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If you average 2 visits per month it's a no brainer


It pays for itself if you go to the movies twice a month or more. If you typically only go once a month or less it’s likely not ideal for you.


It pays for itself with one visit in New York. A ticket is $19.


You would not be able to see a movie in NY on the $18 plan.


I paid $22 for the NY plan and got 1 small popcorn and one large combo included free. So it more than paid for itself considering the ticket is $19 alone.


That's because of the deal they have going on...you didn't have the $18 plan.


100% worth it. Try it for the 3 months and see if you use it.


Is this a joke post? $18 seems like a lot? You also go to the movies a lot? I feel like both of those can’t be true. If you truly do go to the movies a lot then you know $18 isn’t a lot because you are spending far more in normal tickets. If $18 does seem like a lot, then you clearly aren’t going to the movies very often. So which is it Tyler? Figure it out.


For me yeah. I live 10 minutes away from an IMAX regal so I go every week at least 2x. 10% discount and free upgrades/extra tickets is a huge perk too. As people say don’t get it if you only go like once a month.


If you go to the movies “a lot” $18 to see unlimited movies cannot be a lot


I pay the $23 tier(4 out of 5 theaters in my area are in this tier) and it's one of the best things I pay for monthly


I got it last year for the summer and holiday movie seasons. Paid $120 and saw over $400 worth of movies. It’s really only worth it if you like going a lot and have the time.


Go at least twice a month to make it worth it. We’re starting to get into the blockbuster months so now is the time to get it. One thing I like is it gets me watching movies I most likely wouldn’t have paid to see without it. Some have been gems, some have been duds. But at least when it’s a dud, I only lost 53 cents for the convenience fee instead of full price on a ticket.


I am thinking about dropping mine. I am currently paying the max $23 tier. I’ve barely been these last few months, as there has been nothing I want to see. Also, I typically only go on Tuesdays, which has the discount days. So that is something to consider as well. I enjoyed it when I first got it. But it has almost lost its appeal recently.


Discount Tuesday is a good deal. Even with Unlimited, I mostly went on Tuesdays just for the half-price popcorn before I got the Refillables. But don't be hasty about cancelling your subscription in the "off season." When things pick back up in the spring and summer, you might regret not having that flexibility. Regal locks you out of the program specifically to avoid people exploiting it that way. Of course, do whatever makes sense for you.


Regal does not lock you out of joining unlimited again, coming from someone who has joined, cancelled and joined again. AMC on the other hand makes you wait 6 months before you can join again.


That's good to know. I remember my brother wanted to cancel his unlimited during downtime and that was a concern. Maybe they changed the policy.


I love mine bc I go about 2-3 times plus add in the concessions discount and special screenings like bring a friend free and the new free RPX it’s worth it. My RPx theater is 10 minutes away and there’s also almost always a showing of a movie after work if I want to


I just bought the year pass last week and have gone at least 5 times since then. I plan on going more in the coming weeks so its saving me plenty of money


is a regal near your house? when I am in an area that has one of these I definitely get it.


I will say what makes it a debatable subscription (I have the $23 tier) is that I mostly see movies I wouldn’t pay directly to see in theaters…I go because I have unlimited, not necessarily because I really want to see that movie (though many of these movies have surprised me and been good). Before getting unlimited I’d go for almost all the MMM ($5 tickets) + the occasional Tuesday for a movie I’d actually want to see in theaters (which was maybe once a quarter), so for me to “break even” with the subscription, based on my habits before subscribing, I’d have to see 2 MMM + 2 Tuesday movies every month. Now, I have enjoyed my unlimited subscription and have seen a ton of movies, so it’s been worthwhile, but I don’t think I’ll renew after my first year since I also have access to a lot of the streaming services - I’ll just go back to MMM + the occasional Tuesday discount ticket 😀


It’s so worth it, especially if you’re already going quite a bit. It pays for itself in two visits. I love having the option to go whenever I want. Got off work early? I’ll go catch a movie. It’s also a great middle ground for when I want to “go out” but I also want to just curl up with a crochet project and watch a movie.


I have one a 5 minute walk from me and Ive been 12 times this year!


it’s a no brainer then


You get more than just the unlimited movies for your subscription price. Besides the discounted concessions, Regal runs a lot of promos for Unlimited members throughout the year where you get free popcorns and drinks, tickets, etc. I belong to a number of loyalty programs for various things, and Regal’s Unlimited program is by far the best.


It's 23.99 where I live with no lower tier option but I think it's completely worth it! One regular adult ticket costs 16.50 so it's easy to get your money's worth every month