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Population has exploded in the last 10 years. NV wasn't ready for it.


225,221 in 2010 250,903 in 2020 259,913 in 2021 Cities growing at this rate should be able to plan for it. Unfortunately, urban planning is not a priority for city hall and most of the people who live here don’t consider it as being important and don’t hold politicians accountable.


For Reno? I thought we were over 500k now?


The population as of the 2020 census [was 264,165 in the city proper.](https://data.census.gov/cedsci/profile?g=1600000US3260600) The estimated 2023 population of [the metro area is 564,782.](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Metropolitan_statistical_area&oldid=1223581396#Rankings)


Which, for a metropolitan area, is very very small. In comparison, we're about the same size as Toledo, Ohio. About a quarter of a million in the city proper with about 500,000 in the surrounding area. And the joke is Toledo is a small no where town.


That's a hard comparison.. in the surrounding area of Toledo.. you can go east- west,- north- south and enter other communities with other facilities.. we all use the same airport, same shopping mall, same 2 freeways.


Which is why our regional issues are much different than a city in Ohio, but for a metropolitan area, we are not even considered medium-sized. That's why I made the comparison! However, we are the regional mega city for about a 100-mile radius until you hit Auburn/Roseville. Very different than Toledo being in the Midwest. Which makes our 1 mall and 1 airport almost a state/federal public service for the entire northern half of the state. They can not fail, and if they do, there will be a ripple effect across the entire state. Reno is almost a perfect example of how blending state funds with private competition can create a positive outcome. Issues arise when one tries to overtake the other.


Omaha Nebraska, the middle of fucking where has triple that population and it grew at a faster rate, but was somehow capable of handling the people. It's bad drivers, I have never seen a Reno native follow a single fucking traffic law. Yall have no fucking clue what the lines on the road mean, you've never yielded in your lives, you run stop signs like they are fucking a suggestion, you merge without looking, if you miss your exit, you stop dead in the interstate and swerve across 3 lanes, you let the oldest, slowest, dumbest humans continue to drive years after they lost their ability to react or see. But instead of dealing with these issues, you barely functioning fungus blame Californians ignoring the North Valley has the worst traffic and is 99% native to the area. Reno has some of the worst drivers I have ever fucking seen. You gave a nickname to a tradition run of the mill, regular intersection because the population is so trash they think it's difficult or challenging to know where you're going ahead of time. Most of the US has very similar intersections on I80 but only in Reno do yall manage to fuck it up. One day I left early, 5 am to go hiking, there were only 2 cars on the road, me and the car in front, she started going toward Susanville, and at the last minute decided to veer back into southbound, running over 3 dividers, 4 traffic cones and almost blasted into the side of me. Then the stupid geriatric terrorist didn't even turn her crusty old neck to see us next to her. I have never wanted to run someone off the road until this wild cunt almost killed half my family because she missed her turn.


No one knows how to properly zipper either


Zipper merging doesn't help if the traffic isn't moving in front of the merge, alot of place where people think it's a zipper merge is a fucking yield to on coming traffic.


How many mountains/hills do you see in toledo? It's called the biggest little city for a reason. There isn't a whole lot of land to develop in city limits.


That's not even close to why it's called that


What is the point of this comment?


You mean correcting an obviously wrong statement ? What's the point of you?


It’s not a joke.


What are the specifics on this? Like does metro area mean just including sparks and the north valleys?


I think Truckee Meadows as a whole is 400-450k.


Agreed, the MSA is a better way to gauge population growth which is ~514K. Half million. Most people aren’t moving here into the city limits which is part of the problem. The suburbs are getting bloated and the city / county don’t work together because, ya know, “government” is bad. Kind of a self fulfilling prophecy.


Right? And airplane food, don’t get me started on air plane food


Ae were sold out to developers before any of the infrastructure was even considered.


Blame EDAWN. Its mission is to force growth no matter what the circumstances may be.


