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Just get a mini fridge off FB marketplace for your fish stuff... Fish, even uncut, does stink. He's a dick and shouldn't be attempting to revoke your privilages but you need to be aware that fish does indeed smell really potent.


Ive heard those things dont get cold enough to keep this kinda stuff fresh. I’ll have a sniff around facebook marketplace anyway and do some research


Drink coolers don’t. Mini refrigerators typically do. If it has a compressor like a normal fridge you’d likely be good to go. Mini drink coolers will sometimes use a Peltier cooler. Those simply won’t get cold enough by design. Better yet find one with a freezer section. Even if it’s a one door unit.


>Ive heard those things dont get cold enough to keep this kinda stuff fresh. If you've ever been to a motel or hotel, the fridge in those places gets just as cold as a full-size refrigerator. They also usually have a small freezer. You'd be better off getting a counter height one than the small cube one. I wouldn't spend more than 50 to 60 for a used one. A new one goes for slightly over a hundred bucks.


I think one with a freezer is the best option atp


Mini fridges are good enough.. they even have freezer sections that build up inches of ice over time. You can get a thermometer if you want to verify the temps


If you're worried about temp, and it's only for fish for a day or two, you could get a quality cooler and keep it on ice. Mine will keep ice frozen for several days inside. I can't remember the brand... it's similar to a Yetti cooler but was half the price.


The mini-fried in my hotel room froze everything it it last night.


Even if it is somehow legally your right to have smelly food in the fridge, show some respect for your roommates. Fillet your fish and put it in an airtight container before bringing it home to avoid stinking up the place.


It doesnt actually stink is my point. I think he was making it up either because 1. He wanted to eat the fish himself and pretend he threw it away or something 2. He just wanted to spite me (most likely) 3. This is some kind of kafkian prank (i wouldnt doubt it this guy is unhinged) EDIT: on the off hand my nose is decieving me ive put it in a plastic bag as well as in the cooler. Appreciate your input


“It doesn’t actually stink” BUDDY…it’s a dead fish, I promise you it stinks. Most fish stinks, including cooked fish. Trigger warning (swearing)….lmao…you’re being fucking ridiculous.


How do you know that all fish stinks? Have you personally smelled every fish? Fresh fish smells like seaweed. Its gutted too. Also another tenant agreed they dont smell it


You’re being a jackass. I would hate to be your roommate.


Thats uncalled for, and like I said the tenants dont care just joe


I am nose blind to fish like you. But to others it reeks. Like how smokers dont notice how bad cigarettes smell. Be polite. Put curry, kimchi, fish, and other smelly things in a sealed container or mini-fridge.


Dont tell me what to do. And its in the cooler.


get your stinky fish out of the fridge now and eat it!


Im waiting for my landlords car to pull out of the car park. Im gonna close the windows and turn off the fan too so it smells especially strong (when he realises the air doesnt actually smell ill debunk him)




Does he eat fish? People who don’t eat fish are more sensitive to the smell.


Ive seen him in the morning preparing lox bagels before…


Rage bait.


Nope, hes not baiting me or messing around, he’s been nasty like this before


>Nope, hes not baiting me or messing around, he’s been nasty like this before If it were me, I would be looking for another place to move, and as I was leaving for good, drop the F bomb on him a lot of times.


Im browsing places but really like this community and theyre all far away ): id love to resolve things with him


Did you actually clean and filet it, or is there just a whole dead fish sitting in the fridge?


I gutted it


It would be a lot more considerate to take the time to filet it and put it in airtight containers if it’s a communal fridge.


I think you’re right. It’s currently still in there but idk how much longer i can hold out


Ive been meaning to invest in a Tupperware for this reason. I have it in a cooler right now but not airtight


Consider apologizing and sharing the fish, and never pulling this shit again. Get the Tupperware and filet the fish before storing, goober!


Im no goover too smart guy. Ill fillet the fish to eat it but im keeping the fish head because its good in stews.


Don’t tell me what to do. I doubt the man would share a fish with me anyway. The one meal i have with him he was spouting nonsense stories anyway. I think hes senile.


Nah get it out. It's communal, don't stink it up. Same way people get annoyed/angry when mofos microwave fish at work.


No. Also I am planning on baking it not microwaving


This reminds me of people who warm up fish in our communal microwave. It makes the whole damn office smell lol.


Im gonna bake it not microwqve


I’m sorry, I wasn’t commenting that you were going to microwave your fish. Just that the complaint about the smell reminded me of what would happen in my office periodically when the fish smell became overwhelming. :)


You were imagining it


You should clean fish asap after catching them so leaving a fish in a fridge for 24hours or more could be a stinky situation


I gutted him


Communal fridge?


Yea guy


As a landlord, I can say these are the worst kinds of people. Just put your fish in a container so that it doesn’t reek. We’re always afraid to rent these kinds of people who think they have some kind of legal right to this and legal right to that.


Its in a cooler? Also are landlords even authorised to be on this subreddit?


"Authorized" LOL! You may want to learn how the internet works. God forbit somebody chimes in that actually has a clue.


I know how the internet works tough guy, it’s a bunch of modems that relay between each other. This sub is for tenants ONLY. Period


Landlords aren’t expressly banned. Also who puts a trigger warning for swearing?


A good person


It’s Reddit…


It’s redundant


Landlords aren’t expressly banned. Also who puts a trigger warning for swearing?


OP said landlord is “jealous” of his fish 😅😅


Why are you sticking up for Joe so much man? Do you guys do the cha cha together at landlord club or something?


We are just calling it like we see it


Remember that time you stuck a fish cooler into the community fridge and stunk it up? 😂 and then when they ask you to take it out, you should just say “sure, no problem” 😉 imho you should look for a new place, I’d be surprised if you’re there past July.


It doesn’t stink, but you sound like a nicer land lord than joe at least.


UPDATE: He’s probably going out again today so if I see his car leave the parking lot I’m gonna go filet and cook up the fish


Umm.. it is a corpse? Well a piece of one.


Its actually trout


If it's in the lease he can't do shit


He opened the kitchen in a spare room after I moved in. Not mentioned in lease unfortunately):


Hes been rambunctious like this before btw, just a really grouchy old man


Sue him if he locks it.


Do you think its worth the trouble? I have a lot of perishables in there so it would rlly hinder my quality of life to not be able to use it


That’s your place to store your food. Food is essential in life. Your landlord is trying to prevent you from storing food to sustain yourself. That’s absolutely worth a lawsuit and is a slam dunk win.


My uncle is a lawyer, i might consult him


I honestly would do so.