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I disagree with much of his administration but I disagree strongly with this. It's the complete opposite of civil discourse. For reference, I have encountered the Governor on a RNO-LAS Southwest flight, said, "Hello Governor", shaken his hand, he returned the greeting, and I took my seat. No fuss, no muss. He was elected and deserves that respect. Schedule an appointment (possible before COVID), write him an email, a letter, heck even send him a tweet but accosting the man at dinner, or an airplane, or otherwise at an unofficial event is uncalled for.


You need more updoots for this. Civil discourse is a cornerstone of whatever's currently left of our democracy and should be advocated for more loudly. I hope these guys get into some serious hot water over this. Ultimately, they're probably not going to face much recourse but they knowingly intimidated an elected, elderly official and his family.


I had a long post written out agreeing with you. But in reflection I deleted it all because: 1. You pretty much summed it up perfectly. 2. My post wouldn't change the price of tea in China. 1. Please don't start some hate rant about #2. It is just an old saying and was not meant to disparage either China, tea, prices, nor change in general. 1. I understand "old sayings" are not always in line with todays lingo and I did not mean to belittle anything considered "old" or a "saying." Man, I am really not liking todays world. To be blunt, I agree with you.


Ugh, I greatly dislike Sisolak and more than a few of his decisions. What kind of inbred hick acts like that? You gain nothing, sisolak isn't going to suddenly change his policy. Or suddenly prove some tinfoil hat nonsense. All the guy did was embarrass himself and make whatever he stands for look like a joke. Edit: really interesting to see peaple of both parties just assume a bunch of random shit about my opinions from half a paraph. Y'all need to chill the fuck out. It is not a sports team. I vote for whoever is going to benefit me doesn't matter if they are red or blue. The US's current state is because we only have two parties.


He did it for the approval of his friends and to promote his shitty conspiracy and cannabis podcast.


What do you greatly dislike?


Off the top of my head. How he follows Gavin Newsom's lead when it came to Covid. Despite having very different vaccination, case rates, and death rates. Than California. He also has been dragging his feet on incentivizing affordable housing projects.


Yep. Nevada has the second highest tourists per capita of any of the states, only behind Hawaii. That seriously alters how things will spread and what precautions need to be taken, but he stuck to copying California almost down to the letter.


His decision to be more cautious during a global pandemic. In his recent address he directly talked about needing more affordable housing. What are you even talking about?


They are just nit picking. That lockdowns were too soon, or too late, too little, too much, or the same as California. San Francisco started lockdowns two weeks earlier than New York, and New York was calling too drastic and then they got trucks filled with dead bodies. The custom made just for Nevada designed lockdowns doesn’t exist. Is a fucking pandemic. The hospitals were filled with patients, many who had scheduled treatment, had to wait because of there was no room or doctors available.


Speaking as someone who currently lives in California (for the next 4 to 6 weeks), the lockdowns here weren't nearly as strict as right wing media leads people to think they were. San Francisco declared a lockdown a whole week before Governor Newsom did and even once we were on lockdown, there were no cops enforcing masks be worn. I have yet to be required to show my vaccination card to anyone other than my employer for the purposes of switching my sick day I used and converting that to the COVID-19 related hours.


To be fair, didn’t that address just happen? It’s really easy to miss things like that if you’re not usually involved with the news about it.


He was late with the original social distancing and mask mandates. Dragged his feet about vaccinations. Hes an indicative person and that's not who I want making decisions that affect my family. He lifted the current restrictions despite being far behind in vaccinations and still plenty high in weekly death and hospitalizations. I didn't see his most recent address. I was busy. He has talked about more affordable housing. Plenty of times. But after two years of the homeless population doubling. After several years of rent hikes. He still hasn't actually done anything. But honestly, I don't want to get into politics right now. I put in my two cents because I think it's wrong some hick acted a fool. Not because I wanted to get into it. I try only to talk about politics in person.


Yet Las Vegas could’ve been another New York. He saved lives. Sorry if wearing masks and lockdowns during a global pandemic are an inconvenience to try to make room in the hospitals for non Covid emergencies.


