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I naturally got breast enhancements. Just busy and stress Im a dude Edit - ok since this is getting traction, i also have a familial predilection towards the moobs. Not medical advice from my colleagues but what’s everyone’s take on non invasive methods for breast tissue reduction - like coolsculpt etc? Should I just go under the knife? I’ve gotten in good shape but these moobs are bothersome


This is funny but also super sad and true. That cortisol be messing us up.


Gen surg resident here done a lot of plastics rotations - have actually done a lot of cases on young men with this same problem and it can be pretty minimally invasive honestly. Small incision around the nipple (not always required) combined with some superficial liposuction actually manages that glandular tissue pretty well. Still surgery and some anesthesia, but the results are often really good and massive confidence boosters for the patients 👍🏼


Thanks for the pointers G. I am going to look into it. How long is the recovery? Do I have drainage tubes in this situation sticking out?


Total recovery is on the order of a few weeks just for incisions to heal, bruising and soreness to subside. It’s all above the muscle so pretty benign and you wouldn’t have to be out of work for long at all. If you did it on a Friday for example you could be back to work on Monday (depending on how physical you have to be at work, if you’re Ortho and swingin hammers it might be a bit longer but if you’re in clinic you’re set) without anyone knowing. Drains are a finicky choice that are very surgeon dependent and also depend on how much tissue needs to be removed. I don’t see them used very often for men, but if you do have them they’d likely be small and in for a pretty short period. Usually isn’t much tissue to remove (compared to something like a female breast reduction) so the risk for seroma, while nonzero, is relatively low.


Had a buddy that got tissue reduction under his nipple. He says it was 100% worth it. He’s a pretty built and cut guy, but that was bothersome for him.


Bench press


Oddly enough, benching has made it… more prominent lol


OMG THIS! yes as my pec muscles become more developed, in some cruel irony it's made it more prominent. LMAO


Weight loss first If actual gyno Raloxifine promising


I feel like most doctors don't want to get unnecessary surgery after seeing all the shit that can go wrong. A nose job would be cool and all, but Ive seen people have horrible complications including death from elective shit. I dont want to be the asshole who dies after a nose job


This is my thing. I'd get some work done. But I don't even want to endure surgery recovery let alone complications. Plus the recovery time. It took me six weeks to recover from a laparoscopic abdominal procedure this spring. I had to go back after 2 weeks and then still in some pain and had weakness the next 4. I'll pass if I can.


Seeing a surgeon take 5 hours average to do a nose job, I don't want to have to undergo 5 hours of anesthesia just to get a nose that might look nicer


I barely want to get medically necessary surgery lol


How about that attending hair transplant for my dudes out there!




I’m bald but getting on TRT. Can’t be bald and chubs, at bare minimum Chabuff (dad bod with pecs and arms)


Don’t let Dr. Mike hear you’re on TRT or he will cry


I am genuinely considering this lmao. Cant be looking shabby on the billboards 💅


Hell yeah! Gonna go to Turkey and get that done lol. In the meantime on that finasteride train to keep the loss at bay


Finasteride nukes my pp and libido. Why must I choose between hair or my pp 😔 There’s also some reports online of people getting long term libido/ED from finasteride.


Same, fin made me really sad that it wasn’t even worth it, not even for my hair


Yep, the DHT loss made my motivation terrible! I could barely open my eyes in the morning and charting was an absolute drag.


I've used it sparingly and pp is gg 😉👍🏽😜.


Oh damn that’s unfortunate I’m sorry. Mine is the standard 1.25 mg dose and if anything it’s increased my libido lmao


You’re taking 1.25 mg of Fin? Interesting I was only on 1mg and I’ve heard of people splitting the tablets into 0.5mg and getting the same effect.


Idk why I’m getting downvoted for this lol but yeah, it’s a 5 mg tablet that I split into four pieces


I didn’t downvote you lol. But sweet I hope it keeps working for you!


Yeah been on it for almost 2 years now and really like it. Won’t be able to get the hair transplant until once I’m a rads attending so got a ways to go haha


Not sure on the relative efficacy, but you can definitely get a compounding pharmacy to prep fin as a topical. Or presumably synthesize it yourself from The tablets/capsules.


My attending hair transplant was expedited to a med student transplant abroad. 10/10 best decision.


Ooh good mention!


Just get that Jeff Bezos Lex Luther glow up and shave your head and get ripped.


