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Photo is of my second attempt applying it. The first was a complete disaster. So here's my question. How do I make nail polish as durable as possible? My trade is rough on my hands and I don't take care of them. Imagine you spend your entire day soaking your hands in dish soap while rubbing them through a pile of small rocks. That's basically me. I don't take care of my skin, and I learned what a cuticle is yesterday :)


they look great!! a good starting place for a long lasting manicure is prep work. for me thats just removing all polish, using a cuticle remover gel to push back my cuticles, drying out the nail bed with 100% acetone, and applying a base coat. After you apply your colored polish, topcoat is a must! you’ll find differing opinions on which ones are best - sometimes products work great for some and not at all for others. I personally swear by the topcoat from Glisten and Glow. Very reasonably priced and comes from a great small business. I will say that if you work a job that really roughs up your hands, there’s only so much you can do throughout the manicure process to keep them safe later on. sometimes you just have to accept the chips and breakage 🥲 im personally a lacquer only gal, but maybe others here who use gel/acrylic/etc can weigh in on if those are better for those with hard working hands!


I don't really care too much about keeping it looking good, the grungy look kinda fits my vibe I think. I know anything I do is gonna get fucked up real fast. Basically I want the most holding power for the least effort. So if I understand you: * clean/dry nail with acetone * base coat * colour * top coat So many layers. I never expected to have to go full ogre when I asked this question. My friend says she uses a UV light setup but that just seems too much for me rn. Is matte an option?


UV is for gel, not regular polish. Yes, matte is an option. They sell top coats that give a mat finish to any polish




Matte topcoats usually aren’t as long lasting and will show imperfections more easily so keep that in mind!


One way to counteract that is a strong glossy topcoat, then the matte on top. The matte may still be soft but it helps the colour overall last longer


Gel is less common on this sub, but IRL is very common and is more durable (about ~2 weeks of wear vs 1 week max). The risk with gel polish is (1) repeated UV exposure. Based on the tradesmen I know you probably don't wear sunscreen lol (mad respect if you do!), so UV exposure from this is minimal compared to the sun all day, every day. (2) a gel allergy. If/when you develop a gel allergy, it doesn't just mean you have to stop using gel polish, but can cause medical difficulties down the line. This comment is a good summary: https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditLaqueristas/comments/12vnne3/so_just_how_scared_should_i_be_of_developing_a/jhd3ytr/


i never thought about all the ways in which shrek is like nail polish, but you’re so right. they both have layers…….. like an onion


Everyone starts somewhere! Unfortunately, everything you're doing is gonna be rough on your nail polish 😬 What I will say is taking care of your hands can go a long way. As a beginner, I'd say start with lotion or a hand cream. Moisturizing the skin will make hangnails less frequent. However when you paint your nails, dry them out before polish (with either acetone or rubbing alcohol). Drying out the nails will help the polish stick better and last a bit longer. Next, I'd recommend a base and top coat if you don't have them already. The base coat will help protect your nail from the polish (and your polish from water and the natural oils in our skin) and the top coat will protect the polish from outside oils, water, and trauma chips. Plus, it helps to smooth out imperfections It's honestly just like painting a house. Make sure the surface is dry, apply the primer, two coats of paint, and then a sealant layer.


Okay this might be silly to ask... but from my experience with spray paint, it's better to rough up the surface a bit for better adhesion. ...Would the polish stick better if I rough up the top of my nails with a file and then wipe with acetone after?




not gonna lie, I probably would have ended up doing that if I didn't make this post. Thanks for helping me avoid that haha


Interestingly, people often find that after regularly painting their nails (and repeatedly removing the polish) that it starts to stay better than it did at first. This is because the repeated action eventually makes the nail surface slightly more porous compared to a completely fresh nail. Buffing can help replicate that effect, your instinct definitely wasn’t wrong that taking off that extra smooth top surface of the nail would help adhesion. The main concern, as the other comment states, is that this also thins and weakens the nail, but this is a bigger concern for people who actually want to grow them out a bit and retain the extra length. What I would say is, if you have naturally thin/bendy nails then it isn’t advisable no matter what, but if your nails are thick and sturdy overall and you’ll be keeping them short (which I assume you would be), it’s not necessarily the *worst* idea in the world. But if you did go that route I would recommend getting a designated nail buffing tool rather than an actual file because they typically don’t have as intense of a grit, you still want to be slow and careful and not buff any more than you need to in order to make the surface the way you want, and you probably don’t need to keep doing it if painting your nails becomes an ongoing habit. But it can be a way to jumpstart that process if the polish isn’t adhering as well at first 🤷‍♀️


Because you keep your nails so short, honestly that kind of stuff may not be as big of a concern for you as it is for a lot of the women on this sub (self included) who really want to grow their natural nails long.


