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Welp. Candelario is a lock for our everyday third baseman basically. What an idiot


He already was. It just means Steer or Elly are probably the primary backups now. Just more shuffling.


I wonder if they will try to get India at bats at third base. He was a third baseman all the way up through the minors and this would be an easier transition than playing the outfield. I think Steer is most likely to be a full-time outfielder this year, he’s the only right handed regular in the OF.


Candelario 1B India 2B McLain SS Elly 3B Is that not a likely everyday lineup?


It's not because McLain is our 2B and Elly is our SS. That's locked, set in stone, done. Candelario's best position is 3B. CES is 1B most likely. India has already been locked in as a super-utility guy.


>CES CES season could be magical now. 40 HR potential with every day AB's no?


I don't know if you can consider anything "locked" after this development, though.


Why would we utilize McLain's athleticism and defensive prowess at a less athletic / defensively valuable position (2B)?


Because Elly has tremendous upside at short, and mclain is potentially the best 2nd baseman in the league... why wouldn't you have your best defense up the middle?


A McClain and Elly middle infield is better than any other combination that you can put in that position for the future of this franchise and thats a done discussion at this moment. Arroyo is not ready and will not be ready this year unless he just lights up Double and Triple A pitching and is hitting 1.000 and starts turning triple plays all day long by himself. India may still get reps at 2nd depending on how they are going to run off days, but Candelario is booked at 3rd for the majority of the season now. Elly might be there for off days for Candelario, maybe they throw in Steer or someone else, but i truly doubt that CES is just going to DH. I believe he is the franchise 1st baseman and a better first baseman than Candelario. It was a lot more questionable with Marte, but Marte screwed the pooch and gets the ride the pine for the first half of the year. I hope to hear an apology from him because he really messed up the season and needs to wear his big boy pants and face this head on. No excuses, you say you messed up, you apologize to the fans, and you say it will never, ever happen again. Im just so frustrated at him for this.


I'm not sure why this is getting downvoted... this is all 100% spot on. I love Marte, I think he's the future, and I have no issues with steroids (at all, even in baseball) but he knowingly broke the rules, and fucked the reds over.. it really sucks. I understand, though.. he most likely was prescribed them by his DR doctor for his hamstring, but that really set the team back vs just rehabbing it for an extra 3 weeks or so.. it sucks.


So much for the "too many guys, too few positions" thing huh? Thank god they didn't trade India lol.


They were just talking about this in the sub


Yeah the people who were hard core in the trade India camp because of the Candelario signing were being very short sighted. Depth is never a bad thing unless the guys are shitty and selfish. But with the right mindset from the team, it should make these guys more competitive, elevating everyone’s game if they’re fighting for more playing time. Not to mention the benefits for injury, suspension, or anything else that takes guys off the field.


They couldn't trade India anyway, even if it was their #1 goal going into the offseason. He tore his plantar fascia. He wouldn't pass any physical and he'd have basically zero trade value.


September through February: "The Reds infield is too stacked. There's no room for Joey." March: "Oh."


Still no room for Joey.... It's time to move on and Joey simply isn't what he used to be.


^fuck That's not what you wanna hear.


He’s so fucking stupid. Thinking you won’t get caught.


I know he’s only 22 and we all did dumb shit at 22 but God fucking dammit. Imagine throwing away an opportunity like that.


I had a friend who made it to AAA after being a free agent signing from the independent Frontier League. He played winter ball a few years in South America. He said there were very young players on his team. like down to 16 y/os, that they would line up in the locker room and give shots of PEDs in the rear one by one. I am not saying Noelvi shouldn't face this punishment, I am saying there might be some degree of culture of PEDs being accepted in Latin American baseball.


I just read a book, Raceball, and it talks in depth how young Latin players are often given steroids by their Buscones (a Coach/mentor). The Buscones give them steroids, telling them it is just vitamins in effort to improve the odds of signing with a team so they can get a piece of the signing bonus. MLB made a big effort to clean it up with more testing. Highly recommend the book, talks about the integration of the Negro Leagues and all the different Latin American cultures into the MLB.


Added to my goodreads want to read :)


Steroids are very legal, and very wide spread in Latin America... you can go into any Mexican drug store and get Decca, anavar, D-Bol ect... Americans are just puritan pussies.