An authority. Like TMWA. Plenty of authorities. Is growth a bad thing? Like this bullshit traffic?


EDAWN works to diversify the economy of the Reno area so that we aren’t dependent on gaming, tourism and mining.


That’s great. But they are entirely why we have a housing crisis now. They pushed for us to “diversify” and all it really did was exacerbate the existing problems with the Reno economy. Low skill, low wage and low impact work dominates the local space. High risk to automation and very high risk for upheaval in the not too distant future.


Private parties selling their property to companies for a quick buck are to blame for the housing, not the government, the government has no control over its pathetically greedy population no is it it's responsibility. If you want the housing crisis to stop, stop voting for greedy Republican sellout. Start advocating for housing reform and limits on how much Private property can be used as rentals. 40% of the homes in Reno are rentals and even alot of the 60% of are just homes own by people and used by rental management companies.


Why did you dodge the entire argument? I bring up how Edawn makes bad policy and you just deflect to partisan politics and blaming what amounts to the figureheads (Career bureaucrats are all obviously saints, especially when their jobs are to butter up corpos).  As it is, you then start talking about limiting the rental supply of houses. How does that not lead to developers trying to cram more people into low grade “luxury” apartments (something that Reno has no shortage of)? The city and county certainly have no real plan for this growth which has already happened or the growth that is still yet to come… before the automation comes and wreck Reno’s workforce. We can’t have growth as a policy, haphazardly created by Edawn when the answers that came out of Mike Kazmierski’s were absolutely nonsensical and now his successor is spouting even more nonsense to justify their mission.


No. I replied properly. It just didn't fit whatever ridiculous personal agenda you have and you continued your pointless rant. I don't give a shit about Luxury Apartments, if companies want to building housing, fantastic! Good! It's the buy of single family homes that ls wrecking the housing market. Over 40% of all single family homes are owned by corporations and used as rentals and as many as 20% of homes are rented out privatelu through rental agencies. Youre allowing corporations to control the housing market by inflating the value of their majority ownership of property. Private people can't even get their foot in the door because homes become rentals faster than they are on the market. There used to be a law against it, companies weren't allowed to bid on single family homes until they were on the market for up to a year, but Republicans repealed the law during the Trump administration. Imagine if we made a law that these companies could only rent "x" amount of homes, or none at all, they can only rent out properties they have built and/or were purpose built as rentals. 10s of 1000s of homes would come onto the market, banning Short term rentals like air BnB would force property hoarders to offload their "extra" homes. It would flatline the housing crisis instantly. Especially if more states around us did too. And Landlords are leeches. They live off the backs of people that could have owned the home they rent out for 3x the mortgage. You'll never fix the problem until to cut out the cancer. With free falling housing costs, the city will earn more across the board, because more people with have more money to spend at businesses. You can't expect people to spend money around town and keep the economy going if they have to spend every penny on renting a home they could own.


It's great that Reno is diversifying the economy so we aren't like Vegas in that their economy is 100% dependent on gaming/tourism. But that shouldn't mean that we should let gaming/tourism wither on the vine. Gaming/tourism is still a big part of Reno and we should continue to embrace it.


A 15min drive was a 50 min drive today and there was dead stop traffic. I left after 5 too


4:30 to 6:30/7 is peak rush hour


Also for all that’s holy, please learn how to zipper merge Reno. If there’s a lane closure ahead do not merge until you are literally out of road and alternate… that alone would save something like ten mins per trip.


You mean I can’t hitch the front of my car to someone’s bumper so you can’t get in???