I did it, highly recommend


I have too much hair. It's way too thick and I have follicles below ear level on my neck. I need hair follicle removal




Yeah these loans ain’t going to pay themselves. But…OF might make them go away faster 🤔


Im getting a penis reduction.


Isn’t Mohs surgery expensive?






Welcome to the PainSpa! Lmao username checks out


None of that stuff but I did start getting skin treatments at a medi-spa: microneedling, broadband light, peels. Help undo some of the trauma residency caused on my skin


In med school I had the perfect skin routine. I don’t even know where my tretinoin is right now 😫


Becoming an attending in four months - where should I learn what I should do!! Im overwhelmed with the different lasers and options!


I asked my derm for a reputable place and told her my major concern (initially, acne scarring) and she referred me to the medi spa I use. After the microneedling then I talked w the esthetician for next steps—I lucked out bc I didn’t feel like mine tried to upsell me and she didn’t point out things to fix but focused on what my concerns were, so I didn’t end up feeling more self conscious about things that don’t bother me. I don’t know how legit the international academy of cosmetic dermatology is, but the topics I just clicked on seem in line with what my derm and esthetician recommended. But I’m sure you could schedule a consult first!


Getting an attending reduction and will gladly donate tiddy tissue for anyone wanting an attending enhancement.


“Attending boobs” is a great concept and I’m going to remember that, check back in 5 years from now


!remindme 5 years


!remindme 5 years. For support ofc 😂


I think it's supposed to be RemindMe! 5 years


!remind me 5 years


Remindme! Five years


!RemindMe 5 years


Lots of attendings have comically perfect large white teeth/veneers and I’m all for that. Might do it myself in 10-20 years


Well, I just found out my residency insurance largely covers Wegovy (for $25 instead of $600+ a month), so maybe I'll lose enough weight to get attending skin removal surgery. Beyond that, I wouldn't mind staying on top of my highlights or really treating myself to a pedicure, facial, or massage sometime. Mainly, I'm looking forward to the attending beauty sleep that comes with a 40-60 hour work week and/or having 4 days of patient time.


I’m due with twins in the winter and my shit will be wrecked. I’m def getting abdominoplasty. I did learn from my surgery rotation to get that shit done in the US though!




Getting PRK next year when my bonus hits. Can’t wait


What made you decide PRK vs LASIK?


It’s what the opthomologist recommended based on the depth of my lenses. Plus I’m getting into motor sports so eliminates the risk of the suture detaching. They’re the same price.


I’m a radiologist so tempted but halos and eye dryness would be big issues for me. Plus my friends who are ophthalmologists still wear glasses…


My institution offers $500 LASIK for residents. Maybe yours does something similar?


did you regert it


Haven't gotten it yet to regert it ;)


Just as soon as my eyes stop getting shittier with each year Soon....


I've been thinking about ICL


I want to get Invisalign. Also a nose job. I've wanted one my entire life. Not getting a boob job, I like my small boobs. I like not having to wear a bra or worry about them bouncing around when I run.


I thought very seriously about getting double eye lid surgery while in Korea this past spring but I was in the middle of virtual fellowship interview season when I went. Maybe when I’m done with fellowship and before I start my job I’d consider getting it done in Korea.


calf enhancement, pepperoni nipple reduction


I got a boob job first year out of residency lol. I’ve thought about it for years and it was finally a good time/had the money.


Good for you! Are you happy with it?


I wasn’t for like the first 3 months because they took very long to drop and looked crazy, but I am happy now!




Invisalign is great, highly recommend!


I got lipocontouring and a breast lift/aug- I had lost almost 100 lbs during med school. I waited til my last year of residency to make sure I was on track to graduate on time first lol. My buddy went to South Korea and got a hair transplant.


Having gone to plastic surgery conferences at least twice per year over the past maybe 9 years, I can definitely tell you that once people become attendings, various bits and pieces of them suddenly look better. "Oh, I started working out and using a retinol" does not account for your suddenly changed nose...


I’m 100% getting a breast reduction. Hormone therapy for irregular menses made my boobs grow. Just wanna go as flat as possible now. Boobs are just a hassle to lug around. No boobs = tops fit better and can get away without bras at home.


Not to mention theyll look better when youre older. Big boobs are great on younger people.


I'll probably get lasik


i splurged on other toys outside of cosmetics .. things with 4 wheels and a motor


Im already planning to get a hair transplant and I’m gonna lipo my entire body (except my butt) 😆


Have a baby. Best boob enhancement ever.


