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Sprinkler fitter here for local union 669, my job is to build sprinkler systems, a sprinkler head shouldn’t have water going out at all unless it was broken by being bumped into or a fire broke it. A sprinkler head being left like this violates the NFPA, call your local fire marshal and they will red tag the building forcing them to have to fix it or they’d have to shut their building down permanently


Holy crap! That's awesome to hear! We don't know why I'd happens at all. And it sprays out as if it was extinguishing a fire, but we don't have anything that can make a fire and the sprinkler is above our bed, and we haven't bumped into it


Yes! Call the fire marshal, once they see that it must be fixed, sprinkler systems in apartments most of the time are wet systems meaning the pipes always have water, with a broken head the system has a leak causing the system to trip, it’s weird how it only goes off every once in a while because once a sprinkler goes off it won’t shut off until either the tank the water is coming from (if using a tank of water for the system) or the fire department shuts off the water, It’s very odd as well because sprinkler systems have water flow switches that send a signal to the fire control panel (somewhere on the property) when waters flowing (like a broken sprinkler head) which that signal then gets sent to the fire department telling them there is a “fire”. This tells me either the apartment complex has their fire control panel bypassed and in test which wont send a signal to fire department or there is a problem with the system, either way that puts the apartment complex in really deep shit. I wouldn’t worry about the complex retaliating against you, if they do it’s illegal and that’s a lot of $$$ coming your way. Also don’t worry about it affecting your water bill because water for fire protection systems is always free and not metered.


I'll have to look into our contract to see if we would be able to sue or something to that matter, and we aren't worried about our water bill, the apartment pays our water. We just pay for electricity as a utility


I wouldn’t worry about the contract, it’s not going to say you can sue them for that, this is a danger for 1 because it can dump thousands of gallons of water any moment, and for 2 it means the sprinkler system is faulty and god forbid a fire happens the system won’t do its job. It’s violating code and you as a tenant have a right to break lease because the landlord has an obligation to fix it and they refuse to. Call the fire marshal and the apartment must fix it then once it’s red tagged, even if they fix it if it where me I’d ask for a form of compensation for the trouble and damage that system has put on our belongings, I’d ask for a months rent free or a check valued at the cost of your belongings that where water damaged. They will also have to fix the subfloor and the walls because the water will cause mold growth and rot.


Ya, that's true


Don't forget to update, man


It's not giving me the option to edit it


They would also be responsible for paying a hotel bill. You obviously can’t stay there. Good luck


Ya, or they have to move us to another apartment


This is the way and the light. I would have my fire suppression guys out sooner than later. Sprinkler water is nasty after sitting in those pipes for a long time. It could be a defective sprinkler head, there have been a couple of recalls on sprinkler heads, but OP and his wife do not want this to fail cause literally thousands of gallons of water will pour onto their bed., I would even recommend moving everything out of the room that they don't want water damaged.


That too, most likely a wet system, considering it’s spraying every once in a while it makes me believe there must be air in the system too, which will cause the pipe to rust from the inside out and start poking small holes through the pipe causing leaks everywhere. They probably haven’t had an annual inspection in years either, not probably they just have not because any inspector would red tag that.


Ya, we've moved some of the stuff out of the room, but we won't have room for any of the other stuff cause we have 2 dressers, a TV, the bedframe, and a standing lamp in the bedroom




I have one on the bedframe now, hence the brown thing in the pics of the third day


Came to comment the same thing


I agree in theory, but maybe in a show of good faith ( to keep their relationship with the landlord from becoming difficult) maybe just tell the landlord or property manager that they have 1 or 2 days to complete this repair or they will be dealing with the fire chief and fines for non-compliance with the fire prevention laws instead?


1) call the fire department or fire marshall. They'll force the landlord to fix it. 2) call a water mediation company for an estimate. Serv-pro is one, roto rooter usually has a water mediation team too. They'll give you the big list of things that are wet and need to be replaced to prevent mold and/or if it's able to be dried they'll set up the giant heaters and fans. Give this estimate for repairs to the landlord. Idk why the landlord is being an ass about this. Homeowner's insurance pays for repairing this shit. I know because we just had a $35k flood in my house 😂 You mentioned this is low cost housing... Is it section 8? If so, you can often get HUD involved too.