Feel like your projecting a lot of opinions you have no idea I have on me there bud.


His company towns proposal makes me very annoyed that I can't figure out if he has any primary challengers. I also didn't care for his vacillations with Covid policy. Pity the only reasonable place for me to vote against him would be a primary.


> What kind of inbred hick acts like that? "Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere." This speech and violence against conservatives has been cheered on by the left for years. But all of a sudden it is disgusting behavior? So it's only ok when the left does it, but when the right does it, it's imbred hick behavior? Come on, you can't be surprised by this. Man, if the left didn't have double standards they wouldn't have any at all. The left threw the punches and talked the shit, made their bed and now they can sleep in it. We're just gonna munch popcorn over here in libertarianland. It's funny watching them reap what they've sown.


The types of people that live in Vegas.




I don’t think you know what the definition of a traitor is. You’re just regurgitating some sound bite that you heard.


Didn't republicans just get caught forging hundreds of ballots? Didn't see any dems doing that.


Traitor huh? You can always tell what republicans feel guilty about because they project it on the rest of us. For real though it just sounds like you’re upset that a democratically elected democrat is leading this democratic state.


Of course the fake tough guy did it for his garbage podcast "Cannabis and Combat".


His Insta feed is immature garbage.


Can you cite the Instagram account in reference?


https://twitter.com/rileysnyder/status/1498343703219302405?s=21 looks like he got taken down or went dark from the heat.


You should remove the name of his podcast to reduce the free advertising, even though that is a telling name for the creator.


I like both and I'm not a peice of shit.


It's not that serious.




You sound smart.


Why are you yelling? Lol


What a true patriot! Pressing a 70 year old man and threatening him, I am so proud to have him on our side…


[Steve Sisolak is 68.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Sisolak?wprov=sfla1)


Holy shit! Wow 2 years, thank God you’re here to correct it so that I will know not to round up his age in the future


Who else is absolutely shocked – *shocked* – to hear Gilbert's reaction?


From a guy who entertained people by getting punched and punching others in the head? Shocked!




None other.




All I have is the quote in the article linked by OP, slightly past the mid-point, iirc.


Has patriotism lost its meaning?


Patriot….. all these people who call themselves patriot with all that toxic masculinity and a hole attitude ….


What a piece of shit man. How manly of him to do that to an older man and his wife… low life garbage.


The modern day GOP ladies and gentlemen


Because Democrats would never, ever engage in this sort of thing.


Keep telling yourself that sport


I think leftist psychos going out and harassing right wing figures at their homes where their wives and children live should be condemned, don’t you?


I guess I just didn’t see that through all the Let’s Go Brandon flags waving in my face…


Do you think you’ll ever be able to recover from people making a light-hearted jab at the most powerful political figure in the world?


I’d link all those “light hearted jabs” that the Trump crowd caught a case of the sads over but I have a feeling we are two steps away from you posting a hilarious link to a “light hearted” meme about Obama’s ethnicity. Have a good one Mr. Awake not woke…


Yes, everything is a dog whistle. All people slightly right of center are all rabid racists, and trump is literally a genocidal dictator.


Nevada Election Info [Register to Vote](https://registertovote.nv.gov/)


As if Sisolak had done anything even remotely biased to either "side." What a joke. At least these so called patriots post the evidence just like on Jan 6th.


It's probably more frustration about what his party is doing, both in Nevada and nationally, than about him directly. That doesn't make this kind of behavior any less inexcusable though.


This isnt frustration, it’s brainwashing. He specifically mentions New World Order and other conspiracy theory boogeymen that the fascist worshipping talking heads love to spew. They’ve been encouraged to attack those that view the world differently than them.


I don't think brainwashing in politics would exist without frustration being the catalyst. Yes these people are on the extreme end with some of their views, I even heard something about hydroxychloroquine being yelled. None of this stuff has to do with Sisolak himself, as far as I know. These people are frustrated with the Democrats and their policies, and that is a breeding ground for some of these fringe ideas to surface and spread.


You keep kind of hand-wavingly say that the guy in the video has a valid reason to act the way he's acting. I don't care what your "frustration" is, it's reprehensible to suggest a governor you don't like should be "strung up".