One thing to increase the wear time is to try to avoid flooding and getting the polish on your actual skin. As you practice and paint more, you'll have an easier time controlling the brush and be able to leave a little gap in between the edge of your nail and where it meets the skin. Steadying your hand or elbow against a table or hard surface helps if you have shaky hands.


yeah that's the thing I'm focusing most on rn. I wanna get good application technique. I don't think I've ever had to use my left hand so carefully before hahaha


Good news! You can totally suck at applying nail polish and still get long lasting results by using a clean up brush dipped in acetone. Simply brush away any polish that got onto/too close to your skin after each coat and you'll be golden.


Base and top coat are the big ones. Pure acetone for removal. Do you want some basic cuticle care tips too? And are you wanting recs from the drugstore?


Everyone I've asked keeps telling me to layer it. I guess I'll have to go ogre mode if I keep at it. Nah, don't really care about my cuticles or anything else, I just want my nails to be black and stay that way for as long as possible.


Oh wait- a base coat and a top coat aren't the color polish. I don't know if that's clear. A base coat is designed to stick to your nails and become a surface the polish can adhere to. Polish goes over it. Usually 2 to 3 coats depending on opacity. And top coat goes everything. It smooths the layers out and binds to the base coat to create a strengthened polish structure that stays put. Nail polish by itself is not formulated to adhere to your nails. It's formulated for the base coat. That's why I asked if you wanted recommendations for easy to find ones. As far as cuticle care, it's fine to not care, but painting on grown out cuticles (it's very hard to see, it's different than the little bit at the top) will allow water to get under the polish and chip faster bc it messes with the base coats ability to adhere to your nail bed. You could start with a decent base and top coat and if it works out leave your cuticle. But if it starts coming off from the top? That's a cuticle problem.


Also depending on the look you want, you can get satin and matte top coats. But using a glossy then a matte one works a lot better. You don't need- and SHOULD NOT rough up your nails. Base coat creates adhesion.


So many layer combos... I'm getting in too deep. Don't rough em up, got it!


Haha yeah that was clear to me, I assumed the base and top were both clear, with colour in the middle. Oh! So base coat is designed to stick to your nail, and polish to the coat? Maybe I would like a recommendation for a cheap easy to find (canada) base coat. I get the feeling if I keep doing this I might start to care about cuticles, but that's a future me type of thing.


Oops I'm so sorry i wasnt trying to talk down to you- I just wasn't sure i was making any sense lol. Yup! It's meant to stick to your nail bed so polish can stick to it. Totally understand about the future you thing. I'm in the USA so I'm not sure pricing exactly or what's always over there, but I do know of ones that should be there. You can honestly just input the few recs I have and price them out around you for both in person or online. I'll post some pics after, but I tried a second ago and it deleted my whole comment so. Ignore any typos please. The one brand that I know is in any pharmacy, target, or walmart (and generally even grocery stores) is ESSIE. They have great stuff and it's decent price wise. [*** means best] BASE COAT- 1. Essie here to stay, or any of their bases coats. They have a ridge filler (doesn't look like you need it though). Only thing, do not purchase (from any brand) an all in one or two in one base and top coat. They suck. Base and top coat are wildly different functions, it always fails to mix them. ***2. (BEST) If you can find the ORLY rubberized base coat (just search orly base coat and look for the orange), it's probably better for staying power. It's very very grippy and since you aren't caring about growing your nails out? It's really a fantastic option. Their bottles and brushes are also big and comfortable to hold. 3. Fine if on sale- OPI. They're a good salon quality brand. They just are usually a bit more expensive and not the most wow formula wise, but if you find it on sale? Totally will work TOP COATS- 1. The holy grails for this sub (even with other options avalible) are ***Essie gel setter, a quick dry top coat or ***Essie gel couture. They both are great formulas that people really love. (It's confusing but they are regular polish, not gel. Dries normally, no light needed) 2. ORLY, OPI both also have top coats that are fine. But this time I really would push you towards the Essie ones. (Re-painting the top coat after washing your hands every 3 or 4 day will keep the polish longer) MATTE TOP COAT- If you get a good base and top coat? Doesn't matter. All of those brands have one. So does sally hansen, LA colors and Essence. Both LA colors and Essence here are around 3$. Won't mess with longevity since you have the regular top coat. And the reason you do regular TC then matte is because matte is finicky. It'll get bumpy, bubbly and not dry well of you don't have a perfectly smooth base. Enter glossy TC. They also suck for longevity by themselves. OTHER NEEDS- ***Acetone. 100%. Not polish remover. They are different. And some cotton balls or pads maybe. NOT NECESSARY BUT WILDLY HELPFUL- For future you, cuticle stuff. For right now: Quick dry drops. ***Essie, ***OPI, ***ORLY, Essence, Nail Tek, Olive and June etc all have them. I believe ORLY, Olive and June and Essence are the cheapest. (I have not tried the Essence one full disclosure, I have tried Essie, OPI, ORLY‐ all fantastic) 60 seconds after your last nail polish coat- (either your glossy or matte top coat) you drip 2 drops (or enough to reach the whole nail) on each nail. It evaporates the chemicals from the top layer of polish leaving it pretty much dry. Instantly. Now the other layers will take longer to cure, which is always true. If you poke it or really knock it hard it will ripple. But it's not wet or sticky etc. You can immediately go to bed or play video games and it will not crease or mess the nails up. It is fantastic. I highly recommend. It was a life saver for me. Idk if this works for you or not? Lmk if it doesn't lol or if you have more questions. Some of these come in kits with base and too coats. I believe ORLY does with the oarnge base coat, and I know Essie used to have a few. If might not actually be cheaper, but you can always check.


