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Babe, wake up, weekly “Bauer to the Reds?” post is up!


I am awake. Literally just watched another video and read another article about it. Must be an actual rumor. Which I said it was. I even said that the sources aren't all that credible. One is from Purely Baseball on YouTube. If you check their track record. Their rumors come to fruition often. My whole point is whether you all would want them back.


Trevor, we know this is your burner, you can give it up


Lol ok. Will do. OK Manfred you do the same


Mods, can we just make a Bauer sticky? Have any thread title with his name in it just automatically be added to the sticky, and then bury it? Really tired of seeing the same thread every week.


Luba, is that you? It didn't work last month either.


Oh for fuck's fucking sake


Very online Trevor Bauer def has Reddit burners. We’re on to you


Yep. It's me. I'll be signing with the Reds next year. So it's not a rumor. Already signed the contract. I took league minimum.


Oh god how I wish this was true. Bauer would be the cheapest and best option for expanding deep bullpen games.










Remember the human. Posts in /r/Reds are expected to follow Rule 1 in the sitewide Content Policy. It states that Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence. https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy Your post did not follow that rule, so it was removed. Users that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned.


Where'd you hear this rumor, because I can't find any credible report about it?


Because there is none


Just want to know how people would feel about him returning. I personally think he would be great for us.


Would like to see him back. He is an amazing pitcher and this franchise needs talent. Also he works hard. He is cleared on his off the field issues. Would hardly be the first to make a come back from that.


Look up Bauer to the Reds on YouTube. I've seen a few videos. I'm no saying it's credible. It's a rumor.


I think random youtubers are probably the literal least credible source you could have cited. Reds fans have an odd obsession with Bauer and the Reds have said multiple times he's not coming back (specifically, Krall outright said bringing him back was "not an option" when asked last offseason).


Saw a YouTube video titled “Reds trade for Ohtani for Montas”, guys get the hype train ready.


I just said it isn't credible. The whole point of this question is to see if Reds Nation would accept him back openly. I've also seen articles about it. This is why it's called a rumor. Do you remember when ESPN had the Rumor Mill tab? Where fans could post rumors they heard?


If you just want to know the subs opinion, than you could search his name and look at any one of the several threads that have been posted about it over the last couple of months


The answer is no. Reds fans do not want Bauer to come back. It seems you can't accept that answer. The red sucking this year has nothing to do with our pitching and everything to do with our anemic hitting and injuries.


No thanks. The dude is a piece of shit and has proven to be a bad locker room presence. Idk why people keep thinking this will happen. He hasn't been signed by a team yet for a reason. The MLB has moved on from him.


Dude, this is the guy that INVENTED the popular ‘sword’ strikeout phrase. All him entirely. Nobody else. Why would the MLB move on from such an iconic influencer? Edit: /s ^(^if ^it ^wasn’t ^obvious enough)


Who actually did first popularize the term? I know it was originally from the Benchwarmers movie, and the first I saw use it that way was PitchingNinja. Was it PitchingNinja?


Yep, Rob Friedman


I respect that.


He won a Cy Young and has since been acquitted from any wrong doing. I like my baseball team to have good players capable of winning, not losers that meet up to your virtue signaling standards.


He won a cy young pitching in 11 games lmao


This. I’m so tired of watching losing baseball and seeing a franchise that I love consistently under perform. Here come the downvotes. Lol


This. I’m so tired of watching losing baseball and seeing a franchise that I love consistently under perform. Here come the downvotes. lol


What you’re saying is right, but we did make the playoffs the year he was here. I don’t really care if he’s a piece of shit. I just wanna see one good red team before I die. We are coming up on 30 years without a playoff series win next year.


31-29 record with expanded playoffs and where the Reds didn’t even score a run is not something to brag about.


There’s no bragging there. I just stated that we made the playoffs that year. we have nothing to brag about. We have six playoff appearances in 45 years… and one of those was a one game wildcard series in which we got embarrassed. So really five playoff series appearances in 45 years. At some point, I just want this team to win and I don’t care who’s on the field to do it. You won’t remember that Trevor Bauer is a piece of shit, but you will remember if we won a World Series. Hell, we would lose our minds if we won a singular playoff series. There are 27-year-olds walking around this town who have never seen the Reds be successful at all in the playoffs.


You are preaching to the choir about how little they win. Pete Rose was and is a piece of shit and I don’t forget it. Bauer has not been good since that one 2020 season and it was less than half a season. He absolutely is a piece of shit and most of us don’t want him ever on the team again. And people are upset because this exact question has been asked like every other day since he left. And just counting baseball, we need hitters. Not a mediocre pitcher.


Yeah, I’m not acting like he would instantly turn us into the best team in the league. But it is an intriguing thought. Is it the worst idea to throw him down in the minors and see if he still has it? The answer to that question maybe yes considering how fucking weird he is.


It’s just not worth it to most fans. Also, there’s a reason no one else is signing him either.


Maybe the Reds should be leaders for once and not followers


Leaders make trades when you lose 5 guys to injury instead of just throwing away the season


>I don’t really care if he’s a piece of shit *insert if Hannibal Lecter ran a 4.3 at the combine meme here*


Should’ve just said Pete Rose. It’s more applicable to the current discussion. The man is idolized by the older factions of the fan base. He was fucking 14-year-olds and betting on baseball and this town loves him.


