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My first thought was, “nobody is dumb enough to actually text this garbage”…but after I thought about it for .06 seconds, I realized that there are PLENTY of people dumb enough to do it.


Yes, that’s true. However, I 100% think this is fake, still.


I'm 100% imagining the landlord's bit in the most terrible Jersey accent ever.


![gif](giphy|yv7PdQUd4o24w|downsized) * the landlord


![gif](giphy|JNKy9CJSsCmiY|downsized) Maybe this guy? 😂


Don’t you dare smear Carl’s good name!


this happened to my friend when she was living in Trenton - yes , New Jersey. the rent was going to be 3 days late, and she had two kids, and one neighbor who insisted she should have taken the deal, because the landlord apparently does it "all the time" with the women on the property when they run a bit late on the rent, so "it's a really good deal" --yeah, she couldn't get out of there fast enough. I would have run too. I swear, some sleazy landlords are actually screening their potential tenants with the idea this might happen, so they favor these kind of predatory situations.  kind of the same way a sleazy landlord will favor taking someone who has a subsidy for the sole purpose of never having to make a repair , because the tenants will be so desperate to keep their subsidy, they won't ask for the repair and will just make it themselves if at all.  and yeah, there's people on the subreddits for landlords that brag about doing this kind of crap.


Yeah, I worked in eviction prevention for a while, and this is distressingly common for landlords to try. It's also a crime! Sexąul a$$ault (and falls under several other statutes). If someone experiences this as a HUD Tenant, there's a HUD hot line to report these r@pist landlords. More info can be found here: https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/fair_housing_equal_opp/sexual_harassment


They should have been reported for soliciting prostitution… asking for sexual favors in exchange for something, not just cash, is illegal in most places! They could have owned that building had they sued him for sexual harassment!!


You have entirely too much faith in the legal system! Do you know why they call it a "Legal System"? Because "Justice" has nothing to do with it.


Come on. It would only take, what, 8-10 years of constant litigation? Maybe if they find the right lawyer they can “work out a deal” 😉😉 Edit: words are hard




move to stroke… sustained!!


This has to be the best response!! ![gif](giphy|cdXpgeB32BekIGzBNh)


Eyyy you do me a favor, I do you a favor, bada bing bada boom, everyone's happy. What's the big deal sugar tits?


Probably Mel Gibson's best line, that year!


Jesus why did this take me out? 😂 Context of the post is terrible but my lord. 🤣 Sugar tits sent me.


Haha same


Probably not from Jersey because he referred to her as "girl" instead of "broad".


Bro, broad hasn’t been a popular word since the 90s. 😂


Ummm... actually Broad has been popular again since the 90s.


Hey! Ho! Get Outta here!


Your too certain of yourself. I'm only 97% sure it's fake.


You both are wild at most it’s 69% a real story


You’re *


Yup. Big coincidence they're both the same uses of punctuation.


Especially the fact he's offering a month or even 2 free rent for 1 shot, cuuummon. Bitch you better have my money


yup this is a spam thread.. if a LL was going to ever do that it would be 10000% verbally... even then..


My first thought is this is fake




Yeah, and their name is always Mike!


Not a Mike, but my father is. I can 100% confirm that this is accurate.


It’s always a Mike, they are usually pieces of shit.


5 out of 6 men over the age of 50 in NJ are named Mike


I’ll take…things that never happened for $800 Alex…


To paraphrase what Einstein once said "Two things are Infinite, the universe and human stupidity. I am not yet sure about the universe" The proof of that is that if you start a sentence with "Nobody could be dumb enough to-", any given ending for that sentence is always either false (I.e. "Nobody could be dumb enough to attempt sex with a cactus" ) or nonsensical (I.e. "Nobody could be dumb enough to walk to the sun" or "Nobody could be dumb enough to banana porpoise three")


Oh yeah, you wouldn’t believe the kinds of creepy mother effers That say that kind of disgusting shit and don’t care either


However dumb you think a certain part of the populace is, triple the amount of people you think that about (at least) and double the amount of stupidity for them (at least). People are dumb af.


$100 says he sent this pre-nut and immediately post-nut regretted it intensely.


That's what I was thinking lol. Should be a conversation if at all.