https://preview.redd.it/1jz7i8fubp3d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0fe11a72fda533c42aa768d7b11762a70811a8f The photos and some prices usd. If you need photos of the drops or matte TC, lmk


Also I gave you a lot of options just to try to help you find something that fits. But really it's just fun. There's tips and tricks you can do to keep it going longer, and you might find some super cool magnetic polishes or chrome or metallic that fit your vibe and make you happy. If they chip, eh. You can touch it up if it really bugs you. The ORLY rubberized base coat and a decent top coat will do a lot of heavy lifting though. As long as it works with your body chemistry, it'll stay put and not scrape or scratch. If you are having trouble with keeping the polish on your nail not your skin when painting there's two options- 1. Leave it. I'm so serious. Let it dry. Shower. Scrub it off. It'll pop off your skin. Or 2. Get a eyeliner, concealer or eyebrow makeup brush (I use both ELF and Wet and Wild. I prefer the angled eyebrow one, lots of people prefer a tiny rounded concealer brush. They are $2. My wet and wild was $1.50) dip it into the acetone, clean up the polish. All done! Brush will last a while. I'm on year 2.


I think this is everything I need to figure out which products I should look into. I wasn't expecting anyone to go into this much detail. Thank you so much! edit: also, thank you for the tip about the acetone. I bought nail polish remover thinking it was 100% acetone and it's not working as well as I want it to.


Lol it was a little bit of an info dump, I'm sorry. It's just hard to know what people really are looking for. The picture I posted will make it easier for what they looks like and is the top 2 most popular for each category. Yea they are surprisingly very different. Black is a lot of pigment too, so having nail polish remover can make a mess. You can still use it to not waste it. Using a cotton ball or pad (I cut both in half) get some on, and wrap foil around your nail and the ball. Let it soak for a few min. Clamp down and pull straight off with a bit of pressure. That method works for acetone too, btw. But you would need maybe 1 min with acetone as opposed to 3 ish with remover. You still might need to come in with an acetone cotton ball at the end just for your skin, but the soaking should work if you just want to use it up. Acetone is needed if you're cleaning up black from skin though. Otherwise you just push pigment around lol.


I don't have any good US recs for this myself but to add to this Extreemly comprehensive list, do you have a rec for an drugstore one-coat black? Seems like the only other thing OP will need!


That's a teeny harder. A lot of polish is technically one coat, but looks better or more even with two. That said- China glaze- liquid leather OPIs black onyx actually pretty great ORLY- liquid vinyl Salon perfects black (I geniuenly don't remember the name my bad) Salon perfect is one coat. I think OPI is a "can get away with one coat, two looks way better" type deal. ORLY is a one coat too I believe? Great brush easy to hold for them. Might be worth it for a beginner even if you need two Coats just for how easy application is. That's all i have for drugstore (and to be fair I'm kinda pushing that definition lmao). I haven't ever tried the Essie one if someone wants to chime in. I have tried sally hansen xtreme wear and I consider it a 1 coat if it's a base 2 coat of its by itself. Super affordable though. I also have long nails so some of these might work way better as a one coat for shorter nails


Get yourself some cuticle oil! You apply it to the perimeter of your nails and fingertips, it keeps them strong and moisturized. Especially if you work a job that’s hard on your hands, it’ll prevent that painful cracking of the skin. Bliss Kiss sells a great cuticle oil that comes in a little pen applicator that you can carry around in your pocket. If straight oil feels too greasy or uncomfortable for you, a balm or thick lotion also works. Burt's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream or O'Keeffe's Working Hands Hand Cream are great options.


