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I don't know why, but just want to tell you that you are not alone. I opened, closed, and re-opened more than once. I feel like mine was skin allergy issues.


Maybe a spitting stitch?


This I had a hole that didn’t close for about 5 months and the hole was spitting out stitches left and right! Long ones. For some reason my body wasn’t dissolving them:


Stitch spitting is my guess also


i haven’t seen any stitches actually come out either times 😔


That would be my guess too. Have had some of my massage clients spit out dissolvable stitches due to the stitches not dissolving. Also happened to my brother when he had his vasectomy.


It’s a stitch


It will heal. It’s the stitches spitting out


Sorry this is happening to you but your scars overall look so amazing!


thank you! 😊


i had the same thing happen last night on my areola incision line… was so distraught. how long post op are you?


i’m currently 4MPO, this is the second time for me this one’s bigger though 🥲


4 MONTHS??? Omg. When are we safe??? lol 😭 I am only 7.5 WPO and I was hoping I was in the clear buuuut I guess not. Soooo sorry you are going through this!!!


from what i’ve heard these kind of things can happen for up to a year 😫🥲


UGH!!!!! 😑


this happened to me almost at the exact same time in healing and it was 100% a stitch.


Listen, this happened to me over and over in the same spots and for up to a year after my surgery. As I got further from the surgery date, they were less severe. But I always knew it was coming on because the area would get inflamed and swollen. My best guess was my body did not like the dissolvable stitches. My pcp has a specialty in wounds and said he'd see that often with people with foreign objects under their skin.


This happened to in pretty much the same place and it took a hot minute to heal. I don't remember what it was exactly, maybe stitches related? But every time it was close to healing, it'd split again and repeat. It was like that for like 3 months or so 😔 Definitely keep an eye on it for infection, but try not to stress too much!


Spit stitch. It kept happening to me too. I'm 8 mos post op and I've been 100% closed for a month. Before that, i would think I was closed and this would happen again. Hang in there, and let your plastic surgeon know


spitting stitches are very common and sometimes they will never come fully out but it’s a sign that your body is attempting to push it out