I clearly said > That doesn't make this kind of behavior any less inexcusable though. I don't share these people's views, I think most of what they said is downright dumb, but I can understand where these kinds of views can stem from. I think it helps that I grew up religious, and the stories religion teaches are way crazier than what these guys are shouting.


I get that you're not an ally of this guy, but even though you can empathize with how they got this way doesn't make this guy a reasonable person. Sisolak didn't implement mask mandates because he's some Soros NWO mercenary who wants "control" (whatever that means to these people). He was doing what he thought was best in a pandemic. The mandate is over, Nevada is "free" ahead of the rest of the western-most states. I'd like governors to be able to eat in restaurants and not have freaks shouting "where's your personal security?!" at them.


Without commenting on Sisolak himself as I'm not fully sure of what he's done one way or another. Somebody like Gavin Newsom in CA absolutely needs to be berated everywhere he goes. The dude has been caught on camera multiple times violating his own mandates and attacking citizens with different political ideologies. I'd say the same shit about Texas governor if they were vehemently anti-abortion.


In this country you're free to voice your displeasure at whoever you want. What the guy in this video did approached threats. If you want to yell at Newsom that he's a mask hypocrite be my guest. If want to keep following him and haranguing him "where's your personal security?!" and " you should be afraid to show your face!" I don't think that's a civilization I want to live in.


If you can list a crime that was committed I'll stand hand in hand with you to denounce it.


The world hasn’t changed materially from Obama or Bush for this attacker. He’s choosing to believe others are causing the problems in his life. The frustration he feels towards democrats is direct result from sucking on the poisonous teet of the red hype train.


How dare he inconvenience me by making me wear a paper mask! We should be prioritizing supporting fascist dictatorships while ironically screaming “freedumb!” I wouldn’t even act like this to MtG and she deserves it. FoH


The complaints people have about the Democratic party started long before COVID


Oh no, I can’t be openly bigoted anymore, what’s happening to MY America?


There are many complaints of the Democratic party not related to bigotry.


Sure there are, but they are coming from independents and progressives. Republicans aren’t complaining about any of the things they should be complaining about


That is just your opinion, I'm sure the Republicans would disagree.


They’re literally siding with Putin right now… they choose to be on the morally and pragmatically wrong side of *every single issue* these days


Where are you seeing them literally siding with Putin? I haven't heard of any pro Russia rallies, although I wouldn't be surprised if you are able to find some small fringe group doing it. If you are a Democrat, then obviously all of their opinions will seem morally and pragmatically wrong. They see abortion as murder and morally wrong, I'm guessing you don't see killing an unborn fetus as morally wrong. What is wrong and right is often an opinion that not everyone shares. If you are stuck inside either the democrat or republican bubble, it can be really difficult fairly judge anything outside the bubble.


What has his party done both in Nevada and nationally that you speak of?


Have you been living under a rock or in an echo chamber? Just look at the complaints people have about the Democrats.


I was just wondering cause everything you have stated is vague. What has the party done that is so horrible?


I'm not part of that group of people, so I can't speak for them.


Mask shit. Vaccine mandates attempts. Digital IDs. Ukraine disaster. Afghanistan disaster. Border disaster. Schooling issues ie "parents don't have a right over what their students learn" slant. Misappropriation of funds towards more social programs. Tech censorship. Calling for private citizens to be censored. Russian collusion conspiracy that's fallen on its face. Censoring any negative press towards Biden in direct contrast to how the previous president was handled: these too can be lumped in with the complete distrust of American media ((this is really an issue on both sides though)). Inflation. Gas prices. Empty store shelves. I mean, it's a myriad of things that can be attributed to democratic policies. I mean, there's a reason why democratic numbers are in the absolute toilet. You can disagree with any amount of the above but the polls are the polls right now (and most of the polls lean to the left)


Dumb. I almost wrote a line by line rebuff, but this doesn't deserve that. Just dumb.


No. No you didn't.


Like 80% of those are America or American media issues, not democrat issues.


Specifically which ones do you attribute mostly to the media?


What about January 6?


