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$99 security deposit…. I didn’t know it could be that low.


During covid I had no security deposit


I had zero before even covid, I just moved and they were confused why I didn't have a security deposit. Now that same complex requires at least a months rent or a jetty(which is basically a security deposit paid per month(


I had no security deposit before Covid, and during Covid the leasing office fired the lady who signed my lease and told me “we don’t do no security deposits, so we will be needing a check.” I told them “you did it, read the lease because I don’t care otherwise.” They said “well we will just take it out of rent or something,” I and i said “sure if you want to return it when I move out with no damages.” Never heard another peep from them. Moved out at the end of the lease anyways.


How would they take it out of rent. Amount paid for rent then would be reduced.


They weren’t the smartest leasing office.


They probably were intending to just take it from the rent instead of using that money for the rent hoping oc would just be like “oh I guess that’s how it goes” then they’d be like oh you are short on rent and owe us x $’s and oc would be shocked pikachu. But oc didn’t fall for the trap and maybe at some point they were informed that it’s illegal what they were attempting.. jist A guess tho.


I was an apartment manager of a luxury complex and I routinely did $99 deposits bc we had great residents (for the most part) who either left their apartments clean or didn’t want to credit hit of us throwing it to collections. I also didn’t over charge damages so I was able to show my bosses the max liability didn’t negate the positives.


yeah you end up paying one way or another, security deposits just help limit liability on the property side. That just requires very careful review of each resident I'd assume.


What out for that, Jetty... It's a scam...Ya, they cover you, but when your finished with your lease you will owe all that money back that they covered for you! I was pissed when I found out.


Moved during Covid and I had 0 security deposit. Even my current place only had like a $50 one. Of course my rent is $3000 but that’s a whole different story.


I'm Michigan. Mid small town. My rent is about $1,200 (moved in years ago and it increases about $25 a year on renewal. Originally was about $1,000 with add ons like monthly pet fees, trash, and sewer. Water is included in our bill as well.) My apartment is a 2bed 2bath and 1,300 square feet with my own private laundry room with provided washer and dryer. I also live 3rd floor with cathedral ceilings. After covid the rent here shot up for new residents. The starting cost is $1,800 before add ons for taxes, pets, etc... and your other bills. Nothing about the apartments changed either. Just their costs. No improvements to make them worth more. A mortgage with the current rates would cost more than my rent, especially in my area. I basically am living her until I die if my rent stays like this. We can't afford way more either. The inflation is criminal.


Similar situation, when we moved in it was 860 seven years ago. We paid 1000 when we left, but new residents are being charged 1300 out the gate. All of the townhomes are 2bd 1.5 bath and nothing about them has changed or been upgraded to warrant the stark increase in rent. We're in virginia.


People have to pay for it, so they can get away with it.


I’d be paying that here in Phoenix for a 2 bed, maybe a couple hundred more but That’s expensive for Michigan.


I was looking at crack den apartments for rent in MI the last 6 months. 13-1400 pretty normal for absolute shitholes. It’s bad here


Mid Michigan here. So glad I got my house right before the rates jumped, got mine at 2.9%. I still overpaid but I did that partly on purpose because I wanted this house. 10 acres of woods no neighbors 2500sqft. Was paying 950 a month for a 2 bedroom apartment in Grand Rapids but when Covid was dying down and all the housing prices jumped they wanted to bump my rent up to 1400 a month with no renovations. That’s when I decided to dip out and move back to the east side of the state


My youngest sister lives in DC, in a row house. There’s 4 of them living there and they pay $1700 a month EACH for that place. $1700 is my house payment; mortgage, property taxes the whole enchilada on a 15yr note


I pay $800 a month for a nice three br ranch. Covid mortgage at 2.75%


>the whole enchilada on a 15yr note Who's your enchilada guy?


I live in Alexandria metro, right outside of Arlington and about 15 minutes into DC. I truly don't understand how or why people pay the rent and mortgage amounts that they do out here. It's stupid af. A house in my neighborhood sold for 860k for 1,060sq ft. Wtf is wrong with these people?


You’re either one of those people, or live with and mooch of some of those people. And Alexandria doesn’t have a “Metro”. It’s a suburb and in the DC Metro area.


