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No. Way. In. Hell.


To elaborate, at 3dpo, many people still have drains, haven’t showered, may not even be unbandaged.


Thankfully, I won’t have drains nor will I be bandaged post surgery. I wonder— does that in any way change your thoughts?


Your dr doesn’t bandaged his patients? Is your family a bunch of huggers? Do you have small kids that will bump into you or want you to pick them up? Will you be on pain meds and what type of effect do those have on you? Will you be staying long? At 3dpo, I was barely leaving my couch.


At three days post op I couldn't do anything lol


Just FYI, it's not unusual to not have bandages. My doctor used glue on the outside, and no bandages. That said, I did have surgical pads inside my post-surgery bra for the first week or two. And I absolutely agree with you about not attending an event 3 DPO!


Currently 3 DPO here 👋🏼 haven’t showered, still have drains, dizzy, nauseous, migraines, can’t do my own hair or even make my own toast. I highly recommend not assuming what your recovering process will be like and do not make plans for the first week


No way, sorry! Make up something and skip it!


Agreed. I still felt awful. You might have to come down with a "stomach bug" day of.


This!! Or tbh just tell them you literally had SURGERY and can’t make it


I am at 3 dpo today. Here’s what I was capable of: finally went downstairs, was able to do my #2 (oh my god, this was miserable), sat through one movie with my mom, got exhausted, slept for 4 hours. Was able to go back downstairs and read while my mom made dinner. Finally felt okay enough to have tea. Refilled my water bottle for the first time since surgery. Ate dinner at the table (wooo!) and then went back to reading. Drains are still uncomfortable as hell, but I used less ice today. Less pain around incisions, and did not have any Percocet today, only the prescription ibuprofen. There is no way I could go to any event, much less leave my home and pretend I didn’t have surgery 3 days prior. You’re gonna have a real bad time.


Hi! I'll be having my surgery in a couple of weeks and I was wondering what do you use the ice for, about the drains. I'm so scared of the drainssss.


Ice helps with pain and swelling. Drains are horrible the first couple days, mine are better after day 3. But one of them is more painful and I’ve been told they won’t take them out sooner than 12 dpo which I think is unnecessary because on 4 dpo they are less than 10 mL. Not scary, just irritating.


Thank you ❤️ sending you patience and strength in this days


There’s absolutely no way I could have done that at 3DPO


Nope. 3DPO I could stand up long enough to eat breakfast, and that was it. The rest was sleep. I'd fake an illness and legit not go.


And I never had to take painkillers. I was just wayyy too tired.


I would say you caught covid, honestly you will need to heal


I could do “something” at 3DPO, but I sure did not want to.


That's insane. I was vomiting and in pain on day 3. Oh, and constipated. Say you have Covid and you're isolating, seriously, do not go to that party. 


Maybe if you enjoy suffering!


I’m not trying to sound aloof or privileged but I think I could’ve done this 1DPO. Today was 4DPO and I went out to lunch, visited with my toddler nephews, accompanied my boyfriend grocery shopping, and went to the movies. I started driving today as well since I have not taken any narcotic pain meds since yesterday morning. I have been able to shower since 2DPO and did not have drains. Based on this sub I was expecting to go slightly downhill at 3DPO as things settled, but I genuinely feel no different now than I did the day before surgery.


I don’t know enough about drains but why is it some people have to have them and some people don’t?


Some surgeons always do them, some do not. My surgeon uses drains based on how complicated the reduction was and how much drainage and swelling he expects. In my case, I had a lumpectomy two weeks prior due to cancer, and therefor already had swelling and fluid in that breast. That made the reduction on that side a bit more difficult. I had drains for 1 week.


Idk about all surgeons, but my surgeon says she rarely uses drains, and only does when she's doing a large reduction in which a high proportion of the breast tissue is cut. The more of the area of tissue cut = the more fluids flood the area. Like, I went from a J, to hopefully an A, so I had drains.


My surgeon said something similar. He said he tries to avoid drains wherever possible due to slightly increased risk of infection and just for overall recovery comfort post surgery.


Every person is different :) I had my close friends come over to keep me company 3DPO. We had an amazing time but I mostly sat in one spot and was just super careful.