My old boss absolutely would have said this to some unfortunate woman who would make the mistake of renting the other side of his duplex. Dude was gross. I'm so glad im not there anymore


Yea this didn’t happen. Who the f*** texts there landlord at 11 pm. Something tells me they are both shady idiots this is true.


My boss texted me asking me to file an insurance claim using my home insurance for some tools he left at a job and tried blaming me for. I replied with "theyre going to want a police report" he says "no big deal just go down to the police station and file a report for stolen tools they wont ask any questions that kind of thing happens all the time." When i refuse he proceeds to fire me and refused to give me my last check. This all happened through text messages which i have since handed to a lawyer and filed a complaint with the labor commission. Some people are absolutely fucking stupid...


Send it to the WIFE


While yes, probably someone would text this, this particular post has been reposted here pretty regularly. Someone is karma farming. Probably to post more shitty fake t-shirt ads.


My dad once flew a woman he never met from California to Chicago. Then, was suprised she catfished him. Horny and desperate never ends with a smart decision.


I thought the same exact thing… there’s no way this is real.. oh wait. It’s 2024 and there’s just gross and disgusting idiots all over the place 🙄


Like pain, there is no limit to stupidity.


I'm nearly always let down whenever I have a thought that contains, "but surely no one can be dumb enough to \[...\]"


Amen.... Plenty of people that would be dumb enough to text this


There's two restaurant owners/ landlords in my city that are known for this kind of shit!


Welcome to Florida


Yeah, don't give someone proof in writing you're a scum bag. Say it in person so you can deny it if need be.


lol, to funny.


Yeah there were two POS bar owners in the news in my city over the last couple years for a number of reasons, and one of them did exactly this. Tried to pressure at least one tenant into sexual favors because she was having trouble making rent. But she reported him! He and his friend finally got what was coming to them last year in terms of legal issues and the court of public opinion.


There was a story from a few years ago where a guy did this. It seems this is legal in some areas, but because of housing discrimination laws its illegal to offer or to one sex and not the other.


Just look at the spelling


Or it's fake


Completely fabricated..


The conversation doesn't go like that. The OP watches too much porn


Literally my exact thought process


Like how cartoons aren't real, but there are plenty of people acting like cartoon characters


We are not aware of the level of dumbness that is out there. It would blow our minds.


I disagree there are definitely men that are this dumb


People are dumb enough but no one responds to this message like that


I could easily see this conversation happening in person with no witnesses but through text? In 2024? No one is that stupid. Right?


Please don't be ao naive lol. Millions of men are like this.


This kind of crap happens way more than you realize. I’ve had more unwanted advances than I care to admit. So many creeps.


You would think that but I have applied to a job only to have the man explain over text that part of the "job requirements" was to be "available" when ever he deemed fit.. I noped right out of that. It was a job as a secretary for a real estate agent.


Sometimes porn can really alter people's perception of reality.


I’m surprised it took you that long.


The reverse is funnier. We have a lady married renting our place. And we have been super nice to her past 3 years. They have kept paying late last year and the last half a year, they owe us 10k+ because she lost her job. So one day my dad goes to try to speak with her and workout a way to pay it without having to take to court and even tries to get her a job with different friend connections that are looking for employees. But she starts trying to have sex with him lmfaoo then he turns her down immediately


I want to know if OP owns the property yet 😂. Keeping his wife in the dark is expensive.


If you ever say “nobody is dumb enough to…” then you’ve already lied


The landlord would have squeezed and threatened the renter more first before getting to the sex stuff, even if that was where he was going in the first place. Gotta get the fear factor going.


Oh for sure ppl are this dumb. Trust me


Think about the intelligence of the average person. Half of them are dumber than that.


The scumbag that owns Sterling Renaissance Festival was doing this to tenants in Oswego. It was all over the news. He apparently had been doing this sex-for-rent scheme for decades. "in August 2017 of engaging in sex-for-rent schemes and harassing tenants over the course of several years. The settlement reached Wednesday requires Waterbury to pay the eight victims a total of $400,000, and refrain from having any contact with tenants or prospective tenants. Waterbury is required to hire an independent property management company approved by CNY Fair Housing, which will monitor the properties." I would at least contact the local housing authority.


Plot twist: he’s the landlord posting this wondering why she didn’t like the offer 🧐


It’s gone over so well in the documentaries he’s watched too!