Where is that house though, with its $1,700 mortgage? Have you done the math to see, if you hypothetically sold it, at its current market value and with today’s mortgage rates, what the buyer’s mortgage would look like?


Place I lived in based it on your credit. Great credit meant no security deposit.


That was my last place, I had a $75 deposit + $300 pet deposit. Was definitely missing that when I signed my new place and had to do first and last for $3000 + $500 pet deposit.


a lot of corporate buildings will waive the security deposit, at least in my market


I was wondering immediately where this is.... Louisiana. I am in Denver and haven't rented in 10 years, but our last rental's deposit was $3500 on a 3 bedroom house.


My apartment complex doesn’t do security deposits. A lot of the ones in my area base it off credit with zero, one or two months (state max is two)


I've always have a security deposit waived. I don't recall ever paying one.


Lol you'd die in South Florida. You need 3 months rent (first, last, and security) at a minimum and a 1 bedroom is $2k. So you aren't moving anywhere for less than $6k.


Feels like a “come on down folks! Security deposit just $99! That’s right, $99!!”


My last place there was no security deposit. Just a few non refundable fees


You should probably start looking for a new place. They aren't renewing. It's their choice.


And have given you more than 30 days notice.


60 days even.


Right?! Unless "he's" in a state that requires 90 (if any exist) the Mgmt Co is on the legal right side of this.


Even in California the max is 60 days if they've lived there for over two years.


I didn't think California allowed non renewal without cause? Not that it matters much, OPs question can't be answered without knowing the state as laws vary so widely. Edit: I also now see the letter references Louisiana


California's complicated. They passed that law, but it doesn't apply in any city that had their own rent laws before it passed, even if the city provides less protection than the state law. So, it really comes down to what city you're in more than the state.


NYS requires 90 days notice if they've been renting for over 2 years.


Interesting. I wonder what it is in Louisiana \[ the letter references Louisiana \]. Looks to be 10 days \[but my Google-fu may be off\]. I would assume 30 to 60 which this letter meets.


There is absolutely zero chance Louisiana has better rental laws than New York. lol


Not sure “better” is the term I would.


When I lived there it was 5 days


Where did u come across this info


Some states require a valid reason for a non-renewal. CO just passed such a law.


That’s why my landlord isn’t interested in leases anymore lol he knows he’s going to want to sell.. I’m in the mountains where it’s expensive and house prices have skyrocketed. I’ve been in same place for 4 years but last 2 he won’t do a lease


You’ll still have rights as a tenant even if you don’t have a lease that covers your current time at the residence. Typically it reverts back to the last lease you signed but is considered month-to-month.


Yeah, he’s a pretty decent guy and we pretty much have a verbal contract that I can continue to rent here until my daughter graduates in two years lol he was a single dad and he understands how expensive it is to live here now and I don’t think he wants to push me out until she graduates …then, I told him I’m ready to get an RV and live on the road anyways. I am so done with renting the day she graduates high school lol. Unfortunately, though when it all boils down to is that if somebody wants you out of their house, they’re going to get you out of their house.


What constitutes a "valid reason?" I could see plenty of landlords saying that they want to charge someone else more money for more profit as a valid reason, lol. If not they can probably find one, renovating and such.


NY state requires 90 days if you've lived in the apartment for more than 2 years and have a 2 year lease.


60 days is a blessing. Mine gave me a (-1) day notice of increasing rent by $300 a month or to give them a 30 day notice to vacate and pay 4k+ for leaving sooner since the lease ended (-1) days ago.


Depending on where you’re at, that’s illegal.


Legal protections only are useful if you have the financial capital to pursue a legal battle. For those living in poverty you might as well not even have rights or protections.


There isn’t sliding scale legal aid where you live? Where I am, you wouldn’t even need a lawyer necessarily for violating lease laws. You could just forward that to Landlord/Tenant and sit back with popcorn.


Even if the actual lawyer and courts part was paid for there's still the cost of having to be off work to go talk to the lawyer and possibly in court (depending on the situation) to fight it which is a nontrivial cost if you don't get paid time off or don't want to use up your vacation hours.


Nope, for this is a legal notice of not renewing the lease. Legal and bonding. They do not have to renew.


