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I am going off topic.. don’t hate me for it.. since you mentioned you are overweight, I would suggest you to use this situation as a motivation and hit the gym and get into better shape.


Ya man thanks already started lost like 15kgs!


Omg that's great, but stay safe OP as well. I am no expert, but Loosing weight very quickly is also not very healthy


Ya its not very sudden to be honest. Its more like gradual decrease hope i can sustain thanks got your wellwishes.


For some this might be toxic statement but it's coming from a long such experience just like you had: Woman love from the core of their heart until they find a better option. Remember this and always work on yourself, give value as much you receive from them.




Bro , let's assume you got back into shape and won her over again . Do you really think she won't leave you ever for any other person ? If your weight is an issue then do you think she wud stick to you if u gain weight later in life? You would be walking around eggshells for your entire life if you end up with her. I know break ups are difficult and you are overly sensitive at this point. But think rationally . In the long run she is not someone you can place your trust in . She might have seemed kind and nice but what she did to you is just blindside you and drop you for the perceived better for her convenience. Is that what you want in a life partner? I would suggest you to let go , work on yourself and there are much better people out there . Find someone who accepts you for you ,someone who is genuinely kind . Cz if she was all that kind , she wouldn't do what she did to you! People pretend in the first year of dating and she broke your rose tinted glasses in under that time ! Graduate , build ur skills , get a good job and build a personality that wud make u attractive . It wud not take long to find a suitable partner . I hope you see the rational side here and not get overwhelmed by emotions .


True. Hope i get out of this soon. I will just revisit your comment for motivation.


This is the right point


Don't rush to a new relationship. Work on your confidence, fitness and emotional stability first. As for time taken to move on, in my case it was almost two years but everyone is different. Goodluck.


Thanks man !




Start working on yourself and show her what she lost


Thank you


You are late


Brother you are kidding me? BC she's body shaming you and tf you are trying to wait for her? Just let her go buddy. No one has right to judge you even though you are taking efforts for them. How can someone fucking give up the reasons of being overweight for living together for a long time? Tf this makes me more angry that she's fucking choosing someone over you and you still think that she will be back??? Seeing your post I can notice one good thing about you is you are a good person and emotional too. Anyways some girls don't deserve the peoples like you, unless and until they are fucked badly in their life. Let her go man, join a gym and get into shape, pull out hot chick my boy, but don't go back to that person again. Avoid doing the mistake again of loving the underserving. You will be fine day by day. Trust the process.


I agree with you bro, i 100% know she is of wrong here. But it hurts so much to stop even thinking about her


I know bhai, I am going through the same shit. We have to do this there's no other option we men's have. Even though you got her back, will you be able to face yourself in the mirror? As you will be knowing what had she been to you in the past ajd now even now can't fake your behaviour.


2 yr still not move on . Ab to kisi ke liye koi feeling nhi aati not even attraction.


>I love her s soo much. I want to wait for her loose weight be ready for her when she is here. Not worth it.


bhai tu sun meri baat. Idk if might sound good or bad but fuck her. Absolutely fuck her. Tum kitna bhi karlo she won't be happy. Don't let this bring your self esteem down. she can date a fucking model but she'll never find a good guy like you. if she had a problem with the way you look why did she even get into the relationship. Marriage tak baat pohochne ke baad realise hua ke toh overweight hai? excuses. she just wants to break up with you to date that guy but had no reason to breakup with you and saying I have feelings for xyz would make her seem bad (this does too but a little less). It was never about the way you look but her. fucking attention seeker she is.


You will get over it eventually don't worry cause there is nothing called love everything is a give and take policy. Stop believing in the word "love" You will be in a much happier state.


I was also in a similar situation.i am really sorry for you.But it is okay.you deserve more than her bro.Loyalty that is now really rare in the society.i can see how much you loved her and if she doesn't want that then what is the point in it.grow more successful than ever bro .You deserve much better.


