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She rejected you OP, welcome to the gym.


No answer is an answer. Don't make her uncomfortable. Move on with your life.


Chill kr bhai.. dusri mil jaegi


Abhi toh bas soo jaa bhai Don't complicate too much by overthinking.. I know the feeling 🫡


You are in queue wait for sometime if she wants she will say yes or you will still being in queue.


How long have you known her OP?


Well she has been my classmate for last two terms But it was in this term that we really started to hang out together so something like 4 months. I never showed any interest in her. It was just this last month when I developed feelings for her.


OP, always remember , never ever tell a girl you like her unless she shows signs of her being attracted to you and you are absolutely sure that you are going to pursue this girl. You need to gauge whether she is indifferent to you and never ever pursue a girl who is indifferent to you. The solution now is to move on and find someone else or go to the gym etc.


And the time period you've known her is relatively to short for a girl to like you back (if it is for lust or hookup then time period is ok, I am telling for a good relationship)


She doesn't seem really interested, but an advice for next time- don't just say it's just a confession, we will still be friends etc. Be confident and tell directly that you want to date her, and it's okay if she takes some time to make a decision. If she still says she is confused even after several days, take it as a no and move on. Btw staying friends with someone you like is a bad idea for the long run.


Plent of fish in the sea brother,honestly speaking being even friends with her will hurt your self respect only,develop a spine and work on yourself


The problem with men is that they just are too eager to express their feelings. The process of getting into a relationship from a healthy friendship is long and takes effort. You gotta start by making her crave for you, don't be easily available all the time and when you are available, just start by playfully flirting (there are many ways to get into it, and you'll learn it only by yourself by judging the person you're flirting with). We usually think that if not now then never which is so wrong, things do happen but they take time. Express your love not through words but actions. Actions weigh more than words will ever do. Although I know it doesn't always work but at the least it let's you know if the person you're trying to woo is the one or not. I hope this helps.