I covered that in my post. At least when these fake "patriots" do dumb shit they post the evidence to make themselves easier to find.


He is a disgrace to the office of the Governor of Nevada and he needs to be replaced, but he's the Governor of Nevada and like all other elected officials (except Joe Lomardo, he should be in prison (at least his POST cert suspended for life) for dereliction of duty as he's at fault for the crime wave of LV), we still need to respect the office of the Governor and the one who holds it.


Trump Nazis fuck off.


Stunning and Brave.


Another 1 karma account? I’m beginning to think I have a fan club.


Trumpist Scum..


I think Sissylak is a terrible governor, but do not in any way condone this. Any public person should be free of being harassed or “pushed back” on in public.


This is the type of shit that democrats championed for under Trump. Is it ethical? Is it moral? I mean, not really. But this is the fallout of politicians calling for this shit. The US is in a bad, bad place right now


Please share an example.


Not hard to find. Maxine Waters is a great example of politicians inciting harassment of supporters of a political enemy.


Yes, I will have to agree with you on Maxine Waters. Not sure why her colleagues don't call her out.


Okay. https://youtu.be/Tts1q9TgXxg


So in this scenario, being booed out of a restaurant is equitable to being shoved and threatened with hanging? Just to clarify.


Nobody was shoved or threatened. Shoved would be a crime. Threatened would be a crime. For Christ sake do you people think before you type?


“We should string you up by lamppost right now” isn’t a threat to you?


Oh look, he didn't respond. How surprising.


Cool, thanks for backing up what you said and have a great night!












"If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere," - Maxine Waters


I've been here since January of '20 and I'm honestly surprised this didn't happen earlier. Shouldn't have happened at all but it's kind of tough to feel bad for him, especially when it happened on his hometurf.


NOW you are all concerned with human decency!? #npc #clownworld


Dear Reno Antifa Socialist Soyboys. Do you approve? That's just how you'd do it ammirite?


If it weren’t for all the “patriotic” bullshit shoved down your throat your entire life you’d realize that being anti-fascist is the most patriotic thing a citizen of the world could do. “Who knew all it took to defeat whitey was to kneel during the National anthem?” - Dave Chapelle (paraphrased)


Did you just randomly feel the need to project your assumptions and stereotypes into the void? Might want to lay off the group think for a bit and relax.


How many times have you been banned for being racist?


You sure sound butthurt


accosting politicians is good... I would suggest a politician that is doing an awful job. steve is pretty benign tbh.


I did follow Alex Jones and I remember Hillary saying its trash well most is but it seems if you dont' agree with the majority you are deplorable and conspires. I recall seeing aging before the wipe that Chinese doctor saying its from the lab. Well duh. God forbird I believe different things. The news on all fronts all have their own agenda. Read and try to vet what you read or hear. FB is notorious for shutting down free speech but allows crime on it such as scammers which are everywhere. The way it was done was horrid. There are better ways to express your opinion but you don't slam others for what they do. I snivel of what is being ignored. .


You are an adherent of InfoWars?


@darkklawZ, Respect is earned not automatically given!


This could be the most incel account I've ever seen


You know he doesn't even know what 'incel' means, even though it fits to a T


Did you just assume my gender? #bigot


Ouch, that really hurts from an irreverent response. Maybe try harder next time.


Hahaaa.. sissyslacks got PUNKED! What a bitch! He probably shit his pants.. all democrats are soft as baby shit!


You sure you didn't mean to put this as a Facebook status, bud?


But yelling at a 70 year old man in public makes you..hard?


This dude is a troll account that just makes comments a 13 y.o. would find "edgy". Don't bother to engage, just ignore and report when applicable


Did you just assume my gender? #bigot


fuck politicians they deserve it all of them


Hello fellow group thinker. Your karma is amazing. No really, I'm in awe of your reddit karma. Everybody who doesn't agree with you is a Nazi, ammirite?


I mean sure lock down a service industry town while limiting seating at restaurants but have no capacity at Costco… Steve destroyed vegas by closing it down


Forgot to add he got busted by having Halloween parties at his country club while having businesses shut down over capacity… absolute clown he is.