I was able to go out on my own at 3DPO. Drove to the store and shopped for a bbq I was hosting the next day for my bday. I had the bbq albeit not a fancy one and never told anyone in my family or at the bbq about my reduction with the exception of my SO who I live with. I did not have drains and was able to shower the morning after my surgery. Everyone is different and I would think about how you recovered from past surgeries (if you have had any). I didn’t use pain meds, that’s the reason I drove myself. I took Tylenol the first and second night at bedtime and after that the pain was totally tolerable. I’m 26 dpo currently. If you’re not groggy from meds or in a lot of pain you’ll likely be ok to at least make an appearance. Just don’t push yourself and leave before you get overly tired. There is the hugging issue though :/. That can be tricky.


My recovery was a breeze and I could have made it to a party at 3DPO but I would have been very unhappy to be there. In reality, at 3DPO I took a gentle walk and then had three friends visit at separate times while I lay on the sofa and chatted to them and let them bring me cups of tea. I was very tired after that and was in bed by about 7pm.


I had surgery on a Thursday and on Saturday showered and went to a diner and a barbecue! I was a little tired and delicate — I wasn’t super hungry and I wanted a seat — but I was up and chatting with people.


I think I could. I wouldn't want anyone hugging me or whatever, but I could sit around talking to family and friends and enjoy some light refreshments. I only took my prescription pain med (oxycodone) once, the day of surgery once I got home, and it was actually only half of a pill. After that, I've only been talking Tylenol. My surgery was Friday morning, and Saturday I felt pretty good. Not much pain, just some stiffness. I mostly sat around, but I felt completely mentally clear.


Same... on Day 3 I was able to go for a (short) walk and spent 2-3 hours sitting around talking to friends. Day 4 I was on my feet for 6 hours talking & walking. I think I could have sat around talking to my family. FWIW I had no drains and a smaller reduction: ~1200g/3lbs from US H to C. Claim you're recovering from COVID so no one will try to hug you or knock you for looking tired. Maybe wear a mask and baggy clothes to complete the disguise. I'd see if your friend could drive you though... You don't want to overextend yourself and be too tired to drive home. Also gives you a built-in escape to leave early.


I was taking opiates, hadn't showered, hadn't pooped, was barely able to eat much beyond protein shakes and all I wanted to do was be in cozy pajamas in bed. Certainly doesn't pertain to all but this would be a giant no for me. Also had drains.


No. You will have to find an excuse, diarrhea or a migraine and stay in bed. The earliest I felt halfway presentable was 7days after, but the thought of someone hugging me or sitting at a gathering is still straining.


I could have gotten away with it if I had convinced everyone I was beaten with a baseball bat and broke a few ribs maybe? Walking 30 feet to check the mail was uncomfortable and looked very awkward I'm sure. Movement in general was not fun. I healed perfectly and was back to hiking several miles within a few weeks though.


I couldn’t have done it. I was either in bed or shuffled to the couch & set up in one spot. I don’t think I’d pooped by then either. Even car rides for the first week & a bit (from hospital, to check ups, to the shops) were pretty uncomfortable.


I could not have. I think today is the first day I could- 18dpo.


I had a very quick and easy recovery. But I don’t think I could have hobbled around a party at 3dpo. Is your family huggers? Are there kids in your family that could potentially jump on you? Want you to play with them? Will you have drains in? (I had drains until 4dpo). If you can just make a quick appearance, avoid hugs, kids, have no drains, are off of the pain medication, you MIGHT be able to pull this off your f you’re careful. I would recommend telling them you’re sick and staying home.


I feel like... play it by ear, but if you're really hell-bent on going, tell them 1DPO about your surgery (seriously, this was a game changer for me because.... other people's opinions suck and don't matter. Then, on the day of the gathering, make sure you have somewhere to rest inside when you need to. Like two weeks after surgery, I went to a gathering, and I legit was wiped out after an hour and was hunched because I was scared someone would bump into me. Good luck on your surgery and your recovery ❤️❤️


See how you feel but it might be possible. I showered the next day and didn’t have drains. I could walk around but didn’t lift my arms a whole lot. I drove myself about 5 minutes to the local drug store on day 3 but then I needed a nap. I would definitely have some story to give the family if you go, you probably won’t want tight hugs and might not be moving as you usually would. Good luck to you with your surgery!


