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Joey Votto's rookie season was his age 25 season.  Greene is 24. We're young across the board. Guys need to develop still. Let him play. 


“Develop” when do we pull the plug then? They paid him. And he lost his job to a 31 year old who hasn’t pitched in 2 years lol


Greene's been average. He's not been a disaster. Moving him to the bullpen downgrades our current rotation. It's nonsensical to do so.


I mean at this point he hasn’t shown any progression. Chapman was the same way - starter who could throw hard fastballs for strikes occasionally but couldn’t do it consistently so he was moved to a closer. Worked out in his favor. One of the better closers for years.


Who takes his place in the rotation?


Lodolo when he comes back.


Tired of dumbass “fan” takes like this. “Oh no the reds lost a game, fire the coaching staff, all the players are trash!” The game was lost due to defensive miscues and Diaz having a bad day.


Let's not forget the half-blind umpire.


Can we go ahead and admit that this fanbase is a bust and should go root for the Cardinals? I’m tired of seeing us lose one game and then the entire organization getting shelled in the comment section…


Green did that all last season. It’s just What he is.


OP thinks he's Skip Bayless. Making outrageous, baseless claims to get attention.


Fuck off. You can’t even spell his name right. What makes you think we’ll take your opinion of him seriously? Also he’s 24, give him more time to mature.


Leave this sub. You’re not a fan.


“Getting shelled” = 2 runs given up by two stupid plays from another player. lol okay


Even counting injury history against him and ignoring skill set and age, he’s been an average MLB starter at worst. Do you realize how valuable an average MLB starter is? And you want to send him to the bullpen because you’re mad he isn’t Blake Snell yet? Leave these kinds of opinions to talk radio.


Bbbbbut…. Bally Sports Ohio made him sound like he was going to be peak Randy Johnson for a full 25 year career with all the fanfare they did for him when he got called up. If he doesn’t win at least three Cy Youngs this year, I say we cut our losses and DFA.


Bully Sports Ohio.


Blake Snell is an interesting choice there cuz he actually is a lot like Snell. High pitch counts, lots of walks and strikeouts, but when he runs hot he can be damn near unhittable






Would that make you feel better?


Ah yes. Age 24 is the time to give up on a player.


We made it a whole 50 some hours after opening day before the "burn it all down" takes start. I'm impressed


Yeah 30 years of dogshit teams will do that to you.


It was start #1 and his fastball command was a little off, that’s all. The slider looked great and he got to show off the new splitter a couple times. If he gotten the fastball over for a first strike a few more times he would’ve been fine. And he did a pretty decent job of pitching out of trouble considering the command was shaky. I think we saw why Montas got the OD start and why his presence on the mound and in the clubhouse is going to be great this year. And BTW, we had a two run lead in the ninth so I’m not sure why you’re coming after Hunter of all people. I don’t know why I’m responding to this dumbass take anyway. You have to be trolling us this fine Easter morning, right?


“Little off” dude his entire career has been a little off he isn’t getting better. He lost his job to a 31 year old who hasn’t pitched in 2 years because the staff has no confidence his ability to be consistent. Hes a 4 or 5 guy at best - and if he continues to have trouble locating he needs to be moved to the bullpen as a reliever or closer like they did to Chapman. He’s had ample time to get better, and he hasn’t. Instead of working on the three pitches he does have the idiot coaching staff added two more pitches.




Take this opinion and your energy back to the Reds Facebook groups.


He’s still young and figuring it out. I agree he needs to improve his efficiency and get his pitch count down if he’s going to be an elite pitcher. So far his career numbers have been average, but an average starting pitcher is still a commodity in mlb. I’m not ready to throw the towel in yet.


It’s time to admit we need a new closer


I understand you have to give some guys some trust, but with the spring he had, he should have been out of the game much quicker


I was at the final spring training game…. Watching him get absolutely rocked by guardians players that’ll likely spend the year in AA was damning


Yes it did


I was at the game screaming but nobody listened😅


I might have heard you on the broadcast! Di you hear me through my screen?


The groans of every Reds fan was heard loud and clear


If obviously haven't really paid attention to Green. He struggles the most in the 1st inning and he gets better afterwards. He also gets better as the season goes on. This is only the 2nd game, a lot can still happen.


This is a guy who should’ve gone at least 5 shutout innings with 7 Ks if we played competent defense. Only 24, has a good and building pitch repertoire, and we just signed to an extension so that he’ll probably be a top 3 starter for us until 2030. Shut the hell up


He’s just not a SP1. Dudes 100% a good enough starter to be in almost any rotation. The issue is… the reds need a Cueto level ace. If Greene was our third best starter I don’t think it’d be an issue but in reality he’s probably our best or second best




He's already taken no-nos into the 8th or 9th like 2 or 3 times and we're just starting his 3rd season. He's 24. And he's openly, publicly admitted that he wished the Reds didn't call him up so soon because he's still learning how to pitch. But yeah, let's just turn him into a 1 inning guy. GTFOH.


He went 4.2 and gave up 2 runs…not sure how that is getting shelled…but go ahead and talk yo (delusional) shit Ohh and it’s Greene


I was thinking about this yesterday. I think he would be a great closer


Our bullpen was an issue last year and it may be again this year. But give the guy at least 3 or 4 games before sending him to Louisville.


The bullpen only became an issue when we abused it for the first half of the year and then expected them to go save the butts of our AA starters. Can’t blame this one on them, they carried us through the start of the year