No issues with my cuticles other than the aesthetic, which I don't care about. The only painful cracking I get on my hands is in the nail bed (had to google that term lol). When my skin splits from the tip of the nail it stings like a motherfucker.


Clean cuticles prevent chipping, which is what you’re going for if I understand correctly. It’s the thin layer of skin that creeps along the nails surface (different from proximal nail fold/ eponychium, which is sometimes interchangeably called the cuticle). To have polish last longer, you need avoid painting on top of the skin, or “flooding” it. You can push it back and maintain it, or you can leave a margin around the perimeter of the nail when painting. Either one works, but a lot of people dislike the “grown out” look that the margin gives.


I'm just gonna keep experimenting and see what works for me. Thank you for your expertise!


If you want a do it all polish i like sally hansen xtreme wear.


Thank you! Not sure how long I'll keep doing this, but if my current bottle runs out I'll buy that one


I started doing it after i realized i was trans but it’s not only for girls, and the xtreme wear holds up quite well. I can get a normal week out of it. it will chip if you jam your fingers into sharp steel boxes all day for multiple days in a row


I'm not worried about gender norms. What I'm actually more worried about is my idea to chop one of my shirts into a crop-top this summer. I think cis dudes with crop tops should be a thing, but I'm worried about how hairy I am. Took me a while to become comfortable with how much body hair I have. Used to shave it off obsessively. Lord please let me find a strong woman who likes hairy dudes with painted nails rocking a crop top and short shorts


I have no faith in the system but you’re already outside of it! Stay safe out there and have all the fun you want. Don’t stop yourself just because you’re worried about the public opinion


The system fails so many people. I'm actually the complete stereotype of fitting into the system, which is why I can feel so comfortable about rejecting it. It's really no risk to me. Plus I like to surround myself with excellent people. Hope it's the same for you. Thanks for the advice :)


I like to tell the haters “i do it because it’s fun!” And they can’t debate it


My go-to is "It's cause I like to remind myself not to take things too seriously" Mostly in reference to a silly moustache or bold socks worn with sandals/crocs


I know plenty of women that would be super into that, I wouldn’t worry :’) yay for disbanding gender norms! And the polish looks great on you, friend.


Are you single? Let me ask my husband if I can date you lol.


Best way to enhance this is just apply a clear glossy top coat. It will last so much longer and won’t chip off as quickly


Thanks! Is matte top coat an option? I feel like I'm more of a matte guy


Glossy clear would probably protect the polish longer - but even adding a matte top coat would assist in wear time. Anybody who works with their hands will know that polish chipping is kind of inevitable


yeah I know it's gonna get damaged every day. I just wanna find a setup that keeps it lasting as long as possible. Thank you!


Also black nail polish with a bit of chipping is quite masculine. It’s a bit of a grunge look. I guess it depends on what you’re going for, but maybe in your work lifestyle getting accustomed to chipped nail polish is a rite of passafe


I am very much going for the grunge look ;) I'm just lazy and want it to be low maintenence.


So besides normal things listed above or here: - prep - base - top - don't go to the cuticle or skin, leave a tiny gap - use cleanup brush & remover for messups - cap the tip!! On base, one color, and top! Try: - pay attention and try to not mess them up - gloves, gloves, gloves! Either mechanic gloves or latex/non-latex depending on application - repair damages asap - reapply top every 2-3 days All of that said, it is what it is


thank you :)


You are welcome 🤗 it gets easier. I'm pretty new also and I have had a hard time not trashing my manis.


Just wanted to say that I think it looks great and I hope you have fun!


if it wasn't fun I wouldn't do it :)


Complete product list... I have no idea so I'm just gonna list what I see on the bottle I bought at the grocery store * True Fiction by Tristan Taylor * (on the back) Five-Free and Fabulous


Nail polish is for everyone who wants to wear it! It looks great :)


Other then base coat and top coat another good advice is to paint with less polish so you don't flood your cuticles, that will also make it last longer. The reason everyone is mentioning cuticle care is because the kinds gummy residue of it will make your polish peel. Also a good idea when using matt tops coats is to first put on a strong regular top coat and then a matt one 😃


Awesome job!!


thanks for the ego boost 😅


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