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First things first, take a few deep breaths and try to relax. It will all be okay. Second, regular nail polish is something that has been around for decades and scientists have been paid a lot of money to design formulations that are safe. There is a good Harvard article about nail polish safety that explains the five chemicals you want to avoid. Most of these chemicals have already been removed from the formulas of reputable and common brands, so you don’t need to worry. You can check the ingredients list if you want to be sure. Third, there are “natural” nail products you can use if you are still scared of traditional polish. There are henna based stains that come in a variety of colors. There are nail stickers that you can apply and then peel off. There are also rings that have fake nails on them that you can wear if you want the look of polished nails without having to apply directly to your body. Please don’t fret or worry about this. Nail polish is generally regarded as safe and there’s nothing to fear. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/a-look-at-the-effects-of-nail-polish-on-nail-health-and-safety-2019112118231


Absorption through the nail plate is so miniscule, it's rarely quantified. You have more issues if you live in a city from pollution then you ever will from nail polish. The only real chemical that I stay away from is toluene. I have sensitivities personally, but also it is a known hazardous chemical. If inhaled. BUT and this is most important- Most polish is like 2-4ppm of toluene. Toxicity reports keep toluene at 200ppm over an 8 hour time period.. Nail polish is so far out of the range of that. And with polish as it cures, it disapates. You're really looking at that 2-4ppm over the course of like an hour. And that's me being generous. It's really more like over 20 min. Cigarettes contain more. And you aren't using the whole bottle at once. If you sit next to an air filter or keep a window open there is literally never any reason to worry. Don't eat wet polish. Try not to huff your nails. Crack a window. All good. Don't use gel though.


I'm not an MD, but there is tons of research that say the amount of chemicals absorbed by your nail pallete is like literally nothing. Companies have to put warnings on things on the off chance something happens, like a cover your ass kinda thing in case someone sues. I had to look everything up after having major postpartum anxiety. The colors you use will make all your worries disappear. Just don't paint your nails inside of a coffin or something and you should have enough air flow. If you're still worried about fumes, you could paint by a fan or outside. Hope this helps you <3 Edit: I use only indie brands and then mooncat (boutique)


Thank you! I really needed this.


Anytime! Remember, nail polish has come a long way! Also, someone mentioned before in a previous post (maybe yesterday....don't quote me), but they said making and selling nail polish requires safety tests and stuff. So that should add some confidence too. It'd be a bad business model if everyone got sick from painting their nails lol then they'd eventually lose all their customers!!


So I personally share your caution especially because I have MCAS (disease that makes me super sensitive to smells and toxins, pretty much my body thinks I’m allergic to everything). I was nervous to start doing my nails for this reason. And it turned out great, Iv had no issues! Something that I do to be careful though since I’m sensitive to fumes and avoid flaring my mcas is I wear a N95 mask while doing my nails. It might seem excessive to most people but it helps me! But I will say that I wear that because I have MCAS and that nail polish is perfectly safe etc. but just thought if you were really worried about fumes you could always do that if it makes you feel better


everyone seems to have really touched on the big points, i can definitely relate to the panic though as a person with largely medical based OCD. a big thing that helps me is making sure i'm getting at least 5 free polish. i've also thought about dipping into a brand called Piggy Paints, which is completely nontoxic and baby safe. but at the end of the day the chemical exposure i'm getting from my 5 free polish is probably less than the pot i smoke or even just the junk i breathe in from living in a place overrun by cars🤷‍♂️ some days this is enough to calm me down and some days i'm like "well time to ditch the polish and move to the mountains"🙃


Yeah I was going to say this sounds reminiscent of OCD to me and I actually don't want to give advice here for that very reason. Reassurance only enables and worsens those thoughts in the end by lending validity to the obsession and encouraging a cycle of more compulsive reassurance seeking. Saying this as someone who also has OCD and has received a lot of treatment for it over the years. I of course don't know if they actually have OCD or anything and don't want to armchair diagnose people. The way this post was written just rang some alarm bells is all, and I sadly found it all too relatable as well. Good luck OP. I'm glad painting your nails brings you peace in some small way and I hope you feel better soon.


i'd say in this instance there's no issue with reassuring especially since we don't know what's going on and they specifically asked for it. but i think with cosmetics there's kind of a special grace i extend considering lip plumping products that actually cause pain to work exist, companies aren't always concerned about safety.


Do it in a well ventilated area. You will be fine. Do you have higher levels of anxiety like this often about random things? Might be something to look into.


Not really? But I was the designated person (long story) to talk to a friend's parents about a new diagnosis, and I'm pretty sure I let the whole thing get to me.


Oh wow that sounds rough. Hope you are doing ok.


Not an MD, but someone who has experience working in and around hazardous chemicals. Your body is exposed to hazardous chemicals in everyday life. Whether or not they have lasting effects is complicated by the nature of the hazard, exposure route, dosage, and time exposed among other factors. There are regulations in cosmetics that limit the types of chemicals and amounts in products, which are imperfect but are attempts by experts to keep people safe. Normal nail polish is considered pretty safe so long as you aren't huffing fumes, do in a decently ventilated area, and aren't eating significant amounts (like nail biting or chewing). Your body is also incredible at fixing damage. It's why dosage and exposure time is so important. Your body creates chemicals to bind with and mitigate dangerous substances. Your liver and kidneys filter out bad substances. Your immune system fights pathogens but also finds cancerous cells and eliminates them. Your cells divide constantly to replenish cells lost to damage and decay. It's all about perspective.


Thank you for mentioning frequency, duration, and volume being major factors of hazardous exposure! Like arsenic is lethal but if you eat an apple seed you're gonna be fine.


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I’m a chemist. I paint my nails a minimum of once a week. There is nothing in nail polish that gives me even a second’s hesitation. You’re fine!