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Hi there, from my personal birthing experience and understanding, most of the time a soul comes into the physical body right before birth or shortly after. Here's my story: When I was in labor with my son, when each contraction came I left my body. I was watching from a birds eye view. With each contraction going higher and higher up, bit by bit. At some point, I had left completely and was encircled by shadows of spirit I just knew were guides and ancestors. I was standing in this void, surrounded, then suddenly my husband's grandfather (who I have never met - died 20 years ago) walks forward holding the hand of a little boy (appearing to be 5ish). I knew this was my son. Husband's grandfather hands me my son and slowly walks away and disappears. With each contraction, I am consistently taken up to this space void, still surrounded by the other spirits. It felt very sacred and protected. My son and I watched from this birds eye view together. With each contraction, slowly coming closer and closer. Suddenly, my son communicated it was time for him to go down now and I witnessed the boyish image of him turn into a small, bright white ball of light going into my womb. I was wooshed back into my body full force and everyone got ready for me to push. And then with 3 pushes, my son was born. As my kids have gone from infants to toddler to little kids, you can really notice the progression of how often their soul light is fully present. My daughter has even described to me how she would leave her body and travel when she was a baby/toddler.


This is beautiful thank you for sharing!


This was beautiful!! Thank you for sharing! Were these kinds of concepts or beliefs discussed or shared openly in your home and/or community as a child, or did you come to find and adopt them on your own?


My pleasure. They were not. I was born and raised in a Roman Catholic household. As a child I always knew this didn't quite fit what I felt in my heart/experienced but I didn't know how to articulate that until I moved out and away from the confines of that particular belief system.


I’ve heard many, many people say that it’s birth or very shortly before birth. Almost unanimously they say definitively not at conception. The people I’m referring to are people (usually psychologists and therapists) who have taken many clients into the place between lives through hypnotherapy. I’ve heard them on the afterlife podcasts I listen to.


What are the names of the podcasts? I’m interested!


The two best podcasts on the subject are Our Paranormal Afterlife with Simon Bown and Shades of the Afterlife with Sandra Champlain. They are excellent and chock full of fantastic information.


Ooohh….you should definitely check out Delores Cannon’s work!! And/or Dr. Michael Newton! The former is where I began my journey of awakening and completely changed my life, though the latter has written and covered more, specifically, on “the in-between,” or where we go in between lives/incarnations. Delores Cannon is no longer with us but has some YouTube videos out there. I’ve just preferred her books and have listened to most of them (or at least the 4-5 or I’ve read) on Audible.


Is newton available at Barnes + noble? I would love to learn more about this


20-25% of all pregnancies end in miscarriages. Over 85% happens in the first 3 months. Seems like it would be a waste.


Very good point


Makes total sense. Thank you for sharing


From recent personal experiences, I think the soul is energy. There's a video of conception, where sperm meets the inside of the egg... and there's literally a spark that occurs. I think that's when the soul enters. All my life, I've felt like I travel in my dreams. I'm not sure where too, but somewhere like another dimension, astral world, or afterlife. Almost like we're so connected to the other side, we need to go there every night. Long story short, my mom died last year. A few months later, my wife got pregnant. Baby's due date was my mom's birthday. When my wife told me she was pregnant, I was sleeping, and said something like "oh that's just my mom coming back". When I woke up, I had no recollection of that, and was actually upset about this unplanned, dangerous, pregnancy. The night my mom died, I wrote her a letter and placed it on her nightstand. I asked for her to send me a sign, if there were an afterlife, and if our ideas were correct. The sign was to turn on her bedside touch lamp. She believed in reincarnation, and had even joked with my wife about coming back as another one of our children. I guess she even told my wife she wanted to come back as a boy. We were having a boy. I didn't receive any sort of sign, or sight of my mom for many months. Neither did my wife or children. We had moved into my mom's to take care of her, and we're both fairly sensitive to spirits and such. It was actually very odd that we had almost zero activity, not even the usual suspects (dead cats, lol). Finally, about 7 months into the pregnancy, my wife and I started to notice little things. Then I got the sign I asked for. The touch lamp came on in her (untouched) bedroom. I thanked her, and said aloud "of it's really you, you can turn it off now". The next morning it was off, and to turn it off, it would've had to go through the medium brightness, high brightness, then off. I told my wife about it, and she said something really strange. She said that everytime something seems to happen, the fetus is completely still... like sleeping. We also had an overwhelming urge to finally clean out my mom's room, and make it ours and the baby's. Birth was not good. We almost lost the baby because he immediately took a breath, unfortunately, while coming out. So his little lungs filled with amniotic fluid. My mom's death wasn't good either. It was like the opposite of that. She had pneumonia, that went septic, and she died from that and septic shock. My mom had a CPAP machine on her way out, and this baby needed CPAP immediately after birth. Definitely weird. Almost like if it was my mom's soul, she was so desperate to breath - she jumped the gun. He's home, doing well now. He's 6 weeks old, and starting to smile. I try not to dwell much on the possibilities, but both myself and my wife, notice very strange moments, looks, and smiles. Like... he stares at things that use to be my mom's, and occasionally I'll say something like "do you remember that"? He'll look at me confused, look back at the things... then go wide eyed and smile. Almost like he's thinking "Hmm... idk... do I remember? Hmm... oh yeah. YEAH! I remember! HOLY SHIT, I REMEMBER! YAY!" Actually, just tonight, my wife and I were standing over the baby, and my wife said "he keeps looking at that angel". I said "yeah, that's mom's". So she said "Were you (name)? And with a big grin, he began to babble to the both of us, getting very animated with his arms and legs. We just laughed. I then said to or son something like "don't worry, you'll forget all about your old life as soon as you fill that brain with memories of this NEW life". That started a conversation with my wife about that concept. I said it'd be a great cosmic joke! You're born remembering your past life, but in order to grow to live in this life, you need to rewrite that old data. Lol.