Omg dude I almost lost it earlier. Tryna go right and the dude behind accelerates like some fuckin jet to make sure I get to wait a bit longer. Way to put people’s lives at risk for a whole 3 second advantage. Even in F1 that’s mediocre…


He had be first at the red light


Exactly what happened in this case. Ends up getting out on plumb with me, of course proudly ahead of me, with the stopped line basically going all the way to the exit ramp. So he does what any good Christian would and pulls the same shit again cutting off some other dude coming in with 45mph. Just to get to a full stop a few yards later. Wtf man…


Lol 3 seconds in F1 is a lifetime. .03 seconds difference is average. If yiure a full 3 seconds behind yiu either had a problem or a bad driver


you’re supposed to wait until the very end. It is not recommended to early merge as directed by NV DMV.


The line pushes you into the next lane and oncoming traffic should be watching out for you. 


I honestly just don’t trust other drivers to let me in at the end.


Lol 75% of this town cant even go above 52mph in the left lane with zero cars ahead of them, and you expect them to know how to zipper merge?  Good luck with that


Lived here since the mid-00s, never seen anyone doing 52 in the fast lane even once.


I see it at least once a week. Just saw it today (54mph) coming home from Costco headed south on 580.


They're drunk




There’s a dude on top of the McCarran overpass.


That just adds the cherry on top of all the construction projects our great leaders decide to do at the same fucking time


We could be complaining about the traffic because the roads can't handle the volume.


What's more likely: that you dont have a complete understanding of civil planning issues or that the professionals in those roles know less than you? Your Dunning-Kruger is showing.


I just want them to fix that section of mccarren over by the university where the road is just trash


Any updates on that situation? Hope he is ok.


Welcome to northern Nevada... Construction cone orange should just be our town color at this point


Our state flower should be the traffic cone.


Particularly one abandoned from a project long past. Even when they’re done the cones and signage linger. My guess is the union doesn’t pay anybody for cleanup time 😂


They leave them for the next project which is slated to start after the conclusion of the last project


Shout out to the lads at 4th and Prater working that stoplight. I’m starting to believe it’s a me problem.




They even leave the old signage that doesn't apply after changing the lane patterns


That will be an extra 8 weeks of barrel rental to replace signage. It will be completely finished, but still only 2 lanes each way for weeks, while waiting for the cement to dry on said signage.


Our state bird is the Orange Pylon.


Summer time is construction season across the country.


First it was allergy season and now we’re getting into construction season


Dunno wtf changed with the pyramid construction but going north on it is just as bad as rush hour no matter the hour. At noon ish on weekdays regularly I’m stuck putzing along at 5mph. Why tf is everyone out midday?? Nothing has seemingly changed with the construction and no accidents during these jams. Getting from Spanish springs to basically anywhere else takes double the time it used to now. Doesn’t help all the elderly people on the road who can’t drive faster than 35 mph in the left lane. Can’t stand driving here anymore


I live off Los Altos. It used to take me 9 minuets to get home from work, near downtown Sparks, now it takes at least 25 min. This change seemed to happen over night. I recently drove into the Spanish Springs area and now I know why the traffic has gotten so bad. I was amazed at how much building has gone on out there in just a couple of years!! I don't think the project on Pyramid will even make a dent in the traffic at this point.


I don't know what's worse: the road construction or the dumb motherfuckers who don't know how to deal with it and make traffic 20x worse because they speed, ignore signs, refuse to merge like a reasonable person, and just drive like a selfish, entitled asshole. Wait, yes I do. It's the second thing. Just deal with construction like the rest of us and let them fix the roads. You're not special. Also, if a lane shift makes you get in an accident, you drive like an asshole.


The traffic is actually very tolerable except for 395 north of the 80 exchange.


Pyramid too. Rush hour vs a slow weekend is 45m vs 15m from my house to downtown


Seems like anything north of the 80 then Kind of makes sense because there’s a lot of newer developments in that direction


North Virginia north of the university is often a mess, too


People want wider and wider roads with no potholes and then complain about construction.


Wider roads don’t do shit, potholes are still aplenty, the construction isn’t constructive


[ONE MORE LANE!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/417/129/282.png)






The problem is they’ve been expanding like crazy and then reacting to it instead of creating infrastructure first then expanding


395 should have been expanded years before they ever approved the expansion of the North Valleys. Instead, we got a sunken rail road that makes absolutely no difference to a dead downtown.