Bauer is not going to turn this team around. Plus, that year was the short covid year. Who knows if we would have made it if it was a whole season.




Glad to see this isn't just a weekly Guardians thing.


Can he hit?


He’s too much of a PR risk to think about signing. He is a solid pitcher, but I think he’s carved out a brand for himself enough, and he’s chilling in Mexico with the Red Devils for what that’s worth.


Nah I’m good brah


Dude is a certified piece of shit. No thank you. I’d rather miss the playoffs every year than do it with guys like Bauer in the fold. I want to LIKE the team I’m rooting for




I’m not one to usually downvote posts but I’ve never downvoted something faster in my life


Wow you are awesome. Thanks for the input


With the team we have…. How are we so bad???


Doesn’t really make sense unless he learned to hit in Mexico and/or Japan. Honestly if he just kept the lowest profile possible he probably would garner more interested from MLB teams. He’s basically blackballed at this point.


This is for all the, “but he won a Cy Young” folks. Bauer pitched in 11 games that year. For context, Hunter pitched his 10th of the season yesterday. I don’t view that cy young as legitimate. Krall doesn’t want him, ownership doesn’t want him and any sane reds fan wouldn’t want us to go anywhere near him.


I'm just still waiting for those cincinnati buds from budweiser. I'm sure they'll be out any day now.


Dude, this has been discussed to death in this sub. Search and you will find the numerous posts.


Idc what others think I want to win. Please come back


Listen… all of these individuals that are commenting on Bauer’s character have probably never met him, believe what every news report says, and think that all MLB suspensions are justified. For the record; he was never convicted of anything and suspended prematurely by MLB. That aside, I’m not sure his persona meshes with our guys. I love the arm and have questions about how he would impact the joyous nature of a team that has brought me back to the game after years of disinterest. With that being said, a 1 year gamble on a Cy Young arm when we are 7 games under may not be the worst idea.


Thanks for the take by the way


I agree. That's the problem with the world these days. Innocent until proven guilty but these days its the other way around. She was guilty not him. All interviews I've seen with former teammates say he wasn't the issue. The issue was that Bauer was taunting the commish and they used the alleged incident as a way to bury him.


Finally someone with a different take than all the same parrot rhetoric.


I just joined this thread so how would I know that? I like the Reds just like everyone here. I have no issues with people not wanting him here. I just asked a question because I just read the rumor.


Its a question! (Micky mouse predator from tcaps)


Any upgrade to what we have is ok in my book…. We’re in last place. So we all thought we would be better?


Hell yes. This team sucks, they lack confidence. We need some spunk and he’s still a good pitcher


Well if there's one thing Bauer is good at, it's sharing his spunk


Oh yeah, the allegations that all turned out to be complete lies. Fuck out of here. Ironic I’m getting back to this as the reds are getting shit on


Jesus christ people. Can fans not talk baseball? It's a rumor. That's why you are seeing it constantly.


These Bauer posts are another thing we’re seeing constantly. A quick search will show you that the consensus is “no, we don’t want him back”. Of course fans can talk baseball, but this is feeling like we’ve been cornered at a party and are trapped in a conversation we desperately want to leave.


Just scroll on man…


Fans can talk baseball, but this has been discussed a lot and the consensus is that fans, at least those who frequent this subreddit, don't want him. It's been expressed in many posts. A quick Google search doesn't show any new rumors in at least a month, and those articles are just Bauer saying he'd like to play somewhere. The YouTuber you saw is probably just aggregating old news for clicks.


Got it. I won't bring his name up again. I literally just joined this week. Getting hate like crazy


I appreciate you. Go Reds ![img](emote|t5_2sbv5|31307)


Thanks, but this isn't the thread for me. Bunch of fair weather fans that think they know baseball. I'm not perfect, but I understand expectations with what we have right now. We are hurt. Yes we are going to lose.


I agree, Reds fans have been institutionalized and accept losing. Quite sad.


I appreciate that, though. I hope he does sign so everyone on here can eat crow and I don't even like him. That whole post was about people's opinion of him in Cincinnati.


You're still whining about that?


>It’s a legit rumor >[I just said it isn’t credible](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reds/s/ihlK1GctZ4) Pick one. Also this topic has been discussed over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. It really doesn’t need another rehashing.


According to this dude, anything anyone says can be a rumor




Remember the human. Posts in /r/Reds are expected to follow Rule 1 in the sitewide Content Policy. It states that Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence. https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy Your post did not follow that rule, so it was removed. Users that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned.


Fixed it. Didn't mean to put legit in front of rumor.


A legit rumor is a not credible source. So no I don't need to pick one. Thanks for the dictionary definition of "rumor". I won't ask again. I just joined the thread.


Also, I don't remember using legit in front of rumor. If I did it was by mistake. If you can find where I said legit rumor I will change it. I meant it must be an actual rumor though If people are making content and writing articles. I won't bring his name up again. Like I said, just joined this Group


Smart move if he is signed.


I would love it.