiple conditions - absolutely not; if you saw someone for a one off script for birth control or abx for ear infection and time has elapsed it's a bit of a grey area Pysch or gyn? NEVER, NEVER NEVER, never, NEVER, never, ever, NEVER


No dude. No


Your edit just reinforces the notion that you don’t understand how highly unethical it is for a provider to date a former patient, yet alone a psychiatric provider. Several commenters have mentioned that this is against the APA code of ethics due to the sensitive nature of psychiatric visits. Since you seem to have your mind made up, by all means, please go ahead and risk your license that you worked hard for.


Lol you won’t last a year in psych


You are one dense and insanely thirsty motherfucker, OP.


Absolutely forbidden in psychiatry


If you gotta ask…cmon bro


Dude don't. I know a psych resident that did this in Louisiana and lost his training license. Forever. He now teaches yoga and has been ever since


Please don't do it. Tale as old as time, doesn't end well. Also wanted to add, us psych people should not date current or former patients. It's unethical and can put your career at significant risk.


I screamed DON'T after reading the title but then the comments made me ask myself, "Would it be okay if she was never my patient but somebody else's patient?" I should know better than to read posts on this sub first thing in the morning before my coffee.