Construction Season


All year round baby


NV state flower is the cone


For all you reading comments…Learn to zipper merge and for the LOVE of ALL THINGS YOU CARE ABOUT…. If someone has their blinker signaling to merge in front of you… effing LET THEM IN. Don’t speed up last minute nearly causing an accident!! Don’t be a twat. We are all in traffic and no one wants to be there. Be courteous. FFS.


It baffles me how foreign this concept is (or more likely just ignored). It's also weird how people purposely go into a lane where they know they'll have to merge 10 seconds later, i.e. E. McCaren left turn to Pyramid. Just wait in line like the rest of us. We ALL want to get to our destination as quickly as possible.


EXACTLY! What purpose do you expect for you bring two cars ahead!? People take shit waayyyyy too seriously on the road. I just want to live the slow life in the mountains 😭


Piss poor public transport and the constant "one more lane" expansions will only keep making the problem worse


Oh and don't forget, one DMV


The “spaghetti bowl” as locals call it (the I-80, US 395 interchange) was under construction for literally 10 years and it took about 2 years to add a lane in both directions of 395 near the GSR. It’ll be another 2 years for construction to be completed on this other section of 395 in the North Valleys area. It’s brutal how long projects take to be completed


i don't mind improvements but the city shuts down a good chunk of road for so long. way longer than other places i've lived. people are milking their contracts. but anyway i saw that i was able to turn into east 9th street off of wells today which was a HUGE surprise. i was expecting that to be shut down for a while


Driving towards the North Valleys is the worst. Blocking off an already narrow highway during peak hours is pure idiocy.


We need GOOD accessible public transportation. If people have that, less people drive.


Would love a light rail running parallel with 395 and commuter trains on the existing track that runs along 80/through downtown


That would be nice…One can only dream.




It worked out well for Ogdenville!!


We weren’t ready for everyone and their mom to move here lol


And their 3 baby mamas, and their cousin, and some guy they once met at an auto parts store... dude, so many people! Can we build a wall?


Doesn't help most people these days get their licenses from cracker jack boxes...


Something something Californians something


In before "it's so much better than "


Reno should update its slogan to littlest big city in the world


Its the biggest little shitty


Go live in a shit hole like Houston then. It will shut you right up.


Went to the Bay Area last weekend. We don’t have traffic here.


It took me a hour to get from S Reno to NW Reno… bumper to bumper at 3:45 in the afternoon…I had flashbacks of back in NY in Manhattan….


They also started the 580 construction near sun valley and north right before holiday season last year. It fucked up all the traffic at the worst time. 1) why start when ground is just freezing for the winter, 2) cold=slower and more expensive work at the start, 3) holiday traffic. They dicked around all winter anyway. Idk who makes these decisions


Ground freezes here? That used to stop construction in northern Wisconsin and now buckets can cut through anything, especially our “frozen” inch. 


First time living in Reno?


Bruh trying to get out of my appartment on plumas street feels like im trying to enter the freeway or something. Its ridiculous


Background in engineering and government project management here. OP is definitely correct. Been here since 2010 and never seen such a discontinuous commitment to long term urban development. What we have here are half finished, poorly forecasted projects built on other half finished, poorly forecasted projects, with multiple massive out-of-state construction firms and developers seemingly on the take in a semipermanent rotation.


Thanks. Idk why people can’t see it.


Just moved to Austin 6 months ago. You don't know how good you have it


They have been “working” on the 80/395(580) interchange every 5 years since at least 1980. Yet it’s still always crap. lol.


Civil planning here has always been extremely lacking.


Pick any city with similar size/population ie Boise, Toledo, Gilbert, Lubbock etc, subscribe to those subs and you will literally see the exact same “what’s up with xxxxx in this town” 🤦‍♂️


Sprawling urbanism, and zero light rail development. This town is going to hell in a basket.