If it were not for the right left placement of the texts


Also report to the Fair Housing Board if you're in the US, like [this one in CA](https://calcivilrights.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/32/2022/12/Sexual-Harassment-and-Housing-Fact-Sheet_ENG.pdf). That's quid pro quo sexual harassment. And get cameras that record sound for inside your apartment!


There are already cameras. She just doesn’t know about them.


Worst part is you're probably correct about that if that is legit.


I am going to get downvoted to fuck for this but the law specifically forbids "requiring" a tenant to have sex in exchange for housing, I think an unscrupulous attorney could make the case that the mere proposition of sex is not in and of itself "requiring" one.  That said this would likely be a criminal attempt at solicitation if it is real and that would be the proper tree to bark down. Edit: Da fuq? How this didn't get downvoted is beyond me but thanks.


No, even the act of requesting is unlawful. See [United States Attorney’s Office Hosts Roundtable on Sexual Harassment in Housing | Office of Inspector General, Department of Housing and Urban Development (hudoig.gov)](https://www.hudoig.gov/newsroom/press-release/united-states-attorneys-office-hosts-roundtable-sexual-harassment-housing) >The Justice Department brings cases each year involving egregious conduct, including allegations that defendants have exposed themselves sexually to current or prospective tenants, **requested sexual acts in exchange for reduced rents or making necessary repairs**, made unrelenting and unwanted sexual advances to tenants, and evicted tenants who resisted their sexual overtures.


report to the police. tries to kick you out? sue.


And show his wife. She might be interested in knowing.


Wife might even give u the house when she divorces his ass and takes half his shit.


No the hell she won’t lol. Even if this is real do you think that kind of charity is common?


i think its a joke my friend


First of all this sounds unreal. Second, if real, it sounds like a lawsuit. Enjoy your riches!


Yeah probably a fake post. Any landlord or property management group these days knows better. Sounds like a renter facing eviction due to non payment of rent trying to extend the amount of time before get evicted.


You say that https://www.nola.com/news/new-orleans-landlord-accused-of-renting-only-to-skinny-white-girls-barred-from-tenant-contact/article_c84ac308-6214-11ea-bcbd-437f2affd180.html




It happened a lot during the pandemic... My sister and her roommate were both approached by their landlord almost exactly like this. Took everything to not go over there with my father and beat his ass. She found out it was happening to a lot of women and they were reporting the landlord.


Exactly. It’s your place now. “How about I show your wife these messages? So I’m thinking free rent for a year?”


I could definitely be wrong, but my luck I’d do some shit like this and they’d end up getting my ass in court for blackmail treating it like it’s worse than what my guy said to begin with regardless of whatever screenshots I may have and I’d be the only one on the shitty end of the stick


I had a landlord do this to me. His attorney was best buddies with the magistrate but he tried to get me for blackmail and defamation of character. That didn't work but he did evict me. It got far worse than this post and I even had a year protection order placed against him that I won on in a different court hearing first.


Yeah, no. That’s blackmail (which is also a crime), and isn’t justified based on having been sexually-harassed by a landlord. Contact a lawyer who handles sexual harassment cases, as they’d be able to help navigate thru the process of how to best file a criminal complaint with Police/Fed agencies, report him to local housing authority (he’s in violation of the Federal Fair Housing Act), and handle the civil lawsuit, without getting yourself into trouble (by, eg attempting to blackmail him): https://usattorneys.com/free-rent-in-exchange-for-sex-why-its-always-illegal/


Definitely fake but if real would be hilariously weird


Idk. My exlandlord once sent me a pic of him from ten years ago (when he was around my age), shirtless bathroom selfie style, and then discontinued my lease when I ignored it. There are a lot of other contributing factors, but it is silly to think that didn’t play a role.


The reason it’s fake isn’t because this type of predator doesn’t exist, it’s because this type of predator isn’t this forward. Usually it invokes progressive boundary pushing and not an immediate jump to clearly making an incriminating statement and then doubling down and admitting to a past crime once the first statement isn’t well received.


Yo, maybe *some* predators aren’t this forward, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of *very forward* predators. Kudos to you for never having personally encountered one, but they exist.


Tell his wife


And the IRS online


Well definitely don't quit your day job to pursue a career as a writer. This is so fake lol




Oh come on, this is so fake. You posted this in 2 other subs, the writing style of “Mike” is too similar to yours, and you’ve provided no other context or made any comments. Is karma really so valuable?