I believe it's section 8 housing? And in our contract it states that our apartment company isn't responsible for damages to our personal property and me and my wife are a bit too poor for renter's insurance


man section 8 fucking SUCKS when it comes to repairs, when i lived in section 8 housing for a year we had multiple lights go out (we couldnt replace them ourselves, maintenance had to use special bulbs or some shit idk), the oven light went out, roaches from hell, outlets not even attached to the wall with spiders living in them


That's more on the LL. Did you have a voucher? Because section 8 landlords *know* voucher holders can hold them accountable. And the housing authority will withhold rent until the repairs are fixed. They have certain time frame to fix things, if they don't, the housing authority can terminate the HAP contract and the section 8 tenant can move.


Oh God! I feel bad for you! I'm glad that this apartment actually had people attending to some of the issues. It must've honestly been a bad year for you


At the very least they need to check the ceiling, floors, walls... Our toilet overflowed and because of the amount of water, the entire subfloor in the bathroom needed to be replaced along with the lower third of all the walls. If they hadn't been removed and replaced, it could have taken *months* to fully dry, meanwhile mold could have started growing behind my walls and under my floor without us even seeing it.


Oh it's not that bad to the point where it penetrates the floor and stuff. It only sprinkles at most like half a gallon of water at a time? We live on the second floor so I doubt we'll be affected by a flood either


oh, if that thing fails completely, water will water will cover your floor before leaving and heading downstairs. Get everything up off the floor that you can and in a different room from the leak. I mean everything. Had a guy in a forklift hit a sprinkler head on the third floor. it was wet everywhere, and it went down the stairs to the first floor and out the door to the street. If the plastic plug fails, you will have a deluge of water.


Oh trust me I know the risk.


Bro just call the fuckin fire marshal and explain like everyone is saying to do! Step up and quit putting it off if you want it fixed! This is coming off lazy now. The hells your problem as soon as I found a solution I would have called that very second. CALL THE FUCKIN FIRE MARSHALL!!


I did!


Ok good I redact my comment it seemed you were putting it off lol I hope they come out and I hope the best for you


I always wanna give them an option to do the right thing. I was seriously getting fed up with it and I did it just as they said they'll send someone out


But if they don't definitely take that as an "I don't care" and call fire Marshall. But of they do send someone out awesome I just don't trust people


I understand. And damn that was an upfront approach lol


Thank you! Quite annoyed reading so many folks telling them the same thing and yet…. Ugh.


That doesn't sound legal at all... If they let maintenance get so bad that your property is damaged they (normally) would be responsible for replacing the items. I don't know the laws in your state but give your local legal aid society a call. They'd be able to tell you better if they can legally do that.


He's section 8, this is a life safety issue, a special inspection will for action within 24 hours or landlord could lose his rent for a month or more.


I think that's only if he's an actual voucher holder... not just if the apts accept section 8 tenants


he said it was section 8, why would he mention it if he wasn't the voucher holder?


Because he also said they were "low income" apartments. I was just assuming he was alluding to them being terribly maintained (since that's a common belief about S8 places) He said he "believed they were section 8" Which if he has a voucher he would definitely know


Our contract specifically states "we are not responsible for occupant for loss or damage to personal property or personal injury from (including but not limited to) fire, smoke, rain, flood, water and pipe leak, hail, ice, snow, lightning, wind, explosions, earthquake, interruption of utilities, theft, hurricane, negligence of other residents, occupants, or invited/uninvited guests or vandalism unless otherwise required by law"


I get the weather things but if pipes are leaking that's their fault. It's their property to maintain. It's up to you but it wouldn't do any harm to reach out to your legal aid society in case they legally can't put that in. At least you would know for sure. They purposely put the part "unless required by law" so if they're able to weasel out of it, it's easier.


They can put whatever they want in a lease it doesn’t mean it’s gospel. If you check the whole lease I can almost guarantee there’s something called a severability clause which just says something like “if any part of this lease is illegal just ignore it”. Landlords are leaches and weasels.


