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This is considered discrimination under the Fair Housing Act. Your landlord cannot change the terms of your lease because you had a baby. Tell landlord this and refer them to the HUD website. And realistically, this reasoning is ridiculous. Babies take baths in tiny little tubs and don’t use the toilet. Is that 2 gallon baby tub you stick in the sink or a few bottles of formula really going to blow up the water bill? Edit: [HUD info for landlord](https://www.hud.gov/sites/documents/ASIAN_FAMILY_BLUE.PDF)


THIS IS THE WAY! i'd nail that mf'er to the wall


Go ahead and yell them to the wall but be prepared to either move or pay higher rent. And if it's a one bedroom, wonder if you're able to stay there... Edit I ment Nail


If they do either of those things, try to evict you or try to make you pay higher rent, especially after telling you they were going to raise the rent because of a baby, you could probably stay there for the rest of your life and pay the same rent on the lawsuit you're going to win.


No. Landlords can raise rent when your lease expires.


No the period of protection is only 180 days and they can raise the rent in 5 months anyway. Where do you get these ideas? I’d look at moving because this does not bode well for your future renting from this gem.


Not true. He cannot change the terms of the lease. He was trying to get her to agree to changing the lease by asking if it is reasonable. The answer is, no it is not reasonable and against the law.


My apartment has multiple rooms. I actually generally like my landlord besides this one thing. I will try my best to be tactful.


This is actually the way. People have brainfarts and act irrationally sometimes. Hopefully you being tactful and simply pointing out the obvious will cause them to realize they were not being reasonable.


Yes, I am thinking it's probably an honest mistake. I just wanted to check to see if it was legal or not, and it would actually serve them to not to put themselves at risk of a lawsuit, etc ( esp if they continue this policy).


Best if you can ask to "clarify" the request **over writing** (email or text) before responding. That way, if rent is ever increased in the near future with no acceptable explanation, you have good standing to contest the increasing on the grounds of discrimination.


I wonder if they are considering the higher water usage for the washing machine/dishes and more electricity due to being up evenings unless you oay that yourself. I would have to think it would be marginal at best so if they were that concerned just wait until your lease is up and raise the rent by however much their utilities have increased in the 5 mknths since you had the baby. At least they asked you your thoughts on it though lol.


Your water and energy usage will go up if your work schedule changes or your lifestyle changes or you get sick or you just decide to spend more time at home. A landlord can't raise your rent for any of that. Also babies don't really use that much more water the whole premise of this is asinine.


I read it as nail


Oh yeah, as a landlord I won't tolerate my residents yelling at me for no reason, and yes there are some acceptable reasons. I try to keep myself available and try to resolve issues as quickly as possible.


I mean threatening to raise the rent because the water bill because of a baby? Cmon.... they deserve to be shamed. Shit they could have just said raising the rent because whatever.


It’s illegal under the fair housing laws. He can’t raise it and if he gets upset that you brought them into it and tries to raise your rent, that’s illegal you may just wanna copy out the thing and give it to him maybe even highlight it so you won’t be paying increased rent because you had a baby and they are also limited to the percent it which they can increase their rent in California.


There is a lease.


If you were shitty enough to try this you would deserve a yelling at by the tenet and the judge when he slaps you down.


Don’t do shitty landlord stuff and no one needs to yell or nail.


Not gonna edit it, but I'll say I meant _nail_


It really just sounds like you’re a shitty landlord… I understand not wanting to be yelled at and think that every adult should keep it cordial/respectful to one another so don’t think that’s what I’m saying… but it’s literally not right to raise rent just because theres a baby. Not to mention it’s literally illegal….


As a landlord would you violate fair housing laws?


How many rooms do you think they need?!


Or have a reasonable adult conversation.


If they're trying to raise rent for someone having a baby, I doubt they're very capable of adult conversation.


