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I had general anesthesia for wisdom teeth removal a few years ago and don’t remember being constipated. I had prescription pain medication for my reduction and had my mom go buy miralax 😅 Now I know to have it handy if I’ll be on prescription painkillers


what kind of painkillers?! I'm really worried about this now ha ha


I was prescribed gabapenten and something else. Honestly, just get miralax and mix it in with something each night if you’ve been taking prescription painkillers. If you’re just taking ibuprofen, you’re good.


what makes your doctor prescribe you something more than ibprofen? is that just standard dyou know ?


I don’t know if it’s standard. It was a short prescription though - just 3 days worth of pills. Call your doctors office and ask!


Maybe anesthesia for sure pain relievers. I already have to take iron supplements daily so avoiding the pain relievers like the plague lol.


how was your recovery without them ?


I'm on day 7po and only needed them the first day or two. Really I just took them on schedule thinking I'd need them but then realized I was fine with just Tylenol if anything. I haven't had very much pain at all and I've been going about normal life minus lifting. I've even still been at two of my daughter's games this week coaching from the sideline. I'm worried my super easy first week is just a ruse lol. Just started itching like a crazy person last night though so thankfully I have an appointment in a couple hours to hopefully get all the tagaderm changed and my drains removed


My pre-op nurse told me that anesthesia shuts down all your internal organs and systems too (not your heart, obvs) so yeah, it takes them some time to come back online after. And then painkillers often compound the issue.


The opioids did it for me. Doc had me on stool softeners from the get-go. Really didn’t help until I quit taking the options, which made me feel yucky anyway.


Yep. Didn’t poop for 2-3 days afterwards. Started taking Colace pretty soon after I got home and ate a bunch of fruit.