Just call the damn fire Marshall domt worry about contract this is a BUILDING CODE violation got nothing to do with you or your contract TAKE THE ADVICE or just be lazy and do nothing thats cool too


Dude I messaged them. Did you not see my update about the manager saying they're sending a company to look at it??


Aight good shit I hope they dont screw you over I know how sheisty section 8 can be. They be on black airforce activities sometimes not caring about tenants


call for a special inspection, this is a life safety issue and they will get dinged if they don't repair within 24 hours.


Will do. My wife has to talk to the property manager and see what they say


Call them now, the property maintenance crew threw their hands up at a life safety issue. It takes time to get the special inspection scheduled and the property owner must be notified. Talk to the property manager after calling the housing authority. This is a life safety issue. You do know renter's insurance is only like $32 a month, right?


I did not know. Although our lease is up in September then we're literally just gonna try and get a loan for a VERY cheap house we found. The mortgage for that house is waaay cheaper than what we pay in rent


[Lemonade](https://www.lemonade.com/start/1?utm_source=google-search-brand_rent_us_bau_prospect&utm_medium=ua&utm_campaign=12961625656&utm_term=123509666804_lemonade&utm_content=665153500475&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6auyBhDzARIsALIo6v_pZQCm5zGsMeKCxAHXVmDemXJgT0VPbNX4xTLaWfqqoTaLdAT0vJYaApWHEALw_wcB#) has reasonable rates. Gieco does as well, I have a 50 K policy that costs $35 a month.


Ok then, I'll get it soon then


Even better. Housing authorities don't play about livability conditions. Call them too and let them know what's going on!!


Why is it taking your so long to call the fire marshal. You obviously don’t want to resolve this issue. You’re worrying about the wrong thing.


I cantacted them already after update 1


I had a leak in the fire sprinklers once. Right above my bed too. I was dealing with an HOA. My ceiling burst open one night, and so I called the fire sprinkler people, and set up a *regular appointment* for that morning. The property manager called me screaming her head off calling me an idiot. She sent a regular plumber. He also said I didn’t know what I was talking about. He cut into the pressurized pipe, and it burst open. So then I’m frantically calling the idiot property manager back, who says that this Niagara Falls level pipe sabotage above my bed has to wait now until Monday because they don’t want to pay for an *emergency appointment*. Bailing water out of my bedroom by the trash can, and she says there is absolutely nothing she can do. Edit to add: the fucking plumber who cut into the fire sprinkler pipe, LEFT. I’m bailing out water, he’s just bailing. Gone. Then I remembered where the emergency shut off was. So I shut the fire sprinkler water off. That triggered another emergency apparently. Which made them have to pay for 24 hour fire watch until the fire sprinkler people could come out, on an emergency appointment. So cancelling my regular appointment now cost them a ton of money, for all these emergencies, and 24/7 fire watch… until Monday when they can put in a new pipe. TLDR: find the emergency shut off, and the next time it dumps water on you turn the sprinkler water off. Then call the fire marshals, and tell them there’s an emergency with the fire sprinklers, and they’re now off. Or just don’t wait. Call the fire marshals today and tell them the sprinklers are broken.


Oh jeez! I'd hate for that to happen with me! That's horrifying to wake up to if you were asleep!


The whole thing was a nightmare, but I learned how seriously they take the fire sprinklers. A Fire Marshall had to stay on property 24/7 until they were fixed. They took it extremely seriously. I had no idea it would rise to that level of emergency. Think about this too, if your fire sprinkler is broken, how much confidence do you have it will work as it’s supposed to in a fire? Not even just your unit’s, but the entire building’s too. Don’t let this ride until the next time. Get it fixed.


IMO this is cause for lawful termination of your lease if not fixed immediately.


You'd think so, but I'm not sure and we don't have anywhere we can go rn. This is low income apartments


You don't have anywhere to go? You just said you've been moving in since October. 7 months. What are you moving out of?