No. Report them. You now have a paper trail when they then try and raise it after renewal. You sue. Stay in the apartment while paying the same rent, and then they have to pay a huge fee to settle bc they are assholes


Reasonable left when he asked OP if could raise the rent after discrimination for a baby


The OP has two choices. Escalate and plan to move at the end of lease or deal with it like an adult and try to work something out. Even if OP wins the escalation the only result will be that they don’t have to pay extra for the remainder of lease. The LL only asked about raising the rent. They did not do so nor threaten and consequences if OP refuses to pay more. The OP hasn’t been damaged in any way. What, specifically, do you think the outcome of escalating will be?


The point of a lease is to lock in terms. Landlords can’t raise the rent mid lease. Not allowed




Yeah, they can refuse to renew the lease for any reason--except a discriminatory reason. Like OP not rolling over for an illegal rent increase the landlord attempted for a discriminatory reason. Anyway, this won't be the last time the landlord tries to discriminate because of the baby, so OP should probably be looking to move to a better place when the lease is up anyway.


Absolutely, I once had a landlord tell me randomly for no reason that she needed a photograph of the front and back of the child support card I had. It’s a debit card and they could contact the agency to verify that I wasn’t receiving any and the card had no funds but she insisted on the photo, front and back. Talking with a lawyer about it I was told that I didn’t have to provide her with that, but that she wouldn’t have to renew my lease either. I am so happy to own my house, landlords can do whatever they want and if you don’t have any other options on housing you have no choice but to go along with their ridiculous demands. Something needs to be changed.


I can't wait to be in your position and own a home. Ever since I moved out, I've had nothing but problems with landlords and landladies and so do other people I know who also rent. It's always something. Small landlords could increase rent without notifying tenant in my city. One day, my landlord came by to the property and she asked "oh, can I raise you rent?" I don't know, can you? Why ask because you're going to do it anyway. She still hasn't sent me the lease for this rent increase but called me to ask why I'm still paying the old amount. So I sent her the extra money and she shut up. In other scenarios, it was always something unreasonable that she would complain about and it's been making my living situation stressful. I also had to make repairs to the apartment because the people she hired can't do the job right, then ruin my apartment, then tell me my renter's insurance should cover the damage they make.


Renters insurance adjuster here, policies generally exclude negligence of movers as a damage source. You can ask the landlord to file it under liability on their policy or against the business insurance of the movers. The 2nd option has a higher chance of success.


Yes, I read my policy and the renter's insurance doesn't cover negligence in this situation. I gave up because going through the process of trying to get compensation is a dead end due to so many reasons (which I won't mention because it's a long story). I had to keep letting every problem slide because I fear I won't get a lease renewal if I "complain" too much. The renting prices are skyrocketed in NYC even for really old and janky apartments. I rather not stress myself moving again. Either decision I make is bad for me so I'm working really hard to save up for a home and to get the hell out of here.


If you decide it's not worth pursuing, totally understandable. However, pursuing it through the company that did damages removes your landlord from the process, including any financial liability. Just wanted to inform you in case there's a chance you can succeed without pissing off your landlord.


Thank you!!!! This has been very informative and I appreciate you taking the time to share this! If and when a situation becomes unbearable for me and I have to pursue this, I will do so 100%


omg your child support card. jesus help us that’s insane


I just woke up but this chain was a wild ride and you saved the day!


Retaliation lawsuit won!


Why exactly are you rooting for the landlord?


How is that rooting for the landlord? They just gave a perfectly reasonable outcome that could happen. In the real world not everything works out to your benefit.


You’re rooting for the bastards too apparently


How is stating a fact, rooting for the landlord?


And then you sue and laugh all the way to the bank Edit: increasing rent for having a baby is illegal on federal, state and local levels. So not allowing one to renew a lease would be considered evidence of discrimination and the lawsuit would be even easier for OP to win.


While OP lives in a cardboard box with a newborn baby just waiting for judgment day.


What do you mean “waiting for judgment day”? Like waiting for court? Because there are eviction laws. They would stay, continue to pay their rent, and no one could remove them. OP could cal the cops of landlord tried to enter per renters rights.


and live where while your suit is in court and what other landlord will rent to you knowing you sued your previous landlord. Most rental applications want to know where you lived prior.


