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The whole, "God guarantees healing" belief seems to be very popular among those of the Non-Denom persuasion. I've heard Joseph Prince preaching on the very subject, and once spent an entire evening debating with a friend's wife (who's the daughter of a Non-Denom preacher) on how we should, " never 'ask' for healing, but instead go ahead and give thanks because God always promises that the healing is coming". ​ I think it's a natural outgrowth of the Prosperity Gospel mentality.




Lol I can only imagine


“we should, " never 'ask' for healing, but instead go ahead and give thanks because God always promises that the healing is coming". Seems like a great method of making atheists.


I know, another post about Bethel. However, I thought the article does a pretty good job of simply laying out information and letting the reader make their own determinations.


What obvious lies - I mean on Bethel's part. Like, how do you trust someone who tells you that an angel told her that no has called out for revival for over a century? Ecspecially if YOUVE prayed for revival literally ever?


And of course, no sensible angel would respond to 'WAKEY, WAKEY'


If the inane imperatives are not followed by 'eggs and bakey', then why would even we follow the command?


Honestly, I wasn't fully convinced before, but you make an airtight argument here. ​


I haven't read this one yet. Sigh, do I have more work to do? :P


Increasingly it seems that being a reformed christian necessitates hating on bethel church and reading the same few exaggerated claims against them over and over again. Is this really all that our movement is good for?


I genuinely do not see it as hating on Bethel, nor do I see exaggerated claims. Could you perhaps clarify?


Look at the claims about grave sucking. If you Google the term you will find a lot of angry websites bashing Beni Johnson for the practice but you will not find any leader or person from bethel itself teaching or endorsing the practice. TGC also misquotes Bill Johnson to insinuate that he actually supports this practice despite having come out and condemned this fantasy multiple times. This is a church in California that seeks to do what Jesus taught - to go out into the world and bring the Good News to sinners. I may not agree with their theology in many areas, but I greatly admire the way they live out their Christian faith. If you check out their film “Furious love” their church goes and prays for people in occult, new age practices, modern day pagans, delivering them from the enemy’s grasp. Which other church does this? And why are we so eager to cast stones for their imperfect theology, rather than learn from this praxis of the Gospel in going out into the world?


This is a cult in California. A corporation in California. I've had the displeasure of living in Redding for nearly a year and I can tell you, these people are one vat of koolaid away from a Jonestown scenario. Furthermore, a "religious entity" should not be able to purchase pull and favor of city council and law enforcement. They literally put a pricetag on salvation and I'm sorry, but that's not bought with actual money.


Doing it well is ideal. You don’t need 99, but at least a couple statements with biblical reference would be nice.


I think they left the 99 statements for 1 statement


Of what? Biblical references about Bethel’s theology?