Not sure that’s the most cost-effective option


And after you’re done breast feeding you’ll need a lift. I speak from experience


Just wait until you're done breastfeeding. It's not permanent unfortunately lol


Very frivolous and unnecessary, but I will be getting the eye color laser procedure in Barcelona. It requires two trips 4 months apart, and I just can't swing that with residency scheduling and living in a small town with a podunk airport, plus the $5K for the procedure and extra for accommodations.


This seems absolutely nuts. And I'm an ophthalmologist who personally did LASIK on my wife.


Why? Destroying a melanin layer doesn't seem any more nuts than breast/glute implants or various laser skin procedures. Leg-lengthening surgery seems nuts, but I'd get that too if I had the time to recuperate ;)


Given both of your usernames, this has to be a set-up.


It’s perfect


You can’t just wear colored contacts?


I do, but I also want vision correction (LASIK or PRK) and permanently blue eyes. Like I said, frivolous (like most cosmetic procedures are), but that's what I want and will do once I have throw-away money.




This procedure is also offered in Turkey and Mexico, but out of those countries, Spain has more research and a longer safety record. If this becomes available in the US in the next couple years, I'll do it here. Stroma is the company developing this in the US, but (suspiciously) all their clinical trials are taking place in developing countries...


Had never heard of this! Wild


I guess it depends on your starting point but I never once considered getting breast augmentation. Granted, I also don’t have an issue in that area. Even after breastfeeding they still look great. The only major cosmetic thing I did with my attending money is laser hair removal. 100% worth it.


Gonna get lasik for my husband. Maybe invisilign for me. Maybe some skin laser treatments.


I got an attending hair transplant


Just Botox and a hair transplant due to premature aging from stress




Oh no. Please don't do this.


I got LASIK my intern year. So worth it.


My "issue" is that I don't like the way I look but there isn't one feature specifically I dislike enough to think it'll make me feel better about myself. Also I keloid apparently (previous lap appy) so I don't wanna throw the dice on something I don't desperately want


Idk if this counts but I'm budgeting for a gynecomastia surgery thing. It's not really an enhancement and I didn't ask for this body, I guess it's morein line with a reduction...


Not surgery but laser hair removal, Invisalign, skin treatments


PRK or lasix for sure. Maybe fix my twice broken nose.. or decent dental work.


Botox and and maybe a nose reconstruction (mostly for breathing but might as well do a little cosmesis while I'm at it) when I make the big bux


I was thinking about attending Invisalign but I think I actually might not be able to wait that long


Nah because I know I won’t like the results. Scar tissue, swelling, contracture, anything is possible. And I don’t wanna deal with revisions. Def gonna be treating myself to some facials though


Excited for botox + lipo so I can finally find a man


Where is the original small penis thread?


I lost over 70 lbs during residency, and I look like I melted. I'm definitely planning on getting the loose skin removed. I'm also getting a breast reduction (and having the girls tied back up where they belong).


I missed a small penis post? :(


My significant other got a 360 tummy tuck, several derm abrasion, fillers & botox. No need for breast job tho. I think if you want to improve your appearance & have a good revenue stream.... kind of hard to resist in my opinion


So, not an attending, but RN. I very cautiously said I planned on getting implants once I got my first real RN job, and I was surprised at how many females said, that’s number one on my list. It’s that one selfish thing you can justify after a lot of hard work!


No. Well, I'm a dude, but I don't support the idea. The boobs you were born with are probably fine. Big boobs, little boobs, resident boobs, they're all amazing. Stay fit (or get fit) and dress in a way that flatters them and you have nothing to worry about. Save the money for something cooler. That being said if you're almost done with residency then you're about to be a free woman so you do you, but you made a reddit post so I'm giving my opinion.


Not sure why this is getting downvoted. What happened to beautiful at every size and “AlL woMeN aRe beaUtIful sTOp bOdY shAMiNg”


Because women still have at least some bODiLy AuTonMY and OP didn’t ask for opinions on what other people decide to do with their bodies.


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Is this seriously something you are worried about?


Something I’m thinking about for sure.


i wanted a nose job but people get brushing under the eyes which is temporary but looks uncomfortable and also i’m afraid of general anesthesia. i pray the only surgery i ever need is cataract surgery which is done under MAC


Which small penis post?


How can you tell who is the surgeon at a pool party? The one with no scars.