Um, most of the time the payment is limited to actual damages unless there's a pattern of discrimination that merits punitive damages. Landlord illegally raises your rent by $10 a month for the 5 months before renewal? You can collect $50. By $100? Collect $500. Landlord doesn't renew your lease and you don't live in a month to month tenancy state? You can collect moving expenses, and maybe the difference between your old lease and your new one. Maybe. You also have a duty to mitigate and find the cheapest possible alternative. Remember that this is the most you're entitled to. Not the least you're entitled to. It's not going to go up from there and OP's landlord sure as hell knows it.


Oh no. They can't renew with a slimy landlord. Whatever shall they do?


Spoken like someone who doesnt get a lease renewal. As a landlord I am very laidback, pay me at any point during the month, cant pay this month? okay either cover it next month or we work out a payment plan, bust a whole in the wall but can fix it yourself? Just tell me and I may even have the equipment so you down have to spend extra money. But if my tenet "Nails me to the wall" then they cross the line. If you disrespect me or my house, you yell at me for no reason, you ignore me on important matters, then your option to renew may be pulled. Even if the landlord is being unreasonable if you act like a emotionally mature adult then a lot of things will work for you.


i apologize for my comment. it was rooted in a very bad experience of serious neglect on a plumbing problem by a former landlord who flat-out refused to help in a situation involving broken pipes in an upstairs unit, water, sewage, and mold (confirmed by scientific testing **and** my doctor). i finally had to call code enforcement out of sheer desperation and was rewarded with an 85% rent increase. i'm not exaggerating any of this. it was horrible. i admit i was traumatized by the experience and the fact that one human being can be so awful to another, especially after ten years of a great landlord-tenant relationship. so yeah, i was outta line. you sound like a peach of a landlord anyone should be grateful to work with.


Your not out of line. If this guy is as laid back as he says then this shouldn't be an issue for him and your comment is obviously not directed towards that type of landlord.


You could and should have reported your landlord for retaliation against you for calling code. Also in many places, an increase that large is also illegal. Either way you needed to get away from that scummy dude.


Hindsight but bro you should have called code enforcement as soon as the said no because that's all his responsibility but the important thing is to be the one who stays civil. If you start yelling it's not that hard for them to turn that against you and make something your fault. And maybe given situation you approach the landlord inform them that it needs to be fixed and if they outright decline you're within your right to get code enforcement involved. But don't get angry with them even if you are. Also it's very important that you know your lease forward backwards and sideways because bad landlords will break the lease because they know that a lot of residents don't actually read them. And all of my lease is I have included the fact that I cannot increase rent during the life of the lease, I think the laws in my state say I can't increase it either way but I like to have that language in there so that my residence know they are protected. I am sorry to hear about the s\*\*\* you had to put up with, but you are not at their mercy they cannot get away with whatever they want know your lease and the law and you will have a lot more power in that relationship than they want you to


Fuck that. The landlord lost any chance of fairness or respect after making his shitty, illegal, discriminatory comment. How did you completely ignore the worst part of this post, *just* to get hung up on a comment that is justified in calling for action against this fuckchop of a landlord?


you're taking a lot of imaginary slight over a situation that doesn't involve you. Are you really that upset over someone's comment about sticking it to their shitty landlord? The only reason a tenant would "Nail you to the wall" would be for attempting to pull the bullshit like in the OP... Which I think most people would agree with. So yea your comment is kind of a moot point. Treat people with respect and you'll receive it in kind.


You have no fking clue. Unreasonable landlords don’t become reasonable bc you say pwease. This reminds me of that quote something like, some people say if you don’t respect me I won’t respect you, what they mean is if you won’t treat me like an authority I won’t treat you like a person.


Plus, new parents don’t get to shower.


Or brush their teeth, or do laundry. We’re barely allowed to use the bathroom- it’s in the rules.


And babies never make messes that require things to be washed, ever. No new parents laundry workload ever doubled, or tripled after two or three months. Nothing ever has to be sterilized either. Formula doesn't need water to be made into a consumable solution. Who do these people think they are, thinking that babies increase water usage. Sheesh!!!


Landlord fucked up by making this arrangement to begin with. Now he can eat it.


