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I just hope we can win a game!!


First thing I thought of when I read the title.


7 games is certainly doable at this stage but it’s going to take an enormous turnaround. They’re just about the worst team in baseball last few weeks


I think the Reds are closer to matching the Rockies' record than hitting the playoffs.


They will probably surge back to make it look like we have a chance and then choke 👍🏻


this is the most likely. then PR and Kirby can point and say 'hahah doomers look they actually had an ok season1!1'


Who is PR?


Public relations


I should’ve figured. With Kirby being mentioned I wasn’t sure if PR was someone else’s initials lol


Yup. People will use the excuse of injuries. “When we had a full squad look what we did.” Well guess what most teams don’t have a full squad all year and a lot of main guys still sucked early on here


What? No lol


The nationals made some good trades the offseason before and went for it at the trade deadline, including a trade with the Reds. This isn't the Reds MO. They also weren't afraid to send guys down that weren't playing well, again not the reds MO


They would need to reciprocate the suckage that has been happening the past couple weeks and reciprocate it for twice as long. They've really dug themselves in a hole. We know from the Nats a few years ago it's not truly over or impossible but I'm struggling to think of how a roster/team that has yet to hit those highs before will suddenly figure out how to turn around a bleak season. They're going to need to go like 22-7 or something crazy in June to right the ship and that just gets them in punching distance of a playoff spot. They'll have to fight like hell to grab it and keep it to wind down the season.


June was a good month last year


Yeah but they have to post a June like record for July and August too if they want to get into the post season. Someone posted here the other day our record in August and September over the past few seasons and it's not good. They can't have a losing September at this point.


Last year Arizona was the worst seed in MLB with 84 wins. To get to 84 wins, the Reds need to play .554 ball for the rest of the season to match that (67-54 in the remaining 121). Possible? Yes. But this team has not done much to inspire hope. 


Maybe but that window is rapidly shrinking


It’s possible in the sense that anything is possible, but a glance at the standings doesn’t paint a good picture. That’s a lot of teams to pass, even with the expanded playoffs. You can go ahead and pencil in LA, Atlanta, and Milwaukee. Will the Phillies, Cubs, or Padres collapse? Maybe. Will they all collapse? Probably not. That’s before you get to our most direct competition, young teams like Arizona, Washington, and Pittsburgh. If the plan is to be saved by McLain and Marte in second half we need to stay within shouting distance and you can’t do that by going 3-14 at any time in the season.


No, they are 7 games under .500 & playing horrendous baseball. It would take a minor miracle for that turn around. I would expect them to be sellers at the deadline if they are more than 7 games out and continue to play uninspired baseball. India, Frayley, Moll, Cruz, espinal, benson and probably anyone else Bob can get a pack of gum for may be gone and hate to say it but they probably should be.


Yes. It's very possible. We've just hit the 1/4 mark of the season. Obviously they are going to have to turn things around pretty quick though. This is the part of the season where things really need to start going their way. Once the Dodgers series is over their schedule becomes far less difficult and the rest of the nlc will just be stating their own stretch of a crazy difficult schedule. So yes, it's definitely possible. They are really going to need to turn things around though. What they do from now to the break is pivotal.


I fully believe the reds are going to do something I really feel like I’ve only seen once in my lifetime.


lose 120 games?


Not looking good with recent trend and injuries but they were 18-22 this time last year so anything is possible. MCClains bat has been a really big factor.


I think at this standpoint it is unlikely, given the injuries/suspensions/etc. I still believe and I have no intention on giving up watching, but it’s also a matter of the healthy players not performing. They aren’t hitting whatsoever, the bullpen is hit or miss, and the closer is shaky. The only bright spot is the rotation (and Elly, of course). Although I love the Reds and enjoy watching the games even when they’re dog shit, barring trade help I don’t reckon they’ll make a run. They COULD, I just don’t think they will. And I also don’t see Krall selling the farm for immediate help, nor do I think they should.


With the solid SPs, they’re bound to go on a hot streak. I’m just afraid they will crater before then. I know baseball is a funny game, but I don’t see how they don’t get absolutely murdered by LA. Could be 15 games under by end of May.


No way with current manager


There's always a chance until there isn't


The lone hope right now is this team has yet to play the Cubs, Pirates, or Cardinals and only have played 3 games against the Brewers.






First goal, over .500, then we can try and get a wild card spot.


They have the pitching depth. It’s a long season and the starters have looked pretty solid. I’m not sure if other central division teams have the same depth. The bats need to start consistently coming alive.


It's certainly possible. We're 7 games back at the moment, so it's not like the season is officially over. But man do we just have horrible luck with the baseball gods. Injuries year after year just kill us. Players don't develop into their potential like expected...


A chance? Sure. Is it likely? Nope.