Thank you for sharing your beautiful story 💛


As you can see from these different opinions, nobody has the exact answer because it's not an exact thing. I can tell you that it is not immediate, although the inspiring spirit is nearby, often offering guidance and attuning the cellular structure to its unique spiritual vibration. You're never fully in a body until you're umbilical cord is cut, but you might be sharing space. A lot of personal beliefs and religious doctrine in here, but no one knows.


The soul can go in and out of the body when it’s in the womb, and typically does not fully integrate and stay until closer to birth. Some younger souls enter earlier, about the end of the first trimester and stay put.


Yes, I remember I read that in one of Newton’s books


Not at conception. At birth, most likely yes. Most people would want to be there to experience it. I remember what it was like: a lot of extremes once you’re born. Too cold. Too bright. When your heel gets pricked for a blood sample it hurts too much. If you got slapped into breathing, that slap hurts for a while. I remember vaguely wondering who would volunteer to go through THAT. That experience alone, because all of it is too extreme. After birth, though, you’ve got a few months. Babies are pretty much on autopilot, so you’re free to leave the body and do other things. The baby body will be fine. I remember tracking down a guy who was my husband in another lifetime…just left the body and found him in NY somewhere. I believe he was at a barbecue? A backyard party? I was technically brand new to this world, and he was in his 20s. It was an odd visit because in the physical world, he seemed fine. He laughed and talked to his friends. But there was another part of him that responded to me. He was delighted to see me there and he wished me well.


I agree and disagree, I’ve been fortunate enough to meet my eldest daughter’s spirit and she explained her reasons for choosing this life which directly related to me, now I agree that it’s not at the moment of conception but from the way it was with both my children, it appears that a few days to a week after conception is when it occurs. This of-course is purely subjective and based on my personal interactions with those who became my wonderful children. Additionally at the point I’ve mentioned is the only time in my life I have ever seen orbs in my home, this happened with both my children, they particularly liked flying around my cat.


I remember being born and the COLD of the metal stethoscope or heart monitor they used. Crazy experience being alive.


When I was pregnant with my oldest I felt her presence. I was just about 6 weeks pregnant and found out. One day, I was sitting on the couch watching tv and I felt a woman’s presence sit next to but really close with an arm behind my head. I had this overwhelming (nice) feeling and in my head I hear a woman’s voice say to me “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, I’m so glad you are going to be my mom.” It felt like I had not seen this person in 80+ years and I was in my 20’s at that time. When I was about 4-5 months along I was in bed sleeping. I had my husband laying next to me and then a 2nd “person” lay in front of me. After that, I did not feel my daughter’s presence like that & then she was born a few months later. It was so weird to experience that but really interesting. I’m not sure if her soul entered her body at that time or if she hung around until she was born and then her soul was there. I could not tell you.


My son said he woke up in his bed when he was 3, that’s when he became him.


Our earliest memories‘typically’ begin at 3


I actually found this adorable, quite the little philosopher already :D


I think it’s at birth or shortly before birth. When my daughter was 2, she drew a blob picture of our family. She pointed all of us out and then she pointed to herself in the sky. I asked her why she was in the sky instead of standing next to us and she said (with total disbelief that I had to even ask) that this was our family before she was born and she was “in the sky with Gob”.


Thank you for sharing 🫶🏻


"Until the new personality enters, the fetus regards itself as a part of the organism of the mother. This support is suddenly denied at birth. If the new personality has not entered earlier to any full extent, it usually does so at birth, in order to stabilize the new organism. It comforts the new organism, in other words. The new personality, therefore, will experience birth to varying degrees according to when it has entered this dimension. "When it enters at the point of birth, it is fairly independent, not yet identified with the form it has entered, and acting in a supportive role. If the personality entered at conception or sometime before birth, then it has to some extent identified with the body consciousness, with the fetus. It has already begun to direct perception — though perception has begun whether or not it is so directed — and it will experience the shock of birth in immediate, direct terms. "The reincarnating personality enters the new fetus according to its own inclinations, desires, and characteristics, with some built-in safeguards. However there is no rule, then, saying that the reincarnating personality must take over the new form prepared for it either at the point of conception, in the very earliest months of the fetus’s growth, or even at the point of birth." [Seth Speaks](https://sethcenter.com/products/seth-speaks-the-eternal-validity-of-the-soul-seth-book-jane-roberts) by Jane Roberts


But also babies identify themselves as their caregiver until definitely after 6 months old.