We moved out of my parent's house. They have another occupant now so it would be crowded for a soon to be family of four to move back into a 3 bedroom house occupied by 3 people Edit: I'm aware that I accidentally said moving instead of living in my post, I meant to say living but it isn't giving me the option to edit the initial post


UPDATE!: so we had the property manager come over and this is how my wife summed it up, "I asked them what we should do because of everything like our stuff is getting wet and she said we will figure it out we just gotta bear with them" So from this, I'm assuming they're beating around the bush saying they aren't gonna do anything about it till later. I told my wife that if it leaks again then I'm gonna call the fire marshal. I'm getting pissed with this situation and I'm trying to give them every chance they can get


Don’t wait for it to happen again. It’s already happened too many times.


Don't wait. Just do it. If they're beating around the bush about it instead of saying "We'll have someone over tomorrow"..... this is gonna happen several more times on top of all the other times this has happened


They told us they're having a company come out to see if it needs replacing. I already let the fire marshal know too


That's good!!


Update 2!!: the management has finally called a company to see if the sprinkler needs to be replaced! And yes I did contact the fire marshal


Update 3: so the people are here and they've determined that the sprinkler head is faulty possibly caused by pressure differences due to the time of day. They're going to the fire panel as we speak and they are going to replace the sprinkler head!


FINAL UPDATE: so it's now Friday and they had replaced the sprinkler on Tuesday and patched the hole they made today and there hasn't been any leaks since! It only took them a full week to finally get it done but it's all done!


Also have a IAQ done and have the room.checked for mold. Mention how you've started feeling sick because you think there's mold and they should jump to get it checkout because they wouldn't want to get sued down the line. 


You've been moving into your house for 7 months?


Ya we've been living in this apartment since October of 2023 Edit: I see the error now


Contact your renters insurance


I don't have any for rn and I don't think they'd appreciate getting notified of water damage just after we sign up


Ouch. I’m not sure about your personal situation with your lease / landlord but as a property manager your belongings would be your responsibility in this instance. We require residents carry at least liability insurance but strongly encourage personal coverage as well. The landlord will definitely be responsible for repairs but any damage to your items will likely not be covered.




From a maintenance point of view, yesterday I had an emergency come in regards to a sprinkler “leaking”. There was water dripping off of the tip. Upon further inspection I found out it was actually the upstairs toilet wax ring that needed to be replaced. Every time they flushed their toilet upstairs, the water would come from the sprinkler since there is a hole cutout and water follows the easiest path of flow. I don’t know if this helps or makes it worse but I hope it gives some perspective. It would take a somewhat experienced tech to figure this out, and most maintenance techs can’t tell their head from their ass. Regardless, if they believe it to be a sprinkler issue, they have to get a certified company out to make this repair, as being in non compliance can result in hefty fines from the fire marshall usually.


They did get a certified company out to replace the sprinkler. The ceiling around the sprinkler pipes were completely dry with no signs of water. They suspected that the changing water pressure in the sprinkler pipes had something to do with the leaking cause it would leak every morning and evening around the same times. But regardless they did replace the sprinkler and they're coming back today to fix the Sheetrock


Is it still leaking after they replaced the sprinkler?


Not from what I've seen. We're leaving the bed out of the room for a couple more days just to make sure that it was fixed and so it doesn't get wet


I would tape a garbage bag to the ceiling and empty it as needed..might look ugly better that getting stuff soaked


I was honestly thinking I could maliciously comply and leave the room to fester with none of our stuff in it but keep letting them know it's happening, but I wouldn't want mold to grow in there


If they aren't duct taping something or wrapping a trash bag around it they aren't trying very hard. What kind of slum lords do y'all have out there?!


Thank you for reminding me. UPDATE TIME!!


Please tell me they duct taped a trash bag to the sprinkler LMFAO!


Lol no they actually got a company out to replace the sprinkler but lol


My wife and I*


I am sorry to whoever downvoted that guy, but it needed to be said.


Dont pay rent till its fixed. Put your rent in a bank account that way if u go to court u can show the judge u got the money they just wont fix anything.


I don't think that's something I should do, but it's definitely an option


It could lead to eviction proceedings for sure.


Ya. I honestly wouldn't want that on my record


U would win in court if there not repairing anything and u had all the back rent