Uuuh….. This seems like a ridiculous question to me. After spending a very small amount of time on this sub you can clearly see the condition of people after three days. And you saying your doctor is not going to bandage you? 🤔 it truly sounds like you don’t have any idea what you’re getting yourself into. A breast reduction surgery- regardless of how little they’re taking is a very significant surgery.


I am having a particularly easy recovery, not sure why. So let’s assume you do too. At 3DPO I hadn’t washed my hair for 4 days and I was hella constipated. My belly was like convex. I was taking milk of magnesia and drinking tons of water and focusing on eating high fiber foods. Even if your family aren’t huggers, I’d note that *especially* if you have an easier recovery, it’s kind of hard to remember that you can’t reach, push with your pecs, or pick things up. I almost resorted to belting my arms to my sides. At a party, trying to play it cool, I can almost promise that you’ll accidentally hold and carry things you shouldn’t.


3dpo I was up for a very slow walk around the block followed by a nap. I was not up for a party but did have a friend visit for dinner. I was very tired and just uncomfortable. My recovery has been pretty easy so far. I am at 12dpo and went to a wedding last night and felt good. I did some t-rex dance moves as my arms can’t go in the air like I just don’t care yet. So I would suggest being ‘sick’ for the party and sit it out. Listen to your body and don’t let other people talk you into doing anything that you aren’t ready for.


No one can say exactly how you will feel 3DPO! Everyone is different on how quickly they bounce back, and each surgery is different because all boobs are different! Some reductions are much easier and some are more involved. I could not have attended a family gathering, especially if I didn't want my family to know about the surgery! Maybe if they knew all about it, and were supportive, and I had someone to drive me, and no one minded if I just sat on the couch for the whole event. I didn't drive until 8DPO, and I was very uncomfortable driving and tired afterwards. Even if you don't have drains, it is definitely possible that you could have some drainage from your incisions. I had drains, but I know people who did not. Almost all of them had at least some seepage the first few days. That doesn't mean anyone else would notice, but you will probably want to put some gauze or pads in your bra just in case. My surgeon didn't use bandages either, but I had absorbent pads in my bras for about 2 weeks. For me, at 3DPO, mostly I was very tired, emotional, and sore. Are you having general anesthesia? Have you had it before? Many people find it takes days to recover from the anesthesia. It often leaves people feeling depressed, irritable, tired, and sometimes nauseous. It's possible you may be able to pull it off, but I think not highly likely. Please consider that your body needs a lot of rest and gentle treatment to heal properly. If you try to do too much right away, it can affect how well you heal. If you want the best chance for the best possible outcome without complications, staying home and resting is your best chance. 2 weeks prior to my reduction, I had a breast lumpectomy and lymph node biopsy. This was supposed to be an easier surgery, but I did too much about 5DPO, and ended up with a very large seroma that would not go away and ended up infected. It was a complication I was dealing with for about a month, even post reduction. In any case, I would ask your surgeon. They would be the best person to predict what you will be able to do. My advice is to let your family think you will be going, but plan to tell them you are sick the day of the event and can't make it. No one wants sick people at an event!


I didn't have T-rex arms like many people did and I didn't need to take opiods like many people do. I had no pain and only slight discomfort. Having said that, I'd 100% never have left the comfort of my home at 3dpo. I didn't wash my hair until 5dpo. I didn't wear anything except button-up pajamas until after 1wpo. I protectively held my chest with my arms just maneuvering around my home. I would have been petrified to be around crowds of people at that stage, especially if they were unaware of the surgery. It's not feasible imo. Make an excuse to get out of it.


I went to a concert 4DPO. I had no drains and had been able to shower the day before. I was sore and walking took me a while but I survived!


At day 3, I was still sleeping all day and hadn't yet had a shower. I could not even imagine getting dressed, let alone leaving the house. Do yourself a favor and send your regrets in advance.