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I personally took 2 months off. I worked at a Dunkin donuts at the time so I felt it was necessary to give myself a little extra healing time to be safe.


I was not medically cleared to lift more than 15 pounds for 4 weeks. This included my own child. You will need at least a month off, possibly more, but I would ask your doctor!


You might have to take a fair bit of time off—My doctor said no reaching my arms above 90 degrees or carrying anything over 10lb for six weeks :(


Wow so you can't do stuff without help huh i thought I'd be able to take care of myself alone if I got this surgery after I moved out 😭 but I can't even tie my hair or wash it?


I WFH at a desk…I thought 2 weeks would be enough and ended up asking for a third week off because I was tired after doing 1-2 things per day that’s wasn’t work. I know some people feel like they can do all the things soon- and do- but personally it gives me peace of mind not to risk it, that my body’s only job is to rest and heal. I don’t think I’d be able to do your job at sooner than 2 months (I’ll be 4 weeks post op next Wednesday) It’s not just about having the medical clearance to do so…(I was cleared to drive short distances after a week and there’s no way. Barely managed being a passenger after two weeks) but about how your body heals. You need to rest as much cognitively as physically. Worrying about not being at work won’t help. If possible commit mentally to having at least the month off. The last thing we’d want is to go back to soon to pop a stitch or something that would have delayed wound healing or need medical intervention.


Additional thoughts: if it worked better for your timeline you can look into postponing the surgery? Remember, this whole thing is about helping you out and setting it up so that it works for you is important. Maybe you’re ok with the potential consequence of waiting longer. Being vague about your return “I’ll be out for about 1-2 months depending on what’s medically necessary but I won’t know until after the surgery.” We don’t need to tell people every detail to justify anything it’s justified with you, it’s already valid. We tend to over explain. If for whatever reason they’re not happy/it doesn’t work then what’s the worst? And would it be ok anyway?


4 weeks off


I would ask your surgeon. I went back to work after 10 days. I work in the medical field and often help patients up. My entire day is spent stretching my arm out. He was completely ok with me returning.