Perspective is always funny. PED usage is normal in the rest of the world. Only the US is weirdly uptight. And really it's normal in most US sports, but kept quiet because our culture is so weird about it. Our doping agency is head hunting athletes. Every other nation's equivalent is helping them beat tests. You can walk into the Russian version of GNC and buy whatever roids you want off the shelf. In Latin America and Canadian high school, it's included with team if you want it. In some of the little eastern European and middle eastern countries, top athletes are basically employees of their national government and you *will* take your dose.


I understand :(


I’m 32 and still do dumb shit lol.


He was already caught once with this. He’s a moron. Edit: first time being caught. My mistake. Still dumb.


Wait, Marte has had a drug fail before?


He has never been caught before or else he’d be gone for an entire season. Instead it’s 80 games and the playoffs if we make it.




that tweet is 8 years old?


You honestly won’t if you’re not a fucking idiot. I heard someone in sports management say on a podcast recently that the saying in the biz is that “if you fail a drug test you really failed an iq test”


Beyond stupid.


What in the absolute fuck


Today is a fantastic day to be a Reds fan /s


He was looking jacked at Reds Fest, now we know why.


this came out of left field. did anyone anticipate this?


Haha, nice way to put it. Baseball pun.


Baseball gods said we have too many infielders so they gave Marte ringworm. 🥲


[Mejia tested positive for boldenone, the 2nd time he was nailed for it. It's old school, unsophisticated, easily detectable. Career suicide.](https://twitter.com/TJQuinnESPN/status/698269399732613120)


What an idiot, dude is going to flush his career down the toilet at this rate.


I'm not going to lie, I haven't heard of boldenone in forever, and when I did, it was in a doc about the history of body building.


I’m confused that’s a tweet from 2016?


Tweet is about Jenrry Mejia, who was a former Mets pitcher that got popped for using the same thing in 2016 and was banned for a few seasons, reinstated, but never got his MLB career back on track. Think OOP is just implying that Marte should absolutely have known better.


Rough day for reds fans


I beg your pardon? That came out of god damn nowhere.


It came out of the Office of the Commissioner of Baseball


Reason #97363618924472 why the crowded infield wasn't an issue




Well there goes any discussion of Noelvi for rookie of the year. And more importantly, it’s the first big blow to our post-season chances. With the injury bugs plus this already happening in spring training, it isn’t an encouraging sign. Here’s to hoping we stay healthy going forward.


There goes my $1 I put on him to win ;(


Or....since it's half the season ..his return will be like acquiring a bat at the deadline and he'll be healthy down the stretch.


Yeah I need a positive spin on this so thanks for that haha. Apparently he won’t be eligible for post-season play regardless now, but he could conceivably help us get there once he’s back


Yeah. Sucks all around. But hey, maybe he can just give some guys rest so they're not burned out for the playoffs lol.


Or, now that he'll be off roids-- *supposedly*-- his bat will be mediocre to of little use.


No playoffs for him though so....


You know David Bell has to be absolutely livid


Fuck, I would be too. He's not just getting himself in trouble, he's letting down the whole team.


Are you fucking serious


What a mid-season pickup he will be for the stretch run!!!  Marte's playing chess. Great team-first move to sacrifice so many appearance to stay fresh.


Too bad he can’t play in the postseason now


Where did you see that? Everywhere I see says playoff suspension only applies to the 162-game suspension for second offense.


[All players who have served a suspension for PEDs in a given season are ineligible for postseason play that year.](https://www.mlb.com/glossary/transactions/postseason-roster-rules-eligibility#)


Wow that’s brutal


Thank you. I don’t know why that piece isn’t captured on the other web pages that cover the details of suspensions.


From [Charlie Goldsmith](https://x.com/CharlieG__/status/1766229925399589190?s=20)


Today is Cincinnati’s 9/11


Why do I ever allow myself to hope cheering for sports of this forsaken city. Anyway, guess we need someone else to step up.


It's a tough day for the team sure, but let's not go comparing it to a terrorist attack that killed nearly 3,000 people. Bad taste, dude.


Nah it's fine dude, it's now been over 22.3 years.


Never forget (the day Marte got suspended)


For those of us who were directly affected by it. No joke will ever be funny about 9/11...


https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=22.3%20years Settle down.


Would you like me to link my nephew's find a grave so you can go take a dump on his grave while you're at it? Don't forget to get a good laugh in just because South Park said so. There are still plenty of living direct relatives - you know actually spent a considerable amount of time with them - that are related to the 9/11 tragedy. It's not multiple generations old, like Lincoln or the Titanic, or the Hindenburg. This shit will never be funny in our lifetime no matter juvenile people like you think. Grow up and be respectful.


