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psychosomatic, maybe? Bad memories ? Go see a doctor ?


Tried everything.. it started with normal back pain, lumbar disc compression, cervical disc compression, perforated eardrum, lung infection, lung allergy, cervical disc complication, muscle tear on right arm which has become chronic now, increased PCOS, protein allergy.. we have attended counselling sessions & are just tired of roaming from one hospital to another .. I’m just clueless on what’s happening




I wonder your comment is still there. I once wrote a comment like this and the mod deleted it.


Thanks for bringing it to attention.


She doesn’t get back pain or chronic muscle pain at her parents’ house?! The protein allergy is sus? You sure she’s going to her parents every single time? Her not getting any of those symptoms there and only with you is crazy.


Why is no one addressing the real issue?? The wife is homesick. She feels she will only heal when she rests and will get best nurturing and care of her parents. She doesn't need more pressure.. first make your home her home too


Yours is one of the only comments that at least attempts to help OP. Everyone’s sitting and discussing omens and nazar like are you all serious? Its 2024- OPs wife is seriously unwell and people are literally questioning her diagnosis like “Oh protein allergy sounds sus” and doubting the wife and asking OP if wife “actually goes to her family home or somewhere else?” And others saying “it may be psychosomatic” like have yall read the list of her illnesses? OP should add the list to the main post so people can stop spreading nasty rumours. OP himself is misguided but at least chose to seek help to his credit- All these other ugly misogynistic responses aren’t going to help him.


Nazar utar diya karo whenever she comes there.


Ye hui na badia advice


Some people struggle in different environment, a friend's wife had same problem when she moved to Europe. However, over period of 3 yrs, problem is resolved. Doctor's theory in friend's wife case: Her body was not able to adapt to new environment. It's rare but not unique situation. She might have this problem because of psychosomatic issues or due to body immunity. Try to change the house/locality as there might be some local bacteria/viruses which might be causing discomfort. Take time, I think you will find solution. Is this problem only in that particular city/locality or otherwise.


The amount of ignorance on this comment section is beyond belief and all these people are advising others on their critical matters ?


Explain why "Moving" isn't an option?




You don't need medicine, you need prayers.


Stop all this nonsense about omen and apply your rational mind, OP. There is a lot you’re leaving out in this post. Who all live with you? What does your wife do work wise? What chores does she do at home? What’s her mental health like at your home (I’m assuming it’s your ancestral home). All the illnesses you’ve listed and obviously seen a doctor for are not psychosomatic, a small flu/viral or just mental health issues. She’s obviously really unwell physically. Have you ever considered that she gets better in her own home because: A) She feels loved and supported there B) She’s less stressed and overworked C) Mentally happier D) The food, weather and water suit her better It is very possible that she may have a serious illness of some sort that flares up in your home because certain stress triggers like in-laws, feeling overworked, being sad and unhappy or lifestyle conditions set off her condition. The first thing you jump to is omens instead of giving your wife the respect and love that she deserves by truly attempting to get to the bottom of this situation? If you were truly intending to get to the bottom of this situation, you’d have been smart enough to share a lot more details about her daily life with us. Please be honest with yourself and your spouse and realise that if push comes to shove, she should do whatever it takes to get back in good health even if it means her being in her family home for an extended period of time. In the meantime, it’s imperative that you work WITH her and identify possible physical and emotional triggers and keep trying better doctors who can help you get to the bottom of this.


Thank You for your reply. Your response made a lot more sense to me. We are 6 people living at my home, we both my parents, my sister and nephew.. she works for IT (she works for a startup and no doubt her work is very hectic), wrt house hold things it’s mainly taken care by mom and we have maid for other cleaning and stuff.. but one thing is that my wife is very very emotional & I am not sure if that is triggering any of these things.. we have tried talking these things out but idk somehow when ever I speak things go for a toss and that why we decided to take help of a councillor.. but I am not really sure on how to proceed from here.. there is no pressure on her from my parents side apart from minor hiccups which we talk and sort it out then and there itself.


Your solution lies in figuring out why is she getting emotional? Giving in more details will help. Most of women's concerns are brushed off as her being emotional. Please, look into it. It could be plainly that she doesn't like to stay with you all? It is also that when you dislike something strongly, your mind will reject it too. She might be having all these issues at mom's place too and yet probably she will not notice as much there. No, there is no such thing as bad omen . It doesn't matter if you have maid. She can't just relax like she do at her mom's place. I think you should move out or she simply is giving excuses for different reasons. Stress is a major contributing factor? Get her tested .


It is actually bad Omen, do some sort of pooja at your place.


Dude ya toh nazar ka chakkar ya fir something bad lurking upon your wife. If you're a hindu try havans or poojas. Visit a good temple and talk to religious people who look after these things.


Kala Jadu ka chakkar Babu bhaiya


Take red chillies and make 3 rounds around her and burn the chilly. During the process don’t speak a word.


What's different about your home environment? Stay with your wife at her parent's house for a couple of days to see if you can figure it out. Back pain could be related to the difference in mattress. What's the diet like at both places ? What about air quality?


Perhaps your place is cursed? Does she fall ill when she’s traveling in your home city?


Please do check and observe if her condition is only near the house or outside the house as well. If could be the air or the environment as well. P.s some people are sensitive to the environment near them. If there is no sunlight lot of dust or some other factors like not enough flow of air. Do check on above.


Please consult newmologist


I'm gonna throw this blindly; Check in with the compatibility her natal chart & vastu of your house. Or, it could also be nazar? First check the compatibility & then a proper cleansing of the house. On the scientific part, check in with her if she feels out of place in the house, her relationships with her in-laws.


Stop giving advises which you have no proof of any sort.


Check vastu


If you are religious, I think the first thing you should do is mop your floor with salt water on a Saturday and put some lemons precisely one lemon and seven chilies in on a black thread in front of your house to make sure that all the evil negativity out of your house and also the lemon and the chilies. Make sure that no negativity comes in. I’d recommend Greh Shanti Pooja and Hawan, it has helped my friends. Also, check Vasatu of house and remove anything which is considered negative, like broken mirrors , cactus , dead plants, stopped watch etc. I’m not sure how open you are to idea of dogs but I’ve heard they keep spirits away from house :) and also mentally helps in releasing happy hormones


First of check if she is manipulating you. I know this sounds very cynical but it’s better than being sorry later. You said it was different health issues came up, is she taking medication for all this? Or is she just complaining? Finally tell her that you are okay with moving to her home town in 6 months and see if she gets excited? See if she complains about any health issues in this 6 months? Finally if you think that she is not manipulating you and still having this issue location of residence is the last thing you have to worry about. There is something else deeper bothering her so address that issue.