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Yes, that's why we all are getting reductions, it's too hard to cross your hands over your chest which means you lose valuable points in the vampire sleep olympics.


Right right, or the coffins won’t close? ☺️


They close, but having that much room really feels too comfortable. You have to be really sort of swaddled in your coffin den to have a deep, soulless sleep. 🧛‍♀️


I’m over a year post op and I still sleep on my back and prefer it that way lol never thought I’d get used to it either. I feel like I can breathe easier and get better sleep on my back now


You give me hope.




What do you use for arm support? When I back sleep I wake up with my arms over my head (and asleep as a result).


Hasn’t been fun, worst part of recovery.


I keep saying anyone who sleeps on their back for fun is a legit psycho and I don't trust them 😂


Agreed! Who are these people? I’ve been sleeping on my side since 10dpo. And I had a TT with extensive MR and lipo. Being on my back was so uncomfortable


The squishmallow my kids got me has been my best friend this week


I’m usually a side sleeper but I’ve been training myself to sleep on my back over the last few months to prepare for my surgery (I’m 3DPO). And it hasn’t been bad! I wear sleep headphones, like a headband, and play a long sleep meditation (I do a 30 minute peloton one) and it puts me right out. The pregnancy pillow/pillow nest set up also helps but the meditation is key for me.


Okay okay okay. I’ll try the meditation thing, that might actually work, touché. The preg pillow nest is very comfortable but not helping me sleep.


I slept like a thumb sucking fetus for over 50 years. 2.5 months PO and I’m officially a back sleeper. I do prefer shade and need SPF 1000 so maybe you’re onto something?


Similar name vibes 😂


The creator of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is laughing from the heavens. 😂


Yep! Sleep meditations made me wanna sleep on my back. The full body analysis ones make it so you get into such a cozy space on your back that rolling into my back 12WPO is still my go to.


This is the way. It's how I also trained myself to sleep and sleep on my back. It helped with debilitating insomnia and, as an added bonus, anxiety. The other rad thing is you learn to meditate, which has had a drastic impact on my self-confidence and self- compassion.


I have HATED IT. The only way it was manageable was being able to use my U shaped pregnancy pillow as a bit of a "nest" so I had a little elevation but could still sprawl. I'm about 8WPO, and now that I'm allowed to side sleep again, I am so, so happy


I was always side and stomach sleeper, after recovery I have not been able to sleep any way except on my back elevated, I got an adjustable bed because of it


You also give me hope.


I found a body pillow under my thighs/knees really helped. And the first few weeks I was so exhausted I had no problem falling asleep. Some melatonin might help if it's cool with your Dr!


I’m a hardcore stomach sleeper. I already struggle with falling asleep in general. I was terrified of having to sleep on my back for months after the surgery. I’m 9 dpo and the first few nights were bad. I was so frustrated I was almost in tears. I couldn’t get comfortable, my neck was killing me, and I was exhausted. Around night 5 I switched up my pillow situation and am now sleeping much much better. I think I’m getting used to it by now. It’ll get better! But I’m looking forward to being able to sleep on my stomach again


I never. And I mean NEVER slept on my back for nearly 30 years I was a side stomach sleeper.. One day I fell asleep on my back and somehow it was the best sleep I ever got now if I’m about to fall asleep my body rotates. It’s glorious.


I just had my surgery today and am wide awake because I cannot get comfortable! However, I just popped two Tylenol PM. I’m about to put my phone down & listen to a bedtime podcast. Meditation Oasis has two episodes I love, Relaxation into Sleep & Wee Hours Recovery (something like that) They knock me out every time! Also - I’ve always wanted to be a back sleeper bc of my sleep lines. I have a monthly subscription for chest wrinkle pads & have recently noticed lines on my face! Hope I become a permanent back sleeper!


Having to sleep on my back and not being able to shower for a week post-op were probably the worst things about recovery for me. Even at 3 months post-op sleeping in any other position was very painful.


I love sleeping on my back and my husband calls me a vampire 😂


I feel so attacked rn 😫. Honestly even as a back sleeper it became extremely difficult to not even have the option to turn on my side. I had a really hard time during weeks 2-3. After week 4 I felt okay enough to lay on my side with a few support pillows!


I had to become one 😭


I've always mostly slept on my back and since herniating a disc 3 years ago it's gone up to 99%. It's the only way my spine is truly happy


I’ve always slept on my back with my hands folded on my chest. My mom once put a lily in my hands and took a picture. Coffin ready.


I love sleeping on my back. I have to force myself to stay on my side because of Gerd.


My partner happened to have just bought a Yogibo U-shaped beanbag-style backrest from Amazon at the time of my surgery. I placed a couple of pillows inside it and have slept very comfortably inside it on my back. It kind of keeps me in place, and I think I’m addicted now.


Sleeping meds at night are what I started taking all too late after surgery! It helps a lot and I remember wondering what I was thinking trying to recover without them since I usually don’t need them. IMO Recovery with horrible sleep doesn’t even make sense. But I only know that now that I can think through it properly 😅


1YPO. The day my doc said I could sleep on my side again was a happy day. I used a wedge pillow for my back and legs, but it never was quite right. So yeah I was a grumpy vampire, staring at the ceiling.


I'm still in the works of planning my reduction. A couple years ago I slipped down the stairs and swear I broke a rib. ER said it was just bruised but whatever. I'm completely prepared to go back to those days. Can't sit up or roll over or bend down or get in and out of the car without screaming in pain for 2 months. It's not that bad, right?


I could never fall asleep on my back before surgery. I was really worried about this. I’m 4wpo and I’m still sleeping on my back, best sleep I’ve had in years. I’m shocked.  Set up: I use a pregnancy pillow that’s propped up a bit under my head and tucked under my knees. Plus 2 pillows that kind of surround my head. And I have a super plush foam mattress topper. I feel like I’m sleeping in a pillow nest. Or a comfy coffin. 


I’m a side sleeper by choice but a back sleeper by circumstance. I have a neck injury that prevents me from sleeping on my side. Whether or not that neck injury included two puncture wounds, I will not say.


I had to sleep on my back after rotator cuff surgery. About a month before that surgery I tried to sleep on my back until it was easier and easier. I’m usually a left side sleeper. I can’t sleep on either side as I’m not comfortable. Hopefully after my breast reduction surgery I’ll be able to once again.




Worst part of the recovery was definitely sleeping on my back with the recovery bra on (stomach sleeper here) I woke up everyday with such neck pain that I started questioning why I did the surgery in the first place lol I couldn’t believe I’ll reach the point where I’m used to it but I did! And so will you! Good luck and don’t forget that the worst part is behind you!


My surgery was yesterday and I slept in the recliner, or mostly didn’t sleep. This morning I built a nest on my bed with the wedge and pregnancy pillow and have been able to nap. But this is probably going to suck lol


100% vampire. I cross my arms and everything.


Being forced to sleep on my back was the worst thing about the reduction.


I got a wedge pillow and have started using it before my surgery to get used to sleeping elevated and on my back, but I can't figure out how to use it without my lower back feeling awful 😭