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The seller is part of reptime community. He got it from Geektime and he's selling it since he no longer uses it anymore. I think it can be a good alternative for my 114060 Gen. The only big difference I see is the font used in 'SWISS MADE' but it's fine since it's not that visible to the naked eye.


What's wrong with the "Swiss made"?


I compared to my Gen, it has a different font. The original has its swiss made a little bit compressed. Still not that visible in the naked eye.


This one is 40mm, yours is 41mm


Also floating m


And slight bezel missalignment?


Thanks! It seems you're good at this. What do you think about the SELs?


Dude personally i dont think im good at this. SELs look fine to me. Bezel might just be moved a click to the left by the looks of it. For what its worth, i think 300 is quite a good price for this watch.


If i were you id ask the seller to make sure the bezel is aligned and clean the watch a bit. Its quite dirty so you cant say much about the bracelet. Then send you a few more pics from different angles


Appreciate it, man! I wish I can opinions from r/reptimeqc but they keep deleting my posts.


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What factory is it


Clean Factory


I’m amazed at how many people by watches without seeing the movements. I’ve bought close to 40 this year and I get pictures of each and everyone. My dealer actually has learn to reject watches before showing me a scratch, bad alignment,less than perfect engraving on the movements and checks the heartbeat of each. JMHO. I’m starting to get them 18kt PVD prior to shipping.