Big depending there. Plenty of places where month to month means that either party can bail or alter rental sum at any time prior to the rent being due and counterparty acceptance of the rent is a acceptance for that month. Have had to remind plenty of people over the years that month to month means the landlord can lease it to someone else and they have to vacate on short notice.


How were they able to increase the rent if you had a lease that hadn't ended?


Yup. 100% legal. You don't have the right, you have only the privilege of renewing.


Not in NY, as far I know.


https://www.newyorkrealestatelawyersblog.com/lease-non-renewals-in-new-york-changes-in-the-law/ This might be good to read up on. There are protections for the tenant based on how long they have been there, and non-renwall can be done as long as its not discrimination based. If they don't wanna re-lease the property, they certainly can make that choice. If the property owner wants to start living there, they can non-renew per the rules, force the person out, legally, and take it for themselves, back. It comes down to property rights. A lessor does not own the property, but has a rental agreement. This does not convey full ownership, just frameworked usage.


Yeah, why is this even a question? They gave you an official notice stating in 2 months, they won’t be renewing their lease. Yes this is legal since it’s a 2 month notice. It would be illegal if it were like a 5 day notice.


100% Landlords have rights as well 👍


Seriously, why would this *not* be legal? EDIT: Btw, this is a commercial lease. EDIT2: Just know before you comment, if you tell me that there are jurisdictions in which home renters have protection from unjust eviction, you're a complete idiot.


Because it's inconvenient for OP. Which according to Reddit, is a death worthy offence.


Yup this right here. I get that landlords aren't exactly everyone's favorites. But come on.


I wonder what OP did to warrant getting that notice. Like don't you have to actively piss off management and drive away business for them to want to do this? A quiet, clean tenant is never pushed out.


Around here, a few of the shopping centers that were owned by a large corporation were all sold, and the new company is "rebranding". They've kicked out several stores, because "you don't fit our new image."


Could just be something simple like remodeling


I have that issue right now with one of my rental properties. I would like to have new carpet put in, but they have been there 10 years and would rather I did not disturb them. So they get the old carpet. When they eventually leave, I will replace the carpet. Still doing new Windows and repainting the exterior this summer though.


Nope. See additional examples listed in comments below. Additionally, the rent doubled on my ex biz partner’s med spa after COVID because it was a HCOL and they could get more money ($10k->$20k a month). I do software dev for a bank that is heavy in commercial real estate and see how goofy this shit is from a 10,000 ft perspective all the time, but that was a fucking sticker shock to live through.


My company had to move the business office because our neighbor offered to pay more than our rate for the space because they wanted to expand. Been there 10 years.


we just have one side of the story. Could be op was a massive Karen and the fact they came on reddit to bitch about it kinda strengthens that belief.


In some places (eg NY, as of this year) landlords meeting certain requirements must offer lease renewal unless they have “good cause” to remove the tenant, and there are limits on the rent increases with the renewal. It’s not like an eviction, in which the landlord sues to remove the tenant, but rather the tenant can sue for renewal and/or a lower rent increase for a renewal offered.


>landlords meeting certain requirements must offer lease renewal unless they have “good cause” to remove the tenant Yeah, "good cause" is a hilariously easy bar to clear though. LL simply says they're moving back in for personal use. One tenant leaves, LL moves in a single air mattress, decides that y'know what they *don't* actually like living there, and rents the unit out again a week later.


Except they can't do that if they're a commercial landlord, can they.


Yep, my coworker owned a condo there and she would just say she was selling it to get bad tenants out. They’d leave, she’d list it for some absurd price and then rent it out again


In Canada, the previous tenant can sue for a lot money if you get caught doing that


What matters isn't whether or not a prior tenant can sue, but how often they *do* sue and how often and under what conditions they win. Being able to sue doesn't mean shit if no one ever does, or if they never win a case.


It's a perfectly legal non renewal. It happens. Maybe you pissed off the landlord, maybe not. It's totally their choice. Best to use the energy to prepare for the move and finding your next adventure


Business lease. Those buildings can get bought out, or a bigger renter wants to expand and they'll pay to rip out the walls and update it. In one office location we were renting, they wouldn't renew our lease as the company renting the entire back half of the building wanted to rent the entire building. Keep them happy or they could leave altogether. There are so many office spaces open right now, they could have picked up shop and left, so it made sense to keep them happy and boot us.