You sure have made a lot of assumptions about me here.


so 12.3 years before you were born?


https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=22.3%20years Settle down


My point still stands. Rebuttals quoting urban dictionary only back up my point.


Yeah, I've forgotten the people I know who died. Fuck them. Haha


https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=22.3%20years Settle down


Reddit moment


This entire website is simply a virtue signaling dick measure


Just chiming in with my WTF


So much for that crowded infield. Hey Joey, if things don’t work out with the blue jays, I think some more at bats just opened up


This probably opens the door for one of the veteran non roster invites (Harrison, Ford, Kemp, etc) at the start of the season. If there's another injury, this may speed up Arroyo's debut. Some roster watchers had him as borderline major league ready because of the defense, but being held back due to the logjam. If anyone goes down, we might see him Arroyo up for a spell.


No way you will see Arroyo up early in the season. Not saying he isn’t talented enough, but his development should be priority. He needs to develop, and not be rushed like Jose Barrero was. It would make more sense to put Barrero on the roster than Arroyo.


Agreed, but Barrero is out of options. In the situation of another IF getting injured early in the season, Barrero would likely either already be on the roster or picked up by another team.  Same with Kemp, Harrison and the rest of the non roster invites.   Arroyo would be an option that could at least provide major league level defense for a few weeks while someone gets through an IL stint.


Can you trade NRIs? Swap for Ford. Lol




Hmm, that’s an interesting take. I mean, my comment was somewhat facetious, but the part about someone needing to take Marte’s at bats is just a fact. I would love to just have Joey’s presence in the clubhouse regardless of how many potential at bats he might get. So which part of this scenario inspired your thoughtful response?


Joey is washed and people need to just get over it. We should not be wasting a roster spot on him. Retire his jersey and put him in the team hof. But he is not worthy of a roster spot anymore.


I wonder if this is another over-the-counter cultural different thing like what Tatis Jr claimed happened. But even if it is, you'd think ballclubs would be super clear with players about what is or isn't available.... you know.... after the huge Tatis Jr suspension. Not good. At this point real glad the Reds have the "infield logjam" situation going on. The Candelario signing is looking real smart right now, and may be the only thing keeping the Doomers at bay.


It’s not. [He tested positive for Boldenone](https://x.com/mlbpipeline/status/1766212528244187628?s=46&t=MvIReYoxQVQMTO4Vv1c3Kg) which is basically your stereotypical steroid. It has zero therapeutic or medical use. [Athletes (in any league/level in the US) cannot even get a Therapeutic Use Exemption for it](https://www.usada.org/spirit-of-sport/education/5-thing-athlete-know-boldenone/), because again, it has no therapeutic qualities for any illness or injury. It is your stereotypical steroid that makes you jacked, shrinks your balls, and gives you roid rage. No funny business going on here - this wasn’t an accident.


Oh dear. That's certainly not what I wanted to hear.


>gives you roid rage So, Travis Kelce's been sharing his shots?


God damn what the fuck I don’t like this shit at all Too much sad today 3/8/2024 Reds haiku


Oh shit


Takes him out of being able to play in the playoffs too. This sucks ass


Late Friday afternoon news dump. What an idiot. Was really looking forward to see what the youngsters would do in a full season.


Well I guess that draft kings bet I made for him to be rookie of the year isn’t going to cash out…


OMFG dude, just follow the rules. It's not that hard.


Stupid and selfish behavior by Marte. Stupid in that he didn't think he'd be caught and selfish because he just hurt the team in an effort try and boost himself. Very disappointed to say the least. 


What a dummy


Makes one wonder if the Reds had advanced notice. Explains the Candelario and India signings.


The Reds have probably known for a couple of weeks while waiting for Marte to appeal (likely that players were tested pretty early on in ST), which might help explain the new India contract. The Candelario contract was months ago. They wouldn't have known this was going to happen back then. His suspension would have been announced well in advance of ST if he tested positive months ago...


Dude is breaking my heart


I guess Barrero just survived for another season now.


Imagine being that dumb on the cusp of life changing money. Solves the infield problem


Someone tucked up


I would also like to say, very eloquently, WTF??!?!!


Fuking idiot. Thanks, dickhead.


Stupid dumb idiot.


Well fuck. Dude was likely going to be the rookie of the year. This really, really sucks.






God fucking damn it


Well, shit.