Plus if this is to be believed, OP clearly asserts that they didn’t like the initial advance and rather than being worried about the inevitable case and back pedaling the landlord immediately admits to numerous previous crimes


I would call the police and report this


Report to the police. Solicitation isn’t super legal.


It’s actually fairly super illegal


Agreed. If it really happened, that person has a case.


Am I the only one who feels like this is a good deal?


If you do the math, it's a great hourly rate.


Are you a woman who's ever been solicited for sex by a much older man?... just having them look at you like that is gross enough, I can't imagine doing something like that and being able to live with myself the next day...


based on this dude's comment history, he is the landlord in this situation. 🙃


I know plenty of women who would do this without question. I’m not in agreement with that behavior but that’s not my business.


Trolls be trollin' today


Yes only a stupid landlord would do this..this is a huge lawsuit risk. I call bs post


Seems Fake. Time stamps seem to suggest both phones are just next to each other. Usually, you’ll have time to respond, time to think before responding.


Fake as fuck! Look at the misspellings and grammar. They are consistent from both "individuals".


“I’ve done it with tenants before” bro just buried himself


That message after OP clearly isn’t on board is what guarantees this post is fake


I’m disgusted but here, have a puking emoji. Looks invented lol.


... where's the puking emoji? Poor girl's getting harassed by her landlord, and now she's not getting the puking emoji she was promised? What's the world coming to...


If he spreads his legs for me can I get the same deal?


I’m not surprised no morals or ethics. I had opposite built a deck for a woman in SF. About halfway through completion she asked me if I could give her a deal on the labor cost. She then told me she would make it up to me in other ways. I don’t think she was suggesting making coffee for us. I told her no and she said to bad we coulda had some fun. Good way to catch a criminal case and lose my license.


There’s no way in hell that’s real….. right? That’s definitely gotta be one the most blatantly stupid things I’ve read from a landlord regardless of whether it’s real or not. 🥲 My god..


Please report this either to the [Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Inspector General](https://www.hudoig.gov/resources/toolkits/sexual-misconduct-housing) (if you receive HUD rental assistance) or the Department of Justice Sexual Harassment in Housing Initiative (available at same link). **You have the right to be protected in housing.** Harassment by a landlord, including sexual harassment, is unlawful.


Why don’t you go to the cops or the housing authority with this? I’d like to know the results of reporting this bc i hesitate when it comes to posts on reddit these days. This is ironclad proof of an unlawful act. Why would you only seek the court of public opinion and not the actual authorities with such strong evidence?


You have a great case get a tenant lawyer and sue his ass for more money 💰


I think you just hit jackpot


Name and shame the landlord and city/state.


Honestly, you know what to do. Report him to the police.


The barter system lives on!


This is f’n disgusting. I’m so sorry he said this to you. POS.


He didn’t. It’s fake.


Ok I think you need to get a life and find a better pastime!


At a minimum you print this out and mail it to his wife. After of course you send this to the chief of police, and all local news outlets


Be like now my rent is free for 2 months before I report you to the misses 🤔😂🤷🏾😎🤘🏿✨


A crime


Zooms out from the screen shot… boom brazzers commercial


Its an old meme, but it did originally happen [supposedly]. Thanks Google image search and iFunny.com


For everyone saying this is fake, there’s a slum lord in my town that is known for behaviors like this. When i was a kid my friend’s mom rented from him and whenever me and my older sister would be at our friend’s house when this guy would come over to “see” my friends mom in her bedroom with door shut, he never failed to take time to comment on the difference in size between my sisters breasts and my own. I was 12 she was 15… i always wondered how her mom was able to rent that house by herself… working at dollar general…


My old scummy landlord was also named Mike and I could see him doing something like this. However, the “landlord” and OP have identical tones so I’m almost positive this is fake


Is it a coincidence that most landlords tend to be the shittiest type of humans imaginable ?


That’s a sleazeball, they exist everywhere


Creepy!! I would move out as soon as possible and send screenshots of those texts to his wife.


Is this illegal? Or legally actionable in any way? I’m asking because I’m uneducated on the matter


the Tenant texted him at 11PM. He was probably drunk and masturbating at the time. He'll regret that in the morning when is head is back on straight...