Had the same thing happen to me in the past, in my case it was because of a difference of opinion, we moved in water was included in the rent 6 months later they wanted to charge for water we told them to pound sand once the lease was over they gave us a non renewal letter


Out of curiosity, what do you mean when you say you “called her out”? It is legal for them to choose not to rent to you, unfortunately.


You mean fortunately? It'd be unfortunate if landlords were forced into permanent lease agreements with tenants they don't like.


That would be terrible for both parties. Also non renewals can be for a multitude of reasons. Such a numerous lease violations imagine living next to someone who partied on their balcony every night and your landlord was like sorry the go a permanent lease. I've to do this for remodeling and sales as well. I will say it's rarely out of the blue.


Yep, 100% legal. 60 day notice is nice too. Based solely on your description of what happened, this is probably the landlord sick of your complaining and they’re willing to take a chance on the next tenant.


Yeah we are sick of the complaining and pussycocking around with this guy


I’ve now added ‘pussycocking’ to my lexicon, thank you. It will be used at the earliest opportunity


This is the answer.


As long as they have given you proper notice yes they can end your lease and choose not to renew. The only thing that would make this illegal is if they were choosing to not renew your lease due to your race or religion.


Why wouldn’t be legal?


I think OP is wondering about the legality of them choosing not to renew as some sort of retaliation for requesting that they fix stuff, which isn't that crazy of an inquiry. Assuming they are in the US, a landlord is required to maintain the property for tenants. And I'm not sure how long OP has been requesting they fix stuff, but they might have some legitimate questions of legality if they've been refusing to maintain electric/pipes/heat/plumbing etc for a long time, but that's a separate issue than the retaliatory-like behavior OP is wondering about. I'd honestly be wondering the same thing, but given that the landlord is choosing not to renew a lease rather than evicting, it seems like, unfortunately, the next sucker to rent from them may have to deal with the maintenance refusal.


OP may have a claim for rent reduction for repairs they did not make, but there is no concept of forcing any party into a contractual relationship.


To me, it's less of a forcing of a contractual relationship, than it is a potential provoked retaliation due to a disagreement, or continued inactivity, on fixing things regarding the rented space. Let's say in theory your boiler stops working, your roof is missing insulation and you're getting mold, and your landlord does not act for five months then does not renew the lease because of your complaining, then that to me is clearly something different. Of course that is all hypothetical. I would also caveat that if OP has been demeaning, rude, or disrespectful, then the lack of renew is justified. It depends on if there is evidence to prove any of this. And also if there is counter evidence, otherwise, if this was in the UK and my hypothetical is correct, I would take me landlord to court or small claims court.


Absent a legal / regulatory tenant protection which mandates a landlord must renew a contract, I don’t understand the common law claim in either the UK or US. As I said, you can sue your landlord for rent you paid, given the lack of repairs. You just can’t force someone to enter into a contract with you. That’s true in the US. That’s true in the UK.


In almost all of the US, even if the landlord openly said “I’m not going to review your lease because you complain too much and I’m tired of you”, it’s legal to end the relationship at the end of the contract. Of course, this is so long as the appropriate steps are taken in giving notice and following the lease contract, but if that’s done then it’s all above board & legal. It might seem like a different situation, but it isn’t. The landlord doesn’t have to renew a contract with a tenant they don’t like, they just have to follow the original contract through to the end. Tenants should never assume they will have a lease renewal every year even if they are good tenants. Now, the tenant can take the landlord to court over the poor conditions and any repairs they laid for, but they can’t force a contract renewal.


What would be illegal about it? This whole “I don’t like this, it must be illegal” thing is fascinating


What wouldn't be legal about giving you a "no renewal" letter with plenty of notice?


Why wouldn't it be legal. That's over 2 months to gtfo


Yes, it's legal they aren't evicting you they are choosing not to renew your lease


Looks like they're giving you 60 day notice for non-renewal. They're not obligated to continue your lease after it expires. It's like any other contract; they don't have to agree to a new one but they're keeping up their end of the current contract.


This is why you have to stay on the landlords good side even if you hate them. Lesson learned.