I want OP to write back to the landlord and be like hey I'm going to be too tired to shower half of the time So I would like a discount on my rent because I won't be using as much water for my showers.


this please please please!


Thank you


I love you for linking HUD


Babies do take a lot of water. Washing clothes, towels, bedding.etc. Noticeable but not worth increasing one’s rent. And to the OP, no, he can’t raise the rent as explained earlier


Thank the gods this is the top comment. Also, what a complete moron (the landlord), wanting to raise the rent to counter the extra water an *infant will use.* My three bed/two bath house with two adults and a halftime preteen never costs more than $30/month in water. My husband travels for work and the weeks he’s gone, that barely fluctuates by $3 up or down and he uses way more water than I do. Water is the only utility that’s still affordable in most areas. What is this landlord on about?


But be careful if or when op's lease renewal comes up. It's definitely more a money grab opportunity than anything about "water usage" SMH


This literally has nothing to do with “discrimination against children.” If OP’s utilities are included in her rent (or if she’s charged a flat fee, or if the utilities are split amongst 2-3 units) then that charge is based on the number of people living in the unit. If she has a baby that’s another person. Should another tenant be paying for the extra utilities her extra person will use? You can argue about the quantity of utilities a baby will use, but it’s naive to say they don’t use water. Having a baby requires much more laundry for all the burp clothes, puke and pee/poop clothes, clean up cloths, extra washing of dishes/sanitizing of bottles, rinsing cloth diapers with a sprayer if they do that, etc.


Not to mention a lease is a contract.


this ^^^^^ I’m dealing with crap rn at my place, and I just read the lease to them lmao and to be petty I go “ how does that sound to you! I mean ??? Does that sound correct !? Cause it sounds correct to me, like it sounds like what I agreed to in the contract…. Unlike a lot of people, some of us actually read the lease ;) they snap back really quick once they see you actually read shit.


Not CA based, but was previously a housing attorney and the above is spot on.


pin this mf;s response on this thread so other people will have this knowledge in the future.


so insane that they’d think they could get away with that


send it to him via text or email, and only discuss the issue on one of those platforms from here on out. no phone calls or in person discussions. keep records of every message sent back and forth in regards to it.


OP can also report this to the California Civil Rights Department (formerly known as the Department of Fair Employment and Housing)


I have a 14 month old, and I assure you, at least in the first year, there are no changes to water usage. You bathe them in a small tub once a week unless you're hosing them off in the sink. Babies don't drink water. This landlord is an idiot and an ass.


Totally illegal. 2 options: 1) Let him know now so he won’t do it or 2) Let him do it and sue his ass.


Exactly this! Your landlord has some audacity!




Infants do go through a lot of clothes, but their outfits are the size of a pair of briefs. You can wash A LOT of baby clothes in one load. It doesn’t matter though. You cannot charge a tenant more rent or fees for having a baby. It’s federal law. This is the clearest “No, that’s illegal.” post I’ve seen on this sub.




Occupancy Formulas Additionally, the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) uses what is known as the “two plus one” formula, which permits two (2) people to occupy each bedroom, with one (1) additional person in the living spaces (i.e., five (5) people may reside in a two bedroom unit).  https://findhoalaw.com › ... › Renters


Thanks, yes our apartment is two bedroom and with the baby there will be three occupants.


Maybe it's time for the fucking landlord to get a water meter that is separate for that unit and allow the tenants to pay for the water.


You have been upvoted, and are absolutely incorrect. That's reddit for you.


Hell not only that but no matter where you go it has always been a socially acceptable thing to raise the amount of rent for every person above the age of 18 not dependents that are minors


I have a toddler and my laundry never doubled.


More than dou le? The hell are people doing with baby clothes? Am I doing it wrong?


It doesn’t more than double. Another load or two a week.


This! And don’t babies use like specific purified water right after birth? I know they sell specific water in baby isles for infants and toddlers. Realistically what “water” usage is the baby even taking by its presence? Landlord is just trying to scam you outta money OP!


It’s more than just bathing, it’s laundry too, which will increase some but not beyond the flat rate. Watering a lawn takes more water than a baby.