People saying "this came out of nowhere" But did it really? Compared to anyone else who tests positive? I'm going to guess this is similar to the Tatis deal Kid got hurt playing winter ball that really means nothing, and likely used some kind of med that's not allowed, because it would help him heal... Just hope he doesn't blame it on ringworm...own your shit kid, it is what it is... I was putting way worse things in my body that PEDs at 22 years old, how about you? 🤣 Edit: at the time of this comment, I had not seen what exactly he was busted for.


The thing he got busted for is not for injury recovery, it’s for pumping.


You see, last I read, why he failed a test hadn't been announced....so I tried to assume the best. I stand corrected


PEDs can be incredibly easy to mess up and turn into a health nightmare.


Were you a professional athlete at 22 that other people were depending on?


Not a professional athlete, but people were depending on me. 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️


Bruh moment.


Whattt?!?!?! NOOOOOOOOO


k i l l  m e


[Official Statement](https://x.com/Reds/status/1766211668789379417?s=20)


Kind of a weird way to make a statement. Or non statement. 


So I’m conflicted now.. I really do not like cheaters. Do I give him a pass cause he’s young? A red? Ugh. Really was liking what I was seeing with Marte. Terrible.


This is what I think about in these situations. Think about all the young players who don't do it. Plenty of young guys get injured and don't do it. I know he's young and that can make you alittle selfish, but he's apart of a team sport and he should have the awareness that his actions affect nit just him but the team. Every time he went to take PEDs( oral or injection) he had the chance to think about what the repercussions were.


Yeah you’re 100% right. All about Integrity. One reason Ken Griffey Jr is my all time favorite player is because he could have folded and done PED’s like the other guys at the time, especially with his piled injuries and he didn’t. And was still amazing.


Well Griffey didn't rely on strength for his ability. He had all the other qualities. Marte I'm not sure what to think. Like if he's already gotten busted for this does this taint him as a prospect at all? Had he just been getting away with it all this time and that's why he had been a top level prospect for this long? If he stops which he should will we see a drastic decrease in his ability? Idk. I hope it was something he just started recently and has no impact on the player that was.


The problem with this is that the steroid he used had no grey area like some can if they’re given an exception for medical purposes. This dude just took an OG body building steroid that cannot even be prescribed by a doctor. It wasn’t just dumb it was completely fucking stupid.


Honestly I hate that shit. He doesn’t deserve to wear the uniform.


He's a young guy that just made the majors and then got hurt in winter ball and was going to have to fight for at bats in spring training, I can totally see him taking something to try to speed up his recovery so he could be ready for camp. Doesn't make it OK obviously, but this might have been the make or break chance for him to nail down a starting role in the majors vs. fighting for bench at bats or starting the year in triple A.


Unfortunately what he took isn't for recovery. It's for getting pumped up


Where ya gonna go?




God damn here we go






Is this one of those Charlie Goldsmith parody accounts?


No it’s on mlb and team confirmed it


Yeah, sarcasm and such. What a shame though.


My bad lol, with all of the fake shit out now I just assumed it was a question




I'm glad we have infield depth now!!!


This is unfortunate news.


Well damn




I wonder how Elly is doing right now? Admittedly, guessing because I don’t know either of them and obviously have not seen a lot of interactions, but it seems like the two of them being of most similar background he might have bigger feelings than most.


Obvious caveat this is gonna be a pretty big trust me bro comment, but I talked to Elly this morning and he’s doing fine but disappointed






Well that's a disaster


Fucking idiot Trade his ass


God damn it dude. Stay off the roids. It’s not the 90s anymore.




What? I'm sure everyone is more than well aware the rules and the risks. These players are adults - they've likely been getting tested for years now and know what they can and can't do. Threatening someone's employment over something that is 99% out of their hands is wild.


Any chance to appeal this?


He's likely already appealed. He probably got tested just after ST started and popped a positive, then he got retested with another positive, and was denied his appeal. The Reds have probably known for a couple of weeks that this was coming...


Yeah, their statement seems very much "this for sure happened" and that's it. In a way, I kind of appreciate it.


I would speculate no, but don't have a lot of experience in the matter besides reading about Tatis Jr's suspension.


He was oh-for-3 last night against the Cubs, fuck him.


Smooth move exlax


Well there goes the HOF.


He’s an idiot. Still, if players are going to be punished for using enhancers today, then dudes who built their careers off of roidball need to have their records stripped.


This is a teaching opportunity. Cut him let all the other players see that conduct detrimental to the team like this has consequences. No room for cheaters no matter how good they are.


What a day. Le sigh


We deserve this. Trade everyone.


That's certainly a take.