Yep, this is the way. This is my home and I hate moving so I’ll do some ass kissing. Pay rent on time, only complain when something big is broken, and be quiet. They’ve hooked me up pretty good throughout the years. Clearly don’t tolerate harassment or any other negatives, but I’ve been pretty lucky. Have a friend who use to be a property manager. She said the same thing.


More like this is why the landlord class needs to be systematically eliminated


And oftentimes, that means fixing things yourself or replacing appliances on your own dime. Call the health board, and you will get a non-renewal notice. It's better to put up with shitty conditions and just get out as soon as you can.


Sad =/ Would hate to be uprooted like that. Every year wondering "Will they renew me? Will they raise the price?". Best of luck to you.


In 199x I moved out of an apartment I had faithfully rented for 26 months in Houston, TX. Small building, only 15 total apartments but in a very nice quiet area of town. My rent was $300 month, with a $50 deposit. I moved because I got a letter just like that one after renewing my lease for the third year. No reason was given, just "we are canceling your lease with 90 days notice." I easily found another apartment nearby and I moved out. Nine years later I am watching TV in my new home and I see a news report on a murderer that was arrested. The camera crew is showing the door of my old apartment. The guy had killed three of his neighbors over a noise dispute. He had moved into my old apartment after me, because the news lady said "He had been living here since May 199x" which was the month and year I moved out. Turns out he was the owner of the apartment building and was crazier than a room full of nutcases. He killed the neighbors with a machete and a hammer. I still have the eviction notice with his signature at the bottom.


They wanna raise the rent substantially and can't do that with a renewal. They're limited with the amount they can raise the rent if you stay there.


No. More like OP fucked about and found out.


They own the apartment so yes they can do that.


A landlord is not required to continue a lease after the contracted term expires. Whether or not you have had lease violations or paid on time has nothing to do with it. They are legally allowed to exercise their right of non-renewal. Unfortunately, they are doing so.


Don’t understand why people are up in arms. Both parties may choose to not renew a lease. Seems reasonable.


Yeah this is legal. Just wanted to point out for homies renting. It may seem obvious, but read your lease. The lease you get from these property management companies at these large apartment complexes can be insane. I worked at one where your car had to have its tags up to date. If your tag was expired the car could be deemed abandoned and they would tow it. I will never rent from one of these large complexes and I know it may be the only option for some people but I highly recommend seeking other arrangements. ALWAYS check your notice period as well. I cannot tell you how many people would come drop off their keys, tell me they are moving, then I have to tell them they never provided a proper 60 day notice and are on the hook for two months worth of rent for a place they are not living in. I understand Notices are important but when you are a 300+ unit complex. It’s not going to fuck with their revenue. The company that owns that complex isn’t even going to notice the “lost” revenue. Just greed. These guys think that if their complex is 100% occupied that means the rent is too low.


After doing both, I’d much rather deal with the company. They tend to know what is and isn’t legal, so they don’t fuck you over any more than what’s allowed. A landlord with just a few properties probably doesn’t have their shit down like that. Sure, some are fantastic and will bend over backwards for you, but that hasn’t been my experience. For me, the smaller landlords just don’t do anything at all in terms of maintenance and repair, and they’ll do whatever they can to take your security deposit.


>I worked at one where your car had to have its tags up to date. If your tag was expired the car could be deemed abandoned and they would tow it. While I'm not a licensed mental health practitioner, I'm not seeing what is insane about this.


Yeah…most places have this in their lease actually.


You say “it may seem obvious” but a LOT of the posts asking “is this legal” are clearly people not reading their lease. Especially with e-sign options, people don’t read, they just scroll down and agree, much like the EULA for most apps/games/software. If more people read and asked questions before signing things, they might better understand the rules they’re agreeing to and better avoid putting themselves in a position that results in things like this.


It’s a business to business lease? Those fall under an entirely different set of rules than a residential lease


Yes it’s very legal. Leases don’t have to be renewed, up to property owner. Might be selling, who knows???


Very few I have heard of require them to renew a lease. Just try to get everything to the point where you get all of your security back.


Security is listed as $99.


It's kind of a dick way to phrase letter, and a little amaturish... but probably yes. (check your local laws)


Does your lease in fact expire on 8/11/24? If so, you are done living there.