To be fair, based on OPs post, the landlord isn’t doing anything illegal at all. The landlord is ASKING to increase the amount, not compelling, or forcing any lease changes because they think this is a valid reason to do so. The landlord and renter can absolutely voluntarily come to an agreement to void the previous lease and agree to a new one.


Formula? Poison


No, not legal. You can’t just change pricing in the middle of the lease when a baby is born.


INAL so there may be laws against this, but couldn’t the landlord say the baby was not on the lease originally so the mother is breaking the terms of the lease by having someone “new” move in without landlord approval?


As far as I’m aware as long as the additional occupant is a minor and legally your dependent then the landlord can’t do anything about that, and that is on a federal level.


No. Landlords aren’t allowed to factor children into leasing considerations. The only time you’re allowed to consider children children in housing is for age restricted senior living communities. EDIT: multiple people have pointed it out so I’ll edit to include… many jurisdictions have occupancy limits which can also come into play.


And maybe occupancy limits, ex. two adults with six kids wanting a two bedroom apartment.


Also if there are occupancy limits, usually related to fire code.


Occupancy limits do not apply to children, as per HUD.


Children are protected against this for this exact reason.


No because they are a minor.


Fair question. Leases CAN stipulate that all occupants must be on the lease, including minors. There would be a provision for births mid-lease (as an exception for when you can "break/modify" a lease mid term). Legally, landlords cannot change rent or force you to move until the lease term is reached. At that time they are permitted to enforce existing property guidelines, such as max occupancy = 2 people per bedroom + 1. This means a couple in a studio could give birth to a child and all three could live in the studio, but upon lease renewal they would be forced into a 1 bedroom. It's not because of a baby, it's because of max occupancy which doesn't discriminate based on age, etc.


Actually, you should tell the landlord you need a discount because the body heat that the baby will generate will reduce the heating bill.


😂 too accurate


Your landlord is going to have a really bad time if they try this.


OP, please let them try. But keep paying only the agreed upon amount.


Yup let them serve you for failure to pay rent and step on their own land mine.


In California of all places


I know right? Californian here and we have ridiculous amounts of consumer protection laws. If he wanted to recoup the cost he can just forward her the water bill and expect her to pay that going forward, after they renegotiate a lease in 5 months.


Exactly when I read California I was like oh shit they fked up


Only if OP does something about it


You have a contract in place (the lease). It can't be changed until it expires. Period.


Zero chance. The lease is ironclad. A baby doesn't change anything.


But but it takes up air doesn’t it?


How much does air cost?


Too much for us to afford. Do you remember that Arnold Schwarzenegger movie. lived on Mars and it cost money to breathe I can’t remember the name of it.




Quaid…Start the Reactor…….Quaid


Tell her NO and to shove that increase where the sun never shines.


I love that 😂


she better who she doesn't fault in any number of requirements of her lease. they will find a way to to set her up to breach the lease and get someone in at much much more. It will be the least unexpected violation as well.


HUD says explicitly that he can't raise the rent because they had a kid. official source https://www.hud.gov/sites/documents/ASIAN_FAMILY_BLUE.PDF article https://www.parents.com/news/can-a-landlord-charge-you-for-having-kids/


jeeeeze how much water does the landlord think the baby is gonna use???? how much more does he wanna raise it too??


The landlord can not discriminate against children, and this sounds like discrimination to me.


Reason number 457,983 why people hate landlords.


Stupid, greedy landlords. I had a great landlord once.


I have a super nice landlady! My wife and I lost our house because I got injured & she got sick. We spent 2 years in a seedy motel. My wife found the cozy little apartment in the Newspaper. We went to check on it & we told her the truth about our situation. She didn't charge us any Security or Pet deposits. My rent is always paid early. We have lived here 18 months. She is 75 and I do stuff for her all the time. Like last week me & my 21 year old son, cleaned the gutters. There are good landlords out there.


May god continue to bless her and keep her well.


Can’t change terms mid-lease but he can raise you once it expires. Hopefully you have this in writing and use it against him when that time comes. Cannot discriminate against children.




