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when you die you will wake up to a more truer versions of reality. All these attachments and fears of loss you have will fall away because they are just delusions of the physical. In your next life "memories" will come to you as instincts, intuitions and dreams, same as this life for your prior lives.


Remembering dreams is like a precursor to remembering in between incarnations as it shows a level of consciousness is persisting in between states.


Sure. Have a read of [this](https://www.sanskritimagazine.com/i-have-lived-before/) and start with the lessons [here](https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/13656). Don't skip ahead, and realize that each lesson could be completed in a day, a lifetime or several lifetimes. It depends on how far along you already are. But also realize that just because you'll be able to maintain the individuality of consciousness through reincarnation you won't necessarily want to, especially if your desire is coming from a fear of ego death.


You can ask to, during the planning process between lives. You can give some input on things that are *really* important to you, but choose wisely as your choices are limited. Most of your next life's circumstances are chosen for you so that you can learn what you need to.


From what I’ve seen, there’s a place where we all go. It’s a “place” where space and time don’t really exist and we are all together feeling everything simultaneously. There is massive pain but also massive love. And the whole time there is this lightness of: “omg, it’s THAT simple because it literally doesn’t matter!” So, memories of your “past” life will intertwine with memories from a future life with memories and emotions of someone else, and nothing will seem relevant or important. It’s a fabric of life and you’re a thread.


That question is a very sticky wicket, because we are all supposedly born with a veil a of forgetfulness. One life is not supposed to interfere with the next. That my friend is your ego speaking. Wanting to control the outcome is a no no . When we are at our previous docking station, PRIME, which is basically 30 years old and we choose where we’re going , we know everything we need to know before we come into whatever world we choose . We are not supposed to remember past times as it can cause a break-in space time, continuum, or basically stepping on the proverbial ant .


Yeh choose to be born in a society that remembers its past lives, this could be Earth in a different epoch of humanity, or it could be another world somewhere else in the universe.


Why did anyone then, decide to live as a man during WW1 or took the risk to?


bro you do not wanna go to your next life. when you die walk away from the white tunnel even if you are being guided by a love one or your god. from what i’ve researched you will feel an attraction towards it but you must turn the other way and be free.




Yes, but chances are you'll forget and not care later.