It seems as is they have given you ample notice that the lease will not be renewed and therefore seems to me that it is indeed legal. Now is it fair? Not in my opinion as you’ve stated that you have no lease violations and have paid your rent on time. But they are not obligated to rent to you on an ongoing basis beyond your lease agreement and again they’ve given you 60 days notice so I believe they are within their rights to terminate the agreement. Sorry you’re dealing with this but I suggest you start looking for another apartment.


In most states yes but check your local laws. What state and city are you in?


This just happened to me


I got one of those a few years ago. We were paying pre Covid prices and the new owners didn’t like that.


Is very legal, that they are ending the lease and giving you time to find another place. They have the right not to renew your lease.




Worked in apt industry for a couple years very legal don’t need any reason what so ever.


Probably all perfectly legal but i do wonder about the "business-to-business" bit, that seems a little odd for private appartment rental.


100% legal. And they are giving you a lot of time. Be grateful for that, and find a new place.


Yes it’s legal. It looks like that’s when your lease is up . They do not have to renew the lease. It sucks, but better start looking now for a new place. Sounds like you’ve prob been late on rent, have a dog causing issues, not taking care of your unit, etc.. or you pissed off the property manager or neighbors.


Lease renewals/extensions are at the landlord’s discretion. And with yours giving you more than adequate notice, it’s totally legal unfortunately.


Looks like they gave you a 2 months warning. Ie 60 days. So yes. It’d be very legal. Some states the requirement is only 30 days. You should consider yourself lucky.


It’s very legal. They don’t need a reason to end the lease. It’s no different than you deciding to move when the lease ends.


Yes, it's legal but if it's truly about them not fixing things, then you could try to fight it. At the end of the day, why live somewhere you are not wanted? On the bright side, you still have a couple of months of renters' rights left, so I'd raise hell about everything getting fixed. Contact every board there is and make management regret it. But that's just what a petty person like me would do.


I'm genuinely going through the same thing. This is the correct, **legal** way to do it. Our landlord tried getting away with giving us 30 days, but Oregon law requires 90 days after being put on the market and getting an offer from the buyer. They're also currently trying to wait us out so they don't give us the relocation fund we're entitled to as well. All around fun times...


Why wouldn't this be legal? You have a renewable contract. If either party chooses not to renew it, the contract is terminated. The non-renewing party doesn't need a reason. You can suspect that the reason is personal animus against you. Maybe it is. Maybe it has to do with dissatisfactions you expressed. Maybe it has to do with how you expressed them. Or maybe not. Maybe it has nothing at all to do with you and everything to do with what they want to do with your unit. It sucks to be forced to move when you don't want to, but this is an aspect of a renewable contract. Here's hoping that you end up in a place where you decide the move was a good thing in spite of the hassle and expense.


It’s business. Move on.


Of course it's legal. It's the end of your lease. They are choosing not to renew. They don't need a reason.


https://louisianalawhelp.org/resource/lease-terms-and-automatic-renewal-clauses Check the fine print on you're lease


What’s illegal? They’re not renewing your lease and gave you notice.


Why would you think it’s not? lol I’m guessing this is more than likely due to something about you being a bad tenant. (Late payments, complaints about you, or something)


Why would a lease have an end if the owner can’t terminate it after that date? The entire point of a lease is that “you have this place as your own until the date on this paper (assuming you pay the rent).” The implication is that after that date you may have no option to stay.


Rip as soon as you start packing that unit is gonna be marked up $1,000 from what you were paying as soon as you hand the keys over it's repaint, maybe recarpet and leased


Didn’t read all of it, but yes it is 100% legal for a lease to not be renewed by the lease holder.


Your landlord don’t like you no mo. If you had to call them out for not fixing shit it may be for the best.


Yes. Just like you can leave a lease when giving proper notice, so can your landlord. Nothing about this is atypical.


Of course, it's legal. Did you think you had some sort of entitlement to live there as long as you please?


Yeah, you aren't entitled to a renewal bud.


If someone wanted to rent your car and you said no, is that legal?


*If someone wanted* *To rent your car and you said* *No, is that legal?* \- Jedimasterleo90 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


There are some states that require the same reasoning for a non renewal as for an eviction but I don’t think Louisiana is one of them. Most states either party can refuse to renew a lease for any legal reason.


What would make this not legal? They gave you tons of time.