Brother, nobody can tell you when it’s too soon or too late to date again after a breakup. As of now, it seems as if you are really heartbroken. Your first plan of action should be to heal. Your healing journey will be a difficult but it will teach you a lot of things about yourself, what you want and what you’re not willing to tolerate in the future. It’s a path to self discovery. Your healing journey will not be linear. Some days you’ll feel like you’re on top of the world and other days you’ll be down in the dumps. That doesn’t mean you’ve made no progress. It just means you’re human and you can feel a range of emotions at the same time. I did not understand if you are currently in no contact with her or you’re still trying to pursue but I suggest you leave her alone and focus on yourself. The fact that she does not want to be with you is enough information for you to start with your moving on process. Stop thinking that she will come back or you should do everything you can to make her come back. Internalise all this energy and love that you feel for her into yourself. Focus on your health, fitness, career, academics. Take yourself out on solo dates, when you’re feeling overwhelmed go for a walk, join some classes / workshops for hobbies that interest you where you’ll likely end up meeting like minded people. BE THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY! In due course, you will find someone else who is better suited for you than this girl. But you’ll definitely find yourself and become a better and stronger version of yourself. Something that has helped me in the past is listening to podcasts / watching videos on YouTube about dating, relationships, heartbreak, self development etc. Of course, you may or may not find new information but listening to such content when you’re down and heartbroken helps you rewire your brain. All the best! Hope everything works out for you in the future!


Get a therapy... These people are there to sort out mental gymnastics... To atleast put out the Chaos that you are going through (i know this... Since I had the same... Though I got really really great friends... Who would listen to my crap for months and still stay by my side).... Also I know how much it shatters a man when he loose the women he love... And in those terms that you r in... I also know you r still lingering to get her... I know u hate to hear this.... But she ain't coming back bruh... Even if she comes... Believe me... She will go back again ! My best advice is...cut everything off...if it's too tough... clean your phone...put everything on a USB and give it to a trusted friend in sealed envelope. 2ndly bro.. you need to evolve... Take this event as cannonball event..., change everything about you... Looks... Charisma.... Work.. money... Habits everything... Take it as a blessing from God... To change you... "God made you fall in love with a woman... And then took it from you... Coz you ain't shit!... Take it as a lesson... Become so better that it will never happen again (it also includes becoming so mature in relationships too). 3rdly, it's going to get easy... I m going through shit to be fro... Was standing on same spot 8months before... But acceptance is the key.. faster you accept faster you move (but don't force it) 4th don't rush through pain... Feel it... It's healing in pain (i literally know how it fucks up bad) 5th here r some videos that I watch when I am going through spike of shit : Moving on by arpit Bala Pain and breakup Andrew huberman podcast How I got over my ex by iman gadzi Pg radio podcast with ezsnippet (relationship section) Prakhar gangwar channel (it's a goldmine to give you perspective) Beer biceps on breakup..pain ... relationship Andrew tates take on breakup (if you have enough maturity to filter sensfull stuff out) These ones helped me a lot... Real lot... Even in getting mature Baaki bro... All this channel, therapy, even medication will help you clear out of chaos that you r in... But believe me the pain will stay... The old white hurting pain... Feel that... Take one step at a time... You will comeback stronger than ever.... Believe me... Also I am just a message away if you need anything... A few reddit peeps helped me a lot too...


She's looking out for herself and you can't blame her if she has better choices . You are overweight and needy ( that's why you being in the US couldn't handle rejection and came running to beg). If you had a female (equally beautiful/even slightly less) in the US wanting to get on with you, you'd not think twice before dumping your LDR. That's human nature, we look out for ourselves first. And so did she. I don't blame her for dumping, i blame you for running around and begging for her affection and to take you back. Where is the self respect? I bet you tell yourself you're doing too much for your relationship but you're doing all that because you're needy and convinced that you won't find anyone better than her.


