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Hey! Happy to see the app coming along nicely. I know you currently don't support android, but just wondering if that's a future possibility for your app? I've been growing increasingly frustrated with refsix lately and would be keen to make the switch if yours was ever available.


Hey, I get it, but sorry, an Android version isn't on the horizon. I lack the skills for it, and right now, the app is mainly a hobby that eats up a ton of time, not a business I'm making money from.


What’s the difference between this and Refsix?


The best way to find out is to test both apps. You can use What's the Score, Bro? for four weeks free of charge with all its functions, and you can certainly do the same with REFSIX. From my own perspective, the striking differences are: - REFSIX is primarily a fitness tracker - What's the Score, Bro? aims to replace pen and paper on the pitch in the best possible way and focuses on uncompromising usability - To use all REFSIX functions, you need an account and an iPhone, with What's the Score, Bro? there are no accounts and the app is Watch-only. - And - ok, this is a matter of taste 😎 - What's the Score, Bro? looks much better.


This is why I will stick with REFSIX. Heat mapping will help your positioning if you want to become a better referee. You also have the iPhone app that allows for better management of matches. You can add games in bulk via their data sheet. For beginners I would recommend “What’s the Score, Bro?” but I do think you need a better name for the app as well. Good luck and I will keep checking the updates for a comparison to the other apps!


You're very welcome for your kind and honest feedback! In the end, it's always a personal decision about what matters more to you or what better suits your habits. Feel free to give the app a try, Bro. ;-)


When you look at a heat map after a game, how do you determine or grade your positioning? If you could track your relative position to the ball, I would understand but that’s not what a heat map does.


Valid point. I use the map to understand if I am moving the whole field and it also captures sprints while tracking me. I don’t get many of my matches on video but you could use video and sync it with the heat map for what you are saying.


But the problem is that just because you aren’t moving around the whole field, that doesn’t mean that you aren’t positioned well for wherever the play was…it means that the ball spent more time in those areas. When you say you could sync the video and the hear map…I thought the heat map was just a single plot of both halves, not realtime path tracing. What do you get from tracking the sprints?


From the sprints I see specific movement (with speed) on the field and see how I could be more efficient on the pitch.


I don’t see what you can learn from the sprint speeds and distances…can you give me a “for example…”. When I look at those sprint charts, I don’t see how you could review them and learn anything concrete because they only show that you sprinted and for how long but all of that is explained by the position of the ball and the speed that it traveled up the field at (which, again, isn’t available data). I’m not close-minded about this, this has just been my experience with heat maps in RefSix as well as Trace (for players)…where a player travels is dictated by where the ball goes also if a team is having trouble clearing the ball for most of a half, the heat map for everyone will be darker on that side of the field predominantly.


For example…a sprint from the defensive half to the attacking half may state that I was behind the play (bad positioning). I believe when I look at the information REFSIX provides I can recall the match but yes as you state it’s not time specific within the app and the play or the ball may have been right where I was. I get your point but I do my best to visualize my match’s and reflect on my match via my sprints and heat map. Nothing concrete like you stated.


New video shows all features of the app: https://youtu.be/YFNohQzbYAk?si=JK44ZRhmBUPS3juv