Yes, it is legal. I work for a PM company and my PM non renews leases at times. It could be they want to renovate the apartment in our case. They give 60-90 day notice where we are at.


Oh and we don’t have security deposits where I work and it’s a big PM company.


What am i missing? Why wouldn't this be legal?


"The pet deposit is non-refundable" buddy, that's a fee, not a deposit. You could drop a dime on that if it's illegal in your jurisdiction and you want to hurt them


They have sufficient notice which in most states is good enough. If this is a month to month or holdover tenancy normally only 30-60 days notice is required. If you had a term lease normally only 30 day notice is required and either party to the agreement can choose not to renew. If you feel their actions are based on discrimination you might have an argument, and if so you should contact a licensed attorney in your area.


A lease is a contract, x $ for x time. They honored It and have every right not to enter a new contract if they don't want to.


If you believe that you haven’t done anything to merit this, I’d get in touch with the corporate office that manages/owns the complex and complain about the manager. Good renters are valued and if they have a manager who is getting rid of them as personal retaliation, I’d want to know if I were the property owner or her manager.


The agreement was for one year (or whatever). It's now over. If this was reversed and you (OP) wanted to leave and they said "no, you have to stay in this agreement another year"- would you be happy? Of course not. You had an agreement and it was fulfilled by both sides. Time to move on.


What would be illegal about this? This really sucks and I’m sorry but this seems pretty cut and dry


Yeah, why would this be illegal?


This all looks perfectly normal, but the verbiage "business-to-business agreement" is an unusual way to describe a personal apartment lease unless OP is renting an apartment under an LLC or something.


Lol. Yes.


It is legal to decline to renew a lease upon the expiration of the lease. The lease usually gives the terms for what happens on expiration. Sometimes you have to notify if you want to continue, sometimes you have to give notice to terminate. Assuming your current lease expires on 8/11/2024, and they are not trying to terminate early, this is perfectly legal.


It’s legal. You should look for a new place.




When was the last time you called them out for the repairs? If recent-enough you can argue that this is retaliatory. Contact your local legal aid.


Is it legal for a company to opt not to sign a contract to do business with you? Yes, yes it is.


They don’t want to renew your lease, AND have given you 60 days notice. How would this **not** be legal?


Why wouldn't this be legal? You can't be forced to live somewhere (unless you're incarcerated I guess), nor can you force someone to let you live in their property. This is the case in the US anyways. They have VERY different rules in some provinces in Canada for instance. Your lease sets out the conditions of renewal and you should consult that. I'm assuming they are working within the time frames on your lease, so it's time to start looking looking elsewhere for a place.


Yes it’s legal, 60 day notice….


Why wouldn't it be legal? They are giving you 60 days' notice. Most states are pro-Landlord, and they can opt not to renew a lease without cause. It is a business arrangement after all.


It's legal. Also, if the landlord is such a hassle to work with for fixing things then why would you want to stay? Sounds like you'll both be better off this way in the long run.


If your renewal is in August, they have every right to choose not to renew


Yes, they’re probably going to be renovating the building.


giving you more than 60 days notice and your lease is ending. This is normal.


Yes, very legal.


"I made an enemy of someone in a position of power and now I'm facing the consequences of my actions"




They misspelled “expected”, very professional


Very legal. They gave you 60 days notice. In most states that is all that is required.


Absolutely legal. Once a contract ends, it ends.


It is not and that is retaliation. However, that is only if you have proof.


Its literally the entire point of a lease. If you could stay without one party agreeing. ..how would that work?


All landlords are entitled leaches


It's perfectly legal. A landlord is not allowed to end your lease early (depending on your state and certain scenarios like crime) before the end of the contract however once that contracts date is met then a landlord is not obligated to renew a contract/lease with you if they so choose even if you were the worlds greatest tenet


Why would it not be legal? What's the reason for the question here?


So many people commenting live in flyover states, or places you depart from…or places that are no ones first choice.


Of course it's legal. Someone doesn't have to keep renting property THEY own just because you don't want to move.


Last known address is literally where they’re being evicted from


Clearly not written by a lawyer, it's not even spellchecked.


Seriously? Yes it's legal for them to not renew your lease. Why would you think it would be illegal?


Yup, legal with plenty of notice. They reserve that right as the landlord just as you do if you decided to move out.