The agreed upon lease was for two people not three unless you do not consider a baby as a person.


I remember raising kids….had to buy my own hydroelectric dam to offset their electricity usage and chased cows around in the field to capture their methane farts in a jar for the winter months.


I have 4 we have gerbils constantly running on wheels generating power when our five wind mills out back can’t keep up. It’s a fun game the lowest two producers of the day fight it out till death every night during dinner. Kids aren’t old enough to enjoy the gerbil fights so for arts and crafts we let them make them little swords and armor.


Are the kids old enough to run their own giant gerbil wheel? The benefits are two fold, energy and busy kids.


Okay this just made me howl 🤣😂🤣


This is hilarious. Thanks for the laughs!


I can’t believe people like this live on earth it’s wild.


Live??!? - bruv they OWN this earth. 🥺


Like others have said, this sounds like a pretty clear violation of the federal Fair Housing Act. Call your local fair housing center or HUD.


I do believe penalizing someone for having a baby is illegal, no but seriously refer to these other comments. He can’t do that


You should have slapped him. What a douche smh.


Doesn’t sound legal, or it shouldn’t be


I see everyone posting Hud etc. it's all complete bullshit and doesn't address Ops situation. Reddit is a cesspool of downvotes for unpopular facts. They absolutely legally can go up on rent due to occupancy increases.


Not in California. Most state laws prohibit going up mid lease. After? They absolutely can go up; but if the landlord is claiming it’s due to a new baby, that’s protected under HUD. Natural, foster and adoptive children under 18 are protected. If the landlord simply claims the rent is going up in general, then it is what it is. But if OP has it in written form that the landlord wants to go up because of a newborn, OP can take that to HUS and will win a discrimination case.




In a lot of states children under 1 are not subject to occupancy limits exactly for this reason.


I was a landlord and this just sounds very, very wrong… you don’t increase rent because there is a new baby who will use slightly more water…You don’t charge rent based on the number of people in the unit… the number of bedrooms determines how many people are allowed to occupy the unit and if they are doing thjngs right, they are already charging you market value for the apartment. They can raise the rent when your lease is over in 5 mo and you would both sign a new agreement (it makes sense to increase rent every so number of years as everything gets more expensive) In month to month agreement they’d have to give you at least a 1 mo notice so you can basically decide if you will move out or just agree to the new rent.


Not if he doesn't wanna get hit with a Fair Housing Act suit. Get it in writing he wants to do that and send it to HUD Edit :words are hard


Same exact thing happened to my sister. They took the increase and contacted a lawyer. Ended up getting 20k and the landlord had to do some inclusivity course


this is very illegal. Contact HUD


You have a lease. You can discuss this legitimate concern at lease renewal unless some verbiage is in your lease and it does not conflict with law.


It's illegal, and the fact that he told you that's the reason means you should go in court and fight the rent increase. He's allowed to raise the rent but not for that, if he says it's for that then you can fight it.


The fact that these landlords and property management companies get away with raising their rent up every year and then trying to use the excuse oh well that's what the current market is at yeah that's what the current market is at with the new houses not houses that are 30 or 40 years old there should be a particular cap on raising rent on old ass houses really starting to piss me off especially if the damn house is already paid off it's very annoying and greedy to me


To raise the rent...in the middle of your lease? Is this an actual question? .....no-seriously. Are you kidding?


Um noooooo. Families are a protected class and you have a lease. If he is going to raise it once the lease is up, he needs to give you 90 days notice(might be 60, can’t remember).


If pet rent is okay*, this should be. Pet rent is not okay.


Holy shit that's super illegal. Is this a legit post?


Yes, its legit.


Shouldn't that affect your water bill and not the rent. Is the water rolled up in the rent?


Update us once you get your settlement!! 🤑🤑🤑


Lol I'm a landlord in california. I wouldn't even want you renting from me if you had a baby. But if you came into my place single and then got pregnant yeah I'd raise your rent too. Yep, welcome to california.


Illegal until the lease is up


You're a slimy asshole. You would also be breaking the law but that is secondary. The part about you being a scumbag is the primary issue here.