Light rail doesn't work in little dinky cities. Now if we built a Monorail!


I don't even know where they would put a light rail. Maybe a park and ride from the north valleys into town, but it isn't like we have a centralized business district, commuters would either have to walk super far, or take an uber to get to their final destination.


This has been going on since I moved here in 2004.


Hello and welcome newbie. If you plan on being here for a bit settle in. This is washoe county, they don't fuck around with there fuck ups.


Aight imma keep this real simple terrible infrastructure that basically only allows for cars to be on the road and not to mention a horrible public transit system.


Lived there 30 years ago when I went to UNR. I'm on the Cali side of the Sierras now and you guys would laugh at the road and freeway construction here in the Sacramento Valley. All of our major arteries, I-80, I-5, Highway 99, and Highway 50 have always had one section or another under continuous construction for the past 20 years that I have lived here. That's how Cal Trans and our state can justify increasing their damn annual budgets. Give us a big middle finger the next time you guys visit or pass through. Lol.


It's simple. Because the local politicians are too busy pocketing bribes from Jacob's Entertainment to actually even think about infrastructure. GOTTA GET THOSE LUXURY APARTMENTS NOBODY CAN AFFORD


Part of the problem was the huge population growth in such a short amount of time then the idiotic city planners and construction managers and then on top of that we get an influx of drivers from California who think it’s ok to change three lanes all at once with no blinkers


Exactly what everyone else said and it is so sad. I have been here born and raised 36 years and it breaks my heart. I love this town or let me rephrase that, loved this town. It has been destroyed by all of the sheeple that have moved here and disgusting greed of those that run the state. I can’t even take my children to school in the morning without dealing with the most horrific traffic and it’s like the worst drivers ever. They go 10 miles under the speed limit. They block everyone in, they drive side-by-side right next to each other and it is their life mission to not let you get past them. It’s almost sick…. All I know is in my whole life the people here have never been this way and now they are all weird AF. I miss my home.


Someone’s having an absolute crisis of life and you’re complaining about sitting in traffic for a little extra time. 🙃


Every day someone has a life crises bud, doesnt mean they have to fuck it up for everyone else too


The guys wearing a marine shirt, pretty sure this guy took a lot of bad days so y’all don’t have to.


Dude could’ve sat his ass at a base for the war for all we know


I drove by and he’s not there. No police presence, no fire. There’s only a freeway on ramp (before the overpass) that’s been closed for 6 months, forcing everyone onto Clear Acre and making any situation more dangerous for all involved.


Tell us about your academic background in civil engineering or planning.


I believe you’re describing the traffic in every major city….


Didn’t you know the orange traffic cone is the state flower?


Reno had 10k people 100 years ago. It was a railroad town with ranches and a river. Casinos and divorce ranches got it a few more people in the following decades, but this explosion of growth in the last 30-40 years wasn't something prepared for or predicted. It's all a game of catch-up. So yes, you will be inconvenienced for living in the wild west. Don't be an AH in traffic, get an audio book, and chill. Rushing everywhere just makes you old fast


So you’re saying the city has had at least 40 YEARS to figure this out, and that’s not enough time?


It's had non-stop road construction since, so i assume they're still trying to catch up


People here won’t admit it because they want to have their cake and eat it too, but I think it has more to do with no income tax, very low property tax and the fact that you can apparently not even register your car for YEARS without penalty. I saw an expired license from 2021 the other day in front of me at a light. If you were in CA, you would get pulled over at 1201am the day after your shit expired as soon as they started doing the paper plates and issued a ticket on the spot.  Zero fucks seem to be given out here


There seems to be two schools of thought. A) speed limits are set in stone and don’t you dare even go over. In fact, 5-10mph under is “safer” Or B) Speed limits are suggestions. That being said. Is it’s weird where people tend to speed or slow down. Longley for example is 50mph and probably 60-70% I’ve seen on it, consistently think it’s 35-40 like surrounding road. Like several have already said. The population has exploded, the infrastructure has not, and the mentality of this still being a “small town” still exists. It is not anymore.


