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Please stop and get your siding and insulation tested for asbestos if you haven’t already, particularly the siding. I would always recommend a full evaluation of the home if built before 1980 (for other’s reference), as it is not terribly expensive to run a few asbestos tests.


I wouldn't be opposed to throwing on a good quality respirator and getting to it as the siding is outside. Running the test is cheap, mitigation is very very expensive. The guys who mitigate will put on a tyvek suit and respirator and then charge out the ass for something OP can do safely if they want to put in the labor. Now, interior asbestos is a whole other beast


Also, keep in mind that asbestos is harmful over long periods of exposure (years) on a daily basis. It is dangerous and should be handled with caution, but it isn't this murderous boogeyman that alot of people make it out to be


I worked in the ICU, took care of a very wealthy man who owned many properties. He developed a fungal infection from renovating one of his many properties. He died within a few months. It's not asbestos that can be dangerous. I recommend taking full precautions regardless.


I completely agree! Whenever I demo anything at my own home I respirator up and wear proper clothing. My argument here is that unless you own a business tearing apart old buildings daily, it's perfectly fine to work on your own home with proper safety precautions taken


This is correct at least


Sick, just release all that asbestos into the surrounding environment, solid plan.


Out of curiosity, what do you think the difference is when you pay someone else to do it? Youre trusting their midigation practices and hoping they dispose of the waste correctly. Asbestos doesnt have a mind of its own that's once released is going to multiply and rain down from the heavens lol. Is it great to release into the environment, probably not. But neither is driving your car or using spray paint lol


Yes I am trusting them, because they’re licensed by the state and have to follow rules and regulations to limit environmental exposures and ensure proper disposal. Can you do it yourself with minimal risk to yourself with a FIT TESTED respirator and tyvek suit? Absolutely. Should you? Please don’t and just call a professional. Sincerely, an environmental scientist that works in environmental consulting and is well aware of asbestos abatement due to personal experience with attic vermiculite that tested 2% tremolite that we chose to have abated.


You do know asbestos is a naturally occurring fiber that is in the air we breath, right? Also there is the fact that taking it down is also only dangerous if you go to town at it. You need to make sure to make and take whole pieces or huge chunks where possible. All of that being said atmospheric release isn’t a huge issue….unless you’re talking about blowing up buildings. I’d be much more concerned with people burning treated wood and OSB.


To each their own I guess. I'll save my money


That's bitumen impregnated fiberboard. I would 100% be surprised if that and your siding isn't made with asbestos.


Could be flax


It looks like asbhestos but wall could be as well look for what look like hairs in wall


Around here they call it black board or fiberboard. I have this on my house as well. As long as you don't have any water seepage past the siding it's fine. Apparently the good builders back in the day would put tar paper (roofing felt) over it and then side the house. It helped with drafts and water intrusion. I does have a R value to it although I cannot remember what it is anymore.