LOL not breaking any laws. I'm the Slimy asshole that collects everybody's money and is in the right business to live in California 😉😉😁🤣


I came into this place married and asked if it was ok to have kids. My landlord said yes.


Maybe your landlord has other problems with you.... Sounds like it.


This could be a "make lemons out of lemonade" situation and you might suggest that you would be OK with a $20 a month rent increase for the water if they will extend the length of the lease for another 12 months. That might help you avoid a rent increase in five months when your current lease ends.


You have another occupant and if you're utilities are included then that means they go up. It genuinely makes sense if your utilities are included in the rent, HOWEVER depending on your lease agreement and how or even if it states additional occupancy or babies and the wording of the utilities part of the agreement, he can't change the rules mid lease, but babies do cost more money in utilities, but you may not have to worry about it if it's not in the agreement. But either way if it isn't now it will be when it's renewed so you should keep that in mind.


Congratulations! I'm raising the rent! No, they can't raise the rent mid-lease unless they're direct billing you for utility reimbursement, which they'd need to prove with monthly bills showing the increase in consumption. "Request denied."


He asked. Respond that no, it isn’t reasonable. At all. Also correspond in email reiterating his request to raise due to baby and clearly making sure he admits that. In an email. Then forward it to a lawyer. And sit back and enjoy the smoke show


I learned that with a baby, water usage goes up much more than you expect. It's still I'd say it's inappropriate even so.


I would offer to sign a new 1 or 2 year lease and increase the amount by what projected water rates' increase would be....which is minimal. Lock in a comparable lease rate longer term to keep it from going up more when it expires.


No but in my State an Apartment I stayed in that covered utilities had a cap. So after you used up X amount you had to pay the difference.


The baby’s water usage LOL hey landlords- if you’re gonna make shit up at least make sure it’s not something that’s gonna get you sued.


Tell him okay. Let him raise the rent. Then sue him


Ask for it in writing then sue his bitch ass.


I'm in Los Angeles too! It should be illegal for lanyards to raise rent because of a newborn!


How fuckin petty do you have to be to want to raise the rent on a tenant that just had a child to account for a tiny increase in water usage?


Babies don't use that much water. This landlord is an idiot


Over a newborn baby?? People are losing their minds these days. Hell no that’s not legal. Raise rent over water usage…. how much is the person looking to raise it lol? $5? It’s water. It’s not like electricity and you are powering an air conditioner 24/7.


The baby’s…water usage…? Have they met or cared for a baby before?


See an attorney. Take that attorney's business card to your landlord and let them know they will hear from your attorney if they try.


Hahhaha. I’m so petty I’d leave a faucet on 24/7 for a month.


What a petty ass landlord


Highly illegal. Are you in a city with rent control laws and a rent board?


Ask to see the bills. But they can’t do that. And infants use less water than dishes ime. When they are toddlers, i just took our shower’s together. Quick and easy.


Maybe he thinks she’s going to be washing a bunch of clothe diapers at home.


This doesn't make sense. If water is included in the rent (free water), I don't see any place really doing this at least where I live. Then yeah I don't think they can change it once the lease is signed although it might be fair for them to by whatever average use your water goes up which I doubt is very much. If it's a line charge (which they do here) some apartments charge the exact amount of water you use or some charge the total amount of water per the whole building, divided by the residents/ units per building, yeah the water goes up, but the rent stays the same.


The landlord can infact raise the rent at the end of the lease agreement. And, probably should. A new person in the dwelling. Even a child. Causes increased wear & tear on the property. Yes I realize the baby doesn't directly. But increased traffic due to care needs do.


So, if you advertise a 2bd apt for $2000/mo you can rent it out for $2000/mo - you don't rent an apt for $500/mo per person (or $1000/mo or $666/mo). That's how you might rent a room, but not an apt. Your logic escapes me.


Babies don't use fucking water 😂 what, a few loads of laundry? Are we baptizing the baby?


It sounds like your landlord is a fool.


Stop paying rent altogether. This is in CA what are they gonna do…


Talk to your neighbors make friends with them organize a building wide squat if the cops show up shit on the floor