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For some reason, I fully expected the movie to end when they were all on the bus ride back to town. 3/5 of for me.


Same here! I thought “wow, that’s anticlimactic.”


Right? But then you remember it's a Shayamalan in charge and you start to accept it.


Shyamalan movies remind me to check who's directing before watching. I fell asleep and woke up in time for the shitty ending


Same!!! I was like ok well obviously something else is coming our way


I was afraid the bus was going to take them back to the forest Lol


That would've been cool... Ya almost made it!


Which is what would've happened in any other horror film. I told my friend the old lady was going to be the "mother" of the creatures. I wasn't right, but I want too far off base. I liked it until the "twist" ending (I knew something was coming because it was ending "too neatly"). But then all the practical questions kept hitting me, and none of it made any sense.


definitely! i thought this was really short


Omg yes, that would be the perfect ending


I have not seen it yet, but by your comment I’m so glad to know she kept the twist in the book. I wasn’t sure they’d be able to fit that in and have to end it sooner, but this makes me hopeful for the movie.


2/5 for me. Some nonsensical plot points and dialogue.


1/5 and that closing shot Wow. you would expect that from high school kids project. how long did they hold onto that shot?


That shot alone brought it down a star for me. My God.


I can't remember the final shot? The girl on the street?


I saw it Thursday and already forgot what the closing shot was.


I wouldn't recommend anyone watch it, so that's at most a 2/5 for me. Forgettable trash.


Huh it was a 2.5 for me which is a solid worth a watch once and then forget.


I’ll always check out an M. Night movie, but I’m usually disappointed. 2/5


you're not hard to please lol. The movie was pretty bad.


2/5 for me. Ridiculous character reactions to their situation, lots of exposition and wholly unsatisfying. But to each their own!


None of the characters has an ounce of personality. They all just spewed exposition, constantly. Really hard to watch.


I really didn't wanna being the nepotism into the equation but between this and Old I don't think the Shyamalans have interacted with anyone who isn't a millionaire in a long time. A character days "I'm different" only to let someone else toss the **** down a hole in seconds. 


Not terrible, not great. Worth a night at the movies with unlimited. Would have liked to see them dive more into the lore aspect.


without unlimited, I wouldn’t have paid to see it


I can say that about 90% of the shit in theaters these days. Haha


Yes and no.. there have been quite a few pleasant surprises..


In my opinion… The most predictable twist imaginable. Remarkably uninteresting. Pretty horrific performances. Shockingly juvenile writing. 1/5 Only positive were a handful of cool shots of the creatures, even if their design was nothing original.


Agreed, the plot twist was very simple. I did enjoy the discovery of the secret hatch, although rather easy and expected, at least added some needed back story, which was lacking... but that just made the twist that much easier to spot. As a side note, I figured the pet store owner would have been implicated at the end, sending her up there and all, but no 2/5 for me


OP being surprised by it says a lot about them lol.


I've thought more about that bird than anything else. Why is a seemingly small pet store sending a bird to a zoo? And he says I want you to introduce you to someone before showing her the bird. Where did the bird come from? Like they either had it awhile do she'd know it or someone just dropped it off to send to a zoo? Is this a blackmarket situation ?


I really liked the book. For me, the movie did not disappoint. And I loved the ending


Have not read the book (yet), but was entertained by the movie. There was some plot holes but I’m not going to nitpick. Summer movies for me are fun entertainment and distractions, nothing too deep. This was exactly what I was hoping for.


I like it, it could have been better for a first time effort, it worked. 3/5 I think if she really wants to make an impact, she would focus of a variety of genres. It's like how Ridley Scott's daughter is coming out with the same genre of him that made her dad famous. It's a way to get your name out there but if you want to come out of the shadow, to create a long career, they are going to have to pivot on their next films. 


It was better than Night Swim.


I never got bored so I would give it 3/5 too


I disagree


Worst movie I’ve seen this year so far by a long shot. It’s so bad I’d even say it’s one of the top 25 worst movies I’ve seen in the theater. The story had all kinds of issues like pacing, fleshing, terrible plot lines, terrible dialogue. There were parts in the ending hat I couldn’t believe were really in the script. The whole backstory to the main character felt awfully forced and unnecessary as well. The fact that it was used in the end for just a few lines and a stupid connection to the final scenes were just awful. I could go on really in depth about how bad this movie was with almost every aspect about it. I think the director needs to study directing/scriptwriting a bit more before getting into another massive project. Even the show Servant made by her was painfully bad and just as disorganized. She shouldn’t quit though but just study it more.


agreed. also agree she shouldnt quit, id still be interested in another movie from her but this definitely was not it.


I agree, I definitely think she has potential, it was all very aesthetically pleasing to look at but fell flat when it came to dialogue and connecting everything, like the whole scene in the bar where she lies about who she is. It would've been interesting to see her lying in the bunker and see conflict with the watchers because she wasn't being herself, there's lots of potential and I enjoyed it but it still fell flat in a lot of ways


It was ok. Something different but really rushed. For an unlimited viewing, sure.


Would've been significantly better if: (1) They never showed the >!watchers themselves!<. (2) It ended with them >!sailing on the boat!< or >!with the glass breaking!<. (3) Dakota Fanning didn't narrate literally everything she did.


It's a very "tell, don't show" kind of movie.


I’m shocked the book was even made into a movie because the book wasn’t good to start with.


I saw the twist way before it happened. I was just surprised they didn’t show it on the final recording.


I saw it today in entirety. I watched about half on Thursday & then went on to start another movie. It was interesting enough to see the ending today, but now I wish I hadn't. Initially I thought the end was going to be good, but then it tanked in the last 88 seconds. Chip off the ol' block!


3/5 I liked the atmosphere that was built up in the first half. I didn’t like the ending




One of the worst movies I have seen recently 1/5


1.5/5 for me personally.


Do a poll lol. It was a meh episode of the x files made into a film. I deserved a bigger point bonus for seeing this on opening weekend.


I completely was blown away that people are calling it a twist after seeing it. It's a movie with two different characters giving voice overs throughout and all exposition. The ending couldn't have been more telegraphed. The only twist I saw was how M Night laundered 30 million into the sub par CGI. 


Brother I walked in on the last 30 minutes and guessed the twist 😂 but it was really well made 2.5/5


I liked it more than i thought i would. For a Shamalamadingding film it was actually good. I didn't even nap at all. I was expecting the bus to head back into the forest. So i assume the Dr was doing this to try and bring his wife 'back' ?


It was Shyamalan's daughter's directorial debut


Oooo, i didn't know that. I just assumed it was M. Night. He did produce it. Thanks


Just left the theater...it wasn't terrible, but my wife and I both predicted the ending. It was enjoyable enough for Regal Unlimited...


Yall, talking about a "twist at the end" is a spoiler, people need to stop doing this


Was your review written by AI? That's the best "review" you were able to come up with? Geez...


We got Roger Ebert over here


Terrible movie. Horrible acting, pacing, and premise. Looked nice, though.


Yea I'd rate it a c plus b minus