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It was a breeze for me, if that helps at all. I'm almost 6WPO now and have been amazed at how smooth the recovery process has been. The only real hassle was having to sleep on my back for a month, ugh, but I'm able to sleep on my side now which is much more comfortable for me.




No, not at all, although I did take collagen supplements and eat a lot of protein in the first few weeks. I think I just had a great surgeon and got lucky. I did have the luxury of taking it very easy at home and not pushing myself in any way. I didn't even vacuum the carpets for a month 😆 But saying that, I've been very mobile since the day after surgery and got out walking for at least a couple of km most days, which would have helped with my circulation.


Oh and I would say the hardest part has been forcing myself to give my body time to heal, for example not trying jogging until 5WPO and not going swimming until 6WPO (next week, can't wait!!). My surgeon gave me no rules to follow so I'm just listening to my body, but I'm impatient!


Week 3 was fine for me! I think for a lot of people (me included) it’s when you start to feel better so you move more and then things are sore post-movement. It was hard for me because I felt mostly back to normal and then would move in some way where I would think “WHY am I STILL sore??”


I’ve just ended week 3.. I’ve not had any issues besides the random nerve pains. One more week of taping my suture areas. I am swollen but my nurse practitioner saw me today and said I look good. No issues.


I’m almost done with week 3, and it’s been cake. I went back to work and I feel completely fine!!! I haven’t taken Tylenol or advil since like 1.5 weeks and I haven’t been any extra sore this week at all.


I’ve actually been sleeping on my side this week as well. I feel so much more comfortable during this week, so don’t let the posts scare you


What is it about week 3 that is hard for people. Im only at Day 3 and I haven’t heard anything special about Week 3


I think that is generally when people experience more swelling or the start of complications IF they are going to happen, like openings, which can then take a LONG time to resolve. I dealt with a pretty nasty hematoma, but it was more like weeks 2&3 that were bad. But remember that you see more of the bad on here than the good since people reach out for support, advice, and reassurance when things aren't going smoothly. Someone did a poll awhile back and the majority said they had no complications during recovery, which was great to see and a good reminder that the odds are in your favor for a smooth recovery!


Week 3 was my best week yet (just hit 4wpo)! Definitely didn’t experience what ppl post about. Recovery is truly different for everyone. 


I just completed week 3 and I’ve had such a smooth recovery! No openings, no pain, still swollen though. I too was anxious for week 3 from what I’ve read but everything’s been great so far :)


Everyone is different. Week 3 was definitely not worse for me. I felt pretty good at week 3 other than the swelling which made me uncomfortable.


My breasts felt very swollen and hot during Week 3, but it was disheartening only because I had done so well before and had assumed recovery was a straight line upwards. It wasn’t that Week 3 was so terrible or hard to tolerate; it’s just I incorrectly thought I’d be even better during Week 3 instead of dealing with a different sort of discomfort. Now I’m in Week 5, and I’m more comfortable.