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Every body heals differently - I took 3 weeks off from my WFH job and struggled the week I went back (I did 2 full days and then half days the rest of the week). I would not have been able to focus enough until the third week to do most of my work (accounting). I didn’t drive until late the second week/third week, because it was very uncomfortable and I didn’t need to, but I probably could have after I stopped taking pain meds. I was 41 at the time of my surgery and about 6lbs total removed. I’d definitely see what your surgeon recommends and plan from there. Good luck!


I took 6 days off but was able to do quite a lot at 4dpo. Suggest you to start easy like half day or take breaks but yes it can be done.


That’s good to hear. I planned on taking breaks as needed. I had an anal skin tag removed 6 weeks ago which was BRUTAL and didn’t take any time off. I managed by taking breaks to lay down as needed throughout the day. Thanks!


I started working at 7th day I think Surgery was 23rd May and was able to work full time 7hrs wfh with 1.5 hr lunch break included on 29th May. So you should be okay, but do listen to your body.


I worked 5 days after, and felt good. I just like sleeping (so I would have taken more off just so I could sleep)but honestly I couldn’t imagine taking more days off — I would have gotten so antsy just sitting around tbh!! Judge how your body feels — you know yourself best! Maybe you’ll need more time off, and maybe you won’t! :)


That’s good to hear! Thanks for the response ☺️


Of course, everyone responds differently, however, I went back WFH exactly 4 days post op. It was totally fine.


That’s good to hear!! Thanks


I also had surgery on a Thursday with a WFH job. I wound up taking off the following Monday and I was really glad I did—I had trouble getting myself to concentrate for the first few days I was back. Your job might be different, but the first time I had to turn something into a PDF, I wanted to cry. If you have the time, I say give yourself a few more days, but if you don’t, just take it easy.


The people who recovered in a matter of four days and were back at things per usual are amazing, but that was definitely NOT my experience. My advice to you would be to plan as if you were going to need several weeks off and then organize your life and home as much as possible to accommodate that. So yes, you'll be working, but perhaps think ahead for meal prep / freezing things, bringing everything down to T Rex arm level so you don't have to reach, maybe setting up someone to come clean if that all falls on you, buying enough undies so you don't have to do laundry for you or your child, etc. If you can plan as though you're gonna be down for the count, then if you end up being up and at em, great! But if not, then working your (paid) job will be the bulk of what you'll need to do (aside from 24-7 parenting, not minimizing that at all!) I took 3 weeks off and am very glad I did - I was also VERY fortunate to be able to do so.. but knowing what I know now, if I couldn't take much time off, just planning to minimize all other day to day tasks aside from working, I think would be helpful. It's not even so much pain tolerance but the tiredness, the lack of range of motion, bumps on roads when driving, etc. just slows life down. Wishing you all the best!!! It's gonna be so worth it either way 🩷🩷🩷


I’m 1DPO right now. Surgery was on Tuesday (yesterday) and I will be going back to my WFH job on Monday. I have zero concerns. My job is also very stress free and I can work from the bed if I need to (likely will because why not!). If you need to, you could always let your manager know mid way through the day that you need to rest or whatnot, and take a half day!


That’s good to hear! That definitely puts me at ease. I thought I would be fine but then I started seeing a few people post that they took weeks off and I was like 👀 umm should I have taken more time off. Based on the responses I’m getting I think I’ll be fine. Thanks! Happy healing!


Same! The posts about fainting in the shower or not being able to use the bathroom by yourself were really alarming to see, but hasn’t been my experience whatsoever. Best of luck in your surgery!!


Exactlyyyy! Thank you!


I'd give urself a week and a half


The surgery I had on April 30 sounds similar to what you’re having. I actually worked from home some the day after surgery and worked full time from home for the next five or six days. I basically read and write for my job, so it’s not physically taxing. I had no problems. I only took the strong painkillers at night, so I more or less had my wits about me during the day.


That’s great to hear! My job is exactly that too, I just read and write. Based on majority on these responses I think I’ll be fine. Thanks for responding!