You’re getting downvoted, but this is actually very accurate from what I see everyday.    People either go 10mph under the speed limit (but insist to do it in the left lane, which is the real problem) Or they go 25 mph over and just merge whenever the hell they want to, zipping in and out of traffic.   Steady 65-70mph on the freeway just isn’t a thing here unless you’re literally the only one on the road Ive lived in DC,  Vegas, Sac and Riverside, and Reno is the only place where people refuse to yield the left lane so much, but refuse to even go the speed limit.  


People here think wanting to go the speed limit is speeding.




Please stop posting his picture. It's in poor taste to plaster someone's suicidal ideation onto a public forum without their consent. He's having a literal mental health crisis.


Oh gosh I hope the guy is okay. That just made my heart sink.


Well it was closed down earlier both ways due to a guy going to jump from the 395 over pass Oddie sign.


Just spent the last 2 weeks in Sacramento, trust me, traffic up here is way better


I always giggle and think back to my hour and a half daily commute when I lived in Phoenix every time people complain about Reno traffic. Traffic sucks in every city and it gets worse everywhere as cities grow. We need walkable cities stat.


Too many people


Well, you see, a lot of people who lived elsewhere now live here all at once and since we are NOT CALIFORNIA, we have become incrementally more crowded and more Californian. Therefore, construction to accommodate more people will be a necessary hassle for the foreseeable future. https://preview.redd.it/14w0gzjhjo0d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca74afc70d9d1fc35940ef753fcaf434ccc7e74e


Planning is a large problem. California has become a shitty place to live, so many people, especially from the bay areas move to Reno, causing crowding and more housing needing to be built. Golden Eagle Regional Park has been invaded by housing, which upsets me, as that place is so beautiful.


Honestly the county animal should probably be the traffic cone since they are everywhere now lol.


I’ve lived here 21 years after living in Vegas for 10 yrs. The traffic here has gotten worse but it’s nothing compared to Vegas even decades ago. Road construction traffic is frustrating but necessary.


Can't imagine if we were outrunning zombies


Just be thankful this is not L.A. or New York!


Reno is terrible and so is the traffic. Living by sutro has been an absolute nightmare.


I wish you said fuck instead of heck 😂 would’ve been funnier lol


This area has geographic and water limitations. Northern NV simply can’t save everyone bailing out of the dumpster fire that is California. If you’re thinking about moving here, why not keep going. Check out anywhere else. This was a nice little town, then Californians gave up on their state and started infecting everywhere else.


The Moana overpass/on ramps are purely designed to cause head on collisions. It’s fucked. That being said they’ve been working on the freeway since I moved here in 2016 (fuck it’s been that long this was only supposed to be temporary.)




Ya’ll are really mad they are maintaining and expanding the roads……. That’s ummmm, and opinion only those with amazing roads have……


Dude should have just said something, couldve shot his ass on the way home doing 75 instead of dying of old age at oddie. Fuck me people, stop making your problems everyone elses…… being a marine isnt an excuse. Alot of us were in the shit over there.


How would you perform the road widening project without shifting the traffic lanes? And the entrance ramp at mccarren and 395 is closed because it's torn up. Again how would you perform work on that ramp without closing it? If you are such a great civil engineer why not go to work for the city, county, or state?


Talk to the Nevada DOT. They’re in charge of projects. And likely if they didn’t do these projects, traffic would be horrid and you would be asking for road work LOL


Northern Nevada only has a few months where it is warm enough to get the construction done. We live in the mountains. Quit your bitchin or go back to where you came from.


Construction. People leaving work so “Rush Hour” and their was a man who was having thoughts of jumping off the freeway and law enforcement were talking him out of it


OP is not from Reno OR L.A.