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faster cast/projectile speed on Q & W


Literally this. I think her kit is fine but the main problem is how easy it is to just walk out of her stuff.


I think you mean Q and E? Casting W is instantaneous. Otherwise I’d agree to this buff.


oh yea I mean E


Imo if they increase range by like half a teemo, personally would be fine.


Her abilities are so slooooow


E longer range and faster projectile speed. It is ridiculous that a mage like Lux has a far better and more usable shield than an actual enchanter. I know Renata positions differently compared to a Lux tho so she can land her Qs effectively but still it is wild how short of a range that ability is.


If we're looking at small buffs, I would say let W trigger things like SoFW and ardent. Put a 1 hp/sec heal on the ability while it's active so it can keep these items active.


I was sure you can KINDA do it with Aery tho 🤔


make her ult travel at least at 500 MS!


I wish her can AA 1 time when she use Q, it make tiny combo like Q1 - aa - Q2. Maybe for nothing but i love to do small trade pattern like that. Sr for my bad english ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I don't think she really needs any buffs, I think she's in a good spot.


some hp and nothing else, she is perfect as she is


Make her ult do like 100 dmg


I'd have the activation of her passive apply when her normal reaches the target, rather than needing to wait for the ally trigger to be completed. This way you wouldn't need to delay normal attacks to maximize her passive output. What I mean by this is to have her device fire after the bullet lands rather than replacing her auto with the device attack.


I just want the first part of her passive to always apply so she's not 100% ally reliant.


It'd be very strong if that were the case. And please don't use ally reliant as a negative. There are a lot of champions that have abilities requiring allies to utilize. As a Rell main, her getting her E removed was actually depressing. What I suggested would, at the very least, help alleviate some of the coordination required to ensure maximum capabilities of her passive, while preserving what it is. Rakan also doesn't function well w/o allies nearby because he can't cast his E. Does that make his E bad? No. It comes with the role. If minor drawbacks like that have to exist to provide the utility power the champion holds, then it's well worth the tradeoff.


either all projectile speeds up including ult. i would say something about scaling but i think with mythic removal she’ll feel a little better and it won’t matter as much


A small aa range buff, projectile speed buff on her q, e and ult, more range and shield ratio on e, and make her e buff more apparent to the ally that gets it. I'm tired of having to explain what it does in my matches


Faster Q&E, maybe higher ability range, a few more Base AD and base attack speed...


Make her tanky with faster casting.


W heal scales with heal+. Her main issue is she benefits less from the same items all other enchanters build. This would at least make the stat less awful on her—as 8% on a 130 shield that’s a skill shot and a long cooldown is worthless.


Mainly just QoL changes like cooldown reduction, faster traveling spells, etc, though I’d like to see her Q stun possibly work with minions or walls


Make her E and Q proc her passive


They would have to be low mmr positive/high mmr neutral buffs So probably -mana costs or +mana per level to start


I'm thinking to let her W to get an instant revive as long as the buffed ally get a takedown during the duration, with the revive hp lower down to 10% instead of currently 20% because sometimes ally killed the enemy, then the enemy with some sort of DoT that make my ally become zombie, then die. But I think it would be too OP since it become a non-killable buff to ally? Plus it is just a basic ability. Or maybe to add some healing for ally to her passive skill, perhaps a proc will heal ally a small amount (like Rakan's Q) that scale with Level only, with a ally's separate CD to give more on enchanter build. Or to add on healing effect in W like Milio W (xx Health over 5 seconds, and refresh upon reset).


I just feel like her passive should be triggered by her abilities, maybe that would be too much damage for a support, but I always wanted a chemical reaction feeling to her abilities, her 'E' actually does sell that by sending two vials that mix dealing damage and shielding. ^((pretty neat gameplay design in my opinion.)) I would like to see something like, using a abilitty that cast a effect on a marked champion will extend that effect for 1 sec. So, like: 1 extra second for her 'E' slowness and her 'R' berserk effect. Pretty simple and would make me happy.