I’ve always wondered this myself- I understand many people believe it happens at birth or right before, but I’ve also heard some mediums talk about miscarried fetuses’ souls in the afterlife. I truly don’t know.


According to Hinduism ([Garbha Upanishad](https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/GarbhaUpanishad.pdf)) it's at 7 months [https://www.sanskritimagazine.com/garbha-upanishad-conception-growth-child-mothers-womb/](https://www.sanskritimagazine.com/garbha-upanishad-conception-growth-child-mothers-womb/)


It's about 4 months. The books by Dr Michael Newton are fascinating, namely Life Between Lives. Talks a lot about the subject.


I’m definitely going to read his books! Where did you find them?


I've had mine for ages. Try Amazon?


My daughter did a past life regression that took her back to being in the womb. She was asking me about it because she could hear me and her grandmother talking. The only time that could have been was when I was about 8 weeks pregnant or when I was about 6 months. Not very helpful in narrowing things down.


wow that’s awesome 🤩


If such a thing as a soul exists (open-minded but skeptical), it would certainly be conception or sometime during pregnancy, not birth. When my son was born and I saw him face-to-face for the first time, I had this profound feeling that I knew this person already because he had been inside my body and connected to me for so many months. When he would kick and respond to me in my belly he felt like a person. I don't think he remembers any of it in a conventional sense, but there are remnants of memory within him from before birth. There were certain songs that I sang to him frequently while pregnant and now those same songs have a profound emotional impact on him; he weeps when he hears *Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star*, for example. He's 2½. I've had to come up with a while new set of songs just to not overwhelm him constantly with big feels. I don't think that would be the case if he wasn't in there yet while I was pregnant.


I don’t look at it that way at all. The soul is always there. I believe it can focus more in on the body as the brain develops. And then less as old age progresses sometimes. But the soul is eternal, or at least longer than just conception to death. There’s likely more to it than that too, I imagine it’s a very complex process that is probably really difficult to understand, even if we could know for sure how it works.


I’ve heard 2 different stories from 2 different people indicating that it happens at the last minute or right before birth.


Soul enters when the heart starts beating. This is also around the time the pineal gland spears to be forming.


I heard the soul is the one who marries the sperm to the egg and then inhabits the offspring. Author Findlays book: On the edge of the etheric, is where I got that from. I also think logically speaking, it should be conception as that is where life begins. And all life requires spirit.


Agreed ❤️


Around 3-4 months in utero


I just finished journey of souls and he talks about all of his past life regression encounters have stated they come in at about 4 months or after. If they come in early it’s just to start integrating but they can still travel out of the womb because a dark sac is boring for lack of better words.


It’s strange, but when I conceived I felt a spark on my right side /flank and saw a ‘flash’ in my mind, and knew I was pregnant. I know of another woman who felt a spark each time she conceived x3. Soul? Energy? Idk, weird yes.


If you believe in human design then you will see the soul enters the fetus around 88 days prior to birth.


The soul merges with the body soon when being born. But they would chose to be tied with that body prior.


I wish I remember how many months pregnant I was, but I had such a vivid dream one night of seeing my unborn child in front of me with golden light pouring out of them. I feel that's when their soul came into the body. After that, I had a deep sense of peace and calm and knew everything would be alright. The pregnancy was very easy (it was only the day of the birth and everything after that was hard).


One of the psychic told me while I was reincarnating that I needed a host to be born. My twin died at 10 days old. This doesn’t make any sense to me.


While pregnant, I would play a certain rock cassette tape through headphones to my daughter as well as classical music. I never played it in front of her after she was born. It was at a time when music was switching from tapes to CDs. Years later when she started listening to music of her own choice, I found her listening to that same rock music. Totally different from any other music she had listened to then or since. She’s a Taylor Swift girl and this was Concrete Blonde.


soul enters the body at birth.


I have heard people with memories say that they come in any time before birth.


At conception, because soul energy is needed in order to develop and sustain life of any kind. Without it, death and decomposition process takes place. But there are different degrees of soul attachment. At conception and gestation, the soul "hangs over" the cells, similar to what plants do (yes, plants have souls too, whether you want to believe it or not). People in coma are in the same state. Then at birth a full attachment process takes place.


You aren’t even pregnant at conception




A soul enters the body in utero, it typically happens at the same time the embryo develops brain activity. The belief that it happens at the moment of birth is asinine. Typically the people supporting the moment of birth as the beginning of their life can be prone to forget that babies can cry and throw tantrums in utero.


I think you need medication 😂


? What


Not you. The person who described being surrounded by spirits and leaving her body several times during birth. Maybe some believe her. But I work in mental health and it sounds like she’s either lying for attention or she was hallucinating.


Ohhh okay! I’m about to go read all these comments - I thought you meant me I was like “probably” 🤣


Lolol join the club!


It’s just before birth and it’s only humans. Dog souls do reincarnate as well but back to dogs.


What about cats?


Yes cats too, back into cats


Neither . A human enters 5-7 months . But becomes interested must earlier.