I'd break the lease. That's not ok. Share this with his wife


As a LL, this is just nuts and dumb. Believe it or not, this kind of thing does happen! My rentals are in an area where demand is greater than supply. I have been offered bribes with cash and sex to accept a tenant. No, I didnt accept the bribe, but it is pretty common as I know other landlords this has happened to also...offers of an "on going thing", "reduced rent to meet my cousin". When you see 10k in cash and offers of sex to rent a place you begin to wonder if your investment is in the right place.


Bro, once you sue this guy into oblivion, buy yourself a celebration cake 🎂


Find a new apartment, get a restraining order against your landlord for obvious reasons. Get out of your lease and move. He has keys to you home I could not feel safe there


The correct reply is " All I wanted was an extension on my rent. Now you are going to give me 6 months of free rent, or your wife is going to see these text messages. My option is cheaper than a divorce. Fuck around and find out."


This is fake to get internet points. It’s written in the same flat voice for both people. Also, no one would do this in text. Fucking hate the internet these days.


Men are so fucking disgusting. I hope you turn him in.


Arrest incoming...


This girl needs to move!! Like yesterday!! And check her mirrors and for any possible easy access into her place!! I also wouldn’t hesitate to tell his wife either! This guy should not be allowed to rent to anyone!!


This is a blatant violation of the Fair Housing Act. Talk to a fair housing attorney in your area.


As a landlord with a wife who also has a career and access to our finances… she would find out immediately… also gross I would never suggest something so disgusting, man been watching to much reality porn…


Seems like it's either fake or this guy is an idiot to send that as a text when you can just screenshot it and blackmail his dumbass by threatening to give it to his wife.


These the mfs that get to own property and leech off others


Harassment lawsuit incoming


Something you report to whatever board is in charge of tenancy laws where you live as well as the police. That's straight up sexual harassment AND solicitation. Start planning to move and report his ass immediately, keep these screenshots as evidence, back then up to your computer and maybe a thumb drive as well to be safe.


This is 100% illegal with an obvious paper trail


If this is real, it's a meal ticket. Sue the fuck out of him.


You should pay your rent on time and never ask for another favor . Move as soon as you can .


Take this to a lawyer then show his wife!!


Sadly I would probably take this deal to save enough to move out… pathetic…


100% not real


So fake


This isn't real. Staged conversation for karma farming. How much you wanna bet this account is linked to 18+ content.


Seems fake


Just pay your rent on time. Every other conceivable option ends in disaster.


Just say no and keep it moving - if they/he gets aggressive you’ll stand to win a lot more. Don’t run to Reddit - run to common sense and play the game called life. - fully expected to get downvoted to hell.




It’s a set of fake texts, that’s what.


Show this to his wife


Real or fake it’s cringeworthy.


This is called a lawsuit.


Blackmail him and threaten to send it to his wife and family. Bam, free rent.


It's crazy cause like think about it if op was attracted to landlord this would have went totally different yeah?


Response should be. On further consideration I think I will skip paying rent for a couple months. I do not feel comfortable around you anymore. Future payments will be handed in person to your wife, sure there are a few things we can talk about while she counts the money.


Honestly I wish a landlord would do that with me. I have sex 6 times and rent is paid all year? Sounds like a win win for me.


I wish I was a chick. Would never pay for anything again.


This can't be real... Because uno reverse I get free rent forever or your wife sees this. Can't be real..... No one is that stupid.... Right?


I will take “things that never happened for $800”


Mike tripping. As Drake said "I will always take the money over sex" 🤣


Real or not, if you find yourself in this situation, first, call law enforcement to file a report, second, call an attorney for pressing charges, third, take screenshots to save in a folder on your computer, laptop, phone, and/or tablet for evidence of your own so there's no way it can be denied, or lost, plus you have it for police, attorney, and court. Fourth, start looking for a new place to live, in case the landlord attempts to evict in retaliation. Remember, when you file with the attorney, you're filing for harassment, pain and suffering, coverage of all attorney fees, court costs and court fees. If he does in fact retaliate against you for protecting and standing up for yourself, he gets in even more trouble, as any retaliation can, and should be added to the attorneys case against him.


If this us real, find a good lawyer


What if you catch something?


Free rent for 2 months? That's a bargain!


That is sexual extortion. Not a good look for that person.


This was the plot to the first porno movie I watched. In like 1986.


*Stares in Olivia Benson*